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W. V. Faunoe and wite
WARlWi'tY DaD.
L. H. lllu'r~.
THIS IlIDDTURE, lfade the 21et day of Kay In the year ot our Lord one thousand nine hundred
and twenty twenty-tour BICTWEEH W. V. Faunoe aD! F. ~lle Faunoe, his wife of the County ot
Cook and st8.te~t Illinois, partiu ot the tirst part, and L.)I. Murray ot the County ot
Palm Beaoh and state of Florida, party ot the seoom part,
WITKESSETH, That the said parties ot the first part, for and in oonsideration of the 8UJIl
of Ton Dollars and otber good and valuable oonsiderations lawful money ot the uni~ed states ot
Amerioa., to the. in hand paid by the sald part7 of tba seo\)m part, at or before the enseal1ng
and deliv817 of these prosents, the reoeipt whe.eot i8 hel'\:tby aoknowledged, have granted,
bargained, Bold, aliened, r~ised, released, oonveyed and oontirmed, and by these presents do
grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, re lease, oonve1' and confirm unto the said party of the se-
oond part, and his beirs and as8igns forever, all the tollowing pieces par.els and traots of
lam, slltu.ate, lying and bing in the County ot St. "'uoie and State ot J!'lorida and more I&rtiCll
larly desoribed as tollows: Undivided one-hlaf interest in the following land; Commenoe at a
point 236 teet west of the Northeast oorner ot Government ~t 6, Seotion 11, Township 37 South
Range 41 East: thenoe run Horth 23 degrees west a distanoe ot 1015.7 teet; _thence run north
88 degrees, 30 minutes East a distanoe ot 700 teet. more or less, to a post on the shore line
of the Atlantic Ooean: thenoe run south 23 degree6 a distanoe of 1555.7 feet to a post on the
e!).o:re of the Atlantio Ooean; thence run West 700 feet i thence run :Horth 23 degrees west a dist-
ance ot 540 teet to the point of beginningf And also all the land lying betw~en low water mark
ot the Atlantio Ooean and the Eastern boundar-of of the above deaoribed traot aJtl whioh is bounded
by the extended north and south lines~of the above desoribed traot. Together with all ripari^n
JIlt rights and 8ubmerged lands appurtenant theeunto. The plat ot above land is dated July 3. .
~ .
192.3. and reoorded in 1'18t BO~A, page 42 in the otfioe of the Clerk ot the Oircuit. \iourt in
aD1 tor st. Luoie \iounty. SuWJeot, however, to that oertain mortgage dated ~ 27th 1924. trom
the grantors herein to H. Carl Ellis and J. C. Keen, in the amount of .29,156.26 'twenty-nine
Thousand ODe hundred tift1'-six dollars and twenty-tiTe cents. Onft half of whioh the grantee
ae8llMS ..... and agrees to pay.
TOGETHER with 'all and .ingular the tenements heredlCamenh a'!l appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywi8e apperta1nhl~ am the reversion am reversio~ remainder and remainders
c. _
rents. issues and profits thereof. and also all the estate, right, title, interestr dower and
right of dower, separate estate, property, possession, olaim and demand whatsoever, as well in
law as in equity. ot the said parties of the tirst part, of, in and to the game and every part
and paroel thereot, with the ap.,urtenanoes.
TO HAVE AND TO HOJ~ the above granted, bargained and deaoribed premises, with the appur-
tenanoes. llnto the said party of the settond part, his heirs and asslSD8, to his own proper use
benefit and behoot forever.
And the said partieR ot t.he tir8t part, tor themselves am tor their heirs, ex~outors
and administrato rs, do oovenant, promise and agree to and wi th the said party ot the seoond
part, hie heirs and aS8igns, that the said part\e 8 of the first part, at Ue time o-t the en- II
seal1DiJ and deliver of theee presents are lawtully seized ot and in all and singular the above I ~
. .
granted, bargained and deBo'!i-b.d pr_ise, wi th the appurtenanoes and have good ~ht, tull
power aDd lawfull authori t1' to grant. bargain, sell and convey the eame in manner am t01'll
a.tor..ald. ADd the .al~ partr of the 8ecom part hie ~ira am a8~8, shall and may at all times
hereaf~e~ peacea'ly and quietly have, hold, use. oooupy, pOS88Sd and enJoy the above granted
,remise. and every part and paroel thereot, with the appurtenanoes, witho~t any let, ~lit, trou--
ble, aol..tation, eviotion or disturbanoe ot the .aid parties ot .tho tirst part their heirs or
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