HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONSTRUCTION PLANSCANN60 By IRt 0 t Folios PA14* III Fabrication "it be in accordance With U )CIA d act[ 6 In Compliance with the appM�ablo sections, tagazo dex rul t Sit requ rimen a and allowable stresses oi the latest ecliti'6n OF ihe "AWS ftrucwra) Weldirk 3 01,)". UZA!s manufacturfrq Oroaad�e6 have been Corti I Reforen Certification bers, SASAC.I. OWIl FA-321 MlArll-PADF COUNTY flee's 14owl on U.-A. Ind(larta; (For goam anq Column). 2S"R Indiana eFor IikI1914 Frame) 2SSPP hiclialo (For j.�ratahi i;olwn) 2SWI0 A1.6r trivs .,,, COmItifl4atton Pior Metal 5uild Meml�er M" 12 MATERIAO AM 010IG"1110" MINI wide Fla6ga Sbapps A512,or ASS2 Fy . t4., Other Fa4lied miji'Svioss A36 PY - otructural Steel Plate (W .9Ps/COrAfoticno)0 A101t,45M, Arv,�5 FY - otrilowral Steel Plate eFlanges) A521S 9.R A512: FY - Cold RprMed Lip Ill. aajjp�shapao FIT - <�Abla "Clingi Extr4tH IR,od wa�fng AS& Fy $4 ftor an4l Wall $0voking AIS2 FY kad,ilr4i 001to AS01 FY 4 141& $tiI+n9th ekilto Cla"O to 10� A325-N FU I . 41gh W th Mwqlto 0 l/aOO to I- WOO) AN5.14 FU 10, T9yt ?if " A3S Fy �A 462;hor 6 P4144) Asa. Gf!ADE 5 PY so, �F;Iff TjE III AW0,.0RADE J5 FY -41 Shop pritner paint is A nist Trinibitlys primor which meets the end perrormaince or F.Pdaral Sivocirication TTI-1--6040 And 16 O�$Wb Rad Oxide 0 hio paint it, not int#.rlded Fpr long torm avp PsUre to the V_s.A is �ot reap onsible for ang claterlor4ition or the shop prloiir paintts a raWlt or ImpWPor.h�i.nClIinQ orldtrcrI I 4toragq.; UZA sFipll wt*lps 4rig field applied paint al�Cilcr coatings. (Soction A;SC Code O� Standard Practical .4 g3ALVANIZEQ OR $PECn 5t TJWQS� 08a Con"Ct. Document rd ref.�noto On the top right hand of this paQ& .5 ;AI-L gQ:Tr, Ater WOO x &.10 A?iol F�!(C.Ep_T, a) Eave ptrut connection w in-0 01.1 L,4? ASO-i �) Endu4111 rafter spite& -:S,/5rO V-1 514, A525-N 4) Endwall column to raftf ccnne�tlorl - WOO x 01-1;/4" AXE,-N fu min r , rarne coiywctlort� - SE15 r-Ross SECTION NOTE, wisinsrs arip not sup piled unless noted othamloo on drawing it, $�N5 QQLT TIG14;ENW, 39QUIREME Ali high ttrongth bOU ar� A325-N urlao$ 6paciricallq noted otherwise. Structural bolts shall be vshtertect " the turn-of�tho-nut method in accordatilAot with the tth 0dition AJ_4r_ osioe4ifleatlon For Structural Joints 11 �*25 or'oA4W E�olts". A�25-14 b6its are supplied without washers Woes otherwise iwted on the dr4wings. All -bolted connections unless noted are designed as bearing t9pe corme �ItA bol� threads: not exclu,:;ted from Ve sNar plaltooI ri CLOWS� fime& ruwISPEo FOR APPLICATIM, NsICE- Vnder roof paneis at eaoar OUTGIC>E - Setwoen andutalt panel* And rake Vint �Irdor c,:�ntlnuouv ridge vent 6k!rt.i La 61REC TlCN NOTE, ,�Il braclog, strapping. 4 briciging shown aild provided bg USA for this lot ie quired And "I] be Inbtalle4 " the oractor as a permanent part of the it additional bracing is reqvirod.TW stabilitg durfrie erection, It "It be 0 orectoeq rasponiliclllt� t�) daterlill" ths �ImOunt or Ouch bracing Ord to orocure torld instill as neided. M gRECTI�N AND 060ADIP2 NOT RX US 1,10 twomL.-AE 4N claims or shortages UISA within five (5) "er must be made to yorkina da96 after dalrvoq, or such claimp will to& considered to tiave 1peen wa(vool b,4 the oustoiuOr Ana d16011OW01:1. 1112 no to.loqation of piece marks On prcerao�lvelv to Ensure overall W, not wir4 rated. J y4 fEo or roorsplomb oupiplied " USA is dependent CA I 4?octiorl �ancl root ousteon installation 69 qoallried roortrog installers, 1, for dug to lmpivo?�w or derectivp Instafla(loA. USA 0*04toro Or roorlilo Installers. 26 514$IC Strength ,I ,0 Kat AM E; S&.W losp COEFFICI'gNT: QJS x4o W-0 IQS61 lost 4 '0 �f 24 a VOA STRUCTURES. DRAWING PACKAGE ]ALIMCATION OF i, � 12 SECONDARY 5TEE6 The 4bilittl Of a VlvartizaO floating to Meet Its lorimAeil oo`o"'i I o"'olla Oita ho 0 Co' co on p"C', 5 U' p = 4 p7 ance Zino coalting p CO V 194tf"ga 4 = ra a do'ce =IM S a U`I s � �l 0 ta� I p ?tv I IF in �p I ng 4 41 t t r vnntt lo�, Apt al�ilar = lo"9'sa'. Difforencesin"ItisterAn color qf galvanized coatings 4rld the Frooe"Ce or jbwncs V spanglo No no affect On the coating offflaricdf.The w4ll.kroyn Found O�' salvanijins to 6impi� a factor ot pripars orgotillioation. it is chlerw dependent 0�the zinc bath chemt6vs, the r4ito of cooling, the-mothod of 11rwlng. " steel c*16tir -and thq:thickness or thi coating, .4ficiltionaliS, NmdliV techniques For galvanizing ma$ require ins U40 of Chain slings, Ora ai qjth� holding devices to Immeroo d4terial Int# the go 0�kattlO, �hsw NAdling 49vices rpa� leave a mar.