HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PLAN PAGE 30-50GENER,4L NOTES 1.1 Fabrication shall be in accordance with U.S.A.'s standard practices in sompliarce with the applicable sections, relating to design requirements gird allowable stresses of the latest edition of the 'AW5 Structural Welding Code Di.l". U.5.A.ps manufacturing procedures have been Certified bg: Reference Certification numbers 5B.C.C.I. 05011 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY 111055 Houston 719-A7 1 0135 Indiana (For Basin and Column? n,5512 Indiana (For Rigid Frame) 24ZC3513 Indiana (For Straight Column) 255510 A.I_S.C_ cartifircatiom For Metal Buildings Member M5MA 12 MATERIAL ASTM DESIC-94ATION MINIMUM YIELD U. N. Ode Flange Shapes A512 or A9S2 rY - 50 KSI Other Rolled Mill Shape* A36 FY - 36 K51 Structural Steel Plate (Welos/Cornactions) 41011, A935, 4635 FY . SS Kai Structural Steel Plate (Flarees) A52J OR 4512 FY - 55 KS1 Cold Formed Light Gags Shapes AIOISS ry . 5S Kai Cable Bracirel .4415-10 Extra High Strength Rod Bracing 436 FY . 36, Ker f1toof and Wall Shooting A-r-.)2 FY - 50, 80 KSI Machine Bolts A301 FY . 36 K51 High Strength Bolts (1/2110 to VO) .4325-N FU . 120 KSI High Strength Bolts (1 1/8"0 to 1 1/2110) A325-N Anchor Bolts (If suppflaclU A.56 FU . 105 KSI Fy - 36, Kai Pipe A53, GRADE B rY - 35 KSf 14,5.6. TUBE A500, GRADE a FY . 4(p KSI 13 PRIME shop primer paint is a rust inhibitive primer which meets the end performance of Federal Specification TT-P-e,64D and Is U.S.A.* Red Oxide color. This paint is not intended For lone term exposure to the elements. U.S.A. Is not responsible For any deterioration or the shop primer paint as a result of Improper handling andlor storage. U.5-A. shell not ba, responsible for ding flold applied paint and/or coatings. (section &.6 A15C Code of Standard Practice, lath EclftlorO IA GALVANIZED OR 61-ECIAL COATINGSI Odra Contract Documents and for. note or) the top right hand of this page. I.la ALL BOLTS AIRE 1/2110 L� 0'-I" A3Q-7 EXCEPT: 4) Eave strut connecticm - 1/2,10 x 0'-1 1/411 A30'1 lo) Endwall rafter splice - 5/8"0 x 0'-1 3/411 A325-N a) Endwall column to rafter connection - 1/2"0 x V-1 1/4" A325-N d� Main Frans connection$ - SEE CROSS SIECTION NOTE: Washer& are not supplied unless noted otherwise on drawing 1.6 A325 BOLT TIGHTENING REQUISEMEN All high strength bolts are 4325-N unless specifically noted otherwise. structural bolts shall be. tielkiterecl by the turn -of -the -rut method In accordance with the Sth Edition AISC "Specification For Structural Joints Using ASTIM A325 or A4eO Bolts'. A325-N bolts are supplied without washers unless Otherwise noted on the drawings. All baftecl comactTons unless noted are designed as bearing type connections with bolt threads not excluded from the shear plans. 11 CLOSURE STRIPS ARE FURNISHED FOR APPLICATICN: INSIDE- Under rooF panels at save OUTSIDE - Between endwall panels and rake trim - Under continuous ridge vant skirts LIS ERECTION NOTE, All bracing, strapping, 4 bridging shown and provided by U.5.4. for this bulollme it roquirsol and shall be Installed by the erector as a permanent part of the structure. IF addItTonal bracing Is required For stability during erection, it shall be the drector's responsibility to determine the amount of such bracTne and to procure and Install as needed. LZ 999CTION AND UNLOADING NOT BY U.5.A. 1.10 1%HKORTAGE Aing claims or shortages by buger must be made to U.S.A. within five (5) workInE3 dogs after delivery, or such claims will be corralclored to have bearl walvecl by the customer and disallowed, 1.11 CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS AND REPAIRS (tjEl[M, 46.10 Claims For correction or allagool misfits will be disallowed unless USA. shelf have received prior notice thereof and allowed reasonable Inspection of ouch misfits. The correction of minor misfits by the use of drift pine to draw the components Into line, moderate amounts of roaming, chipping and cutting, and the replacement of minor shortages of material are a normal part of erection and are not subject to claim. No part of the Building may be returned for alleged misfits without the prior approval of U,5.A. 1,12 ERECTOR NOTE groct steel with piece marks corresponding to location of piece marks on erection drawings. Erect and plumb bays progressively to insure overall width Amc! length is maintained. 1.13 ArCIESSORIS Aoressorles are not wind rated. 1.14 m2or SYSTEMS The performance of roof egatems supplied by USA Is dependent on correct and proper erection and rooP "stem Installation by qualified roofing Installers. USA Is not responsible for non-performance due to improper or defective Installation. U54 does riot certify srectors or roofing InetIollars. 31 12/12/05 30 03/18/ot 77- '03111104 26 2/3/04 2-1 2/2/04 26 5/22/03 NOTE Customer To Provide With * *(If An�) On Returned ALL FLAT FACED PANELS HAVE A TENDENCY TO OIL CAK USING HEAVIER GUAGE5, NARROWER WIDTHS, EMBOSSING OR STIFFENER BEADS �IUPEN AVAILABLE) CAN REDUCE OIL CAM CANNIN CAU FOR REJECTION ' WIND PRESSURE: �&.ao pair NAL PRE56URE COEFFICIENT: 0.15 STRIP DIMENSION, lg2l ENENT AND CL.4DDiNG: 5URE: SUCTION: I MAP& per ZONE 1 43.42 par 2 11.6ro per ZONE 2 12.81 par 3 MAO& 125f ZONE 3 OI5jo-1 125f 4 4a_42 par ZONE 4 -4-1110 par 5 43.42 oaf ZONE 5 5�..14 p§f rd 4 W�X 11 JOB # BUYER END USE CUSTOMER BUYER ORDER # DRAWING PACKAGE 330254 (HANC34R " I 57- LUCIE'5 57RUCTURES TAXILUAY DEVELCI=MENT 20ALIFIC JON OF HOT-r:)ip �-gALVANIZING PROCESS USED N I!RIMARY AND SECONPAII STEEL The ability of A galvanized costing to most its primary objective of providing dgrrosion Protection should be the chief criteria In evaluating It, overall appearance. Zinc coatfrie5 produced by the hot -clip alvanizine process are excellent corroalon-protection systems. uTen the: coatlne becomes very thick or clul I gray, the coating may not be applicable for architectural purposes. Differences In the luster and color of galvanized coatings and the presence or absence of slpan�ls has no affect on the coating performance. The well-known &pang e affect round on galvanizing Is simply a factor of primary crystallization, It is chiefly dependent upon the zinc k"th chemistry, the rate Of