HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT INFORMATIONDoors No Description Type Shaded? Width H (Effec) Multi Ift] [ft] plier Area [sfl Cond. Dens. He -at Cap. [Btu/hr. sE F1 [Iblcfl [Btu/st F] R-Value [h.sEF/Btu] In Zone: PrOZol In Wall: PrOZo1Wa4 I PrOZolWa4Drl Aluminum door, 1.25 in. polystyrene No 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 0.1919 43.67 0.53 5.21 RoofS No Description Type Width H(Effec) Multi Area Ift] [ft] plier [sfl Tilt [deg] Cond. HeatCap Dens. [Btu/hr. SE F] [Btu/sE F1 [lb/cfl R-Value [h.sEF/Btuj In Zone: PrOZol I PrOZolRf1 Mtl Bldg Roof/R-19 Batt 30.00 66.80 1 2004.0 0.00 0.0492 1.34 9.49 20.3 Skylights No Description Type U SHGC Vis.Trans [Btu/hr sf F] W Ift] H (Effec) Multiplier Area IN [Sfl Total Area [Sfl In Zone: In Roof. Floors No Description Type Width H(Effec) Multi Area [ft] Ift] plier [sfl Cond. Heat Cap. Dens. R-Value [Btu/hr. sE F] [Btu/sE F] [lb/cfl [h.sEF/Btul In Zone: PrOZol 1/3/2007 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 3 I Pr0ZolFlI I ft. soil, concrete 30.00 66.80 1 2004.0 0.1745 54.00 108.00 5.73 1:1 floor, carpet and rubber pad Systems PrOSyl System 1 Constant Volume Air Cooled Split System < 65000 Btu/hr No. Of Units I Component Category Capacity Efficiency IIPLv I Cooling System (Air Cooled < 65000 Btu/h Cooling 60000.00 13.00 9.00 Capacity) 2 Air Handling System -Supply (Air Handler (Supply) - 1800.00 0.80 Constant Volume) Plant Equipment Category Size Inst.No Eff. IEPLV LI Water Heaters W-Heater Description Capacit3Cap.Unit I/P Rt. Efficiency Loss 1/3/2007 Ext-Lighting Description Category No. of Watts per Area/Len/No. of units Control Type Wattage Luminaires Luminaire [sVftlNol [w] EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 M 4 No Type Piping Operating Insulation Temperature Conductivity [F] Btu-ln/h.sf,Fj Fenestration Used Nomonal pipe Insulation Is Runout? Diameter Thickness [in] [in] M Name Glass Type No. of Glass SHGC VLT Panes Conductance [Btu/h.sEF] ASHULTntAl1Fr User Defined 1 1.2500 0.7000 0.5800 1:1 m ----Jl Materials Used Mat No Acronym Description Only R-Value RValue Thickness Conductivity Density Specififfient Used [h.sEF/Btuj Ift] [Btw1i.ft.FJ [lb/cf] [Btu/lb.FJ 264 MatI264 ALUM]NUM, 1/16 IN No 0.0002 0.0050 26.0000 480.00 0.1000 0 214 Matl214 POLYSTYRENE, EXP., No 5.2100 0.1042 0.0200 1.80 0.2900 0 1-1/41N, 178 MatI178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD Yes 1.2300 1:1 265 MatI265 Soil, I ft No 2.0000 1.0000 0.5000 100.00 0.2000 [--] 48 MatI48 6 in. Heavyweight concrete No 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 140.00 0.2000 El 57 Matl57 3/4 in. Plaster or gypsum No 0.1488 0.0625 0.4200 100.00 0.2000 rl 72 MatI72 AIR LAYER, 3/4IN OR Yes 0.9000 El LESS, VERT. WALLS 12 MatI12 3 in. Insulation No 10.0000 0.2500 0.0250 2.00 0.2000 0 23 Matl23 6 in. Insulation No 20.0000 0.5000 0.0250 5.70 0.2000 E-111 1/3/2007 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 5 94 MatI94 BUILT-UP ROOFING, No 0.3366 0.0313 0.0930 70.00 0.3500 3/81N Constructs Used Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sEFI [Btu/sEF) [lb/cn [h.sEF/Btul 1002 Aluminum door, 1.25 in. polystyrene No No 0.19 0.53 43.67 5.2 Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 264 ALUMINUM, 1/16 IN 0.0050 0.000 2 214 POLYSTYRENE, EXP., 1-1/41N, 0.1042 0.000 3 264 ALUMINUM, 1/16 IN 0.0050 0.000 Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sEFI [Btu/sEF] Ilb/cn [h.sf.F/Btul 1005 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber pad No No 0.17 —5-4.0 0-10 8.0 0 —5;7--- Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 265 Soil, I ft 2.0000 0.000 2 48 6 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.5000 0.000 3 178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD 0.000 1/3/2007 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 S R NO Name Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.Fl [Btu/sEF] [lb/cf] [h.sEF/Btul 1008 Partition wall, 0.75 in. gyp, airspace, 0.75 in. No No 0.83 2.50 100.00 1.2 Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. Ift] Factor 1 57 314 in. Plaster or gypsum 0.0625 0.000 2 72 AIR LAYER, 3/41N OR LESS, VERT. 0.000 WALLS 3 57 3/4 in. Plaster or gypsum 0.0625 0.000 Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sEFI [Btu/sf.Fj [lb/cf] [h.sEF/Btul 1046 Mtl Bldg Roof/R-11 Batt No No 0.10 0.87 9.57 10.3 Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. Ift] Factor 94 BUILT-UP ROOFING, 3/81N 0.0313 0.000 12-3 in. Insuf-a-ti—on 0.2500 0.000 Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sEFI [Btu/sEF] [lb/cfl [h.sEF/Btul 1047 Mtl Bldg Roof/R-19 Batt No No 0.05 1.34 9.49 20.3 Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. Ift] Factor 1 94 BUILT-UP ROOFING, 3/81N 0.0313 0.000 2 23 6 in. Insulation 0.5000 0.000 1/4/2007 EnergyGauge FLA/C0M 2004 v3-00 7 Right -Suite Commercial Load Calculation SHOP JOHN FOSTER Job: JUL 17, 2006 For: HANGARS WW IV & V FT. PIERCE, FL ' Zone: SHOP LWH: 30.0 x 27.0 x 12.8 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING (Jul 1500) Dry Bib RH Moisture ange Wet Bib Outdoor Conditions 90 59 15 78 Indoor Conditions 75 50 63 TOD Correction 0 Difference 15 61.5 Mult 1.0 2. GLAZING SOLAR HEAT GAIN Lat 27.45 ON Const V� t M ) Type Orien Area Tilt ShdF IntShd Scmult SC Sens/A Sens n/a 0 n/a 0 0 0.00 0.00 '0.0 0 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Orien GrArea NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad Cir Sens WALL I E 346 282 0.065 E 36.5 N D 668 WALL 1 S 384 384 0.065 E 24.8 N D 619 DOOR 2 e 64 64 0.460 14.5 427 FLOR 1 - 57 57 0.8iO 0.0 0 ROOF 1 - 810 810 0.060 1 RC-1 79.5 D 1 3220 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN PEOPLE Activity To�al Schedule ft2/prsn # people Office 150 0 5 8to6 0 0 0 wrightSoft Right-SuReCommerCialS.B.13RSC50847 Projeckinc Sensible Btuh/prsn 200 0 Sens Latent Latent Btuh/prsn 150 1080 810 0 0 0 2006-Jul-27 18:24:03 Page 1