� *,I the galvanl4ed ItqmIThftOs marks ararnot rl�darosar'W Oatrlmorl4l to cosiIng. Tjw alvanIT.Ing p opass It, for corrqsion protection. in IT lylah and: handifaq m4rkq are not cause for rejection or Ow produCt. A FKA MET N, 2.1 it Is thq responsiblittV of the 5U'rEP4END USE CAJ$T<XlER to ol:.tain appropriate =ovalo and secure receseArg permits from Cltg, Cotjntli� state, or I AAjentolse as required. and to advicalrelease USA to fabricate upon receiving sv(;K 22 United Structures of America's (hardafter referred to 40 U.$A,) standard specifications appiq unless stipulated Otharwiw It, the Contract DOOW�nte, UZA,-$ cle6lon, falorlotlon, qualltS criteria, standards, practice, methods And tqlcranco� "it govern the work with AN other Intarprotations to the c4ntra it is understood DS both Parties that the i3UYERJEl.V'd= 5T94M responsible For Clarification or Inclusions Or exclusions from the orchiteto�wral piano andlor specifications. 2-S In case of discropancleg between UsA's structural steel plans Anil plarts for othoir trades, UAA,6 plans slipli govern. �SltotiOr, $ AISC Codf OF standard Practices, cith EdItIon) 2,4 ApprovAl or U�5A. drawings and c4lcul6tfivrls Indicates that U.SA- has correettS Interpreted and Applied the Contract Documents. -this Ipproval constiLute$ the . contractorlowneq Acceptance of the UIS*'s design conceriop" asoumptions, and loading. (eesctlon 4 At$,-- Coclis ane(MOMA S-4-W 2.9 Once tl�p BUYER/END USE CU$TQMM has signed U.S.A.'s Approv4I Pad�4gs And the project' Is ral000ed for Fabrication, chanses shall be Wiled to �thO IBUYSR/ END us� CUStC'Mep InclVdIng matoria I, oostroartris and oplar Costs, kl adidwora I fee mo$t be charged it the project must be moved from the FOlirlidtion and ship1ping schedule, 2.6 The BUyE"ND USE CUSTOMER is reop,4191ble for overall project Coordination, All lAterfacq, comloaubtllt�t and design Considerations concerning Ong materials not rvrrlohed bu UAA. and USA14 Atool s�stam� are to Los ponalclered and coarclinAted InS the BUYEWEND USE CUSTOMER Specific design criteria Concerning this Inteffeco, between materials must be furflishSci b0fe`rO r6WOC for fabrication or USA's Assumptions will govern ($action 4 and AISC Code of Standard Pr4ctico, Sth Edition) 2.1 It is thl rospon6lblllt� of the 5UYEPJEND USE CUSTOMER to insure that UhA�s plans compl� with the of ari� QOvGrrIq9 building authorities. The oupplyng of sealed engineering data and drawings For the metal building "6tem does not lmpl� or Constitute an agreement that U$14. or Its design engineers are Acting as " eAgInear of r000rd or design professional For a Construction project. The" drawings Aro scaled 9nIS to oartif� the cissfet of the structural Components furnished bg UAA, 2.8 The eii�.ERrEND USE C�UsToMER 16 responsible for sattirea or anchor bolts And arooltlo� of steel in Accordance with U.Swo oFor construction" drawings onl�. TqmporaN svpporto ouch as gu9s, loraces, raloawmk Cribbing Or other elements required For the arection operation "]I loo determined and Furnished and installed " the arector. No Items should 120 purchaead From a prollmInarg set OF ctrawines, Includirg anchor bolts. Use orll� final "FOR C41I16TRUCTION CRAWIPIGS" For into ow. ($action I AISC Code or Standar� Practice, eth Eciltiom) 2,S United Structures or America is reoportolble For the ddsIgn of the anchor bolt to permit ttle transfer of Forces between the base plate and theAnchor bolt in "'JOB # 330BO (HANGAR 0 3) sh-sar, bearing and tan6lon, but is not responsible For the transfer OF anchor 1201t Forces to the concrete of the adequeog of thes anchor bolt in relation to *)a BUYER : 6T. LUCIE'$ 5TRUCTURE6 Coricrato Unless Otherwise provided in the Order C>ocuffante, United Structures of America CIO65 not design and to not responsible for the design, material I . 1 11 and construction of the Foundation or foundation einbedm6nts, The END USE CUSTOMER : TAXILIJAY - DEVELOPMENT END U-01f CUSTOMER should assure himself that dclo"tat pCoviolOno Are made In the fqundation design for loads imposed " oolvaln reactions OF the building, ther Im ad loads, and bearing Capacit9 of the 6611 And other conditions of the 9�1141117s"Ite. BUYER ORDER.