cooling, the method of pickling, the steel chemistry, and the thickness of the coating, Additionally, ryincillre tockriclues for galvanizing may require the use or chain sifings, wire or other 'd 6 Ices to Immerse material into the galvanizing k*ttIrTr::e 11 Savndling devices may leave a mark of the galvanized itam. Thee. marks are not necessarily detrimental to the coating. The galvanizing process 16 for corrosion protection. Inconsistencies in finish and hatidling marks are not cause for rejection of the product, I SCANNO It Gy q-t1Ifr1Pft* FILE CON JOBSITE r-T. FIERCE, FL COUNTY 5T. LUCIE BASIC BUILDING MAIN BLDG, FRF 1201-0 x 100'-0 x 32'- 2 1/2,-12 LEAN -To 566c 32'-0 x 92'-0 x 12'-0 (L5) 1 :12 THIS 5TRUCTURE HAS 5EEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING AS INDICATED; CODE LOADS r-ocie of Latest Issue to be Used Unless Otherwise Noted, 0 LL 20 F5F 0 Tributars Area Reduction El USA Standard (M5MA) s Edition I 0 Collateral Load: e, psf 0 5now Load: F`g 0- psf Ff PSF C's 1.0 I's 1.0 Ct 1.0 0 55C D IE3C I 2004 0 Wind Load 130 -sure"follef h �Lu 1.0 Exrurfs c 7 UBC 0 BOCA 71 ASCE Free Ficient 0,5 Des!Qn Wind Pressure 3&.a par EXI=05URE 05 EC; F I z) El 5elsmic Data; U5e Group Sole Sall Site Class E OTHER PLORIDA 5UILDING CODE Is - SS_ 61 Seismic Deafen Cate!@orq - Seismic- Force-resiatIne 5�stsrn: Transverse Load: R= Cs= Loneltudinal Load: R= Cs= Desleff Base Shear Vc - kips Equivalent Lateral Force Proce6ure El Crans Load: Capacity - tons Tqpe Class (See Croe5 Sections ard/d`r Calculations for loadine) El Mezzanine Load: DL_ pef psf CL pef 0 Other Loads: 0 26GA 0 USA '1015IR" 0 White 0 ULtO-Corst0- Fastsnsrag 0 014 x I" STS Member 4 Stitch ALLOWABLE 12EFLECTIONS, 0 24GA 0 0 Aluminum Zinc 0 Northern Roof 0 012 x 14" Si Member Only W1 STS St tch U.SAM5MA eTANDARZ>S ROOF 11 24GA USA "Guardian I" SSR LI Silicone PoIg UnIcato 2OW 1J Wide Mastic 0 012 x 14" 5D6 Member with Laptak Ztdh FRAME SlDrSWAY W/60 0 24GA USA "Guardian P SSR Q Kgnar Unlooto 3000 9 0 Fixed IN Long Life Fasteners El Color FRAME DEFLECTION - LIIW 0 Low 0 ricatTrig 0 stainless Steel Fastaners PURLIN DEFLECTION - L/1M Special Requirements 0 High 0 Articulating LhAmgLml�,�, 0 my U" 0 0`4 GIRT DIEFLECTION - L11W N 2&GA 11 USA PBA-I 0_ 0 Kynar Unlacto 3000 WIND DEFLECTION 5A$EP ON, WALL 0 24GA 0 9111cons PoIV UnIcota 2000 Edoiatners; 0 014 x P ST5 Member 4 Stitch 0 USA "PISR' Color PXWITE 0 Long Life Fasteners 0 M2 x 1411 SDS MarriLvor Only W/ STS Stitch J92 YEAR MEAN RECURICE, WIND SPEED Special Requirsinents - 0 Stainless Steel Fasteners 0 012 x 1411 5VS Mamt;sr with Laptak Stitch 0 standard W/Guttero 8 Downspout El Simple Eae Trim 0 Sculptured Eave TrIm 11 ease Trim 0 r1rol 0 0201 0 DPOI 0 Base Closure TRIM Gutter HSLUIE D,.,,.t P.LLIHITE Eavo_ Rake HZLUr Corner PWWITr jamb 4 Head WSLUE Be$& -r,,, PWWITr - Special Raquiramorts 11 Silicone Poly Unicots, 2000 0 KynAr UnIcots 3000 FASCIA 0 26GA U54 11 P5A" El 0 Color Trim Color lore Denoted _t,_A_41L 0 24GA Special Requirements 0 silicone PoIg Unicote 20 RL-anlTv -UMI-to 3000 3's. SOPPIT 0 26GA USA 0.11,11SAI. El IPBRII 0 Color Trim Color PANIRL 0 24GA lspac[ai I Requirements 0 Silicone, Poly Umlaote 2000 0 K�nar Unfcota 3000 54tk [I 29,GA U64 0 P5A1I 0 IPSRI 0 - Colo Trim Color PANEL El 24C.A Special Requirements 0 Silicone Polg Unloots 2000 47 4G. PARTITION 0 26GA USA 0.1115,41. LI IPSRII 0 - Color Trim Color �nar UnTacto 30 PANILL 0 24GA Specie I Requirements 0 6TIlcone Polg Unl=te 200>0 0 111 Unl�tis 30/0 LINIIR 11 26GA USA M "PSA" 0 "FISR" El Color, Trim Color If 0 24GA special Requirements 0 6111cors Poly UnIcots 2000 73 Kgnar Unicoto 3000 2.1 It Is the reoponelbling of the 5UYER/END USE CUSTOMER to obtain appropriate approvals and secure necessary permits from City, Ccuntg, State, or Federal Agencies as required, and to advisalralwaso USA to fabricate upon recolvine such, 2.2 United Structures of Amar1ca-& (hereafter referred to as USA.) standard specifications apply unless stipulated otherwise th the contract Documents. U.S.A.'a design, fabrication, clualitg criteria, standards, practice, methods and tolerances shall govern the work with any other interpretations to the contrary notwithstanding. it is unclarg,joOd by both Parties that the BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER is responsible For clarification or inclusions or exclusions froin the architectural plans and/or specifications. 23 In case OF discrepancies between USAA, structural steel plans and plane for other trades, U-SA.'s plane shall govern. (section. 3 Alec code or Standard Practices, 13th Edition) 2.4 Approval of U.6A. drawings and calculations indicates that U.S.A. has correctly interforated and applied the Contract Documents. This approval constitutes the contractor/owners acceptance of the U.5.4'o deafen concepts, assumptions, and loading. (Section 4 AIS--- Code and MBMA 33.3) 2.5 Once the BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER has signed U.S.A.'s Approval Package and the project 15 released for fabrication, charges shelf be billed to the MUYERI END USE CUSTOMER Including material, engineering and other costs. An additional fee may be charged If the project must be moved From the fabrication and shipping schedule. 2.6 The 5UYER/END USE CUSTOMER is responsible for overall project coorclinatfort All interface, compatibility, and Glasign consiclardtlons concerning any materials not furnished by U-5,4� and UjS-A.'o steel system are to be considered and coordinated bg the 5UYER/r=ND USE CUSTOMER. Specific design criteria concerning this Interface 1petween materials must be Furnished before release for fabrication or U.S.A.'6 assumptions will govern (Section 4 and Commentary, 415C Code of Standard Practice, 2ith EdItIor0 21 It is the responslibilitg OF the BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER to Insure that U.S.A.'s Plans comply with the applicable requirements of any governing building authorities. The supplying of sealed arrefireerfrig data and drawings For the metal building system does not Imply or constitute an agreement that U.S.A. or Its design engineers are acting as the eneirser of record or design professional for a construction project. These drawings are sealed Only to certify the clealen of the structural components Furnished by Us_A. 2.5 The 5UYMEND USE CUSTOMER is responsible For setting of anchor bolts and erection of steel In accordance with U.s.A.'s 'For Construction" clrawTnes only. Temporary supports such as guys, braces, Falsework, cribbing or other elements required for the erection operation shall be determined and furnished and Installed by the erector. No items should be purchased from a preliminary set or drawings, Including anchor bolts. Use only final "FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS" for this use, (Section '11 Alec code of Standard Practice, Sth Edition.) 