HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASER*q4ek-for. Date:' /Ax), Project -Address-. M411CQ 010d d AR WW"'14 V6,1160men ervi WA- Ave.. -461�2US FaX 772-462-6443 T e M­ Obiaryftwer Adh6ase Pemit'NombeAq 0\—\ — THE UNDERSIGNEO HEREBY REQUEST- RkFA-SE OF ELEMICAL POWER To THE ABoVE PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT'TQ M�El) THIRTY (30) PAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF-1 AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATIC ' N FOR kHNAL-.INSP.E - MON. IN CONMERKRON OF, .UFiTW,B'HEREBYA M" 0WLEDMADA80XE-A�FbLLows-, I. 7his temporary power release is. Mi'mLM lbr the abo*� sliftd P�r� only, and #m W occupancy of any type, *1#er thaA that Pemlided by cohstruction during this tirno Mod. 2. As vvitnm by our �i . Pe _q.naW0qs, we herebyagrigg to *i0e by -all t�rms and conditions of this i indUdHig Suildin§ bivl!flon Pbky', �*Fich is incorporaied Mtefin by, re%rence. 3. All conditions and requirerfientrx I . ia�d in the atlh0ed document entil1ed �Requlrem.ents f6r Powee fbr Teo�gr We"bMn'fulfi'led'and the prern- ise is ready for,compliance inspeclJon. .4. A-11 rtquests forian aderiew beyond 30 days must be-.rrade in writing to the Su'Ildingofficl; the reat:on* fbr the requesL PdWe�i m* be removedfrorn the site aridler a- Stop Work. Orde the Final 1*dcton has not be*en'IPProved Within .30 -days. A fee of $100.00 will be requir the Stop Work Order. WE MEV RELEASE AND AGREE To HOLD HARMLE�S, ST. LUM COUNTY, AND THEIR EMP ALL LIABIUMS AND -CLAIMS' OF My TYPP. OFNATURE 'WHICH MAY A.PiSE- NOW OR IN 7H E OF NSAMON, XKLUPING AN`Y'QAMAGEWi4JQH-.MAy BE INCUR I RED DUE To THE DISWNNEMON OF ELEMICAL POWER �IN TW EVENT OFMOLMON OF THM AGREEMEN DATE DATE DATE' Ji", 'J "T It - I A. � , . � A-1; . _: km , I � * � I � I - V � ', � M, qG SYSTEMS )VAL OF!:THE �e no Bement,;:, Day 'stafing - issued if d to lift MEES MOM ;UTURE 6UT FEB 2 12019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL LR-J L000A000d ZU-i J999L8L8ZLL _WMA L L: L L 6 L I- 2_30