# : It 16 that the anchorage and foundation or the building too JO . BSITE...: FT. PIERCE, FL COUNTY 6T. LUCIE aebigingd bU a Registered Pror400lonal Eegirlear experienced In the clesign of suchl6qnuctures. �Selctlon AIO MBMIA W6 Low Riw Building $UMems Manual) BASIC BUILDING MAIN 5Lr,>G., w '120'-o x 100'-o x 32'- 2 1/2:12 2.10 Normal qrscuon operations include the corrections of minor misfits moderate amounts of roaming, Chipping, welding or cutting, and the LEAN-TO 666C, - 30'-0 X 87-'-�Ar' x 12'-(5 (L5) 1 :12 drawing or elements into line through the use of drift lolno. Errors which cannot be corrected bu the Foregoing means or which require TH16 , 5TF;ZZTURFZ HAS E�EEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWIN6 AS INDICATEDi I major chaoees In member Conti ur4tion are to be reported Immadlateig to U-S.A. b3 the BUYERIEND U �il CUSTOMER to enable whoever is rospon$11216 either to correct the error or tip approve the most efficient And economic CO2E LOAD6 method of correction to Iva used N others. (section I A160 Code Of Standard F-ractice, th d t on /Code or Latest Issue to Ive Used) 9 LL 20 P5F N Tributary Area Reclu4ption 2.11 rIE60 MODIPIQATIQUS . WAgNING Neither the I'SlorICAtornor the WYER/ENC> kUnless Otherwise Noted.� 0 Cqllateral Load. 5 psf USE CUSTOMER will Cut, drill or otherwise alter his work, Or the work or other trades, to, IM15P code Edition re, 13 USA Standard 1A) 2004 X IN Snow Load: PS -0 PSf PF � PST tole 1-0 is Wind Load 130 . mgh lw 1.0 Exposure 0 - � to accommodate Othar tracts$, unless such work Is cleAriv specified In the contract docvmsnt6. whenever such work 16 specified, the BUYERIENO USE CUSTOMER 16 location sac 0 15c, Intprnal Pressure oefFig5f-ent Design W(nd Pressure 3,&o per responsible for furnishing Complete IntomatlOn as to Material$. size, drawings, esection I U5C 0 50CA Q ASCE CI Seismic Data: Use Cgroup . Sdo - SCII site Class and number or alterations prior to preparation of shop Alec Code 411, standard Practice, Sth Edition) EXPOSURE 015 INC 0D OTHER I FLORIDA 51,11ILDING COOE V Cat4iIeory _ The strength stablh(�, and set" or this building mag to* arfeated bs cutting, drilling or removing ang components or the building. No such modwicattorts ma� be made System: TrMsverse Load. R= - C$- without the written approval or Ur)lted Structures of America, Inc- Longitudfria I� Load: R= ce -- . n 5ase Shear v= _ kips' Eqvivalent LateraF-Force PFo-Ee-dure Collateral load& or other Components provided k?!4 others ma�j too supported on this Louild( A the designated locations it speCIFIC4119 included in the design loadc have been designed detailed bv c, 'A R USA, 0 CrIatle Load. Capalotty . tons Type class Unloss,%1, connections for such Components and U,$.A. the Customer is responsible to aroure, appropriate Connection details are utilized. (sFe Cross sections andlor Calcyl4tions for loa.dirtV 2.12 WAFNIWa In no caso should Aluminized Zinc steel panels Los wed 0 Mpzzariine Load: DL� psr CL_ psf in conjunction with lead Or copper, Sloth lead and copper have harmful corrosive erfects on the Aluminized zinc ailcKi Coating when theii are EI Other Loads- in contact with Aluminized Zina'steal panels. Even (urt-orr from Copper and proper �t responsible n certlfg mer To Frovias ig) Om Returned A 7EPPENCY TO LEII IDT14S, 4MS OLET CM moo 0240 . A USA - "GvArdlan I" SSR 0 Silicone, PoIg UnIcate 2000 ROOF 0 24GA USA oavardla� III, SSR 0 Kgrar Lw=te 3"o 0 Color S"CT41 P�,Julromcnts S 2&GA 13 USA 1 ISA' O� OSITIC WALL 0 24GA M USA -pW CCIO, FLIMITS 0 LoN special Requirements 0 %oll K Standard WASULtIom 4 powrpout 0 Simple Eave Trim 0 Soulptur TPJM 43#ttar 14B40E Downspout PS44ITF F4ve _ Rake - W-151 FASCIA 0 YIV�A UsA 0 -FlBA. (3 -PW P�NEL 13 240A Special '01rOmAntO.. SOFFIT 0 244A U$A 0 oPPAO 0 'POR PANEL 0 240A- !eeelOt t!MVOM!�.tO - 5.�O< C3 1(pGA USA 0 'FPA- 0 -PBR. PANEL 0 24&A Spa�lal tVulrams�ts PAF;pTM 0. 2�0,4 Y$A 01 "PPA" E3 -PBR- L... LINER 0 =J "PaW I 0 uLw.Cost- - Billaigarg, 0 Norawn Root C '14 X V 5T5 rl�wer 4 lotitell 0 012 x IV $00 Member Calli Wr $T$ 0 arlde Ma$ttd 0 -12 x W SDO Member with Laptek .01il- 0 Fixed 0 Long Life Rst"W& 0 Stafnl�o Steel Paotewo 0 LOW 0 Floating 0 l4ig 0 Artl lating Axm��- oesusi Elas". 