HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1640 ':ILI'-' .- Filed -. _-:-:~-::-_.- :::.-.: --::::---.-:-,,::,------:.---::-:--------.-= --.:- -.:- --:--;-::::_-.--; -:-:-:---.: :.:----. - tLi' this the 30th de.f:Ot llaroh. A.D. 1925. (~ I.e.:. It P. O. Eldred, Olerk ~troult ~ourt, BY_,.l ~>'/J~('~; . -/ /-:.' D. C. J 0000000001111111########000000000 ARTICLES _OF AGREEMENT. Charles Harris and wife To Hoyt ~. Korris. ARTICLES OF AGREKMEIfl'. Kade this 27th day ot Deoember in the year ot our Lo~, one thousand nine hundred and twonty-toar BETWEEN Charles ~rris and Belle Harris, his wife, parties ot the tirst part. and Hoyt ~. Morris party ot the seoond part, WITNESSETH, That if the said party ot the seoond part shall tirst make the payment-s and perform the oovenante hereinatter mentioned on hie part. to be made and performed, the said par- ties of the first part hereby oovenant and agree to oonvey and assure to the said party ot the seoond part, his heirs, exeoutors, administrators or assigns, in tee simple, olear of all inoum- branoes Whatever, by a gpod and 8lltfioient deed, the lo~ pieoe or parcel of grou~d, situated in the County of St. Luoie State ot Florida, known and desoribed as tollows, to-wit~_ I The North One-Half of Lot One (I) oontai~ing 24 acres, more or less, and the ~orth One-halt ot Lot Two, (2), oontaining 20 acres more or ).essj all or said lands being in Seotion 18, Town~ ship 33, South of Range 40 East. and the sard party of the seoond part hereby oovonants and agrees to pay to the said parties of the tirst part the sum of reoeipt of which is hereby one year from date ot this Eleven Thousand UOllars, in the manner following .200.00 oash, the _ c....:.. M' aoknowledged; $3300.00 forty-five days from date ot abstraot, ~2500.00 - f agreement; $2500.00 two years from date ot this agreement; $2:>00.00 I I' I ! . Three yeara from date ot this agreement: with interest at the rate ot eight per oentum per ann~m, payable annually on the whole sum remaining from time to time unpaid; and to P83 all taxes, asseS- .sments or impositions that may be legally levied or imposed upon said land subsequent to the year.~, and to keep t~ bUild~ngs upon said premis~~ insured in some company satisfactory to the par~--- of the first part, in a sum not less than-!:- Dollars, during the term ot this ~greement. ~ in case of failure ot the said party of the second part to make eiUher of the payments or a~ z/' part thereof, or to perfonD a~ ot the oovenants on him pa~t hereby made and entered into, this oontract ahall, at the option of the parties ot the tirst part, ~e forfeited and terminated, and the party of too seoond part ohall torfeit all payments made by him on this oontraotj and suoh pay- #;1ents shall be retained by the said parties ot the tirst part in full satisfaotion and liquida- tion of all damages by them sustained,and said parties ot the :first pert shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the premises aforesaid without being liable to any aotion there for. IT IS WTUiJ,LY ~GnEED, by and between the pnrties hereto,- that the time cf payanent shall be an essential part ot this contraot, and that all oovenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be obllsatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the-respeo- tive parties. IB WITliESS .IIH&REOF, The parties to these presents have hareunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. I Signed. Sealed and Delivered in Presenoe ot: Henry Most. 1. K. Knight. Paul H. Bisle. Chas. Harrls............(Seal) Delle Harris............(Seal} Ho7t Z. Kor~s.........(Seal} I: I' la-es T. Vooelle. ~SIGWEBT. IiiW~,i~~~~~%~i~