HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT# ISSUE DATIE PIANNING & I Bnfldft & -c- L-ze __r (Cropany Name/Individusti vsmoi the Sub. e of Trade) For the project located at C: (Project Street Address or - It is understood'that, if there is any change of status project, the Building and Code Regulation Division filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Q COUNTYCERTIFICATION ;R State of Florida, County The foregoing i ustrumenA, wa§ signed before, me thIs2 who is personally knuwn-KW has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature 6f Notary Public ,-- -le-'6-ruu E � 6 PrintName ol'Notury Public Notarik*61"41,10, K 'err F'Ubl 4 M My C0Mrh1$t.qq f IF; 970r643 21 Reviscd 11/162016 ExPeS 1,OPMENT SERVICES Compfia=6 Division AGREEMENT AV RECEIVED APR 2:*5 7018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County have agreed to be for tL-' v p 1 -- Ae e, e— &0—^ ew, ;e,9 —FN�m Contractor) Tull) our participation with the above mentioned St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant 'to -the OZO I 4RAORKSIGNATURE (00mlififimr-3 e- -P MINT NAM 5 �T" A-J a If-41r-1,e-11C2- ZUU—NTY CERTIRCATION —NUMBER State of Florida, County Of-�A �LJUL"- Tite foreqainginstrumentwas signed before me this,731day of 2(1\R'by A -5 who Is personally known -V-_or has produced a as identification. 0 STAMP a ofNotaryPnblie a Priltm� ryPOblic I011-ft-o LAURA& CU1319EDGE 1`7 P T MIR. r4111 fter2j, 2020 -"" I h*7bT-tqFahWvft"' 07.1. "I"1011-0 n ft. 3� any.. . pfqjw� ow vanding ad koodc fxvwn momw Lyle %ynn@ Mfg @JIF1990, Coggly . ....... ............. g, W-sim"019, DOROTHYANN BASKIN mY C6MMISSI!DN # GG 030145 EXPIRES: 0010ber'2,2020 - Hem W"' Bonded-Thru Mary publio Undet".. ,,F P. 11"Cerveo APR pe S' Lucie epartMent coljat�, Wynn@ omplopment ling ow powipwi volt tke awn m@jwowA gdow Web Comy ....... .... /0 Ml MOW-. A mo of Florma, goonly of QOOL-udlum ow" Wof — .Nbx , — -- tu Rhonda Loffogy.:. PtIRWIT:9 -PLANNING& DO )BUIlding-& Ci lCou. Ty F L .0 - R I D A IBM ISSUE DATE T SERVICES ode Compliance Division CoMfort Control of St. Lucie CGU3 (Company Name&dividual Name) the HVAC (Type 6f Trade) For the project ldcated at ck It is und6rstoodth9t, if there is afty phan-ge of Sta . tug re, project, the Buildifig and, Code Regaktio'n Divisibn bf filing of a Changp of Sub-coiltractor notice. Ha�thev Lile Wynne PMT NAM COUNTY CBRTMCATION NUM_ffik— St2te 001044131 Ceuzity.or�2 he fouphig aximed 11101kire: we thi:1 dayof 20 WA011spemnallykiown _\4rb&pz*da*C4a3 go DOROTHYANN BASKIN my COMMISSION # GG 030145 6PIRES: October 2,2020 RoYbed 1111612016 RECEIVED PR PrerMitting D,-portme,,, St.. LuCle COUnt,, have agredd- to be wfor Wy'.nne. Aev . elapment Corp. oth=7 cont=106 ax ID #) our participaflon with the above mentibned. Lucie"County will be adirised puismut W the $288 COUNW 11W dFloft.Caawyof '��aa f T� yo who is*pcnon&Hyknown—e-o';hsjwoau,:Oia as identification, STAX0 ftnature ofNotay P11bV Print Name, of NotaryPnbll P '�P� DOROTHYANIN BASKIN My COMMISSION # GG 0301145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 Irk,. A, q -Thru Bonded Notary.Pq�llc..Unde" L66-J 3000/3000d tLO-1 999LW�LL di oo Bu I p I ! ng GuuAM _W08j 9 L: Z L 9 L reo"Z L I -.-R;b0f lag., WNT QN- eialrx wiss mls-2 ggln, Ment-wa5z Ap .0 04440 n � w-- 0- M., f. DOROTHYANN BASKIN MYCOMM GG 030145 ISSION EXPIRES: OdtoberZ 2020 SE bfv V'n.imWC-b the dbe,*m-h3*r . PUS TAM�m` ,tfawait vi�oq woaz d WE. ti I be -lox N.Wrilblo r"rwi I a orvibel U1,01,11didead DOROTHYANN BASKIN My COMMISSION4 GG 030145 EXPIRES: October Z 2020 :=Th Nptqfy RECEIVED APR Perrnlltlng DepartMew St. Lucie COunty