HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1657 '157 -, ~ by and botore me, sepaA"ately and apart from her said huaban\, did al)knowledge that she made her.. s~lt a pRrty to the aaid Deed ot Conveyanoe tor the purpose or renounoing, relin~uishine and oonveying all her right, title and interest, whether ot dower or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands therein d&soribed, and that she e.eouted said deed freely and voluntarily and without any oonstraint, tear, apprehension or oompulsion of or trom her said husband. r WITNESS my signature and offioial seal at Fort rieroe in the Vounty of St. Luole and State day and year last atoresaid. If" I!a ($1.50 stlUllpS oanoelled) II! ;r.l .. orded this the 31st day of "ta/.-, ~h, -1...]). r:''f ;,,-; .t:'i: r:.J fl. J. II. Krgle ( s.~ ~t. ) ~otary hbl10 tor the State ot l"lortda at Largo M3 Commtssion Axpires Sept. 21, '1928. 1925" ------it#illii##i###ill------- p. C. Eldred, c;}:e k ;;iro~~t Court, - /, 1-/ // B~ ~~- ~?_-i/ / Dep-,..ty rJr' Clerk. Uemorandum ot Agreement L. E. ~itzgerald et al and Stewart iiodgell. YEllORANDUlL OF AGREKKENT made and entered iato this 4th day ot April, 1...D. 1925, by and between L. E.~itzgerald,rA. J. BREEB an~ LEOR N. abLL of 8est ?alm Beaoh, ralm 3each County, Florida, parties of the tirst part, and STEiVJ.RT HODGES of Chiaago. \;ook ~ounty, Illinois, party of the seoond pe.rt, r: WITNESSETH: That the parties ot the first part have this d~ sold and agreed to oonvey to the party of the seoond part, and the party of the second part has agreed to purohase of and trom the parties ot the first ~art on tho terms and oonditions hereinafter set forth: that cer- tain parcel ot land situate, lying and being in ~t. ~oie County, Florid&, more partioularly desoribed as follows: ~raot # 1. Begin~~~ at the Southeast oor.ner Seotion Twelve (12) Township T~irty-two (32) South of Range Thirty-nine (39) ~aBt; thenoe run llorth along the section line 15 ohains for the point of besinning; thenoe prooeed North along the section line 10 ohains and 75 links: thenoe ~ast at right angles to the Indian River: thenoe SOQth meandering the bank of said river to a point opposite the point of beginning; thence Easterly to the point of beginning. Tract #2. Beg~nnlng fifteen (15) chains North of the southwest oorner of Seotion Seven (7) Town- ship Thirty-two (32) South Range ~'orty (40) East at a point marked a.L.R. whence a Palm J4arked "B.T" Bears south 1 ohain 82 links, aloo a palm Yarked "B.T" bears North R2i links East 71.1: thenoe go east Thirty-nine (39) ohains to the Atlantio Ocean; thenoe North l8Q West along the Ooean beaoh Eleven (ll) ohains Thit~y- two (32) links; thenoe Kest Thirty-five and one halt t35t) ohains to the West line of said Seotion Seven (7) to a POQt mRrked "a.L.H.w whenoe a pa~' marked "B.T" bears south 15~_E 11 li~s, also a palm marked ~B.T." bears South 280 rtest 11 links; thenoe South 10 ohains and 75 links to the point ot be<<lnning, oontaining forty (40) aoree. TllS above desoribed lands have a frontago along the atlan'lo Ooaan ct 749 feet more or le38 I! IS FURTHlCR AGREED tbat the parties of the first part are to furnish a oertified eurvey b7 Charter and Damerow ot the above desoribed lands; and the.,le of said lands are to be based I on a trcntage whioh said eur~ey 8hows along the Atlantio Ooean at a prioe ot .67.50 per front toot. on the tollowing tenur and 88reement: .~OO.OO ~aeh in hand at the time ot exeoution ot thi8 oontraot, the re,eipt ot 1IIhioh 1s hereby aoknowledged; 117,600.00 upon delivery ot a Warranty Deed trom parties ot the tirst p part teNG- to tho party lit the seoond pa);"t: and the party of the aeoond part agree. to alJ8l1IDe r L , , I ~' ; l' . .'::.~/i;~;~iJ.f1~t~~~ ~ - e;>. "t. 'i'. ,,~.~_..-..-.- : : .~~-~-'. <~. ." .-;:..~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~2\~~f;{~~~