HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1629 429 r of the said oorporation. Witness ~ hand and ottiolal 8eal at ~Gbastaln. St. Luoie County, Florida this the 26\h d87 of )laroh A.D. 1926. (Seal) C. T. Sessions botary Publio State ot ~lor1da at large. L ',- ( H.P.Sea.t) My Commission expt.es. Filed and reoorded this (Ct.Ct.~eal) ~otary Lublio tor the state of ~lorida at ~arge. Uy Commission Expires ~eb. 5, 1929. -, 30th daY'of .aroh, A.D. 1925, at 8..5 A. Y. ~ ' ~~ P. C. Eldred, Clorlc .ot the 1,- " , ,. / ""';'." By :" I -?' I I: ,.u , I . {/ Ciroui t Court, -, I.' . _..c... V Deputy Clerk. eeee###i#IIII##li##f8..8 Uorman E. ~ea and wife Artiole. of Agreement. To C. T. -~es8ions. ARTICLES';'OF AOREXWEliT, liade this 26th day ot liaroh, in the year of our Lori, one thousand nine hundred and Twent~lve BETIEKH Borman K. Rea and Rmma Y. Rea his wife, ot Sebastain. St. ~oie County, Florida parties of the tirst part, and C. T. SeSSions, of Sebastain St. 1'_:018 County Florida, party ot the seooo1 part, WITNESSETH. .That if the sald party ot the seoond part shall first make the payments and per- fOIm the oovenants hereinafter mentionod on his part to be made and perfollllled, the said parties of the tirst P&-t hereby oovenant and agree to oonvey and assure to the said party ot the seoond \ part, his heirs. exeoutors, administrators or assigns, in fee simple, olear of all inoumbrances whatever, by a good and suff10ient deed, the lot, pieoe, or paroel of graund, situated in the County ot st. Luoie, state ot Florida known and desoribed as tollows, t~-wit: ~ part of ~ot 4 in Seo. 6 Tp. 31 S. Range 39 East. desoribed as follows: Begir~ing 150 teet East of the inter- seotion ot right ot w~ of the F.E.C. dye and 60 foot street 1n the town of Sebasta1n and ~n northerly paralell with said right 'of way to the l,orth boundary ot lot 4, thenoe Xast to the publio road. thenoe souther~ along said publio road to 60 foot street thence West to place ot beei~ing. same being 115 ft. Wain street of Sebastain and 270 feet on old Dixie Highway. and the said party of the seoon1 part h~reby oovenants &nd agr~&s to pay to the said parties of the first part the 8UIIl ot Fifteen Thousand and nO/lOO Dollars, in the manner follo_ing: .100.00 oash UpOL the signing of this oontraot the receipt of which is hel~by acknowledged, .7400.00 upon reoeipt ot good and sufficient ~rranty deed with duly authentioated abstract of title showing ,- olear and merohantable title in grantors; $7500.00 to be divided into three ~q~al annual pay- ments, evidenced by three oertain promisor,y notes ~o be ~ated on the same date as the said deed and seoured by 1st mortgage on this property, interest 8~ payable annually. with interest at v/ the rate ot eight per centum per annum, payable mnually annually on the whole sum ramaining from time to time unpaid; and to pay all taxes, asse3sments or impositions that may be legally . levied or 1mpoaed upon said land .ubsequent to the year 1925, and to keep the buildings upon said premises insured in some oompany satisfaotory to tb8 parties of the tirst part, in a sum not less than--- Dollars during the tam ot thle B8re..ent. And in oaee ot tailure ot the said party ot the seoond part to make either ot the p&ymen ts or aD3 part thereof. or to perfona an,y or the oonnants on hi. part hereby made and entered" intoJ, this oontraot shall , at the opUon ot the parUes - of th" tint part, 1>9 fortelhd and terminated, and the party of the seoond part shall forfsit all p&1JIlenh .ade by him on th18 oontraot: and 8uoh payments shall be retained by Ule said puti'). ot the tirst part in full sathfaotion and l1quidat.1on of all dl:W8688 by thea sustained, and aaid parties ot the tirst part ehall ban the rigth *0 re-enter and take possession ot the promises aforesaid without beiqg liable to any ao~-ion theretor. r- \.- ,- I 'I i I I I, I l-~ j- ~ ':":~;{'Ai~:t'i{f~