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tieU1e K. Babb
Hotar,v ~ublio, State ot Florida at Large.
:rJ ' My Commia81on Expires Kay 9. 1~28.
tb) 30th day ot 8aroh, A.D. 1925.
Eo P. C. Eldred,
~ Cle,~ o.~ ;'1)8;) Clroui t Court,
3: B~)':P((/(;l_y Depl4ty Clerk.
2toooooolll'llt/liilloooooo (/'
Warranty Deed.
E. V. lliUer and wife
East Coast Overland Company
THIS INDENTURE Kade this 27th day of Febr11ary J...D. 1925 BETi1E&N E. V. Killer and Wilda Mil-
ler, husband am wil'e ot the County of Saint ~uo1a, am state of Florida, parties of the first
part, and East Coast Overland Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of
Florida, having its prinoipal plaot of business in the County of Saint ~oie and State of Flo-
rida party of thB seoond part!cYlTBESSETH, that the said parties - f the first part, for and in
oonsideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable oonsiderations to them in hand paid,
the reotipt whereof is here~y aoknowledged. have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised,
released, enteofted, oonveyed and oontirmed ~nd, by these pres9nts do grant, bargain, sell, alien
remise, release, enteoff, oonvey and oonfirm unto the said party of the seoond part and its
sucoessors aDd assigns, forever, all that oertain paroel of land lying and being in the County
of Saint ~oie and State ot Florida more partioularly desoribed aa follows:
Lot 21 in Blook 11, and all in Regin~ ralms ~ubdivisionJ Seotion 3, Township 36, Range
40 East, Saint ""'Uoie County, Florida. {ll. ~v ,,~;<< ",rr.~;.. ,,':.. ('.t '1 <:r /1;" J
TOGETHER with all the tenements, heredi tamenta and pli'purhnanOda. with eve17 privilege, .
right, title, interest and estate,'dower and right of dower, reversion, remainder and easement
thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever.
And the said part:ea of the first part do covenent with the said party of the second part that
the}' are lawtully seized of the &aid premises; that they are free of all incumbranoes and that
they have good right and lawtul authOI:n:;9:0 sell the same; and that said parties of the first
part doth hereby tully warrant the title to sai1 land, and will defend the same against the law-
rul olaims of all persons whomsoever.
IN WITHESS 'iillE.1lEOF. tre auid parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and
seals the day and year above written.
Signed, Sealed and delivered in our presenoe:
L. E. Davis.
E. V. ~iller..........(Seal}
.ilda ~ill~r..........(Seal}
H. S. Knight.
State ot Florida )
aoun\y of Saint .uu.oie. }
I HEREBY CiRTIFY, That on thi8 27th day of February A.D. 192b, before me personally appea-
red E. V. Hiller and his wife Nilda ailler to IDe known to be the persona desoribed in and who
exeouted the foregoing conveyanoe to East Coast Overland Compa~. and severally acknowledged the ~
exeoution thereof to be their tree aot and deed tor the usea and purpo8es therein mentioned; and
the Raid Yfllda Killer the wite of the said K. V. Killer on a separate and pr1 vate examination
taken and made by and before me, and separately and apart !rem her 8aid huebani, did aoknowledge
that she mads herselt a part:fto the said Deed of Conveyanoe. tor the Pll'1l0S8 of renounoing ., re-
linquishing am oonveying aU her r18ht, title and interest, whether ot dower or ot separate pro-
perty. 8tatutory or equitable, in and to the lande thereSJ; desor1bed, and that ahe exeouted aaid
de~d freely and volunt~i11 and without any oonstraint, fear, apprehension, or oo~pulslon of or
from her s.ifusband. "