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and the said party ot the se60nd part hereby covenants and Rgrees to pay to the said party ot
'he tlrst part the sum ot One Hundred and Forty Dollars per aore in the ~anner following .200.00
oash, the reoeipt whtreot 18 hereby aoknowledged; balanoe to be paid 30 days after del1V8!)ot
~bstraot showing marketablt title to said land in above named prlnoipals. and delivery ot warran"
dsed oonveying title tree from all enouabranoe8. with interest. at the rate ot --- per oentum p&r
annum, payable---- annually on the whole sum remaining from time to time unpaid; and to pay all
taxes, assessments or impositions that may-be legally l~vied or imposed upon said land subsequent
to tht year 1924, and to keep the buildings upon said premises insured In aome oompany eatistao-
tor" to the part-- ot the tirst part, in a sum not less than ---- Dollars during the term ot
this agreement. ~ in oase of tair:re of the said party ot the seoond part to mak~either ot the
payment. or an;y part thereot, or to pertorm any ot the covenants on his part hereby made and
ontere. into, this oontraot shall, at the option ot the party ot the first part, be torfeited and
terminated, and the party of the seoond part shall torfeit all payments made by him on this oon-
traot: and suoh payments shall be retained by the said party ot the first part in full satisfao-
tion and Uquido.t1on ot all damages 1>y hid sustained, and said party of the first part shall
have the right to re-enter and take possession of the premises aforesaid without being liable to
any aotion therefor.
IT IS WTUALLY AGREED, 'y and between the parties hereto, that the time ot payment shall be
8n essenti~l part of this oontraot, and that all oovenants and agreements herein oontained ohall
extend to and be obligatory upon the heirs, exeoutors, administrators and assigns of the respective
.. parties.
IB WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seale
the 4ay and year tirst above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Freetnee of:
)(. G. - J'rtnoh.
A. B. Whilden..........(Seal)
As agent and attorney in faot as aforesaid.
Hoyt E. ~rris.........(Seal)
Paul H. Biele.
S'ate ot Florida, St. Luoie County.
On this day personally appeared betol"e I.".e, em otfloe.r authorized to take aoknowledgments of
deeds. eto., A.B.Whild~n and Hoyt E. Yorris to me well known, and known to be the persons who
exeouted the wi thin agreement, and aoknowledged that theT exeou ted the same :for the purpoJle
therein expressed. ~ the 8aid --- wife of the 8ald---~ upon an examination taken by me separa-
te and apart trom her said husband, aoknowled~ed that she executed the said agreement freely and
VOluntarily. and without any constraint, oompulsion, apprehension or rear uf or from her said
and seal this 19th day of Deoember 1924.
J~ Faul H. Bisle
Notar,y Publt,state of Florida at Large.
Deo.- 5, 1928.
1 hereby assign all my right and interest in the agreemdnt or contraot woitten on the reverse
side) date \hi8 28th daJ of Feb~ary. 1925.
~lgned, sealed. and delivered in the presenoe orL
----- ---------. ---'-
--- -l'Olf AB1l--nr-CONSIl>JmiL'fIOB 0'6 the 8'UIIl of One Dollar (.1.00). lUid other good and valuable
o0D8ide~at10n8, to me in hand paid, the receipt whereot is hereby aoknowledged I do hereby sell~
transter, set over and usign nnto . Het".1\8D .L. Cohen all my right, title and interest in and to
the wi thin oontraot and in and. to the pl.'operty there1n desort bed. .
Dated at Vero. Florida thie 2nd day ot Karch, A.D. 1925.
Hoyt a. Jlorri......(SBAL)
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