HomeMy WebLinkAboutFILLED LAND AFFIDAVIT$T. LUCIE: COUNTY 91 A -UM -DING &Z-ONING - - �3-00 VIRd AV'ENUE 'FORT PIERCE, FL 34982r5652 772-46.9-1553 - RECEIVED APR''2:.15 2018 1:'errnitting Department St- Lucie County I, the 4ndersigned, am the owner6 e fol-10wing described property: C'�� Pa-ct of. 3414-50l-'-1701-00...19; .8e-ctiah 26,'towh-ship 36a Range 40E (Tax , P/Legal desciiptio n/Address) .for which I have applied to St. LU, this Final Development.Permit, B the above described property, and Land Develop�neut C(jde,- I sball I immedigite community m �LLN gra�ting tblis p ermi-ffor thedeve'lol nor liable to provide for, or.t'aaft'ita will not adverselY affect the Imiimei Matthe-w Lyle Wy-nne Property Owner Name STATZ OF FILOP,�DA. COUNTY OF. �5. County for a Final Development Perrait, In accepting Number :,I. acknowledge that as.owner'of [accordance ' with.Sect-ion 7.04.01(D), St.tucie Codaty responsible for assuring adeqaite drainage go that the be adversely affetted. I further acknowledge that in ii-ant of this -0roperty, 3 1. Lucie Countyls neitber o . bliged i.n Anyfox m., adequate� drainage off mypeoperty Which tte coinm- lim— ty. Pipperty Owner Sigrii-ture Date ACXNOWLEDG Et) BEFOPE ME THIS let, Ali OF #PRIL 20—a Isy M . atthey ZVle Wvnn,,e VMOIS PERSONALLY MVO*�i7VMF.0'R WFO HAS PIZODUC180 AS U. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY -NOTARY PIMUC - .. E TYPE OR PRINT N�VM OF NOTA`R.Y (SCAL) -COMMYSSION NUMB�J." DOROTHY ANN BASKIN 30145 My GOM�ISSION # GG 0 -MYCOMM EXPIRES: October 2,2020 Bonded Thru NotarY Pudic A