HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONALLAPPLICABLE INFO- MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION -TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Per mit-Number: c) 7 PQ rM"L17-7 Zw_, "d �0_1 CK "--- RECEIVED Builaing Permit Application. APR 2.17018 - Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division Permitting Depaitm'ent .-St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-4553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial ReSidential: X PERMIT. PPLICATION FOR:. Building PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 9 BARCIELONA Legal Description. SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 36s RANGE 40e Property Tax I D #: 3414-501-1701-000/9 Lat No. - Site Plan Name: SPANISH LAKES ONE -Block No. ..Project Name: ..Setbacks Front 20'4" Back: 352' Right Side: -12'6" Left Side:: 66'5" _7 DETAILED DESC'RIPTION OF WORK: MOBILE HOME REPLACE-MENT:'SIN IL.E. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH "I - GARAGE NO SLAB TO BE. BUILT OFF BACK OF HOME [CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION:. ACIElitionalworKtObenerformed: under this permit —check all apply: HVAC Ga s Tan . k .11G I as Piping Shutters. indows/Doors . z . In z kI s Xrin Roof dectric Plumbing OS rinkl s Generator Total Sq.,Ft of Construction: 2,124 S Ft of 'First: Floor: 2,124 'of Constru . ction: $ $58,000 Sewer Useptic Building Height: Cost Utilities. OWNER&ESSEE: CONTRACTOR:, Name Wynne. Building Corp. Na - es Wafthew-LyIeWynne m Company: Wynne Development Corp. Address: 8000 South US Hwy. 1 Suite 402 City: Port St. Lucie ate: FL S�t Address: 8000 South US Hwy. 1 Suite 402 Zip Code:. - 34952 F'ax.(772)878-7656 City: Port.St.-Lucie -FIL State. Phone -No. (772):878-5513 Zip Code: 34952 Fax: (772) 878-7656 E-Wil: Phone No. (772) 878-5513 7 E-M - ail: Fill in. fee simpleTitle Holder on next page (if �Iifferent from the Owner listed above) State or County License'. CGC03599 If malue of.construc.tion.is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUIPPLE��L, CON ST, RQZ710N, LIEN LAW IN FORMATIOR: ENGINEER: le 'DESIGNER/ Not Applidab 'MORTGAGE COIVIPANY�, j\lot A plicable- p .�Narrlei: Braden.&Braden. Name: - Address: 417'Coconu-tAve'. Address:-� ,City: Sta 'e: FL. - city: 5tate: . . . . Phone' Zip: �34996'- (772) 287-8258 Zip: Phone- :'FtESIMPILEtITLt HOLDER': 'Not Applid,able BONDING COMPANY:.' No Applicable Name::. Name: Addresse- Add ress: �_City: City:_ ,Zip:., Ph one: Zip: Phone:' Icertifythait no work or ins'ta I lation has commence d Orio'r to the issuance -of.9 permit. St Lu c' je Co' u nt-V m 'a ke's. n c- rep- resentatio n th At is gra nti ng dpermit wi I I -a utho riz0 th * egermit holder to build the subject structure, 1:w�ich is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners ssociationruIes,byNwsor-an covenantsthat may restrictor prohibit such structure. Please- consult with your Home.Owneft Ass iciation. andrevieW youe-deed for any restridtions.whith may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested per flt,� I do hereby agree that -1 will in. all respects, -perform the work in accordahcewith theaipprovied:01ans,_ the Florid Iding.Cod6s and*St: LucieCoUhiyAr6endments.- - ... .. .... .. .... .. ... .... .. .... .... .. .. -The'following'bu.ilding permit. applications ateexempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: ro . orn additions, - accessory structures,.swimming pools fences, walls een ro . oms and Accessory uses to anbther.non-residentiji use signs; scr WARNING TO OWNER:.Your failure -to Recorda� Notice of Commencement may result in your:ipaying twiciefor 1m e- rt .:AN tic ftommencement muA be record ed and bsted 'th provementstoyour�prop y o , eo po on e joks-ite :'before the first I ins'pectioh. If' k youlritend to obtain firialricing, consult with 16nder oe.afi.attoriney befo''re - commenc . ing work or recordin� vour Notice of Commencement. 00;0� Signature of Owner/ Lessee/Agent Sign atU re. of :Cont ractor/Li6e rise Holder, STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY COUNTY OF Im C'11 ... . ... .. . The forgoing instrument Was acknowledged before mT '7he forgoing instrument was acknowledged before rn' e -thisar-aay of 04P A 20 jL'by this 1213 day of A-;e,,2 I-L -20 1 E�, 0i ,u F - Y&e L/,-,, (Name of person acknowledging). (Name.of person, acknowledging) (Signature of Notary UPblic-: State of Florida (5.ignature.:Of Nota ublic-: State of Florida fi Personally Known.. �1� ..OR-Produced-ldentj jcatior� Personally Known OR Produced Identification -Type of Identification Produced Type of Identification Produced r 7" DOROTHY, ��Pffl N Commission i4o. - DORO.THY(4a Commission No. KIN MYCONIMISA -GGb3o145- My COMMISSION GG 036145 EXPOES: October:2,2020 F 2n ,4. EXPIRES: 6ftnhpr 9 go' Bonded Thfti.NotarV Public unrfe�-ta� 44 ... Revised- 07/1.5720m. TION SEA TO RTLE MANGROVE REVIEWS :'FRONT' ZONING. SUPERVISOR. PLANS VEGETA J COUNTER-: REVIEW REVIFW: ...REVIEW- REVIEW REVIEW - REVIEW: DATE -,A . . . . . . . . . . . . . -COMPLETE INI TIALS. -