HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1682 4~~ -~. ..--- - ---~- .-....-.__._,--.__.--..~_.--......;.--_.------- ._---_...--..._----~ _......._-~-- --.._.__..-._~-.__...-- ---~--_._,,--,---_.. ..._,_.. .__....._+... - '.._--..- -- . ....;.-_...... ..0-.-'" _"~"'."w ._~._._,..... . ~ ~ ,",;.. _--"--:-, , '""-':-' -:.,"""'r" .'-.... ~.~-'~'."""'~-""'"7'Q"'."'-.".--'.-_"--...-'-.~....:'"'". '~", : -._.-, '-''''''__-''' ,.. .....-.;'._ ..'~. -.:y-,-,-.. ,--....- '...." "'9'"',' _~ . .' _. .. _.. ._.. ~._ T..." __, _" _ _-. ___-. statutory. or oquitabla, !n and to the lands therein desoribed, and 1hat she exeautad suid dood freely and 'lOluntal'lly and wi thou.t any oonstraillt, fear. &pprehension or oompulsion 01' of from her said husband. ( $1.50 Stamps oanoe11ed) and offioial seal at Fort i'1eroe in tho COhn\y of St. .l.>J.ole and State ot Fl and year last ato:'ellaid. :;t - J. W .Erglu, ............ (Seal) ~ Notary Publio for the ~tnte of Florida ~t o -Largo. ~y Co~~ission Expires Sept.El.1928. P. C. ~ldred, / Cle~k 9~?~~t Court, By' ,) (;/), -//1"./ -/ D. C. ..- ( thi s the 1st day of ...D. 1925, oooooooolil'#flliittiiieooooeo~o Bond tor D6ed.. H. ~owell ~eward. single To C-d1:J - or ....aroh. VI. O. Rogers. THIS AGREElffil\'l'. Made th is 27th. day 1920, between H. POWELL S~~ArD SiLgle hereina fter throU8hout descri~od as the Seller, and it. -O.Rogers hereinafter throughout described as . the rurohaser, residing at 416 Bisoayne Drive W. rn~ Boaoh, Fla. 1HTNESSETH, That the Seller agrees to sell and oonve~' and the "'\a'Ohaser agrees to purchas'3 all the certain plots, pieces or parcels of land lying and being in'Riverside l'ark,:>t. .t..cie County, and state of Florida, known and der.ignated as Lots Numbers 11-12 & 13 rllock E. in Riverside Park, located in i{orth Stuart, aooording to plat thereof ---- to be filed in the office of the Cler~ of the Circui t Court in end for St. U<lcie County. Florida. The price is Fifteen Hundred & Fifty ($1050.0Q) Dollars payablu as follows: Three nur.dred Eighty Seven & 50/100 ($387.50) Dollars paid on signing this contract, the receipt of which is hereby aO~lowledged. and the balance payable 10~ quarterly..... Ni th intere.st on the unpa1cl balances from the :late or this agreement at the rate or six IHU'- (6';* per cent. per annum. payable quartedy on the 27 th. day of -.Tune 1925, and on the 27th day of each thir4 month thereafter. The above payments are evidenced by the note exec~ted simultaneously herewith and given as part of the consideration for this agreement. The ~chaser assumes and will pa7 any and all tax~s, i~positions and assessments which may be legally levied or imposed U}/VU "ic premises above desoribed subsequent to the year 1925. In case said taxes. impositions or assessments are paid by the 3eller. the rurohaser will, upon demand, repay the amount ~o paid by th~seller. The tollowing are the terms and conditions of this contraot: First. The ~rchaser agrees to make paynents above centioned promptly. ~ll payments shall be made io the Seller at ~e stuart Eank & Trust Co., at Stuart, Florida, or at such other place as the Seller may designate in v~lting, and oiy ~~oh p~vments as shall be receipted fer by an- authorized pepresentatlve of the Seller shall be recognized by the Seller. Seoond. Time shall be of the essenoe of this agreement and o~ all its oonditions, aDd in case the ~lrohaser shall fail to make said payments, or- any oftbem. when the same shall become due, " then this contraot shall, at the option of the Seller, beoolIO null and void. and all rights of the rurohaser under this agreelQt;nt shall be oanoelled, and the amounts paid on this oontraot shall be forfeited to the Seller at his option and shall remain his property as liquidated damages ~or ral1ure to fulfill this agree~ent oompletely; or at the option of the Seller, the balance due umer this contraot shall beoom& iIuoedlately due and payable; and ahould it be neOeS8&ry to employ an attorney to.oolleot any sum or sums dUQ. or to ent~joe ~ of the terms of this contraot 1t~t]~~f~11iifJ~ a J ~