2,11 United Structures of America Is reeponollv1s for the design of the anchor bolt to permit the transfer of Forces between the base plate and the anchor bolt I" shear, bearing and teirolon, but to not rosponsib Is for the tranoror of anc-hor bolt forces to the concrete or the adequacy Of the anchor bolt In relation to the concrete Unless otherwise provided In the Order Documents, United Structures of ,America does not design and Is not rosponelible for the Insaigm, material and construction of the foundation or foundation embodiments. The END USE CUSTOMER should asawra himself that adequate provisions are made In the foundation design for load$ Imposed by column reactions of the building, other imposed loads, and bearing capacity of the soll and other concitions or the building site. It is racomendso that the anchorage and foundation or the building be designed by a Registered Professional Engineer experienced In the design of such structures- (Section 410 MBMA ISSO, Low Rios Building systems Manual) 2JO Normal erection operations Include the corrections Of Minor misfits by moderate amounts of reaming, chipping, welding or cutting, and the drawirle of slaments Into line through the use of drift pins. Errors which cannot be corrected by the Foregoing means or which require major changes In member configuration are to be reported Immediately to U.S.A. by the BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER, to enable whoever is responsible either to correct the error or to approve the most efficient and economic method of correction to be used bg others. (Section I AISC Code of Standard Practice, Sth Edition) 2.11 FIELD MODIFICATIONS - WASNING Neither the fabricator nor the BUYE"ND USE CUSTOMER will cut, drill or otherwise alter his work, or the work or other trades, to accommodate other trades, unless such work is clearly specified in the contract documents. Whenever such work is specified, the BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER is responsible for furnishing complete information as to materials, size, location and number of alterations prior to preparation of shop drawares. (section -1 A15C Code of 5tandard Practice, 5th Edition) The strength, stabil[tg, and safety or this building may be affected Ing cutting, drilling or removing any components of the building, No such modifications mag be made without the written approval of United Structures of America, Inc. Collateral loads or other components provided by others may be supported on this builclin In the designated locations If specifically Included in the deafen loads - Unless L connections for such components have been designed and detailed bg UsA� the customer is responsible to ensure appropriate correction details are utilized. 2.12 WARNING In no case should Aluminized Zinc steel panels be used in conjunction with lead or copper. Both lead and copper have harmful corrosive effects on the Aluminized Zinc alloU costing when theg are In contact with Aluminized Zinc steel panels. Even run-off from copper flashing, wiring, or tubing onto Aluminized Zinc should be avoided. 2.13 SAFETY COMMITMENT UNITED STRUCTURE$ of AMERICA has a commitment to manufacture quality building components that can be safely erected, However, the safety commitment and Job site practices of the erector are bagond the control of U.5A. It Is strongly recommended that safe working conditions and accident prevention practices be the top priority of any job site. Local, State, and Federal safety end health standards should always be followed to help Insure worker safety, Make certain all employees know the safest and most productive wag of erecting a building. Emergency procedures should be known to all employees. Daily mestinge highlightfre safety procedures are also recommended. The use of hard hate, rubber sols shoes For roof work, proper equipment for handling material, and safety note where alogicable, are recommended. Contractors/Erectora should be aware of SHIA regulations for Steel Erection. The followine OSHA Reeulations (Standards 2S CPR) are applicable to Steel Erection: OSHA Steel Erection Rseulaticire, Part Number V6, subpart "R" 2.14 Manufacturer Is not responsible For bodily injuries or material damages during unloading, handling or storage ANAN ALMUGHRA15( LIC. NO, 54VO EXF. Feb, 2001 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA IS12 BUSCHONG Job Number 1 3-30254 HOUSTON, TX 1-103�a SWEET LI of I I, e Lu Ll PURL IN LAPS AEI L E3 AD AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI AZI 4z) �K) F====:] AZ2 AZ2 AZ2 AZ2 AZ2 4Z2 AZ2 AZ2 AZ2 AZ2 AZ2 AZ2 G) OV-0 0/0 STEEL 1 251-0 AZ3 AZ3 A5z3 (FTF.. Az AP AZ3 PIZ AZ3 4923 (REF. 5P An An Z AZ3 AZ3 AZ4 AZ4 AZ4 4" A z , AZ4 AZA, ASZ2 (REF. ST) AZ� AZA A A AZ4 7/ 444 A AE3 ' 6.6X.1560 PIPE P.Tll' Ilui V. CAP m EA. W V KNIFE IR EA, END STEEL At�llNa-EL,4N CUSTOMER VERIFICATION BOX 1) PLEASE VERIFY OIR FfROVIDE DIMENSION ON RETURNED APPROvALS. (REF. E3, E4 4 rl) T \-ro%"O X,15970 PIPE STRUT -4-1 H.T15, 2-1"0 WTB lY 12' :,Or=ND M k�I�E'M EA. END III M fli I fy w (L U, W 0) w w w J u- f- Lu z Q1 01 Z3 13 w fli cJ a I LL W! zux a -1 w E I OF 12 JOB# 33020,4 J 5ZI(TYf-,THI5 DAY) PURLIN LAPS 11-1 2 'Z/ (PIGH SIDE) LU h! W Q L 11 �SIDE�) Dsz2 (ReF. s-ri) T ------ r— I I T BE2 0 e21-0 0/0 213'-C BZZTYP,THI$ DAY) 55Z2 5E4 (LEAN-TC) I **fo,4NEL5*� **TRIM** **,4GC r--2&GA/FBfVA2INC GUTTER-260A/H.BLUE MK IQTY. DE5CRIPTION L-26GA/p5Wr-iL44rrE r.