3000 Fag�_o: 0 -14 X to $T$ Member 4 Stitch FOI� UnTaote 2000 0 IV soet motbarIOnli; w/ Sys re Fasteinsrs b Steal Fastonvb 6 -12 9 It" With Laptek Eave Trim a Saw Trim 0 pot U 0 20ILOANAOVI :0 saw C Corner PAWITE - Jamb 4 Head_!i �UIS480 Vm PONITE - Trim C;olor I Color- TrIM C01cr 61110olloi Trim C�Ior silloom C616e, Trim Color Trim C;olor 0 6111corA 2000 0 �vr Unk;ot 20" 0 5= UAICOI 20" 13 "r UAIddi 200gl_0 equ"Al 20" 0 KMr UnIcol FlashlrQ, wiring, or tubing onto Aluminized Zino should IDS aVOIC1041I ALLOVARLP OFFLE01101,16I 2.1�16 SAFETY COMMITMENT UNITED STRUCTURES Of AMERICA has 8 Commitment to manufacture qualitS building Components that can b6 safel� erected. USAMeMA STANDARDS FPAME SIOESWAY . WALO kowever, the saratS C,,mnItment And job site practices or the arector FRAME DEFLECTION - L/M are bdSond the Control of UsA. PUWN DEFLECTION - L/Ag It is 6trongN recommended that safe working 40rclitloft and Accident GIRT DEFLECTION - Lige prevention practices too the top prioritg OF A69 jOb site. Local, State, U14D OrFLICTION BA5EQ QN, and Federal oaretV And health standards ohould 6WA�s be followed to help i2 YEAR M W FeSCUIF44ZENCE Insure worker satatq. Make certain all ornplogisee know the West and WIND SIZE ED Most PrOCILICtlVe WaV Of W04ting 4 building- EmetigercV procedures should be known to all emploVees, oo,� Dalit; meetings I highlighting saret� procedures are also recommended. The use of hard hatoo rubber 5ole shoss, for rOOF work, proper equipment For handlil material, And safetA note, wh�tre ap d d. '41CAIDIS, Are 1`000mmem 0 Contrac, Crolgrectors shout be aware of 14A regulations For Steel Erectiom The Following o6WA Regulations ($Wndarclo 2S CPR) are applicable to Steel Erection; OSAA Stoat Erection Regulations, Part NumbIer IS2&. Subpart OR" V4 Mdr,titacWtor is not re" onsible for bodilu irtiurles or material damages during 4nioading, hand IF, S or stcrago ANAN ALML4414RABt LIC, NO. eb_5_4_%1fi0_ 204 4 uictEF> emuctul;tEs'�� MERtcA Jolo Numloer WWST(� K Tx 11035 5HEET LI of I FOR CONSTRUCTION 100'-0 010 SyEeL 2V_0 250-0 22V-10 "-2- t V. -4 LL 4 ­A*�P PANZL ul FUR -IN LAPS 11-5 11-8 2'-3 V-] sm�j 1, 1 y .— +:zi:i s Awms--_ 16�Kf S,�mct__ t 't HIGH R, FzooF PAXVL' w A� DGNY <2)si: + 134- Asa VS > x 1 A*,aa 's (TYP) _r7rp. 6�, o)WG&E , + _7 : �,::. I —441z4 ui cm) YR 9;q 'Etk>- a El E.3� E4 0 C) q P.Z MCI esig. A/El CL C7. T �2 u- �_j �t.j; 43 Ld 43 A (.-Z FZ I 2s s mp,,, 12 R i ou Q) L 1 1. . . zJ03 ul (_44 ps TIM -,-2a W I Rz t.-IIRI 2tpl= 5E - iF103 I T -.31ct l'-2 _fyp, waxia MEW *-:5 Z.7' Z-) joi��,. i, zr,, mos 3 0 0 1 7 Z-8 5flq ul ENr> FE 94" X.1560 FIFE STFRUT 4-1 0 4 Jlx, SDI V KN , IFE fp ul Y ENC) fe tq J:: 411FE FE EA ENr> 2-%" X 3" SLOTS tj r.2�-,P FOR 34111)(zAS-Z& m ClusSET 5TUN 5OLT$ fp EWLS T Z-28 I i �glao:2 0 22R 1-� LiI I I L -L I _I, iiisya @ :541 6ECTION A/El U. zz z 12 9S 3aal x a Z14 19pl-% M. I Lu *61 L @ \\\ A X 1, E2 ED 06 <TYF 1 -2t4;W 4 Ll, X\\\V)Zl,, E 2W10"k14 C:3) PE 26�4!z 'rYP. CA' A LEAN-TO (REF. E2) 96OF Ff RAMI _NQ PLAN E I OF F: FE —lu 117' FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 01 N .011 ME IN DOOR LEAVES- OC63,A -"Z-:z �71 \� 30� M rip), ---------- =�� "'X -ryf" PVRUW LAe- 25'-0 cri TO) -.7- ST W1, 12 a t4 kL 'N P'P- UA, 1, 4- C, -77 ;KS5 :1�'V7 :7 N ZR D6 L ANAN ALMUGHRA51 LIC. NO� a4SIO EXP, Feb, 200 OF AMERic UNITED STFAICTUIRE, ZIA IS12 15U$CH<Xrj WOUSTCN, TX 1102oS E Mr, OTY.1 DESCRIPTION MK, QTY. DE5CRIPTIONI �IWITS A -4 4�0 X 4-0 FRAMED OMr� (FOR MICOW q TRIM COVER D -- WANIMAR DOOR 110'-0 >1 21'-& CLEAR q (W W-1 X 21�-& ME 5 C�M 10.0 x 10-0 FPAMED Or�xc� ��R- Ruo� LEAVES e2sGA/PS"9MlTW R WZLUE TMM, LeLuk C Ir 3-6 X 1-2 FRAMED OP,\-,. (FOR DOOR) I VPAW41T, E �S 3070 M WALK DOOR (WJTE) PRE-ASSEHIBLED 1Y LVR LOCKOM 4 S' VENT X 10--0 -(M 4 DAMPER (AZDC) ERECTOR NOTF Erect steel with piece marks corresporldino to location oF piece marks on erection drawlnes. rErect 4rsd plumb baSs proQre&sivaIU to insure overall wic(th and length is maintai"d, 15WE REV. 0125CRIPTION DATE [>E61;RIPTIaN� ERECTION PLAN f-I PEF;4MIT 6/21 CU$TOMER: 57, LUCIE'S STnCTURES LOCATION: FT. PIERCE, FL 5UYER NO.: TAXIWAY DEVELOPMENT UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC�, DRAWING Wr JDATrE ATP rWECK 5y J015 E2 OF ISSUE 6 FOR CONSTRUCTION 40 A* 1-7p, 6691 PANEL V141) 6 eu.& + ELEVATION A-L-HE14� F-1 ELEVATION '4 LINE "L)" (MAIN 5LDG.) I it . 4�AOO &Is'� gi I' "WE fP,f!A END -c (Typ� smos c T -rp. V. a.), a) was * 4. rl'-& W-2 0 LINF `2:"' $10E LUAL - FULL I n4 V�4 V-4� 'I V�l to T+7 1'�+ A S'2G's EA, E5Nv T T X I eA, I 159, E T-9 v Y*a*'&s'zs's- IT"+ ;)-, '4"�)"z sast,E� rye, A 7^f 4 T T Ws 4 13 T. 4 . V-6 4 ELEVATION 0.