HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT'— SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4429053 OR BO X 4125 PAGE 10'6;3, Rewrded 04,/27/2018 10:-08:'30 AM STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUINTY, L9L THIS IS TOZERTIFY THAT TKI ISA TRUE AND CORRECT COPY-O THE. P7, N0TlCE:0F�j0NMNCEMENT ',b Z ne undersigned hereby given notk� that improvement Will be mad6 io cedain real *opedy, 4ad in accordance: with Chaptei 713, aaWl"a"he r .110WIng ie " ir, rvid�d io th, I. I)ESCRIPTION OF -gal dwcipti6n. -and street address) TAX FOL16. NUMM- 3A3A —5DI — sua ON Sp n3.s q., - 0 TRACr,- OT__ _�XLDG XWT Seetio-n 26., Tgvm6hlj� --Raacrp -4.0E 7-COMALDPSCPJPTIONOPI,WPROVMvMNT.''�i:M'lL'---falti'X'Y' ti--tidence I OWM WORMAUON:! L Na rlw!mm t tog; b..Ad*=�.1000 S­ USI, Sl 9h d. Na= and add= of fee siftle. deho.lder Gfother tlm,owned 4.,C0N�TACrOR,SNAMm,A3b.D S,,ANDMONENUjvMER. KynrLe ney:elp3pment -aq_r'pQratLj9_n :8000 S. USI, Suite .402, Rs I L, pr,. 3495'2 722-87A'�-9511, S. ORETV"S NAMF, ADVAF�S * PRONE NUMER AND BOND AMOTJNT. 6; LENDERIS NA�,M ADDRM -A pHONENUMIjR. 7. Persons within the State of =�jgdate:iby.Owoeru onwhom�nodces,ordftrdo�uroeftfsm bezaNeduproyided.by P!- _ , ay Sec6ass 713.33 (1)(0) 1, tlohda Statit�z. NAM4 ADMMSAND PHONE N uct er. Dr. PSI;) 8. b,addition to W=lf or va designates the followin'tto receive a copy ofiM Lichor's X66c'e'as provided in Section 713-IS (1)(b�, FIbrids Statute�-. 9. Expiration date of (the expir.01jou &OAs I ym.from the. dateof ridording, dble�s a diftmpntdata . is Siiasture,of Owner or Owner!s Authorized OMeer)DIrectori St* 4-Florida Cl0untY0f__S±__ldiCie - `7be foreonklasuuntent Was selmowle, on -)10- .� 4,yv &Kxr,. (PAnted None,otNotmy ktblk) Under pena�des of peduty. 1-derlare, that Signature�s) of Owner(s),er -Matthew Lyle , Wynne, Vice—erAsident P�ntNiLmexhdPtd-AdeSignatory-sTiqe/Ofrscc 20—J—L- (Type� of auth.ority. -,e.ga,0wrmr,,df5W,,tmstek. attorApyin-fact) �tion - � I wasex6cktd) FersormD Fa - lf�" d�md the fd1lowirig tyge of ID: y owk—n— or Pro . ..... DOR01 Wy commISSION4 a '145 20 (Si*tme'of Nor* Public) read the -foregoing and that -the, bets 16: it a'ral= -to ffie bat of my kni,DwIe4ge and Authorized OffictrIDIrector/Partner/M2212ger who dgned above: �By,