>ouA4ePcurr-2ecA/F,.wHiTr (A) 2 6-0 X 4-0 FRAMED OPWS� (FOR WINDOW) W TRrM CO\,ER GAP, DOOR L9AVE6- COWER-26GA/Pw"'TE 2 10-0 X 10-0 FRAMED OPW.. (FOR RM) A/P8P/P1UH1Tg JAMB/14EAD-26GA/W1BLUr: 2 3.4 X 1-2 FRAMED OP11G. (FOR DOOR) R4KE-2&GA/A.5LUr ONE 6-4 X 1-2 FRAMED OPW,. (FOR DOOR) 01 EASE TRfM-76GA/1-01417 ONE 8-0 X 6-0 FRAMED OPN3. (FOR PASSAGE) ONE 6 -0 X 1-0 FRAMED OPNG. (FOR DOOR) 5Z3TYI'.THI5 DAY) 17-0 5Z4TYr.THI5 DAY) I I sr BSZ2 (REP. STV 'z ME4 5E6 DS (TYIP) 01 REFERENCE ST [)RAUNG(5) FOR 5TANDARD 5ECTIONS. ;?TY. DE5CRIFTION ANAN ALMUGHRA51 2 U"V M WALK DOOR (041TE) RHO, PRE-AreeM5LffD N LrvrR LIC. NO. 54V0 LOCKSOT EXF. reb. �00-1 2 3010 M—W41-K DOOR (WHITr) LWO, PRE-ASSEM51-ED W LEVER LOCK5ET UNITED STRUCTURES OFAMERICA ONE WANG-AR DOOR 110'-V x 2T-& CLEAR W (6) 18--1 x 21--s' 1512 15i,16CHON(:� I HOUSTON, TX -1103'3 LEAVE* r2&GA/P5R/F'.Wf4ITr) �4 HDLUE TRIM 4 V VENT X b-0 W Be, 4 DAMF-ER (A.ZINC) I j gSRQjQE NPTE Ere4t steel with piece marks corresponding to location of piece marks on erectlon drawings. Erect and plumb ioa�s progressively to Insure overall 'Idth and length Is maIntained. ISSUE REV. E)E6G:RIF-rION DATE Z4 [:>ESCRIPTIONi ERECTION PLAN 1-1 PERMIT CU5TOMER: &T. LUCIE'$ C 0 0 0 LOCATION: 5UYER NO�: TAXIUJAY PEVELOPMENT UNITED STRUCTURES Or AMERICA, INC. DRAWING By DIE ECK BY ATE 1912 �� 1 1 0/20/06 ICH ��T� TEXAS 1103t JOB SCALE DF?40� 201�"2-N41 1 1 WTA 1 1"1 ISSUE 1� SIDE WALL SWEETS - FULL HEIGHT I SIDE WALL SHEET6 - FULL WEIGHT T N I I p I V-1 r-I V-11 T �E) * 91 W-0 hov-iot� L w 1-0 0/0 1 ITEEL ww ELEVATION e LINE 'A'' (LEAN-TO) X.15&0 PlPr= 5TRUT P.T.5. \W '2" CAP T EA� END I$Ajl'�4 I. L12, IFTI � -1 v-, T T **AZ24 a A143 AZI& AZI-7 I I d) w Z!i 101-10 V-4 10'-10 3'-4 S'-4 &'-4 4'.6 0.-0 v- 0. 251-0 23'-10 V-2 [1025--Ic L 1*24.-0'2 11-0 0/0 6MEL 4'-S ELEVATION e LINE ''Q11 (MAIN BLDG.) waxle) 4-1"1 P.T.O. L4 6" END W EA� END wSX10 4-j"' H.T.E. � I" KNIFE IE EA. ENE) (TYf'.) uJaxio - 4-4- H�T,5, Iq V END M EA. END tvaXIO - 4-�"' H.TJ5� q I" KNIFE It rA- END (Typ.) T T 4 �o X.1560 PIPE STRUT. W 12,' CAP IS EA. END 1, 1 2--1 V-46 `-4� _10 V.1 SIDE WALL S�-EETf - FULL HEIG44T AZ24 **AZ25 **AZ2,z 4 V-6 A &'-2 CAELE (TYI--) I 0 ELEVATION p LINE 1511 1001-0 0/0 STEEL TE - - - - - - - - - - --- **GEN R IN BAY AND FIELD ATTACH WITH (2) MEMBER 6CRIEWS AT 5'-0 ON CENTER. NEFED GIRT IGHTER GAUGE WALL GIRT HEAYIER 0AUGE 5ECTION 11,411 (5Z22)m 2 1234 GIRT5 (SZ23)= I 12G4 GIRT 4 1 13GA GIIRT (6Z24)= 1 12aA GIIRT 4 1 14GA GIRT (aZ25)= I 12GA GIIRT 4 1 SGA GIPT z 7: Ul w 0 yzi w LIJ -3 LL j7L LU LL, > la w u- (L W FY Z ff gill w 4r i� ID rz, (L !z 69, om, -4 d) p x I LL .4 (j z Z tj x V) ::i w 1 44,� �4 W 0 4� , ELEV,4TIQN LINE lZ` Mmlkllt� T RT T T TA3WR A -�7� x � ------------ R AZ43 AZ44 AZ44 AZ44 AZ44 AZ43 > AZ43 AZ44 AZ44 �AZ44�� AZ44 AZ43 IN AZ4S AZ44 az az AZ44 AZ4.S AZ44 AZ44 AZ46 AZ43 AZ4b AZ4 AZ4-4 AZ43 AW4 -AZ3S ADS AZ44 AZ44 A73S A739 AZ43 AZ3& AZSS AZ40 AZ40 qAp'a AZ31a AZ41 AZ42 zi T— (q - P) \ '� 19 7— w I I a- U.1 ELEVATION 'a LINE T' FIELD SLOT GIRTSAS MEOUIRMD rOR BRACING LEFT ENE)W,4LL 12 F- 7 7 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - m nTn SL4EETING 'a LNE —l" LEFT ENDWALL 15zla Y-O LAP 12 71 ;fl 4 ;t ;t low 3,42 NOTEI FIELD CUT PANELS AS REOUIRED fi�U OMER E�A ,ZT.�,N.. S,�.r. UJING(S) �Nt;'�, D FOR 5TA D RD SECTIONS. v. pgScRIPTIoN DATI ISSUE RE ANAN ALMUGHRA51 LIC. NO� 541BIO Exp. Feb. 2001 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMEPICA 1512 5U6CHON3 HOUSTON, TX 1103S DESCRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'5 STRUCTURES LOCATION: rT. f'IERCEFL 5UYER NO,: TAXIWAY DEVELOPMENT STRUCTURES OFAMERICA, INC. DRAWING BY DATE CHECK BY DATE ma ws�� Dc 6/11/06 ��T� Mx� ll� I 281-�.W41 J05 SCALE DRAWING- ISSUE 33028A MT� I r=4 or T T T T z ELF=VATION 6 (MAIN 5LDG-) 2'-0 LAP 12 01-EN (rOR HANGAR DOOR) T T V-0 LAT- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - ------------------------------------------------------ 4] L4 5HEETINQ f LINE ''(oll 0-1,41N 5LE:)r;3,) 4] L4 CUSTOMER NOTE: EFERENCE 5T IDRAUJING(5) OR STANDARD SECTIONS. ISSUE REV. DESCRIPTION DATII DE5CRIIOTION� ERECTION PLAN ANAN ALMUGHRA51 Fl PERMIT 6/21 CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIIE'S STRUCTURES LIC. NO. E�41�10 EXF, rsiO. 2001 LOCATION: rT, IIIERCErL BUYER NO,: TAXIWAY DEVELOEMPNT UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA IV2 BU6CHOW3 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. DRAWING 5Y DATE ICHE 5y ED) HOUSTON, TX 11039 M12 W�� Dc: HMOTM �X� 1105v J05 11CALl- UKAWING 0 ISSUE N.T.S. I E5 OF- I PI ujloxi2 x 11 =3 ETQI E T,4 I 115II/Fr DETAIL -0 r-'� 06 ELEvATION 'a LINE RIG�J ENDWALL (LE,4N-TO) NOTEI FIELD CUT PANELS A5 REQUIRED 5HEETINC3 v LINE ''E511 R1&4T ENDW,4LL (LEAN-TC) 0-1 OPEN (FOR HANGAR DOOR T[ DETAIL WYE5 T-- I ----------- ---------- I ---------- T z -t z z z -2 ---------- ACHII r& ACP2 ACW3 AC1"44 ACW2 # Ac;H1 OPEN (FOR HANGAR COOR) OF�EN (FOR HANGAR DOOR 151-0 W-6 V-5 18'-4 IV-4 W-8 Ir,'-O MV-0 CLE A 20'-C W-0 0/0 STEEL 41 ELEVATION e LINE ''T FRIGll-J ENDWALL (MAIN 6 1 12 `7 7 h M d) RD Ift in d) m ;t t lt 't * -4 ;t ;t 5Hrzr=T1Nc:s e LINE 1711 RIG�4T ENDLUALL (�1,41N BL[)G,) F-- CU5TOMER NOI TO E PIEFFERENCE ST qr N W ((r r rOUF-E5TANF-)'A :ICTION6, ANAN ALMUGHIR451 ISSUE REY, PE6CRfF`V0N LIC� NO, 54cJIO PI FERMIT EXP, reb, 2001 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA 1912 15USCHONG HOUSTON, TX'1105S L4 )ATE 7V DE5CRIFTION: ERECTION PLAN &/21 CU5TOMER: 5T, LUCIE'5 5TRUCTURES LOCATION: FT. FIERCEFL IBUYER NO.: TAXILUAY DEVELOPMENT UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC.10RAl 5Y DATE C14ECK 5Y mv �� DC 1 91/11/0911 H�Tct� M�s 110se B 0 SCALE DRAWING ISSUE I 28f-�-W41 �jo 3302aA I WTr I EIS, OF I 1=1 V-46 rfT22'-10 46 AF5- 4--c 44 W-0 4 0 W-0 4'- 32,3 104 pAN L 4 10 24 10 ..... (4) 1". x 1j" 4325 EOLTS—Z (V CONNECTION M) (4) j"o x 2" A325 BOLTS (V CONNECTION M) IL FIN, FLOOR ELE. p mL 11 =A. 4'-Ik C�f�,)0&55EC�TION a) LINE& 2-4 12 6 F- 2 (6) I'll x 2V A32S BOLT$ (J" CONNECTION IV (14) IVO x 3" A325 MOLTS (V CONNECTION IV I NOTE FLANGE MRACES ARE LOCATED ONE SIDE OF FRAME ONLYf UNLESS NOTED) FIN. FLOOR ELE, 0100'-0 16%] 4--0% V�l I L5 *-01 4'- (10) 1110 x 24" A325 BOLTS (All CONNECTION M) k��l NO .5 110'-St CLEAR 120'-0 COMM, OUT STEEL ISSUE REV. DESCRIPTION DATI ANAN ALMUGPRA51 —Fl— PERMIT 6/21 LIC, NO. 54ilo — EXF. Feb. 2001 