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Royal Park Company
Warranty Deed.
John C. Snyder.
THIS INDENTURE. Made this 7th d81 ot aaroh, ~.D. 1~25. between aOYAL t&~K COMPANY, a oorp-
oration existing undor the laws of the StG.teot llorida, having Its prinoipal plaoe of busineo8
at Vero, st. Luoie County. Florida. party of the first part. hereinafter termed the Vendor, and
JOaN C. SNYDER, of Crawfordsvill~, ot the Oounty of ~ontgomery and State of Indiana party ot the
se40nd part, hereinafter termed the Vendee, WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, f
tor and in oonsideration of tbe sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable oonaideration, Dollars, to
it in hand paid. the reoeipt whereot is hereby aoknowledge<' ,. has granted, bargained, sold, alie-
ned, remised, released, oonveyed and oonfirmed. and by these prasents doth grant, bargain, sell,
alian, remiss, release, oonvey and oonfirm, unto the said party of the seoond part and his heirs
and assigns forever, all that oertain paroel of land lying and being in the County of St. Luoie
and state of Florida, more partioularly desoribed as follows:
Lot No.9 of Blook 10 of Llat No 3 of Royal Park, aooording to plat reoorded on page 88 of
Plat Book 4, in the otfice ot the Clerk of the Cirauit Court of St. Luoie Co~nty, Florida.
TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and ap?urtenanoes, with ewery privilege. ri-
ght, title, interest and estate, reversion, remainder and easement thereto belonging or in anywise
appertai~ing:TO HAVE AliD TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever, subJeot, however, to the follo-
Wi~ restrioti~cs, oonditions and~imitutions:
.It is mutually agreed that tmsa presents are made subJeot ~to the following express oonditi
ons, restrictioDB and limitations, and whioh are intended to be and shall be aooepted as oove
nants lunning with the land. and whioh shall be binding alike upon the heirs. legal representati
ves and assigns of the Vendee, who by his aooeptance of this instrument agrees to abidp by and
perrorm said restriotions. limi tatians and oonditions as one of the express oonsiderations of
these presents. to-wit:
1. No unlap~l or immoral use shall be mad~ of the premises hereby agreed to be conveyed.
nor shall the same nor any part thereof, nor any interests theruin be sold, reased or othe~:ise
conveyed to any person other than of the Caucasian race. nor shall said premises, or any part
thereof, be oooupied by an' person other than of the Caucasian raoe. pr4vided that ncthing he~~
in oontained shall p~event the keeping and maintaining o~ servants on the said property for rea-
sonable use of the occupants.
2. No building shall be constructed or erected on said property until after the plans, spe
oifioati:ns and location of the same shall have been ppproved in writing by said Royal Par~ Co~-
yany, its successors or assigns.
3. l~o residence or buildir.g. inoluding porches or projections of any kind, shall be erected
at a less distanoe than 30 feet from the front line of the above described property, or at a less
distance than three (3) feet trom the side-line of said property, or at a lliss distance than
five (fi) feet from the rear line ot ~Bid property. Steps to porohes may extend over the Building
4. No buildings except RS provi~ad in the following list showing oharaoter of buil~ing and
minimum oost Shal~e oonstr~cted on any lot desoribed in said list-to-wit:
( Desoriptions are acoording to ~lat8 of Royal ?ark Subdivision recorded in the office of
the Clerk ot the CirOllH Court of St. Luoie County, Florida)
Lata 1 to 6 inolusive. of BlooA 1, ~ingle residenoe ~.fiOO; or duplex flat or do~ble
house ~8,OOO: or apartments .12.000.
Lots 7 to 14 i~o1usive. of Blook 1. Single residenoe only t4,500.
Lots 1 to 8 inolusive, and ~ots 14 to 24 inolusive, or Blook 2. ~ingle residenoe only
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