HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF FLAME RESISTANCEI 1 4 07 109:18a . Major Canvas Awnings, ]no wierfiftratt of. REGISTERED APPLICATION JOHN BO' CONCERN No. GA-217 ] Vs is to certify that rhe materials dacribed IIAIOR CANVAS AVININGS INC 460 N W CONCOURSE PLACE F R SUITE 49 PORT ST LUCIE FL 34986 772-336-9501 p.2 1 .11 A.WA Alp ISSUED BY Date treated or E & COMPANY, INC. nl2nufactured � Salisbury Hwy -.sville, NC 28677 10-07-2006 r04-878-6175 have been flame-retardplyreated (or are inherent4, noilflanirnable,' I" Certification is hereby made that: (Check "a" or 11bil) (a) The articles describcd bulox this CertifiLate have been treated with a flame-retardant': chernical approved and .4, 1101 regisLered by the State Fim M3rsha,l and that the application of said chemical was done in contlormance will, I laws of the State of Californi'p and the tles and Regulations of [he State Fire Marshal. Name of chemical used Chem. Reg. No. Method of appli'C'ation (b) 'the atticles described below are made From a flame-rdsistant fabric or material rt!gistered and approved by the State Fire Marshal for such'use. Tradc name of flaffic-resistant fabric 0 materiol Used 503 -PATIO 61" 503 BLUE Reg. No. F-12102 The Flame -Retardant Proces Used WILL NOT Be Removed By Washing & COMPANY, INC. .10 -IN BOYLE & COMPANY, INC. P6 to Euf b By Van u or Prodi!ctior. Siipedriendent PresideneklicIrpel S. Dorfman Control Number 09392 Order Number 66479 Customer -Number 0882395 PO Number Invoice Number 1311187 Quantity 25.00 Sell Certified FlaM'e-Retardant Fabric S By BOYLE Your product will meet th 'fications of the Califomia Fire Marshal. C rig] SFecl I JOHN BOYLE & 01APANY AND DISTRIBUTORS