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA 1SI2 15USCWOW3 WOU5TON, TX 1103S 12 -----j � 4--olL 4'- (6) 1`0 x 21" A325 BOLTS (J" CONNECTION V (14) x 3" A325 BOLTS (J" CONNECTION It) 22'.10 46 ;t 4F5- 44 :t j AF5- j ri 0-1 4'- DESCRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN CUSTOMER: ST. LUCII=-'5 STRUCTURES LOCATION: FT. PIERCEFL 5UYER NO,: TAXIUJAY DEVELOEMENT JNITIED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC, DR40WG BY CWptK By E nl2 suscfl" Dc r�� �6TCK M� "035 - Illoro I :�:lf 2v-�-041 JOB SCALE DRAWING ISSUE 33025A I IlLT.S. I El OF I Pi V-44 3' (4) VO x 2" A325 BOLTS (V CAP W) "-74-4 W VO x 11" A325 BOLTS'--� (V CONNECTION IWE� , Ape 10 42 u ID j AF5 U)SX10 (TYR) 4-1 d 2 �18 _;4e2�V A325 BOLTS TION P) It" x 3" A325 WILTS CONNECTION it) NOTE FI BRACES ARE LOCATED ONE SIDE OF rRAME ONLYlUNLSS6 NOTED) � FIN. rLooR N (a) I", x 2V A325 (411 CONNECTION L) N 4--ot 1101-8� CLrzAR 120'-C OIC STEEL CROSS SECTION e LINE (c> - Tt�� -11111 47011 2 (8) VO x 2V A325 EOLTS� (W" CONNECTION It) (14) 110 x (111( ISSUE Roy. DESCRIPTION DATI ALMUSPRA51 — — LIC, NO, 541Z10 Pi i=ERMIT EXP, rob. 2001 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA 1512 51JECHOWO; HOUSTON, TX *1103S T tV-4k, 3'-4L 1-31 Y-0 3'-o 381-012 i��t 46 4) VO x 14" A325 5C (V CONNECTION I ;t AFI 42 L) (L (U3XI0 (TYP (o 4'-Ia (4) %110 x 2" A325 5C (YI CAF Ip) I)F:5CRIPT10N� ERECTION PLAN CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIES STRUCTURES LOCATION: rT. FIERCEPL 5UYER NO�: TAXIUJAY DEVELOPMENT UNITED STRUCTURES OFAMERICA, INC. DRALWI BY rATE CHECK5: DA IE sa "04" D cl rolilloro H�T� �XAS 11035 SCALE DRAWING ISSUE 261-"2-6241 33025A NITIS. I E8 OF 1=1 (1) LU V CA 5TEEL LINE- 5TIFFENER It' (N5 4 r-s) YPICAL) -T ANGLI-= 'PER" ROOF PANEL (4) V" x 2" 4325 5OLT5 WlOxl2 W/ 12" CONN. PLATE MAIN FRAME RAFTER WALL PANEL— 1 4 '2"" ALL THREAD ROD, NUT tv EACH END TO 5E USED FOR ERECTION PURPOSES ONLY, NOT SUPPORT. C14 x 2"� A325 �(4 .E W.45PERS LE _) _NL A. END. E EA E I GUIDE BEAMS I I waxio (4) 110 x 1� A325 I lJ8XI0 SUP PORT 5EAMS CLIP -I I I SOFFIT PANEL 700 R&I IN 5051 a roloi 4 I I — -1 110 PI III WE I A 4-< 11-2 11-2 <E) 41-a MAE\ 51-10 G) 4'- 0 11-2 814EET ANGLE 23'-10 'P5R" ROOF PANEL STEEL LINE I PURLIN '2"" v STIFFENER fl� Lu ALL PANEL— ALL THREAD ROD, NUT6 EAC14 END V CLIP Lu TO 5E USED FOR ERECTION PURPOSES ONLY, NOT SUPPORT� (4)-j" x 2 4325 0 lo > — — — (4) 1",' x 2" 4325 5OLT6 L4x4xl/4 L4x4xl/4 4 W/ V CONN. PLATE 4 t" 5C,415 fl! ON BEAM I" 5TIFF. f� STIFFENER t 2 DEPT�4 SOFFIT P �NEL 0 0 't'27 -'W's GUIDE 15EAM8 W&Xlo� —STEEL LINE 'o 01-10 01-s -2 11-2 11-1 C) 0 1'-2 I 5EC71ON IN7EFRI�-IEZ2147E SUf=f=CfRT x <[C<ER OTE: ALIGN WEBS & INSIDE OF BOTTOM FLANGE PRIOR TO WELDINC. AFTER FINAL),,Je ADJUSTMENT 3 DETAIL "All/Ea 8 0 FIELD WELD AFTER FINAL ADJUSTMENT. MIN. WELD= �,," FILLET _x4". :L LINE 1-2 5�r57E�l �AFTER FINAL �ADJUSTMENT SOFFIT PANEL NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY �%' xl�A325 ADJUSTMENT ISSUE REV. DESCRIF-tION DATI ANAN ALMUGPRA51 - f:qI PERMIT LIC. NO, 541BIC EXP. Feb. 2001 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA 1512 13t.16CHIONG HOUSTON, TX 1103S DESCRIPTION: ERIECTION PLAN CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'S STRUCTU"b LOCATION: FT_ PIERCE, rL eLlYER NO�: TAXIWAY DEVELOPMENT JNrrED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. DRAWING BY DATE ICHECK BY JDATE W � DC 6/20/09, �Tal* T5xA5 110" 1 2a1_"2_w4' JOB SCALE DRAWIJO 33025A I N "A C3 OF ISSUE 1=1 C-4 I "D I = a 1 .4 r---------------------- L -------- -- m4w -------------------------- --- L------------------------------- ------------------------ 7 ---------- L---------------------------------- j ----------------------------------- IL ---------------------------------- j H 0 ----------------------------- 4-1 It 09 8" GIRT$ NEOPRENE FLAT 5AR W"-FM-4 4-20TEr5 5CREW o 1211 O.C. , JOI Tm-2) Q r= TA I L '' 3 11 11 2 E)ET,41L 11311 DET,41L IIIII DETAIL 11211 ------------------------------- --- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- PETAL 11211 �(51 m I L I �AR) D00fR LE,4F x1a'-7 Z)00fR LE,4F X101-7 ------------------------------ 2 2 -------------------------- 20 _0 150'-0 0/0 �44NG741R [DOORS — -- �- -0- 111 L 11 I'l- I r PANEL (PM-2) PM-2) I)COR LE,4;= I -------------- x1a'--7 ---------- ----------- 2 2 IDOOF-, LEAF LA��rOUT FMI AND FM2 TRIAL FIT WIf-H DOOR5 IN FULL CLO51ED AND TPEN IN FULL OPEN P051TION, WELD ANGLES TO VERTICAL DOOR LEAF CHANNEL5AT A FIELD DETERMINED ELEVATION. BE SURE TO WELD ANGLES IN PULL CONTACT POSITION. -4X3X12xo'-& (ro) fRfza,l::) (rN' 2) fz;'�1-2 4XI�X'2XO,-ro (12) f�Eal;) DRAG AWJL5 FLAT BAR�xl"-FM- 4 R* RAG ANGLE FM-4 ;=L,4T B,4R �xll' 7 - ((c)) fREO'C) T GIRT OR 4-20 TEK 5 SCRE 0 a 12 11 O.C. NEOPRENE 13" WIDE FBIR" PANEL 2ETAIL 11111 ISSU11 REV, DESCRIPTION DATE DE=5CRIFTION� ERECTION PLAIN ANAN ALMUGPRABI LIC. NO, 54,310 Pi PERMIT 6/21 CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'5 STRUCTURES LOCATION: rT. I"IrERCE, FL EXI", Feb, 2001 BUYrR NO, TAxIWAY DEVELOPtENT UNITED 5TRUCTURE5 OF 4MERIC DRAWING BY X By DATE 11212 5U8cHoNG UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. HOUSTON, TX 7703S I �:ALE DRAWING 0 eic OF Iselurz I PI RtB m a pw I I I x 0 0 I — ( IME TOP ROLLER GUIDE ASSY (TYP) U)axlo ClOXI5.3 -��PIPJE INSERT 3F2"O X 0.300 PIPE SLEEVE 1OZ2 1OZ12 1OZ12 X�'10Z12 cloxie.3 — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — L6 a) 5<- x x x x x ro Or- 30* A5C;E R,4 7- ----TWHEEuL A,SY. 1L7 IN. FLOOR DETAIL 1111/El, 2'- 0 1 141-1 ((1 :r>) RE c I D SP:;: E�12 r-OR 4NC�40R 4 C,4NE BOILT NPO. fflum x Q� Nal FASTEN NEOPRENE AND TRIM TOGETHER, THEN FASTEN THAT ASSEMBLY TO TOP OF PANEL AS SHOWN. I I IzIlluul �Allcllw* At 12" On Center FLAT 5TRAP5 14"X24GA (2) -SCIREW5 EACH ENE) 4 ONE a r=,4C:P GIRT FLAT 5TRAF8 15 TO PLUM5 4 5aUARE THE DOOR LEAVE& PRIOR TO IN5TALL;NG LEAVE5. �C �110N 'X111E11 1 M'- 4 X 212 X rO NE BETWEEN TRIM VETS @ 1'-0 CTRS. CANE BOLT 114 11 fROD X1111" L412 j DETAIL I III/Ell —C14 --N —F� -il __Fq Q) 5HEETINQ 10 HANQER Q00F, CUeTOt-1rzfR FIELD NOTE- C,4Nf=- E30LT& �11J&T 5E FF�OFEF�L�T' ENG,4GEID TO FREVENT DOOR t�IOVEr-IENT OR DE-R,41Lt-IENT ESPECi4LLY IN L�IG44 WINE) CONDITIONS, AN,4N ALMUGPRABI LIC, NO, 