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William Y. Chut~ and wife
Herman J. Zeuoh.
THIS DEED, llade the 19th day ot ila!-oh A..D. 1925 between William Y. Chute and Edith )I.
Chute. hie wife of the County ot Hennepin itdte ot Kinnesota hereinafter oalled the grantor to
Herman J. Zeuoh ot the County ot Soott state ot Iowa h~reinatter oalled the grantee.
WITNESSETH, That the said grantors in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable
oonsiderations ~h~ reoeipt whereof is herebjaoknowledged, do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien,
remise, release, enfeoff, oonvey and oonfirm unto the said grantee an~heirs and assigns in fee
simple, the lands situate in st. ~oie County, state of Florida. desotibed as tollowa:
Lot Twenty-six (26), Blook Fort~ -nine (49), in the oity of Vero. Florida, as the same
is designated on the plat or the Indian diver Farms compsnja- subdivision, reoorded in the Otfioe
ot the Clerk ot the Cirouit Court in and tor said Vounty; subJeot to all taxes and titoh assess-
ments or any speoial assessments. it any be levied for the year 1926, and all subsequent taxes(~-
assessments. ( tI. $3.00 Dooumentnry oanoelled}
TO HAVE ABD TO HOLD the same together with the hert3ditaments and appurtenanoes, unto
the said grantee and --- heirs and assigns in fee simple.
And the said grantors tor themselves and their heirs and legal representatives, oove--
D&nt With said grantee-heirs. legal representatives and assigns: That said grantors are indetea-
8ibly seized of said land in fee simple; that said grantors have tull power and lawful right to
oonvey said lands in tee simple, as aforesaid. that it shall be lawful tor said grantee-heira,
legal representatives a~d assigns, at all times peaoeably and quietly to enter upon, hold, ooou
py and enJoy said land; that said land is tree trom all inoumbranoes; that said grantors their
heirs and. legal representatives, w111 make suoh further aU811ranoes to perfeot the fee simple
title to said l8~d in said grantee-beir~, legal representatives as may reasonably be required:
and tbll~~aid grar.tora do hereby rully warrant tu title to oaid land and will defend the same
against the lawf'ul olaims of all persons whomsoever.
Wi tnaaa the hands and seals of said grantors the day am. year tlrst above wri tten.
Si8ned, Sealed and Delivered -in the presDeoe ot
Jaoob Harris.
William Y. Chute.... .lSeal}
Edith.. Chute.........(Seal}
C. I.Fuller.
- .... ,.". "
I HE. CERTIFY, That on this d~ personally appeared before me, an officer duly
authorized to admini&t~r oaths and take aoknowledgments, ftilliam Y. ~hute and Edith K. Chute,
his w1fo to me well known and known to me to be the individuals 4esoribed in and who exeouted ~
the foregoind deed, and the aoknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and vol-
untarily tor the ~rpose& there1n expressed.
UD I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said Edit' /4 I,;hute mown to me to be the wife of the
said William Y. Chute on a separate and private examination taken and made by_and betore me,~
separately and apart from her sAid husband, did aoknowledge that ",he made herself a party to 881 d
deed for the purpose or ren~noing relinquishing and oonve1'ing all her right, title and intereot
whstber ot dowar, homestead or ot separate proplRty, statu tOl')' or equitable, in and to the lands
desoribed thorein, and th.8t she executed the sald deed treely and voluntarily and without SIly
oompulsion, oonstraint, apprehension or tear of or trom her said husband.
IlTIESS -r hand and oftioial seal at Kinneapoli8 County of Hennepin and state or Kinne-
of KarCh, A.D. 1925.
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C. I. Fuller.
C. I. Fuller,
Botar,y .l"ubllo, b.u1ntpin County, Kinn.
Jq OOlllDi881on .....& A.pril 17. 1928