HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1654 '15'1 -.......... ,"'.-.~. - ..._.-.,.-......~.'\.. _.....~..._...,....,,-....:....'....~'-- ""'-"-'-~ ._.~;:-..,......, .._~..........-.'".......,.. "~-". ..,~..~...'_....~.--...":"~. ..~----,.-...._~- .-. .,. . ---.---.. - ....~......_.__. _....__. __._....._ ___....._ -.-..-.-0._.....,".-.- _'__o. ._____._._______ _____________-_ _____ ..... _ _______.____.__ _.__ _ _.. ___". _ .',._. _ __. .. ,.' Lot No. 28, on a oortaln plat known as .PARKWAY PLACE surnyed and platt.ed by Cunnlng~.am and HaUowea, Civil En8ineera and tiled and reoorded in the otfioe of tho Clel'k lot the ClrouU Court. ot St. Nuoie County, Florida in Plat Book 4, Page 7. TOGETHER wi tb all the teneme~ts, hered1t8.ll\ents and appurtenanoes, with every priv Hoge , right, title. interest and estate, dower and right ot dower. reversion, remainder and eaaement thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining: TO HAVE AND TO HOJ,D the same in fee simple tore- ver, subJeot to oonditions and restriotions as tollowa: That neither the land herein desoribed nor ~ny part thereot, shall at any time hereafter be laid out or used as a oemetery. nor shall ~ building for the aanutaoture or sale ot malt or intoxioating liquors. slau3hter houses, Boap, ~andle, staroh. varnish,-~itriol, glue. turpentine. lamp-blaok, guano, or tertilizer tactory, or Danutaoture of gunpowder or other expl6sive materials of any bon4-boillng establis~~nt, tanning hides or leather, or oattle yard, hog pen or blaok- smith shop or any faotory of any kind, where steam power ~hall be used, or(~ other dangerous, noxious or ottensive establishment be ereoted, plaoed, or maintained thereon. That all sidewalks must be protected in such ~nnner as to keep them in firm condition, if used as a driveway or orossing during the erection of any building. That no lots facing on Hendry ~venue or llibisous kvenue shall be used for any business purposes, and buildings_er6cted thereon shall be only tor residenoes, private garages, and pri- vate out-buildings. 'l'here shall not be ereot ~d on any of the lots in PARK\YAY FLJ..CE~ any signs for advertising purp0ges. That no building except a dwelling house and outbuilding appurtenant ther~to, shall be ~~ilt or maintained upon suoh premises or any part thereof, and no dwelling of value less than Four Thousand($4.000.00) DollHrs shall be built for use and oocupanoy of one family only; or if bu- ilt as a double house for use and o~cupanoy of not more than two families, it shall be built ot the value of not less than Six Thousand ($6,OOO.00) Dollars That no dwelling house or any part thereof, excepting steps. piazzas, bay windows. o~ othar usual projections appurtenant thelreto, shall be erected or maintained nearer to the street /' line of Hendry A.venue than Twenty-five feet; nor nearer to the street line of-~- than ~--feet; and thatno b~rn. atable, or other outbuilding shall be ereoted or maintained nearer to -the street line of tlendr,y Avenue than Twehty-five feet; and that no barn. garage, stable or other outbuil- ding. shall be ereoted or maintained on any oonner plot oloser to the said street line than-!--- feet. ~d in eaSEl any dwelling house or apartment house is built o~ maintained on any oorner~ plot, in S'~ch manner as to fac. the street, bordering the side ot such oorner plot, then the sa::e II shall be built in 4onformity with the buildir~ restriotions covering the adJ3cent plot fronting on said 8treet. And should any of the said conditions and limitations be vi~lated within the - period of }icitation, as set Korth below, by the party ot the second part, their hei~, executors or assigns. such violation will cause a reversion to the parties of, the first part, and the par- ties of the first part shall have the right to re-enter and take p09s6ssion of the premines aforesaid without being liable to any action therefor. All of said above reservations are to hold force and effeot until JanuarJ.l, ~.D. 1932, and are fUlly binding upon the purohasers, their heirs, e.eoutors. administrators and assigns. . - And the said parties of the first' part do oovenant wi th the said party ot the seoond part that they are lawtully seized of the Baid premises, that they are tree from all inoumbranoes and that they have good right and lawtul authority to lell tho same; and the eaid parties of th9 firt part do herebl tully warrant the title to aaid land, and will delend the same against the - lawtul olaims ot all persona whomsoever, subJeot only to the limitations above set torth. IB WITBESS WHEREOF, The .aid parties of the tirst part haye herounto set their hands J '1 :] '-