HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC—700, JOSEPH E. SMITH,i CLERK OF THE CIRCU1. FILE # 4429055 OR BOOK 4125 PAGE,: r NOTICE 0 The undersiknd ber�by,given'n.odet.dig.impmv=6nt.wfI morida itat tes, the foil � I I . 4 owing infonnation-is.provided iiMri I DESCR7n614 OF Pit9pt .(Uga I dosmipanAn COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY 66, Ripcorded 0,4/27/201'8: 10::0`8 :30 AM §.TATTOF FLORIDA S1 LOGIE'GOUINTY' -THIS 1876 0 ERTIFY TRAT'THIS IS j _TkUt AN16'COA W'T'. COPY OF fh laddrtss)TAX-FOLIONMOEX-.3-414—r, 1-7701-0005 BLDG_!j4M 40.E- 2.'GEML4L-DESCamoNopWItovp,MM...91:;i4*IL-�.tathily-,et!Tidence. 3. OWM EITORM4MON: b,Addmss 8000 S_ US1j. Suite 402� St-p FL 34 �2.. NaTac and addms,of fee dWls titireholder (if other then owla�) 4. CONTRACTOWS NAME, ADDRESS AND FRONE'Numm jtknne, besy,46102_ment C=2�raiioji 8000 S—US1, Su ite - 402- 61 3 . 4q . 5 7 7 ;i-A-78-55in, ADDV.S�g ANM PRONE'NUMER AND'BOND AMO' V"N't., 6.LENDn'SN&'%MA,DDRMAND.PRoftMZ�ME�=R' I Persons wi&6 the Sift of Fj0.rids."PaW'6y-(LW'j ?I !'Ora.n6ticpsdtbL'=,do�.;Ur=ts-mybe=nedag,provid I ed.by S�cddn 713.13 (1)(1) 7., Florida 9tawtej; N4MAD I DpjMs . ANDPgONrNU�MM_L0,Ug irai�tj.lpy er. 09.k. Dr. F'St.- FL Vbi addition -to himsWor hmelt-Owner dmiknat6s,the:f�116wing ti receive a copyofthe Uenor's Notice as provided inStcdon. 715.13 (ii(b). Florida Statute$: NAM3� ADDRESS AND PHONE NVmn7t;-_ 9. Sepiradon date of notice,of comraerteem.ent (the expiration date i-i year f'6di ft &a of ikoc(ling unieg a diftereat data is Sigmtmvfftwor OWOWSAuthorized'Officer/Diizctor/Pirtur/Matmger coufleyof St. TTI -ThzfbrtZo�Zin9fivment was acknowllsdged�befbre rm thi�.Q_ 13y -MattheW Wle WVnn; (Narne otperson) V -yn e Building or. K _ _�orr)6ration (Nzmofpanyort,behWfofwbomiuMum4twasc;cic&M) I >1 40 -rk:i .(Ninted Nmm ofNoWy Nblic) (Silinitue of Koo P, under penaities-of pedwy. i'deoiare that r have read thelon4olng and brifer'(secd60 9=S4 hirlda staccv). � SignatureW of Ownetts) or Qwna*)',Adthofi2e&0Mce 'By: - By- by.mm=&Wrft Kabme;and Prdviac S!lknitor)ft MQeIOM.ce lay of _20-1jr, Uy.known_.L'orpr6duccd,the &Ifowinglypc of 16: in it qi,_ t6 . the best, of iny kho%�ledze ind' *erMahagg who signed1bove: t