HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTthe PERMI ISSUE DATE PLANNNMiNNG & DE LOPMEENT SERVICES Building & Cod Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILIDGP APR ?,.S 7018 , ERMff ajq4b -8UB-CONIAA OR'A'GR-EEM-ENT Permitting Department AQ St. Lucie County MNNVqP I C- (Co p4gyName/Individual Name) (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street Addressior It is understood'that, if there is any change of status project, the Building and Code Regulation Division filing of a Change of sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR 'URE COUNTYCC ICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County of-5'Lu,2L- -eo, The hregaing justrumen rt�a§ signed before me tWS2 _3 2 L!6' by who is p ensonagy known -Ker h as produced a as identMeation. STAMP re 6f Notary A-'QLtLi. &,� 6 PaintNa eofNroftryp"oue Flodd Pul' F(f) 7K, JoyCOMT01"I 8643 M55"_".FJF97 rM Revisod 11110016 AL A-%J6 have agreed to be for C"-) �4 rl 1 ` OMm* Contmetor) LU#) our participation with the above mentioned St. Lucie County will be advised pursuantto -the G;104T0rR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 71-1 PRINT NAVE COUNTY CERTIFIOLTION —NUMBER State of Rodds, Countyo f - bf: AU U-26 -L' I! Sre�instrtunent was signed before ine thisa 20\R'by A IT: 5-1 who Is persojially known -V--Or 1188,0roduced a as identiffeation. STAW Stmt-r, orNo, ry Ph�lic do I print fary Public —0-- MRAP 'Go 02 n A gominfpsion# 66�022076 % 5-0-:41tes0fter21 2020 XP4 OF 10438 ]P. 6- OWIM, Ino, F. or, -Ow"Projagug*4 #t MWwwowyniv POW ftk OMPY&P Own 2 --c . \ \, .Vak,"P.: . ..... 16 D OROTHYANN BASKIN myC6MMISSION#GG030145 EXPIRES: Octobtr 2,202 0 ROW HIMAM 1-MO; PRF9 RECEIVED APR -2-j 20le PernlIttl ng Department St. Lucie County Wynn@ Poyalopmeri Jo C�wgYWfff to- advg'W pffggaw $9 ft. ro— "IN forw J", NMI OWN "WAS i f? MW J j 'Y Rhonda. LsM@Ay:. PtIRMITO � gRz�� C UNTY : FC5F_00,tlrO� - R I r) A- Comfort'Control of St. Lu the HVAC. (Type 6fTmde) For the project located at ISSUE DATE 9V�IIWPMENT SERVICES Co e. Compliguee Division RECEIVer) APR 2.5-2019 NG OR AGREEMENT Pqrmitting DePartme . nt St. Lucle County 'have agredd-to'be bk6ntmetor-for Wimne, Dev'elamment C�rp. P&W7 contutoef k �Wpez_W Tax ID i)_ It is understood.that, if there is any change of sta . tim project the ]Building and* Code Regolatio'n Divisibn filing of a Chaigp -of SUb-coiltractornotice. Cron ����T.m (Quamr). Ha�thew Lile Wynne PPJNTNAM �1�6 .11 COUNTY CERTMCATION NIMEW— State OfIFforlda, CQUAly.of fie fompin sgmed befiki me thi�A 9 —dayof 20\A by�N\CL\,A,- k4 � �6� WACISF-solmay"own —\/4r Mspra -aced a STAW A.) DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030146 6PIRES: October*2, 2020 Raked 1111612016 �Wding our Pmt1ciPation With the above mnfi6n�d. f St. LuOk"County will be ad*ised puismum the 8288 COUNTY C=TWfCWT_X0_X NUMER stailafiflokih. County of Tk-fivegaing" drumeztmns4pedbehra fhkj6 'n me _2asyof who is parsouguy known _eor h.8 proaacea A as identWeatign, STA?6 ftature ofNotay PIT br),Ro— m, �z Film Name of Nbtm7 Pub]f DOROT14YANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 03D145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 Bonded-Thru Notary.Pu4I1qUnderwrftem L66-A ZOOO/ZGOOd tLO-i agqL8LqZ� dAoo su i p I I ng auuAM -W08A 9 L:Z L 9 L,-.60-Z L .L I -ft .14b we ivis RECEIVED APR Ij 7010 s ..c u. Permitting Department St. Lucie County U-111*40 J' 0"A -`-60 worsb-b- 'y COMMY melawasm e& 6f- w1nom A DOROTHY'ANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION4 GG 030145 EXPIRES: Odlober Z 2020 Bor*dlbr�Ral�fypubkUr4Wflftm ;W 14"ag!t" PM4 T X­ $%*40 b AA . M __4 41UY,4f A O.wn, Fg,'Pr4datald, IM4 0iltilricali'dil� a4M MAW DOROTHYANN BASKIN 01,11, My COMMISSION4 GG 0301145J EXPIRES: October2,2020