51-4VO EXF). �:sb� 200-1 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA IS12 15USCWONG WOUSTON, TX 1103S 19§WE REV. DESCRIPTION DATEVZQ�71 fel PrERMIT 6/21 L STRJCTURE5 Cr AMERICA, mu mw� WMST� le�s lime DM$CRIFTION� E=F;?r--CTION PLAN CU5TOMIEEIR: 5T. LUCIE'S &TjRUC.TUf;P,#r, LOCATION: FT. PIERCE, FL 5UYER NO.; TAXIWAY DEVELOPMEN-r 3302aA 1 or I F1 . . . . . . . . . . I�� \ HOLF I ro / CANE E T (2) W"O x J N PEAVEY WASHERS OOSE ANCHOR (2) VO x 2" 4325 (A&x3I2xP W PEAVEY WA6HER6 S/E 12 +112� 2 2 1'21 FLOOR ANCHOR C EMBED ( ) (FS) T5r2x4x1W (2)'2"' x2l' WELDED 5TUQ5 FLOOF� 4NCHOFi� EDET411 (TOF VIEW) OUTSIDE CANE 5OLT W10 ROID-� [a 11411 40 f:,ifmrz Em5r:c) LOOSE ANCHOR CLIP (A&X312XV (2) VO x A325 /L—qHEAVEY WASHERS > d 301* F41 SECT, 51/E12. SEE SEGT1ejN c 4 D/ 2 (2) W" x 2" FLOOR ANCHOR C, EM5ED ( ) , T55x4xlu4 (2)12"0 WELDED STUDS BCTTCM 0F LE'S m 0 Ii 6 > C' 4NE511LT I FNL INFO NOT 5HC)WN C?;� CLAR F=F R04N1G104mt;;'> DOOR NMZMAI L005E ANCHOR CLIP 5110 A a�= x HEAVE'r' WASHERS (2) 1110 2) %"9' x 2" A325 EAVEY WASHERS E 12 FIN,FLfR 5EcT, 'cl L005E ANCHOR CLIP 11 2 1'2 1 1'2 1'2 4 4 4 4 4 P�E- N JT & 5 E C: T, 'D'/E 12. FLOOR ANCHOR t EMBED ( ) (ra) TS5x4xjq (2)12"' X211 LUELDED STUDS — (2) 1" x A325 J4 PEAVEY UJASPER9 - (2) VO x 2" A325 u4 PEAVEY WASHERS FLOOR ANCPOR C� EM5E[) ( ) (F6) TSE�x4x�Lq (2)12"0 x211 WELDED STUDS ANAN ALMUGHRA151 LIC, NO. 541BIO EXF, Feb. 2001 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA 1912 %8CHCW5 �40USTCN, TX 11035 Fzf;P,fz-GT0F, NOTE 1,154 has provided a Hanear IDoor Leaf 4nchcr 5y5tem. This system -15 to anchor the door during hurricane force wind conditions. The anchors are to be 'installed while doors are in closed Position. Door anchors consist of one anchor at every t)ottom corner of each door leaf. 4NCE401;R ASSEMBLN'T� LOOerz ANCHOR CLIP (Arox3lzXI) (2) W" x A325 Lq PEAVEY WA5HER5 (2) W "' x 2 " A-32�, (ALL TP� �AD) 4 PEAVEY WASHERS RELD NOTE. WL-IEN T�4E DOORANGHOR 15 NOT IN J&E,ATTACH THE LOOSE 4NC-HOR CLIF AS S�-IOWN TO TPE DOOR SILL C,44NNEL. INSTALL A325 BOLTS TO EI-15EZ) ANCHOR, TH15 WILL <EEF THE DOOR ANCHOR E,45ILT' ACCEeS15LE FOP, N6TALLATION WHEN THE WEATHER 15 THREATENING;. WINE a �\ I "d-0 m PC N ISSUE REV. DESCRIPTION DATE171f] * DESCRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN 1=1 PERMIT ��x CUSTOMER: ST. LUCE-'rp STRUCTURES LOCATION: FT. PIERCE, FL 5UYER NO,: TAXIWAY DEVELOPMEN UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC, DR,4WING 5Y DATE cwEICK 5y DATE ma � DC I 012010ro W�TOR Mx" 11M JOB SCALE 261-�-8241 N.T,19- AW'Nl' $ 33028A 1 1 DR 12 or 12 -NQIF— UA.A. on the rool' purlIn. All and hardware [a bV others. ,"We M2 X It 6CS �fl`* x k ITO AW.LE, BOLT6, WAt4osR, 5T OT�Iffm!I Recommended Connection Detail of purlim is structuraliq donrimernail to the mes,ber. An�i no- ncluded In the with cleellan loadw, are to be attached bg connotation directly to the web omlij. rldlild Mocilr1aailomiI, - Warnino Rot. Cover ahoot LI paragraph 2.11 r1a clamil Is not an sonneo,,on Hillside washer Flat 111301her Pa 14A Connection through the Connotation tl�cugh�ths Fares, 1. not flane. 1. not aw. ATTACHMENT OF SUSPENDED ITEMS (BY OTHIEERS) 7 � Cable Brus Ego 904 Eave Strut also Or Rame CABLE BRACE TO FRAME DETAIL NOTE: U" A Backup Plate Under The Hillside waoher For Cold Form Members. 0'. k P7q /9 - oll EFiCTOR NOTE: 1 I'l Brc. (if "q,d) (4) Bolts Rsqd f 12 , * � OF Rams Cross Section PURLIN LAPS (8 Bolts, Add 2 additions I per fill bra) 1211 A CL23 Strut Purlin (If Required) l2fl 1211 1211 MEMBER SCREW LOCATION Detail (ALL MEMBER5 EXCEFTA6 NQTEE)) 1211 1211 121f r_2Y 111 2 V1, 21�( III 21�1'214' Is 2 11] MEMBER 5CRELU LOCATION Detail It& Screw At Continuous Tape 5salor 20' On Center Il"03d'(Stainclard) Member screws _�_ " continuous, Tape ION139 (5ti I"X,A(q (Must Be Specifeicl On (4) r I I"x IN " (Optional) X'N" 'C"Ic"Ill Extercled Lej On �, 0� '"R, Pa"I — NM D-E—TA'L� 14" SCREW FATTERN5 SHO11N, I SATISFY UL-W REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF THE U54 RBIR MUST NOT BE ATTACPED TO TPE STRUT ZEE. ANY ADDED ROOF NRLINS FOR EDGE 5TRIPPING REQUIREMENTS MUST BE ATTAGPED �K;:j qnnr TO TPAT MEMBER, atrut Purlin (IF Required) BulldirI2 Purlin -3 ROOF PANEL IN51DE CLO$URE EAVE TRIM - (ET05) -14 616. 0 12" oz. FLAT TRIM MATERIAL (FIELD FIT) LEAN-TO OR CANOPY RAFTER (NAPE VARIES) 6EE 01113. 521 "IRF" MAIN RAFTER WALL PANEL IFF" MAN COLUMN STEEL LNE BY - FRAMED LEAN-TO ANIXOR CANOPY TIE-IN (o MAIN BUILDIWS 5AVE WEIGWT) WOUT 5OFFIT I 1 0 SECT. $1411-11AII Attach TO Filvf Strut with pop Rivets At 34 On Center Inside cloove [M ember $crews F At b'On Center Stltdl� 5crai At 61, on colter Roof Pa� Panel Cap Trim Member $crows (MK-ET02)* T_7E�av A At W On Center Cutter (rIK-1EC1__) Strut Outside Closure 4 Stitch 6crews At 241 On Center uJall Panel (CPTIONAL) LOW EAVE PIETAIL 111 EAVE 5%UTTE (%Il 51DEWALL Erdwe 11 Main Frame Corner Column Flo C1 41 elcck 8" Zee Strut Girt 0 0 0 0 0 Strut 76, Purlin Erdwa 11 Steel Llnj 'Wall Girt Member Screws V- 2 . Fnd Frame C,OIRNr=fR SOL.UMN L"/" Frame Frame INTERMEDIATE M.5 ' (4) BOLT PURLIN CLI STRUT PURLIN CONNECTION LOU) EAVE STRUT CONNECTION CON 4ECTION AT MAIN FRAME (AT DIAPHRAGM WITH CL23 STIFFENER PLATE 2'- 2 ACIditional Flares —Field Drill Oracle: Or reaeld) 0: jRsf. C:ross Section Flange Brace 4 5A3 Bill 8' Zee 5trut Eave C 0 11 F of Cclumn -4 ('46 Req,cl) Main Frame (Field Attach) Diaphragm(KI) Struts —_: =- =,I I= Intarlor C:olumii Fave Strut Strut Purlin ro 0 11 11 P x I" A301 150 ne) Flathead 5cit Per Member Member Frame \'14 of Col. C o,,nrsCtIon 5cretis Screws CL23 I I :�llt A�Cllp , ) 0 LO 7 C: $ECTIO" A" (AS ".) a 7� 0 0 0 SECTIN " B" (OPP. WIND.) \_(Cne) 348,04F x I" Flat-14"d A301 6olt irt LOW EAVE STRUT PURLIN CONNECTION (AT DIANRAGM) 1211 1211 (2) Screws Betweei Base MEM5ER SCREW LOCATION "B" >__� Member And 1'-3 '� Girt. (ALL MEMBERS) Strip aulig 21 of (1) Screw Between All insulation Fold Other Members, back ft viniii 1/facing. Tuck over And (1) Screw At All insulation in thr Member Locations. recall to titch Screws prevent wic". DETAIL It Ell Fj5fRII or "S' FANEL WALL F�r lRecominanded Bass Detail to TWpical Girt a LonQ LaI2 Connection Er�sctcr Ccinnection Note: Vw you have a by-pass