�� 5 1'34. AS-25,t q'YP. 9A, ENo 19 v V-2 2v.lg� 25'-0 00'-0 0/0 STEEL ZGs **CENTER IN BAY AND FIELD ATTACH W17H (2) MEMBER SCREUro AT V-0 ON CENTER WEAAER GAWIE SECTION 'A" (K22)z 2 12GA 6IRT$ (aZ23)z I 12GA GIRT 4 1 13GA GIRT (aZ24)= I I2CsA GIRT 4 1 14GA GIRT (aZ25,)= I 12GA GIRT 4 1 156A C.IRT 0 Z'-114 w U, > W w w L w z fl4lmal I 11 -4 lu L 0 sn U$ , -23 -1 LL lox q :i ul FOR CONSTRUCTION a %A a 4b 4b 0 0 a 0 a 0 FOR CON6TRUCTION 8 '4S B T larelt - Zj r .2 (�27r 1 1"128cl Fo;,�_ ! -el 10 + "l — , �x i F! CIO CRIS,> LCR5 8,3-/ c:wr C?12 <N,S.) 2soa 3:38, eL S./' 47C B352 33 . 2 pmB pocRe-f voos� P�_Ite-r ui­ I 1 ­.....1-1-1- .. ­­ ... __ e T T4 (FOR 14A "PE DOOR) 01 0 ev.1 4941 T r IV-4 4'-5 LINE 11(oil 150'-0 0/0 WAN�SAR DOOR TION ELEVA (MAIN I- LDG.) C a67 -x8G is? z 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0 LAP'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ToZA t 1' 5 I I _.T ---- T7T I I -1 11 '1�. 1:,Il I I I' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1: esos r"ro 16 (4-7) 1�6 PANeE.% EL 6 /0 oy S *rF- C)o /A e 20.1; 5 ojo I & 0, - G o � G . 4��> 7-S 07 c- S A is' I I '4 wW It < -Z)'2%L a 'PA'JELS p4ci-v car AS Rtac� SPEETI�LQ a LINE"!��J"� SPEETiNG Q LINE 11611 LEAN-TO RIGPT ENDWALL (MAIN 5LC Gd JOSUE REV,DE5-_RIPTl0N DATE r)E6CRIPTIOIN; ERtECT(OR PLAN ANAN ALMUGHRA51 - PI PERMIT CU5TOMER: 6T. LUCIES STRUCTURES LIC. NO. 54SIO - r4 EXF u kv 10 A. LOCATIONs F:T_ FIERCEFL U 0 'n BUYER NO.- TAXIWAY DEVELOPMLN_T NITED $TRUCTURES C', AMERICA W wo IS12 eur"l-HONG, UNITED STRUCTuRE5 oF AMERICA, jNo� DRAWING BY DATE /11/0& JCWECK MY DATE UqT,:t4 I DO ro ousToN, TX ­110313 m � I I .... .. .,p� -1�� �T�K � lw� JOB - 5CALE DRAWING I I ISSUE 2V-�2�241 1 33030 1 MTA I E E, or- 0 FOR CONSTRUCTION f � 1� T 'I CAP It 'I I JIZE& DETAIL."5 — .QETAIL "AME-6 E DETAIL "A"JE DETAIL 'W/E4P ---------- "04�4 -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — --- 11 444- -2gs M44 F� 7 00 "ryp, v 14 w d OPEN �F<�)R 14ANAR DOOR El.-Ev RIGHT ENDWALL (MAIN BLDG-) 12 r QkEETINQ 'a LINE "I'l RIG�-IT ENE)WALL (MAIN 51 DG,) f— OPEN (FOR WAII*AR Doop) S561 OPEN (FOR WAN*AR DOOR IV-4 Is.-Il IW-4 15.-b Ir".0 150'.0 010 STEEL psop (s)p.-ro2 x 2o-G (I ) FZTO-Z x IS-G 11,5$UE I ROV. DE51--RIPTION DATI ANAN ALNIJClHFZA51 EIRMIT (2/21 LIC. NO. �!4cNQ . �j r C7 54> cot49TALICTJON 4N EXP. rob, 200— N UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA IS12 MEC14ONG Wm$TCN, Tx 1103S 7 1 r DE5CRIPTION; ERECTION. Pl-AN CIJ5TONER: ST, LUCIES $TFPUCTLlREE6 LOCATION: FT. PIERCEPL BUYER NO,; TAX WAY vE OPMrz-NT DRAWING IBY DATE jCwEcie BY OATF Dr— 6/11/0& JOB SCALE DRAWING *$UE NT-5. Ero OF FOR CONSTRUCTION 7�1 AT'll � "' (6)-�4" + x Z'9 l4a 0110,0 4. Ll Ei-, lea, 2 111+ W OAN T! I A�. 1 12 I" X 24" A�*5, DOLTS WCONNECTION fe) TS W CONNECTION IV NOTE d rLANGE BRACES ARE LCOATIED ONE qz SIDE.OF FRAME CNILYfUNLE65 NOTED * . FLANCle BRArF-.soTg E)DEs FIN, FLOOR ION a �LIN;= 2 �?l 12 02) PP X 21- Aa25 E30LTS WOONNECTICN IR) (W PO x 21' A325 15�04% ... W CONNECTION FE) 16) It"' x S' A�Qe, BOLT6 WCCNN�CTION M) ANAN ALt*lLJGHFZA51 �., vo LIC. NO. 54SIO EXR UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA 11312 BUSCH64NO HOUSTON, TX 110aS IDWE REV, DESCRIPTION DAT — f-I PERMIT 0 Cot4c'TRUGTIoti i 't DE-6CRIPTION: EREITION III CL15TOMER;'6T. LUCIE'S STRUCTURE6 LOCATION, FT- PIERCEPIL E3UYERNO,: TAXIWAY-DEvELOMIENT WRLICTUREE, or AMERICA, IN-- OPAWIW� By DATE w � Dc I Will �*TCK � 1�t J05 SCALE M-"2.w4l N.T.% FOR CONSTRUCTION I� ALI GRO65 5ECTION a LINE6 4 4 E� - 12 --1 � \ IseVE REV. 0155CR)PTION DATE Y&I . DE6CRIPT,om ERECTION PLAN ALMUGHRA5f -�—j PERMIT W21 AGO 9� CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'S.STRUCTURES LIC. No. 54SI0 MR-�- EXF, Fal:% 200 74—F 00145rRLicylow 1 0 %W� LOCATION; FT. PIERCETL eUYER NO,; TAXIWAY Q> vELOP, 1ENT VNITEO STRUCTUF�E5 OF AMERICA 1W sus'-waNc. LWITEC> $TRlJCTURE$ OF AmEfRICA, li FWECK —5Y-- DATE Roje,%,K rA llol� ml au$c*.o� pu "*TCK�11M JOB DRAWIW� 0 — i 2V-W�41 3.3030 1'-" 1 E5 OF �a5 FOR CONSTRUCTION � F 12 -- 12 --1 � CLEAR 1 4'- 120'-0 0/0 -STEEL CRO55 6ECTION 'a LINE (o l$WE pZl/. D55CPJPTlCN ANAN ALMUGHRA51 pi FeRMIT LIC. NO. 54slo EXP, Feb. 2001 (p C,?t4S--rRUGTl0,4 VNITEP $TMJCTURES Or AMERICA IS12 MU$C-HCNG WOUSTOK TX 110n >ATr yVw DE6CRIPTION� ERECTION PLAN &/21 CU6TOMER: 5T, LUCIE'5 STRUCTURE6 uw if) LOC,4TION: FT- PIERCEFL 5UYERNO-t TAXI�AY DEvELOPMENT LWITED STRUCTUPE5 OF AMERICA, JK�C. PRAWJN�. BY DATE ECK DY DATE W�� oc 1 6/11/0& 1-- , -itimel . P �70K � 1�n OB SCALE DRAWING E'� OF FOR CONSTRUCTION — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1201-0 0/0 STEEL (MAIN 15LOG.) 0007 STOP T YP) 41 IS2 CIA DOOR STOP-41062 f*7— 4R04 4P,03 4FRQ2 4fRQ2 4P,04 r-3 4RD3 -3— --12— -:=M ------- -------- ----- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- Zf r ----- III 1 11 A ro: UPS2 BrOBI 3652 14 3652 BrO153 m I 36 54 3151 CIA im I cq 7. I cc, ml M (A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A �RQ2 m m ZZA; - - - - - - - - - M m 4roAl - - - - - - - 461�—Al 4 'Al 4roAl 4roA2 J=59/� 46,43 SEE/Elll SEE/E.11 4,11 WgW-45 (TYP) 4 5 4 5 I----------------- T f I (3) FNL5, 0 IV-2 (3) FNL6. 