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statutory. or oquitabla, !n and to the lands therein desoribed, and 1hat she exeautad suid dood
freely and 'lOluntal'lly and wi thou.t any oonstraillt, fear. &pprehension or oompulsion 01' of from
her said husband. ( $1.50 Stamps oanoe11ed)
and offioial seal at Fort i'1eroe in tho COhn\y of St. .l.>J.ole and State
ot Fl and year last ato:'ellaid.
:;t - J. W .Erglu, ............ (Seal)
~ Notary Publio for the ~tnte of Florida ~t
o -Largo. ~y Co~~ission Expires Sept.El.1928.
P. C. ~ldred, /
Cle~k 9~?~~t Court,
By' ,) (;/), -//1"./ -/ D. C.
thi s the 1st day of
...D. 1925,
Bond tor D6ed..
H. ~owell ~eward. single
C-d1:J -
or ....aroh.
VI. O. Rogers.
THIS AGREElffil\'l'. Made th is 27th. day
1920, between
H. POWELL S~~ArD SiLgle hereina
fter throU8hout descri~od as the Seller, and it. -O.Rogers hereinafter throughout described as
the rurohaser, residing at 416 Bisoayne Drive W. rn~ Boaoh, Fla.
1HTNESSETH, That the Seller agrees to sell and oonve~' and the "'\a'Ohaser agrees to purchas'3
all the certain plots, pieces or parcels of land lying and being in'Riverside l'ark,:>t. .t..cie
County, and state of Florida, known and der.ignated as Lots Numbers 11-12 & 13 rllock E.
in Riverside Park, located in i{orth Stuart, aooording to plat thereof ---- to be filed in the
office of the Cler~ of the Circui t Court in end for St. U<lcie County. Florida.
The price is Fifteen Hundred & Fifty ($1050.0Q) Dollars payablu as follows: Three nur.dred
Eighty Seven & 50/100 ($387.50) Dollars paid on signing this contract, the receipt of which
is hereby aO~lowledged. and the balance payable 10~ quarterly.....
Ni th intere.st on the unpa1cl balances from the :late or this agreement at the rate or six IHU'-
(6';* per cent. per annum. payable quartedy on the 27 th. day of -.Tune 1925, and on the 27th day
of each thir4 month thereafter.
The above payments are evidenced by the note exec~ted simultaneously herewith and given as
part of the consideration for this agreement.
The ~chaser assumes and will pa7 any and all tax~s, i~positions and assessments which may
be legally levied or imposed U}/VU "ic premises above desoribed subsequent to the year 1925. In
case said taxes. impositions or assessments are paid by the 3eller. the rurohaser will, upon
demand, repay the amount ~o paid by th~seller.
The tollowing are the terms and conditions of this contraot:
First. The ~rchaser agrees to make paynents above centioned promptly. ~ll payments shall
be made io the Seller at ~e stuart Eank & Trust Co., at Stuart, Florida, or at such other place
as the Seller may designate in v~lting, and oiy ~~oh p~vments as shall be receipted fer by an-
authorized pepresentatlve of the Seller shall be recognized by the Seller.
Seoond. Time shall be of the essenoe of this agreement and o~ all its oonditions, aDd in case
the ~lrohaser shall fail to make said payments, or- any oftbem. when the same shall become due,
then this contraot shall, at the option of the Seller, beoolIO null and void. and all rights of the
rurohaser under this agreelQt;nt shall be oanoelled, and the amounts paid on this oontraot shall be
forfeited to the Seller at his option and shall remain his property as liquidated damages ~or
ral1ure to fulfill this agree~ent oompletely; or at the option of the Seller, the balance due
umer this contraot shall beoom& iIuoedlately due and payable; and ahould it be neOeS8&ry to
employ an attorney to.oolleot any sum or sums dUQ. or to ent~joe ~ of the terms of this contraot