HomeMy WebLinkAboutDENSITY OF SOIL IN PLACEA. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING CT4111V hll�'. EP 2 590 N.W. WRCANTELE PLACE SEP 2 8 2007 J? PORT ST.,/]�UCIE, FLORIDA 34986 (772) 24-3575 FAX: (772) 924-3580 sUmAp NW11". B DENSITY OF SOIL IN PLACE Client: B & E Houck Enterprises 2982 Curtis King Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 Contractor: Client Site: St. Lucie International Airport Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, I Hanger # 3, Foundation Fill ReportDate: -September 26,2007 Project No.: PSL1855 Lab No.: 14 Technician: M. MacAdie Page No 0 Permit �0.. V Test No. Date Tested I Location Eleva- tion (ft) Field Test Results Proctor Max Dry Density (pcf) Compaction Pass/ Fail HCPTH20 S Dry Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) In Place (0/11) Min Req'd (0/0) 1 16/25/07 Northwest Comer 19-20f 80 95+ 95 P 2 fill 20-211 60 8.6 1 107.0 -12 110.0 97.3 95 P 3 6/26/07 fill 21-22 65 7.0 1 107.3 12 110.0 97.5 95 P 4 6/27/07 1111 22-23 80 8.3 108.7 12 110.0 98.8 95 P 5 6/28/07 11 it 23-24 70 9.2 107.9 12 110.0 98.1 95 P 6 6/25/07 Southwest Cornei 19-20 60 95+ 95 P 7 fill 20-21 60 8.0 106.5 12 110.0 96.8 95 P 8 6/26/07 'If? 21-22 50 8.2 106.0 12 110.0 96.4 95 P 9 6/27/07 Till 22-23 80 7.8 110.1 12 110.0 100.1 95 P 10 6/28/07 fill 23-24 50 8.5 105.8 12 110.0 96.2 95 P 11 6/25/07 50'East of West Side, Center 19-20 60 95+ 95 P 12 lilt 20-21 60 7.1 106.6 12 110.0 96.9 95 P 13 6/26/07 ?fit 21-22 80 6.8 109.1 .12 110.0 99.2 95 P 14 6/27/07 fill 22-23 80 8.4 t09.6 12 110.0 99.6 95 P 15 6/28/07 fell/ 23-24 60 6.9 107.1 12 110.0 97.4 95 P 16 6/25/07 50'West of Easi Side, Center 19-20 60 1 95+ 95.'. P 17 / it 20-21 70 9.3 108.0 12 110.0 98.2 95 P 18 6/26/07 21-22 65 8.6 106.9 12 110.0 97.2 95 P 19 6/27/071 122-231 80 1 8.1 109.4 1 12 110.0 99.5 95 P 1 20 16/28/071 123-241 50 1 9.3 106.0 1 12 110.0 96.4 95 1 P Remarks: • Field density tests were perform/ed in general compliance with ASTM D2922, Density of Soil in Place by Nuclear..Methods. • Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) tests, in conjunction with information about the soil type, are empirically correlated to the relative density of the subsurface soils. • Laboratory Proctor maximurp dry density was determined in accordance with ASTM D1557. \\Server-ame\company\AM Dbta\B & E Houck Enterprises - Various - PSL]855\West Hangars on Aimians Drive, Ft Pierce, SLCV4 - Hanger 3, Foundation Fill - Den. M A. M. ENG 590 N.W. PORT ST. OFFICE: (772) 9 DENSITY OF Client: B & E Houck Enterprises 2982 Curtis King Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 Contractor: Client Site: St. Lucie International Airport Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida Hanger # 3, Foundation Fill G AND TESTING, INC. ICANTILE PLACE IE, FLORIDA 34986 575 FAX: (772) 924-3580 IN PLACE Report Date Project No.: Lab No.: Technician: Page No.: Permit No.: September 26, 2007 PSLI855 14 M. MacAdie 2 of 2 0703-0174 Test No. Date Tested Location IField El,eva- t I ion (ft) Test Results Proctor Max Dry Density (pcf) Compaction Passt Fail HCPTH20 S Dry Density (pcf) Probe ' Depth (in) In Place (0/0) Min Req'd (0/0) 21 6/25/07 Northeast Comer 19-20 60 95+ 95 P 22 60 8.4 106.1 12 110.0 96.5 95 P 23 6/26/07 fill 2� - 22 80 9.6 109.5 12 110.0 1 99.5 95 P 24 .6/27/07 fill 2� - 23 60 7.4 106.3 12 110.0 96.6 95 P 25 16/28/07 It it J3 - 24 60 1 8.0 107.0 12 110.0 97.3 95 P 26 6/29/07 fill �4 - 25 50 9.3 106.0 12 110.0 96.4 95 P 27 6/25/07 Southeast Comer i9 - 20 60 95+ 95 P 28 20-21 80 10.1 110.3 12 110.0 100.3 95 P 29 .6/26/07 lilt �1 - 22 60 8.7 106.7 12 110.0 97.0 95 P 30 6/27/07 fill �2-23 60 9.5 107.4 12 110.0 97.6 95 P 31 6/28/07 fit, 123-24 60 1 9.0 1 107.1 12 110.0 97.4 95 P 32 6/29/07 fill 124-25 60 8.1 106.8 12 110.0 97.1 . 95 P 33 6/25/07 Center of Office 19 - 20 60 95+ 95 P 34 fill 20-21 60 8.8 108.1 12 110.0 98.3 95 P 35 6/26/07 21-22 80 9.2 109.3 12 110.0 99.4 95 P 36 6127/07 22-23 70 7.3 107.9 12 110.0 98.1 95 P 37 6/28/07 1.23-24 60 7.7 106.3 12 110.0 96.6 95 P 38 .6/29/071 1124-25 65 8.6 106.9 12 110.0 97.2 95 P Remarks:- • Field density tests were performed in general compl • Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) tests, in conjunctio relative density of the subsurface soils. • Laboratory Proctor maximum dry density was deten Distribution: Client - 3 SLC Bldg. Dept. - I PCNVah \\Server-ame\company\AM Data\B & E Houck Enterprises - Foundation Fill - Den. nce with ASTM D2922, Density of Soil in Place by Nuclear Methods. with information about the soil type, afe,eMpirically correlated to the A� ined in accordance with ASTM D 1551. Reviewed by: A. M. EtN,91NEERING AND TESTING, INC. Paul C. Martin.-P�& Florida Registration No. 65051 PSLI 855\West Hangars on Airmans Drive, Ft Pierce, SLC\l 4 - Hanger 3,