4 M'-5 (3) FNLS. IJ -a W-10 �3) FNL5. -eD 11 a (13) FNLS 0 H 1-3 (3) PNLS, IV-10 (3) PNLS Q JV-2 (3) I=NLS, ]V-3 z L Ci -rol w 3- T ENDLAF) 4 B, IV-3 W-4 la'-4 IV-3 llo'-O CLEAR Q. HANGAR DOOR OPENING 2 f 150'-0 0/0 OF HANGAR HANr-iAR 1200S GUIDE 5EAM LAYOUT - ----------- L---------- A5 (3451) �Cul _E r> PIPT, Sm. `4 $AI M!24D ATTACW L ulaxts. GUIPE IBM. CLOSUZE FNI. xl'-& CTIPI DOOR STOP-41082 ------------- V-2 1-4 �4) I-P x IY A-IW5 i MP� \,_HAN"R DOOR LEAF BOLT$ SECTION 11,411 ,>ATr ISSUE REV, r)E5CPJPTI0N DATE DE6CRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN NAN ALMUGHRA51 A ANA ' I PI PERMIT LfC. NO� 54V0 L r EXP. Feb. 2003 0 roWS,rRIJGTIow :X f CUeTOMER: 6T. LUCIE'$ $TRUCTUPE$ LOCATION: FT, PIERCEE, FL UNITED -ATRJr-TUn$ OF AMERICA BUYER No,� TAXILUAY r>EvELOFNENT *12 smcwl:wla 4 TX -1-1031Z� UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERIC,41 INC. DPAWIN`- BY DATIE 041ECK BY V's C.ATrz i-100USTON, �T�t � 2�41 FOR CONSTRUCTION t ulaf( Ft c�* —r- 5 SHEET ANGLE SA -I 0 w I RT02 I arg. CLO6U 111,22 PaRI, PA� CLIP_ 41CLI Vo XK Me BOLTS IV I LUASiii EACH m STEEL LINE STIFFENER ft (N6 4 IFS) /77�� "PaR" ROOF PANEL (4) 061111 x 1% " A325 15OLT6,,4011 . _Z W1 V CONN. PLATE 12"' ALL THREAD ROD, ui m NUT 4 HT FW is EACH ENE) TO E�E USED FOR ERECTION PURPOSES ONLY, NOT BUFF4 (44" x 214 A32E, VIDOU15LE WASHERS ,,A, .0 PA D 5, "P x 112 A32e> 4,4ms - 0 1 nel N FLAT 14EAD q 1) UJASHER TION T t2-24 T5K 4_5 SOHO (Typ) SOFFIT PANEL 11-2 �,V 14 9 11 1 x IN- AnS's CA. EN� (4) -34 "' x 25 5OLT5 tq %-- 5c; ON f5EAM AN4LE 11 Fe I Ar '27 r, I + p 8�2: AY.2ie6f k- +9 5S AY ZqG) 4 aq r2_ V STIFFENER ft iol <4 A!, MS DOLTIS q 1) WASHER EACH CLIP 41CLi V" FLAT HE BOLTS E,;� EAC44 STIFFENER W-111 x M I L-01 MENmom " STIFF. ft U- �S INSTALLED BEFORE rop x '15ro OFFIT PANEE I( DOOR GUIDE BEAMS ARE ERECTED KICKER FIELD PUNCH HOLES INTO SOFFIT �ANELS, ,aap?. 4 20�s AT CONNECTIION LOCATIONS, FOR SUPPORT BEAMS AND ANGI cc OTE: ALIGN VIE8S & INSIDE OF Si FLAN43C PRIOR TO WELOINO. �5TIEEL LINE 11-2 DOOR ls�lr AFTER FINA _e N T� >1 ADJUSTME 1_ 3 8 8— DETAIL "All/E8 FIELD WELD AFTER FINAL ADJUSTMENT. MIN. INELD=j," FILLffT—x 4". 'AFTER FINAL �AOJUSTMENT SWFIT PANEI. N07 SHOM FOR CLkqiTy V xl�A.52& L"Aft 611 SHEET ANGLE SA -I RT02 0.6, CLOSURE laeRil WALL P. 0.$. CLOSURE — I Dwol/co� CTV =�w I I ns 101 41-a V-2 V-2 Y-2 4 STEEL LINE "PER" ROOF PANEL P�F ------------------- PURLIN -------- '2"0 ALL THREAD ROD, tq n;I -LIP r NUT I HT FIU Q EACH rzNr>,+ 41AI I,j �j TO IPE USED FOR ERECTION TYP P PURPOSES ONLY, NOT SUPf-ORT. PORT. 4RD2/4RD3/4RD4�41RD5 (RER E10) CTO'F- (Z) VP x tL A325 IK4 2-24 TEK 4.5 SPHI­ T 46AII 46,42, 41�,A3 f �yll (TYP) L4x4x1/4 To, T ­417-v 0. 4 S. CLI Cov RIM SOFFIT P INEL :;OVER TRIM R MM C CO\4ER 7 GUIDE BEAM5 C505 CT" STEEL LINE 'TEEL R TRIM V-10 V-S 1'-2 1'- 2 14 V-2 7w] )SURE I 5ECTION 6 INTERI'*IEED I ATE &Uf=f=QRT 2 4 '0`� 51 E T W E nEN !GU 11 JOE E 3r =,4M� SUPPORT E5EAM6 11-5 CLOSURE "OSUPE PANEL PANEL Z, CT01 r-�EMBER ScRievro 0,$. CLOOU 0.5. CILO� URE RE ADJUSTMENT CXIVER 'RIM $OF:'IT PANEL rovsR TRIM R 7 �Im C$V. GUIDE 55AM6- Csorp Sm `R,M� Dpol TRIM T4 ; _r 0 12--5 r-2 L 2 CT05 .0 LIJ5Xts 13 —STEEL LINE 4'-0 V-2 SECTI-ON a SOF-F IT.. ANGLE 5UPPORTZ5, 63 FLACE5 / U I ANAN ALMUGHRA51 ir, 1� LIC� NO, 541BIQ EXP, UNITED 97RUCTURES OF AMERICA WDUSToK Tx 11on ISSUE REV. DIESCRIPOTION PATElyel uAve UNITED 6TRUCAIRES, Or-AMEMCA, INC. DESCRIPTION, ERECTION PLAN CUSTOMER; ST. LUCIE'S STRUCTURES LOCATIONi FT_ PIERCE, FL 5UYER 1`40.� TAXIWAY DEVELOPMENT PI PERMIT 6421 12 VKAWIW. BY PC JDAIE /20 loro CHECK BY 1::)Ls OAT I %46_7 Joe 3BO30 WALE I I— r>,PAVIW� # I Ell or ISSUE 77 FOR CONSTRUCTION Al (P 110:Y—a . 4� 110'-0 CLEAR OPENING — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L— — — — — — — — — — ------------------------- ----- L--------------------------- --- --------------------------- L------------------------------- r------------------------------- I L------------------------------- J ---------------------------------- I I "PllPe'PA,JEL / (F;M-[)- Slej-o cu-r 6' NEOPRENE FLAT OAR W"-I-M-4 t2,24 TEK 4b 51-RE o 12" Oj-^, DETAIL (1311 - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOOR LE,4F xla'--1 DETAIL "I". DETAIL "2" ------------------------------------------------------ ------ DETAIL "2" OSIMILIAR) DOOR Lr=AF xla,-"l DOOR Lrz,4F XIV-1 ------------------------------ -------------------------------- 11 2-1 11 2 5ym, 201-0 101-4 0 0/0 150 M (FIELD ATTACW ly'AI7,24-gWA,. 