HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPLICATION FOR STORMWATER PERMITJ T BOARD -OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS April 25, 2007, JOSEPH E. ErnestoVelasco,P.E Vc Icon group. 70 2 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 Application f6r Stormwater Permit: St. Mr. Velasco: SGANNFO BY I Lucie International Airport CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION W� have reviewed the plans received and §tormwater Fee for the above referenced project. The I Stormwater Permit Application for the above, referenced project is hereby approved to the following n completion of the project and prior to requesting a Final Paving and Drainage Inspection, please submit three (3) copies of signed and sealed r,ecor.d,plans with a signed and sealed letter of completion fro -n the project engineer. The plans must de I pict at a minimum the location and finisfied grades of all buildings and paving, critical spot elevations, pavement markings, traffic signage, the location, type, size, ma,erial and inverts of all drainage struct�re improvements and the location of any stormwater mapagement facilities. I Please be advised, operators of construction lan I or more over the life of the project are r( Environmental Protection's National Pollut Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small on 3ite. A copy of the Notice of Intent to fil office as required to discharge to the Couni Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan must b4 pernit. Elements of a SVV`PPP include Best � arosion and sedimentation from degrading tl infirmation, please contact the FDEP NPDES If you have any questions or concerns ri at ('772) 462-2719. Sincerely, Michael Halter Civil Engineer / Plan� Exarniner cc: file HAStonnwater Pennits\St LJcie Intemational -tivities that propose to clear, excavate or fill 1.0 acre of juired to obtain coverage under the Florida Department of it Discharge Elimination System "Generic Permit for 'onstruction Activities" prior to any construction activity for coverage under this permit must be submitted to this 's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). A developed and implemented to be in compliance with the anagement Practices that will be utilized to minimize soil � water quality of downstream water bodies. For more tormwater Section. this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. District No. I - DOUG COWA D, District No.2 - PAU'LA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 - CHARLES GRANDE, District No. 4 - CHRIS CRAFT, District No. 5 County Ad inistro or - Douglas M. Anderson ,2300 Virginia venue o Fr. Pierce, FL 34982 Permi ring and Zoning. iji772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1735 cror Licensing: (772) 462-1672 - Code 'Enforcement (772) 462-1571 9 Inspections: (772) 462-2165 Fo4 (772) 462-1148 www.co.st-lucie.fl.us