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Vero !ilghland .t"f-xk Co.
H. Optner
ARTIOLES OF ~GREEMEHT, Kade this 21st day ot -aroh in the year or our Lord, one thousand nine
hundred and twenty five BETWEEN Vero Highland P&rk Company. a Florida Corporation, party ot the
tirst part, and Josoph H. O~\ner, of fero, Florida, party ot the seoond part,
WITlDiSSKTH, That if the said party of the oeooM part snall first malee the pE\Ymenta and per-
1'01'11 the oovenants hereinafter menHoned on hie part to be macie and pertormed, the said party
of the tirst part hereby oovenants and agrees to oonvey and assure to the said party of the. seoond
part, his heirs, exeoutora, administrators or assigns, in ree simple. olear ot all inoumbranoes
whatever, by a good and sufficient deed paroel of ground, situated, in the County of st. Luoie
State ot Florida known and desoribed ae follows, to-wit: ~__
The West 20 aores ot traot.ll, Seotion 5. Twp. 33 range 39 East, aooording to the lastse---
genel.'al plat ot the Indian Rivt:r Farms Company, tUed in the otfioe or the Clerk or the Distriot
Cou#t of st. Lucie County, Fla.
And the said party of the seoond part hereby oovenants and agrees to pay to the said party
ot the tirst part the sum ot Six thousand tive hundred ($6,500.00) Dollars, in the manner fol
lowing: Three hundred dollars ($300.00) as binder mcnay reoeipt ot which is hereby aoknowledged, ~
balanoe of oash pa,yment o_t $1900.00 to be paid on or before 30 days after delivery of abstract
showing merohantable title. Balance ot purohase price of '4300.00 to be paid in two equal paym-
ents of $2150.00 eaoh, 8~ interest due in two and three years rrom date ot olosing. with inter-
est at the rate of-~per centum per annum, pa,yable annually on the whole sum remaining trom
time \0 time unpaid; and to pay all taxes, assessments or iffipositions that may be legally levied
or imposed upon said land ~bsequent to the year 1924. and to keep the buildings upon said pre-
mises insured in some oompany satistaotory to the part-- ot the tirst part, in a sum not less
than--- Dollars during the term or this agreement. ADd in oase of tailure or the said party or
the seoond part to make either ot the payments or any part thereof, or to pertorm any ot the 00-
venants on his part hereby made and entered into, this oontraot shall, at the option of the party
ot the first part, be forfeited and terminated. and the party of the seoond part shall forfeit all
payments made by him on this oontract; and suoh payments shall be retained by the said party of
the -first part in full satisfaotion and liquidation of all damages by them sustained, and ~aid
party ot the first part shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the premises a-
foresaid without being liable to any aotion theretor.
IT IS WTUALLY AGREED, by and bet"een the parties hereto, that the time or payment shall
! " be an essential part of this oontract, and that all eovenants and agreemen~s horein contained
8hall extend to and be obligato~ upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the
respeotive parties.
IN NITH~SS ;lliEREOF, The parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals
the day and year first above wr1 tten.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Fresenoe ot:
Chas. D.'l'oole.
A. W. Young, Fres.
E. J. Wood.
Joseph H. Optner....
B~llie B. tiutohi8on.
Bellie Ii. Babb.
STATE OF FLORIDA, St. Luoie C~nty.
On this day personally appeared betore me, an ottioer author_hed to take aoknowledgments
- ~
ot deeds. eto., A.We Young, President of Vero rlighland ~ark Compa.ny and Joseph H. O)tnor to me
" I
well known, and known to lie the peraons who executed the wI thin agreement, and aoknowledged that
they executed. the S8.':l8 tor the plrpOS89 therein expressed. And the said--- wite ot the said~~:,"-