9-- AI-Xse DETAIL 11311 n �l cs, r", NEOPRENE FLAT OAR bxl"-F-M-4 — 12-24 TrK 4-5 $CRe 12 11 O.C, �/ COVER TRIM M6E%* -,p+ �4ANGAfR D00f;R LEAF LA�rCUT 1� DfRAG ANGLE5 COVER TRIM %*fC> 'S O SL11'r AT Pt�-/ (PM- 2) DRAG ANCGLE 12-24 TEK 4-r, � SCREU) 0 j2TI OC. -1 -JINEOPRENE 13' LUID SEAL.TRill 1 .1 — MLTO& �)ETAL "Ill (PM-2) PRAG AW4LE GIRT --\ HI-Ria ANAN ALMUGHRABI LIC, NO. 54SI0 EXP, UNITED 8Tl;W(:lURES OF AMERICA W2 suscvwavIc, HOUSTON, TX 110�is J66UE REV.DESCRIPrICK DAT PI PERMIT 95 c0�IsTftd0Tt0rI 1144 FMI AND FM2 TRIAL FIT WITH POOR6 IN FULL CLO6ED AND THEN IN FULL OPEN P06ITION. MILD ANGLE$ TO VERTICAL DOOR LEAF CHANNEL5 AT A FIELD DETEWIN5D ELEVATION. BE 6URE TO WELD ANGLE6 IN FULL CONTACT POBITION, PM-1 4X3Xl2XO'-g> (ro) REa'l::) FM-2 4XlW2X0'-ro (12) REQT� I=M-4 FLAT 5AR �xl` - (ro) REQ'D PANEL $TRV--TURE$ OF AMERICA W� �TOK � llw% 2V-"2-6241 DE5CRIPT(ON� ERECTION PLAN CU$TONER-- ST. LUCIE-5 $TMCTURES LOCATION: FT, PIERCE, FL .5u"'ERNO� TAXIWAY PEVELOPMENT :�PAWINr. SY "T' DC -7t-2416-1 JOB- DRAWING� FOR CONSTRUCTION I ,42R — CNI c%A 45- 0 (P It xf.. TOP ROLLER GUIDE ASSY (TYP) 50GI GUIDE BEAM (4) V0 x 2411 A-325 15OLTS(TYIP) 13 a P PE INSERT 5IF`2 3 x 0300 PIPE SLE VE 51PI (4) W'"11 x 112 4up x 0.108 A325 TYF. 46C] Zq+ 1OZ12 1042 x ZR+ z1q+ 2'-1% :411, P-34 — — — — — — — — — — M) cq C4 IM X XO CANE SOLT (53C151) (TYP) CIOX153 -------------- ----------- 7---- Fig FLOOR OBR-12B WHEEL ASSY. TOP OF �300 ASCE R4JL (IDLER W BRAKE) EM15EQ 6LEEVE (.5zsl) (Typ) 141-1 HANGAR DOOR LEAP CIJ5TOMER FIELD NOTE - CANE 15OLTS MU6T BE F`ROi=r=RLY ENGAGED TO f=REVENT DOOR MOVEMENT OR DERAILMENT ESFECIALLY IN HIGH WINE) CONDITIONS. EACH DOOR 18 A66EM5LED WITH ONE II%ER UJ14EEL ASSY. AND ONE BRAKE WHEEL ASSY. I (6) f;Rr=alrl) ERECTOR NOTE: 'USE 12-24 TEK 4.E-) SCfREUJ,5' 12 " O.C. IF 5CREW TO &TRUCT. 6% O=RE-IDRILL) 11*_�� IA2L M e2) %1-0 x 1411 A-325 50LT6 (TYF� T�415 ANGLE o EA. CORNER REMOVE Lq CABLE AFTER LEAF 16 SaLIARE. U5E CLIP AND CABLE AT EACH L EAR (2) � It 9x 124 A32 5 40152 4 11p CA15LE FOR ERECTION FURFOSES ONLY (REMOVE AFTER DOOR )R 16 5HEETED) Z— 121 WHEEL . ASSY. 0310-1 FLOOR I FASTEN NEOPRENE AND TRIM TOGETHER, THEN FASTEN THAT ASSEMBLY TO TOP OF PANEL AS SHOWN. t4ET (.39512) Outside Closure 12-14 TEK 4.5 SCREWS A (1 12" On Center PRE —DRILL) \_8" NEOPRENE BETWEEN TRIM V POP RIVETS 0 1'-0 CTRS. MET02 (3:12) #14 x � SDS 0 12" O.C. 5ECTION "X1163 P�0?-S-'rgp_ Ira 5HEETING 'a) HANGER DOOR r__FmLpI �Zmt 4-7A'l 1L FLooP, AicA.=sz, AMZ) CANE 5OLT DETAIL (TOP VIEW (TRAILING ENF.)) 6" NEOPRENE— Mc>o5 30P RA L IAV 6CH� 40 PIPE MBED SECT, W/E 13, ANAN ALMUGHRAV 155LIE REy.D8_cCRiFTICN DATE 7dll DE$CRIPTION; ERECTION PLAN LIC. NO, �,4111 __PI PERMIT CU&TONER: 5T. Luce,s 5TRUCTURES EXP, LOCATION: FT. PIERCE, FL UNITED $TRUCTURES OF AMERIC,4 IBUYER N0.1 TAXIWAY DEVELOPM T IS12 UNHECI STRUMREe OFF AMERICA, INC, DRAWING 5Y DATI WCUSTCN, TX 11031.� rl>c J015 SCALE DRAU31ma - ISSUE 339*0 N.T.6. E 13 OF FOR CONSTRUCTION I :1 0 0 FURL IN �15Y USA) NOTE, 1.1.6.A.,onlS provr5l"Is atwla and harclivare is 1p�j otkws� rooF purlin. All otiner o P51 1 (2) SCRELL15 -12 X 11 SP5 3 OR 014 X A STs' CLIP ANGLE, BOLTS, 14ANGER ETC_ BY OT14EIRS Recommended (Q2maction Patail holes in flansoo of purlina is ouvoturalig clotrimcnia I to the memloar. Ang load*, wNdh 4ro Included In that purlin cloblon loadis, are to los attAdwci contootion dIrsotIU to ths wl� onIV. rinIL! modifications - Warning- RSP. C�OVOF Ll.p4ra!9raph 2.11 P14Ve C-Glamp is not Connection tfyoush the Connaction ttroveh the an acceptable �tion Flanse is not zicccptalvle Nava is not acceptai:'Io OF COLUMN COL OUT61DE FL"E OF (1) V1 x I" A301— 0 COL" MACHI* BaT GIRT UEB--\ I / GIRT CLIP — (ON5) Y" x I' FLAT-WEAD A301 BMT FRECT-OR CMECTICH NOTE ukrA �ov kove a 4 as$ condition d)ere Irts sliare a Comm Correction, gou must First use a It head bolt to attag one i1firt to the clip, Round head bolts cannot be used in this condition, it must be a flatlIsad bolt in Order to be flush This will allow the erector to handle one girt to malke the firial la This makes erection simpler , and faster. The remaining cornection bolts need to be L stardard A301 machine bolts, TYPICAL GIRT CONNECTION (AT LOZ LAP) Endwall Girt i I io . 