HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, Ctt�K FILE # 44:29058 OR.BOOK THE CIRCUIT COURT, — SAIN I T LUCIECOUNTY 125 PAGE 1060, Recorded 6t 0':08:30'AM �AHRVV T LUCIE,COUN ' T ' Y� TIHIS I.S CERTIFY THATTHISIIS A R . UE AND COMW 0F,THE The undersigned hereby given notice tha improvement will t�e�madr.AQ certdin'real proiperty,;and in accordance with Cbapter 713, P16gida statutes thefollowing information is provided in the Notice of co;rtffen6eyneh'L I - DESCREMON'OF PIMPFA on aA&sdect adiircss) TAX POLIO NU �mp_l 10 6-1 tl-00,014 TY�4jgal dpscripfi 0016 I GENERAL DESCREMON bF 3. OWNER INFORMATI OW". b.Addr=___0O00- S... USI d. jVarne md addrass,bfhe, sj�la 4. CONtRACrORIS NA_MR_ Am 5� SURETrS-NAME ' ADDMSAND �G * LEMERIS NAME, ADDRML AND I. Person$ Wi6in tfiestate (if Floddazdesis 'tection 713-13 Q (a) i, Flo NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUM31 8. In addition to hiw4e1f'6rhcrsq1f; Owner i 70.13 (1)(b),rFlorida Statutes: NAM, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO?.�ME Slg�tmturc of Owner or Own".Authorizec!0 State. o(Adrida CountY'of St . T-11cie - 7be fdregoin'biStrument was a& (Narh e. ofpersoa) din �,)NZ5-mrlv ja".V Aas,,-i4 ?P60ted NaaWof%tary Public) Undir pena)des;.W'paiju1!y1- I d�clara that belief (section 92.525, Florida Statutes). Reif. OW&W(Rcouniq) a1l, thAt t pf 95 'U-L4-g ftwz'p� 1QA,4 I L`L C., interest in property. Mae. ff oftr than Am PI!ONF_-NumBER:, Wynne DevelCipment,Cbro4brat j 2.n �wntf'uPomwhom , no , tices or or , her docurnents may. be served as provided,by. ail&�paniSh takes Bivai, Ft.. Pigrce�,, F . L. .201— the failowing toxcccivd� a copy of �be Liehof!s Nbdce,as,pro.vidzd in sictibn 059b recording Was a diffenent date is ,malthew Lyle -w�ivifg_a, 'Vice—er"ident 3�elnit r4aTm% and Pr&ide Signatory's Tidd.Offite C�61; Me this 43--dayof 21D_LL—. "as V ls�r�. oflaljihority...e�g, bwner,,officet. Uustce,,2ttorney.in-(;ac.t) ,atl -a' n mvikiiiecuted) Pertonally'..1!:nown;_�, eprod..cd(liefollow . 4glY �*OTHYANNWKIN' Up W&Wbeig,1620 (Sipa.ftire'ofNdtCdPuUC). Zirjftlictln&�103 e,=d ka, foregoing and that thr:fac6 in. it -ate true to the bat'or my knowledge; and Atithoesied Otriier/Dlire.clor/.F2irtnerftaniger who,sigmeo'06ve.' By,