HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1630 'I ,-i t J \ . ~ ,_ ._._ ..'~___ _._______ .._ - - _~__...:.~__._._;_ _..._....... ____._________,__.____~.".._.___ __...__--..,......;. ....;.. __ ---.-0:_----- __._....._._______.____ _ ...__.____~. :...~ . ... ",-..- .~..... " ',,'"-''' ." . ...- ..,.-. ..-.-.. -.... ~.. ~.. ~.~-. . ..... -.-.- . -....-"-.- .....~ -..... ~-~.--.,.-.~. .-. ........ :~ --~.... . ..---..... ~....,.r--_" -.- ',-'" .;,~,.,,~ -.'.,' , "'l ~.'~ - ~... .....~ ... r', ~._.... - ._~- - - -- . ~.. , ~-11 -- ", IT IS IlUTUALLY AGREED, by nnd between the parties hereto, thot the time ot pa1'll1ent ehall be an essential part 'ot thi8 oontraot, and ~at ~ll oovenants and agreements herein oontained ehall exter;o.:and be obligatory upon the heirs, executore, admin18trdol'iJ and assigns ot the respec- t he pa:l'tie B . IN WITlESS WHEREOF, The parties to these presents have hereunto set their hande and seals the day and year tiret above written. 318ned, Sealed and De11vel'ed in Preeenoe of!. :1 Clyde G. Tr~~ell. Norman K. Rea..............(Seal) E. W. Viokers. Emma K. Rea................(Seal) C. T. Sessiona.............(Seal} state ot Florida, St. ~o~ County. On thia day p~reonally appeared before me, an otfioer authorized to \ake aoknowledgmenta ot deeds, eto., Norman E. Rea and ~a K. ~ea his wife and C. T.S~s9ions, to me well known, and -$ .. known to be the persons who exeouted the within agreement and aoknowledged that they exeouted the same tor the purposes therein expressed. And the said Emma.. rtea, wife ot the said Borman t E. Rea upon an examination taken by me separate and apart trOlll her said husband, aoknowledged that *he oxeou\ed the said agreement freely and voluntarily, and without any oonstraint, oompul- fear of or from her said husband. and seal this 26th day of Karoh 192b. lly Comm ssion o:qlires.-- __-ho;- -- Botar,y ~ubiio for the State ot ~lor1da at Large. My ~ommission Exp1res Ootover 2b, 1926. . E . W. Vi oke rs Notary Publio State ot Florida at Large. Karoh E6th 192b. For and in oonalderation of the sUm of .10.00 and other goc~ and Valuable oonsideration I hereby assign transfer and set over all my right title and interest in and to the within oontraot to Lena B. .oodrotfe and William Bartling. ] Witnesses: this the W th day , or ~oh, 'e o /(.1 '() ~ C. T. Sessions. ('. ',r. Sessions. Clyde G.Trammell. ;as. H. B.~oodrotte. A..D. 1920, at 8.40 o'olook A. K. P. C. Eldred, CleJ"k .ot the AI 1./ />' By..Ld <:61/:,4 0' Ciroui t Ciourt Deputy Clerk. 888.88###########'#1####000..... ~ ART! CLES OF A,GRftVTlll'1'. A. B. Whilden, as agent, eto. to Hoyt E. Alorris. ARTICIES OF AGREEKEliT! )(ade thh 19 th clay of D6cembe r in the year or our U;)rd, one thou.:and . nine hundred adn Twent,y Fourt. BETWEEN A. B. Whilden, as agent and attorney in faot, tor Lin& RaL4~11, O. <<.Randall, Duano C. Rioe, Be8s1~ Rioe, Lena ~mIth,.. Smith, Burt Smith, Gert- rude Smith, 8D4 Mrs. A. E. S.iller, party or the tirst F~t and Holt'E. Korris, pnrty of the seoond part, m:nsSftH, .That It the said party ot the se~oD1 put 8ha1;1 tiret make the payments and perform the oovenants here inatter mentioned on his part to be made and pertormed, the Baid parfU ot th3 tir8t part hereby oovenants and agrees to oonvey and usure to the 8aid party ot the 8eo- ond part, hi8 heirs, exoout ors, administrators or aS8Ige, in tee simple, olear ot all inoumbr- anoee whateve, by a good and enttiol.nt deed, thet~~. -, pieoes or parcele ot ground eltuate4 in the COllDty ot st. Luoie . State ot Florida, ltnOfID and deso~bed as follows, to-wit: III ot the South halt ot Government Lot8 One aDd Two, Seot10n 18, Township 33 South, Range _ ~I l ~ t , 40 East, oontaining 44 aore8, more or 18.8. Known as Lowell Rioe pl~perty. l~l~~~~~liJ~!~ .... >. ..:.,.':'>,.;l]~i~l!