condition dwe girts share a corrmon ccrtrectfM, you mat first use a flit hoad bolt to at to the head bolts bolt in e Flush This will cannot be used in this condition, It must b at 44"If allow the orector to handle, ore girt to make the final lap, This rates erection surplaw, and The ronoWng connection bolts n4sad to be the standard A301 machine bolts. )(Girt La As R+cj'd) BaU Dim, 1 91011 1 (nt Prams Steel Line — ( 1) Vo A301 Bolts 4 (Ons) Flathead 12, IP '430 .1 Bolt ArDID (2) 12" 4325 Ul Washers per ring. 5rc. INTEfRICR COLUMN (Q Lcng La ANAN ALMUSHRA51 LIC, NO, 54BlO E XF, reb, 200*1 UNITED STRUCTURES, OF AMERICA 1-312 5USCHONG HOUSTON, TX '1703S issue I REV. DIEESCRIPTICN DATI f-I I-PrERMIT r=ndiva I I Girt Hot Rollsol Corner CoIumn(MK-I=-U)C_) Shooting Clip I L (MK-CLro) STClowall etoel�� 10 Line 91cletuall Glrt- �411 End Rafter Endwall Steel Line J— I L4, HOT FROLLED CORNER C:OLUMN Endwall Girt Cold Form Emotuall CoIumn(MK-ECF_)- Enclutiall Girl rEndwall Steel LineJ L4 I End Rafter (:-_OL�) FORM ENDWALL COLUMN Endwall (3 Pot Rolledl r=nclw C.olumn(MK-r=WL— Enclulaill (3 Encluiall Steel Llno-J L 41 End Rafter POT ROLLED 1=-NDW,4LL COLUMN (LONG GIRT CLIP CONDITION C)ESCRIPTION: ERIECTION PLAN C;U5TOMEIR-. ST. LUC;lr='S 5TRUCTURE5 SAO LOCATION: FT. FIERCEFL * IBUYER NO�: TAXIWAY E)r=VEI_0PMr=N1 STRUCTURES OF AMIEERIGA, INC. DRAWING 5y DATE DATIE: 1 1 CHECI WOUST014 ' TEXAS 1103, J05 0 3302aA ICILIE DRAL ING 0 SaUrE ;61-4Z2-5241 I NINA 1 9 ri Or 3 P1 9 e EAVE 5TIRIJT_'_. -------------- GIRT (2) &crews Between Member And T-3 " G�Irt'e (1) Screw Between All Other Members. And (1) Screw At All Member Locations. 15,46E ANC%LE 5teel =010 5titch 5crw At 20" On Center OUT51DE CORNER DETAIL 'F5R'' FANEL 0 CORNER TRIM (MK-CTOI,) LIN" 01111 01111 \ 1� 41111 a ROOF SPFFTIWS PURL IN TAFE &EALIER SCREWS 0 1�" O.C. RAKE ANGLE (A4x2x165A.) RAKE TRIM SCREWS o 1211 O�C� OUTSIDE CLOSURE 12"PAP M_ 5oLTS END RAFTER (5PAPE VARIES) ENDWALL SPEETING 12 10XI4" A325 BOLTS ENDWALL COLUMN (5LIAPE VARIES) Corner Trim (MK-CT01) Oa LIGHT 4'�CIJT 4 " 911 OF END _6T9____ - - 4i< LL) GENERAL BWEETIING NOTE& 1) PANEL MODULE: TWEIRE 115 A tl`�LU5 OR MI1W5 TOLE5ENCE E3UIILT INTO T�HE 107=5R"" PANEL AM� V-ffAll� ��W =qyi" -riL== All eTPQW-� MAC= AWAJ=- TO C#-ECK ANY DIMENS110NAL CzAlIN OR L0,f 2) FOLNDATIIOX M�ST BE SCLIIAFE, LEVEL, AND OF T44 FOR THE RIEQUiRED 5LDG. 3)) T"E 5LDa �I�T 5E T16�-M AND P1LJr'15 5f_� 5 4) ERECTION lCIRM 115 TO CLEAN ALL MALL PANELS 5CREU)5 FOR CORNER TRIM TO t-14%;H STITCH 4ND MEMBER 5CREW5 IN UU,4LL F,4NEL5 Attach To Eave 3trut With Pop Rivets At Y-0 On Center 411 GUTTER STRAF-GIS44 0/ POP RIVETS Stitch Screws At 6" On Center Panel Ca�p, Trim >' (MK-ETO ) (*) Gutter GUTT "f=5R" 6iDEUJ,4LL F Inside Closure -Member Screws At 6" On Center \-Roof Panel Member Screws At 12" On Center 51DEWALL GIR7 Eave Strut Outside Closure 4 Stitch-/ 'P5R` WALL PANEL Screws At 24" On Center (OPTIONAL) &ECTION e E,4VE (q GUTTER 4 DOWN5FOUT) SCREWS v1211 "FER" WALL PANEL "F5R" WALL PANEL GIRT &ECTION THfRIJ GzIfRT COMBINATION BASE TRIM - AND ANGLE 0201 (RAMSET Max. V-0 C.C.) 7. CTION 7�4 li, AN,4N 4LMUGHRABI LIC, NO, 5,41B10 EXF`. Feb. 2001 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA 1SI2 BUSCWONG HOUSTON, TX 1103S LU I T t�t: t>, 1) *12 SELF DRILLING SCREW X IV LG. `qUJASHER AT MEME3ERS 2) 014 LAP-TEK SCREW X I LG. LqWASHER AT STITCH LAF'S 3) %*14 SELF TAFf=ING SCREW X P LG.,4T MEMBERS 4 STITCH LAF5 issuE I Rrv� PlEscRIPTON IDATE 1=1 j=ERMJT 11 6/211 DESCRIPTION:EREIT111 ILAN CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'S STRUCTURES LOCATION, rT- F`IERCEFL 5U'T'ER NO�: TAXIWAY DEVELOPMENT JNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC DRAWING BY DATE, CHECK M12 Dc 1 0/1.1/06 �TOK �� �030 �OB 0 SCALE DRAWI� 201-�-5241 3302aA I NTA I `S�3 or T R I M NEL DWALL I IT 9 03 100`0 0/0 5TEEL U& 4'-6 ul LINE 251-0 23'-10 11-2 1) T 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 Q w > F W d) w lu 11 >- I J, -1 CL 10 (D r- -4 lu M F, Ilk -!k Lu 2 4 A r Z�, A R H K di In tu in Cl z (REF, r3) N SEC:ON[) FOUR 4 4 2 < INISH FLOOR r=LE.=+100'-O P a BTM, OF ALL SASE PLTS. ELE.-+100'-O (UN.) 7-4, + ID 5 E c =Hi A 14 14 J p 44 p w 3 31-7 L C'-10 Q IL 00 2 2 2 J,j 2 d 1 2'. 1 2 2 2 2 14 2 2 A w 2 Lu -j w 01 w L Z J'-4 4 Lu r LD L, --E4T Q I-- Cl x Z 1 -1 1 L) x w BTM. OF LEAN-TO BA9r= PLTS, (_!,!�E. = �41001 - 5 (UN.) 2 2 =(oUj-4n149,=- PLT9 K N N N K ,K d, �d, Id, ---Ijl �jl �k ,.k -L, kK 5 r7 2 .. d G 2 1. j C, 2 21 12 2 5 5 &I- tro 0 Sl-(o 25'-0 -s-rL LINIE 4'-b 92'- 2) 0/0 5TEEL g,'-2 G) ro-1110 ANCHOR BOLTS E3AC2r= TYPE 11,411 6105LUALL STEEL LINE W z 2-j"I" ANCHOR BOLTS 5,45E T�'FE IjI1 51DEWALL STEEL LIN� 5 510FLUALL I *STEELT INE (MINd 2 4j SIDEWALL STEEL LINE 4-1"0 ANCHOR BOLTS 5,1 TYPE 11511 4-VO ANCHOR eOLTS E545F= TI 11Cti 21 ENDIUALL STEEL LIN 4--l"O ANCHOR BOLTS E3,46E TTFE IID 11 4-1`0 ANCHOR BOLTS BASE TYf=';= "E" 4-1"1 ANCHOR E30LT5 5,45E TTf=E T11 2-�"" ANCHOR BOLTS Ir 545E TFI 311 2-Y"' ANCHOR 50LT5 E345EE T�rf=F= ItHli C3t=Nk_KALF NL� I =V: 31 The A It 6 shown on this drawine locate the Anchor Bolts In reference to both the BuIldIne Steel Line and the outside OF USA'a eUC,aEsTE12 panel recess of 1-1/211. ZUrtited Structures OF America is responsible for the design of the anchor bolt to permit the transfer of forces between the base plate and the anchor bolt in shear, boarine, and tension, but Is not responsible for the transfer of amI bolt forces to the concrete or the aclasI of the anchor bolt in relation to the concrete. Unless otherwise provided in the order Documents, United Structures of America dos# not design And is not responsible for the design, material, and construction of the Foundator, or Foundation ambedmenta. "the End Use Customer should assure himself that adequate rrovlofors are made in the FOWI clasigar for loads Imposed " cc umn reactions of the building, oth@F Imposed loads, and bearing CAPI Of the $011 and other condlitere Of the building site. It Is recommOV0601 that the anchoraes and foundation of the building be clamigneA 119 4 P-531stOr"I ProlessIcral IsIginew experienced In the design of SU&h structures. Bottom Of 411 Base Plates are at the same elevation. (UNLESS NOTED) NOTE: sHl ANGLES AND/I