HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1674 474 _.._ ..__ .'_.._.._._.__~__. ..._:..~__._'..__4_~_ _ _....._...._...._____.______....'"'-__.___.....__._ _____. _.._..___ __ "~._'_ _....._ .____........._____ _ __.__ __.__ _.___. ___ _.... _~. _~.___~ ... __.~...._. .'l:O.......- .-. _~.r ~_._-, -----~ ~~-......_"-:r(~-.....-.---_--:',....-:..~..-.,-.'I:...-..'''3."'t''.......- ."'....-~...,......~..."' ....,....- -..--" ,~--__. '........ .....r'. interest in and to the following desoribed agreements, mortga~es, oontraots and oonveyanoo9~ and in and to the lands desoribea in eaoh. as follows, to-wit: That o~rtain oontraot made and.exe~uted on the 15th day ot Deoember, 1924, by Dr.C.W. Leigh :,":.~,."__I of Chioago, Illinois, to Vero Finanoe an~ Improvement Corporation, for the purohaso of lots 8 to 1 : 14 inolusive. Blook 22, Original Town of Vero, St. 1uoie County, Florida, whorein the said Dr.C. W. Leigh has obligate~ himself to pay to said Vero Finanoe and Improvement Corporation the sum m' $9,000. Also that oertain contraat made and exeouted bet1r8en~_'.K :_F;lnalloo_ andc>Improvement Corpora.tion and James L. Weeks, on Jeptember 22, 1924, wherein said James L. Weeks oontracted to purchase lots 8 and 9. Blook 25, Indian River Farms Company's Subdivision '0 the City ot Vero, Florida, St. Luoie County, Florida, and to pay thoreforthe sum of i2.000. also that oertain oontraot madQ and exeouted between Vero Finhnoe and Improvem~nt Corporation and n. _C,1 Db am Leila R. Di~, his wHe, and,. Borge A..~\"an"on, on the 18th day ot November,1924 ,!-/.. ~-' /1>"K {7~'I''"I )(.,.y"." t~.v /'/:2 '/ ..iia.:..- ...,. -.-1 J/. ~ b,',--- .,..d .xV,v &t. p,:'. I.:, ..,-to /,j"?,,. ~ '-h,'a.. J~"! wherein said k. C. Di~ and Leila R. Dix, his wife and Bor~ A. swansd.b~oodtraoted to purohase all of Blook 9, Original Town of Vero, as designated on plat of Town of Vera filed by Indian River Farms Company in the otfioe ot the Circuit Court of St. 410ie Coll..l)ty, r1.~rida, and agreed to pay therefor the sum of $10,000: #:J1.~ also that oertain oontraot made and exeouted between ..Vero Fir~nce and Improvement Corpora- tion and W.C.Graves, Jr. on Hovember 20, 1924, wherein said R.C.Graves, Jr. contraote4 to puroha- se lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, in blook 12, Original Town of Vero, 8S shown on Plat of suoh town filed by Indian River Farus Company in tho offioe of the Clerk of the Cirouit Co~rt of St. Lucie County, Florida, and obligated himself to p~ therefor the sum of $9,000: also that certain contraot mad~ and exeouted between Vero Finanoe and Imp_~vement Corporati- on and narold S. Cook on' the 9th day of Ootober, 1924, wherein said tlarold ~. Cook oontracted to purohase all of blook 11, Indian River Farms Company's Subdivision to ~~e City of Vero, 3t. Luoie County, Florida. and obligated himself to pay therefor the sum of ~7,500.00. ~lso that ce~tain mortgage deed, exeouted October 29, 1924, by Lena n. Eades to Vero Finanoe and Improvement Corporation, seouring an indebtedness of $6,666.OU, and oonveyi~g block 27 in the City of Vero, St. Lucie County, Florida, as designated on plat of the Town of Vero filed by Indian River Farms Company 111 the offioe of the Clerk of the Circuit ~ourt of St. ~cie County, Florida, whioh mortgage is recorded in Mortgage nook 22, page 226, Publio Records of St. lucio County, Florida. In the event of any default by the party of the first part in the p~'IIle~ t of the note for I which this assignment is ghen to secure, the party of the seoom part is authorized and 6:c:poVier- ed, with full power and authority, in the name of the said :party of the first part, its suocess ors or assigns, to sue for, reoover and reoeive the debt and ~oneys hereby assigned, and to give good am suffioient release' tor the same, and to do all things \Wlatsoever that may be nece- ssary or expedient for the oollectioL or to enforoe the oolleotion by any action or proceedings . in law or oquity, ol a~ of the sua or sums of money oontracted to be paid in the instruments herein assigned ~o the 'party of the seoond part, upon the payment by the party of the first part of the note for whioh this assignment is given to secure, the party of the seooLd part h~reby ob- ligates himselt and oovenants to convey by a re-assignment to ~ party ot the first part, its suooessoro or aasigna,all the right, title and interest in end to the oontraots, mortgages and 8.8reements hereinbetore desori bed, and in and to the l8nds in eaoh ot said oontraots, mortgages and agreements oonveyed that &said. party of the oeooIld part has aoquired by virtue of' this -) assignment. " In Witness .Nhereof'. the said party~of the tirst part h8$ o~ its oorporate name to be ~llii1W~i~~~~~!t~!