ANCHOR TIES AFPA k= FURNISHED BY U.S.A. 5-1" ANCHOR BOLTS 5,45E T'IIr FE [1<11 ENDWALL STEEL LINE 44"0 ANCHOR BOLTS INDIUALL TEEL LINE 2-Vo ANCHOR 5OLT5 15,45E T'� FE '�-V' 4-1" ANCHOR 50LT5 15-45E T'T`F=E ''NII 2-12"0 ANCHOR BOLTS 5,45EE T'II IIFII LEAN-T MAIN BLDG. ROMMON STEEL LINE 0 N. FILCOR RAMP (By OTHERS) FIN FLOOR 001-0 &ECTION 11,411 STEEL LINE FLOOR 5EC710N IIDI? FIN. FLOOR A /( RAMP r.1. . (Ir REOID� 6ECTION 'IF" JU STEEL LINE 2 4 DIM �E=W2 4-1"0 ANCHOR BOLTS Q,I TYPE 'IS'' MIN. FLOOR 5ECTION,11GI? COMBINATION BASE TRIM AND ANGLE 0201 STEEL LINE (RAMSET Max. V-0 O.C.) /— FIN. FLOOR 2 REACTION FOR SET - I AT GLs 2-4 NO, LOAD CONDITIONS V1 HI 1 DEAD LOAD a 0 LIVE LOAD -12 -2 3 LWP -1 -3 4 LWS -8 5 IRWP -.3 ro RWS -12 4 — 7 LEP -12 -4 1 DL + LL VFI B K DL + UJL Vg 11 K Hc 12 K MAX. E.W. COLUMN PEACTIONAT BEARING FRAME MAIN BI a LINE I DL + LL V= I K DL * LUL V. 10 K He I < MAX. E.W_ COLUMN REACTION AT BEARING FRAME LEAN-TO e LINES 1 4 5, STEEL LINE rIN. FLOOR WIND T K P= 4.5 5ECTION IIHII M- 54 II BASE COLUMN REAC. s LINES 1 4 5 K aD LINE I H N e LINE 1 K -3 o LINES D 4 T 4 2 im LINES D 4 T 3 WINE) &-PO ANCHOR BOLTS 5.45E 7T-Fr= K NOTE, Anchor bolt el sholum below are For easneral reference and are not to be construed as a standard 111 21 KI 21 Embedment langth OF bolts will var� based on the Foundation design. It is the responI of t1I customer to datemine, the proper anchor bolt embedment lareth, Ref. Genera I Note 02 of this cirzF (IF Anchor Botts are supplied b Urp_A, BRACED BAY �4C Customer must soecifu reciuIred lenoth to USA). 11 W,ND T T 54K 54K BRACING REACTION 0 LINES 5 4 Z T 3 T 2 4 1 REACTION FOR SET - I Ss �I-4 NO. ILOAE;) CONDITIONS IVI H1 V5 IH5 I DEAD LOAD 10 4 a -4 2 DEAD 4 LIVE LOAD 43 21 34 -21 3 0.(bQL+LW1P -51 -30 -2-1 12 4 Q.&DL+LW$ -2-1 -22 -a 5 = 0,&DL+RWP -34 -12 -3B 3'Q (o 0.&I;IL+RUJ5 -10 -5 -20 22 "I 0.ioDL+LE 21 _E�_ O/oDLREP -4-2 18 T 3 IT 2 —4 1 5 REACTION FOR SET - 2 AT GLs ro NO. I LOAD CONDITIONS v] H1 v5 H5 I I DEAD LOAD 14 1 12 -1 2 DEAD + LIVE LOAD 35 114 31 _11B 3 0.&DL+LWP -50 -31 -25 11 4 0.(oDL+LW5 -31 -26 -11 B, O.,oQL+RWP -30 -11 -40 3F— & O.&DL+RWS -12 -6 -2ro 26 I 0.(oDL+LEf= -42 -14 -30 T4 6 0.&DL +REP _3121 -11 -26 11 V (kfps) WE M (kip -Pt) W (kips) SIGN CONVENTION ANAN ALMUI ANCHOR 5OLT DETAL III SYMBOL Di.4,1 arY. L I I T PRoi, SsuE REv- uE6 DE5CRIII ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN L rA4 + 1/21, 01 M.B. x V-6., L IC. 1, 0. 541310 52 Wl NUT 1 1/4" F INI PERMIT CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'S STRUCTURES r 12 [--2" 2.1 21, EXP. Feb. 2007 T T AS FT. FIERCEFIL T E!R . 6, 31, �y 49, 3/4" 40 I'-EI- LOCATION: WA U.S.A.) Al /Z BUYER NO�: TAXIWAY DEVELO MENT UNITED 5TRJCTUFE5 Or AMERICA UP TO J"o Al y y I _CK_ --- OVER I'll As V, UNITED STRUCTURES Or AMERICA, INC. DRAWING BY DATE r EjC14BCK 19Y DATE ISI: BUSCLONG HOUS�FOII TX 1703S SLI UT .410 1 114" 2'-4" 4-F 4" 140,01ort TEXIM!, 1103V SCALE ISSUE 5TM - A3(, 410 21_4�"F 1 JOB 0 33026A N.T.5. Or Pi ,aNci-IOR F�OLTS (RY OTHERS Al2 -6 1 1/2" 1 4" 1 4" 1 1 1 DRALUI12 -4 1 If I 0 Is w q 0110 POOR STOP (TY'F) 01-1132 181-8 RAIL START POINT MIMI 15m, 110'-0 (DOOR OPENING) f-ml 3011,45CE RAIL x 13'-5 300 A5CE RAIL x 55'-4 300A�CE RAIL x 31'-0 A 14A/T-I+ 31-0� 21-lob V-2b INS ol — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 04- 11-7-- ,7 t i7t- --- -1 - I ]�-. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------- - --- � 7t� 47� ------- D/F-4 LEVELING ANGLE �Z) (OFF. HAND) (12) SPACES * 3'-0 =3&'-C 6�2L- 3'-4 (5) 5FACE5 im 3'-0 = IE5'-O 150'-0 OUT/OUT Of= HANGAR MAMING 50-70�-1 R,41L,4NC�40R 5OLT 4 LEVELING,4NGLE L,4YOUT L�'L- 1 3'-4 (5) SPACES OD 3'-0 2 15'-0 — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ERECTION 5EaUENCE 1. MAKE FIR5T FOUR (SEE 5UILDING ANCHOR BOLT PLANS ALONG WITH THIS SHEET)� 2� SET LEVELING ANGLE5 ON '2"0 ANCHOR BOLTS W DOU15LE NUT5. 3.5FOT WELD RAILS TO LEVELING ANGLES. 4� US�NG SURVEYING INSTRUMENT, SET RAILS To REaUIREr:) ELEVATION 4 MAKE SECOND FOUR. *RAIL$ MUST BE eTRA13HT, LEVEL, 4 TRUE rOR PROPER OPERATION Of: ROLLING E:)COP- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 16SUM REv. DESCRIF-TION DAT ANAN ALMUGHFRA51 1-1 PERMIT 6/21 LIC� NO, 54,310 EXF, F*�P. 2001 — UNfTED &TIQUCTURES OFAMER(CA IS12 13USCHONG HOUSTON, TX 1-103'a ANCHOR BOLT 1--)ESCRIFTION (a LEVELING ANGLIES) (I(o4) - V41 STRAIGHT ANCHOR BOLTS x 0'-9 W1 (3) NUTS EACH W/4" THREAD, 42" FRCJ. (ANCHOR BOLTS a DOOR 57ofm5d (12) - VOSTRAIGHT ANCHOR BOLTS xl'-5 u4 (2) NUTS EACH Iq 3" THREAD, 3" PROJECTION, uAlAw 9111-11, UNITED STFUCTUFRES OP AMIERICA, 1912 M� �STQK TEXAS 1103% M-1 DESCRIPTION: ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'S STRUCTURES LOCATION: rT- PIERCE, FL BUYER NO.; TAXIWAY DEVELOFMEN[t )RAUING BY DATE CHECK BY DATE DO 1 6/20/0& 1 — I JOB 0 SCALE DRAWING # 33028A 1 M TS I r3 OF 4 16SUE 6EC;0ND FOUR 4 -4 4 STEEL LINE (i) 151'/F-4 / LEvEL -ANGLE 'IF -f= =-3�= .4 6- 4 4 4 5 01-S V-2 l'-2 0'-S m SECTION 11AII/F ow �:Ir=Ll) �:ILLF-T LUELD 50TH 51DE5 W�455L 30* RAIL 5ET LEVEL 12"o 4NCHOR 5CLT-j I&MAM �-Lf=-VELING AN 0/�=,4 [�)ETAL 11511/P4 300 RAIL BE*YOND 4 A eECTION llcll/f=4 3 A 2x2x)/& 11-2 Aaxe'X12 x V-13 01-11 DOOR 5TOP---r LU 0- DOOR 5TOP EDGE OF DOOR 4 BUMPER SYNT�41ETC. RUBBER DOCK BUMPER (CUT 1'-0 Pr- IN PALF) 'W4 - M�DGE _50TTO or DOO moll Effl �W� OUTSIDE —F 300 RAIL I I I SET LEVEL r> SLEEVE EMBED I �5ECTION rl-- :10.2 I IG 11 /F=-3 (2) W"OX2"A325 IV HARP UJI94R. ///--,r-llN. FLOOR E /E.4 -4 —T5rpX4XI Ili/, � L110�1 11 WELDED 5TUD5 NOTE. LEvELING ANGLE NOT 5�4OWN 3 xaxroxl2xol -13—� DOOR STOF (2) 34 110 ANC BOLT5 �1&1 "I - ANAN ALMUGHRA51 LIC. NO. 54S10 EXP, Feb. 2001 UNITED 5TRUCTURE5 OF AMERICA IS12 5USCPONCI WOUSTON, I X I 105S 2 ITDOOR 5umf=ER 4TT,4(:;H TO 5TOfm 11 (1) 12 110 5OLTS -1 - — — — — — — — — — — — — ol i — ol DOOR FANEL SECTION llk4ll/f=.4 1�"o 3 3 L EDETAIL llFll/F3 [$SUN: REV. DESCRIPTION DATEM, DESCRIPTION: ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN �j PERMIT 6>121 CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'5 STRUCTURES LOCATION: FT- PIERCE, FL BUYER NO, TAXIWAY DEVELOPM T UNITED STRUCTURES OFAMERICA, INC. DRAUJING BY CK slr DATE mu �� i _>C tL�!! — flmTm, TEX4 livas JOB 0 SCALE DPAUIN ISSUE V4 4 P1