0:!: Hot Rolled Erldwail CoIumn(MK_MttL_) P0 O'l Endwall Girt Endwall Steel Line End Rafter 4 HOT ROLLED ENpWALL COLUM (1-42-N-45, GIRT CLIfz CONDITION " I OS 'F' -' - 012 - 24 O.C. luja Hot Rolled Eric 11 lo 0� Endwall Girt� I i I Eridwall 6teel Li I WQ1 ROLLE[) ENDWALL COLUMN (_1�oWV GIRT CLIP CONPITION) L,Na IG- Endt[1411 Girt I Cold Form EnclWall C,OlumrdMK.ECFJ-)- 0 Endwall Girt,,_ Eridwall Steel Line /t J4 End Rafter COL�D FORM ENDWALL COLUMN L) Y4 ES j4 �- t:� 17010 'B� EnclWall JaMI7/ ColumneMK ECf Z) - - lo o Enduia 11 Girt Eridwall 5teel Lirief_ XN _,PA L AM oLurly t.p r, r4e� 1, T-2 LAY Fa-JS,4 Prhi- Flanse Brace Main Frame Interior Column ?D V4, X W A32 (Tyr) EA eo 5 _101`11�1' 0 '00 Ull MaED WASH Girt $teel Line'-L­ -- - 1- — �ell 15ag Dimen onj Int Frame L_ INTEIRIOR COLUMN Raws Z)A—k Main Frame Interior Column FAva6int it, ma. 0 0 ol Girt __9 J4444 ----- qI Steel Line Girt B D 'e"jon Int. Frame a e D Em�nslon Int. Frame INTERIOR COLUNN Limes 2.114, d '5' R6W A M 5AJ End Pifter (02 0. x 114 6 A325 Bolls or IF) Encizall Girt BEARING END FRAr1E FLUN ENQWAL Litir--s 1.4-ks.1 �vx a, me, _+� � Eawt. $W Eave 1101, R01W End Izattv (2) V, Mill At: (4) VP x 4' (AZ)Solts AT140182UED e-PARMIR4M F11W OR ay-FROW $=Vu We $ht (2) V, x 0'.1, AT CaP FOM BEAM FRAN FM OR 131-H.&ID VMALL JAMS )AN13 TO QI 6ECTIM 0 JAMB CONNECTI Eave 5trut 5 trut PUrIlL__ trut Purlin A or Required) CL23 .. I 1 45 Frame M.13. Fw4 LOW 15AVE 6TRUT CMECTICH WITH CL23 6TIFFKR PLAT11 'A' 99-90at GENEP-41- NOTE6 : 1. ALL fBOLT5 ARE 112" DIA. x I" MAC14INE 50LT5 UNLE66 NOTEC) Zee strut RArlin Member 6cres$ NTE"DIATE Saw mW ��CTM (AT QIAF9RhQ1 4 5A3 61 Zee stnit Meld Attach) Edye 6trut 6m Forlin I'lember Member Ccrews LOW 9AVE CITNT MIN CS-NIECT (AT D (4) Bolts 6trut Firlin (IF Nuired) ------- � Frame (4) WLT FUCN CLI COMECTIN AT MAIN FWI Field Drill Eaved 0 Frame 6ECTICN "A" ISSUE REV, DEWRIPTION DATE DE6CRIPTION� ERECTION FLAN 0 CONE)TF�UCPTION UiV51VAIV CU&TONER: 5T. LUCIES 5TRUCTUFRES LOCATION� FT . PIERCE, FL BUYER NO,-. TAXIWAY DEVELO ENT UNITED STRUCTURES OF ANERICA, INc, OPAW[Nro BY I ATF_ CHECK BY U-7 Dc. JOB * SCALE AWINQ 0 33030 1 N.T'5' OR E 0 FOR CONSTRUCTION ---------- Roof Panel Rake Trim (Fleld Cut to match GuttaO 4 Rivet 4 Caulk utter 01 Loose End Cap (FICI, Install) EAVE 61-ITTES 4 RAKE TRANSITION M Damspout strap . Pspe� "Pa FV PAR WAL DOWSPOT 6TR4f' ATTACRI Gulter strap W.5601) At S� 0 on C,90tar For 6r.02 Pop Rivet GlItter M-M.99) Dm" 61rj W-DTAI-) POP eplice (Ir Reqd) La 21 f1w) n / And Flop Rivet Fleld Bad Gutter TabsinlovanIz �'�X:4D Pop Wet =NsFOITT To aPER DETAIL ,� Gutter Eave %rut Field out Gutter Uth X'Pattern parel Filish-A Floor Irstall W/2 Pop Rivets On 3 We$ 0. 2Q ?ETAIL ALSH5EW —WALL SECTIN 4A DA SIRAP WANTITY I HEIGHT OWTITr W-0 2 V.-O 2 W-0 2 W-0.. 2 20-.0 6,yidusall corol'c� GotufflIj—�4=4=91— 4 BT T-Ilu S'Iletatl,I3 cilp — <-)VIX - CL G 410 tin > Buildile Tie-in Gut $At I qmtvg m8le Or 9mw U100) L".T0 Loan -To 05 Brad;at (For N-Frame onl�) LEAN-TO TIE-1 13ELOW EAVE Lw�v Wall Panel Vlember Inside Closure: Timber Gam At R'On CoW MIA Frarle clol= I is -In trip =4103) me Screw At 12" On Center 6titch eam I 1� eir %neted Below) Roof Panel At 12' On Center Girt Ou C 6 or $Imting Angle (442xr:lga) U lap's ter 6crew (if ftetecil wow) C two fin� Pattell W DETAIL AT LEM-To TIE-IN [3ELOW EAVE H'Wds Rat Q 11% CW413(= P., CAME 5?4r-E TO FWE DETAI Use A Backqp Plate WAsr The Willside Vk5he' for Cold Form Mat.ors. Rod OW4 2. WAIldca Imf 11 Itb0ftfor W damd It 5ECTION "A" Ird "ft RM loprA &'4% (WA ag WA *&Val *WM WN frftW Wall �* aInW W roldl WAlcowl. MI. 4b DOOR WEADEf HEAD TRIM.Pwol- FIELD DRILL HOLES J1A DOOR JAMIS j FZ�E TRIM FIELD CUT END OF GIRT— '40 or' GIRT R� P"El. 11`4 11 4' PAKE PRE-As$EMBLE0 FIELD OUT-\ AWLF PER$aNNEL DOOR IRT SAI 17 PLI T SUS JAMB FLOOR j2A ATTACH WITH (2) A301 SOLT$ Fill �FIELD CUT GIRT) JAM5 TRIM AS RE(Q AS REaD. '01 L3 SEARING. Tfi.V-0 (0. -NP� PARpt, V-0 FOR FIELD I-CCATED W -ALK Q00ER LY WEN UO0 Mm� ('POR- PANEL) SECTION "5" 0 (WED OA$E FREA65EMeLED WALK DOOR6 Cow"" (MK- grr-1) 000p- JAmz �1 �Gt P�E . ASS C MB; L� 50 RAKE SECTION WITH Bt (1) VO X 4" A325 Ic Gail '- e 115— FLAW31E SPACE tW RAFOMP WASK S wkrg (2) (CRE SIDE O�Ly) ATTAt-91-1'�"Zy MR) EA EO AS07 Oct.75 JA"11 TAm jwx 6j-, S ' -9 A AS07 -LT 11 r7ACH W/ PL IN.Pop- ENDWALL GIRT _0 RivISTs i�el o/C, FIXED EASE Cot" I . 9- S'. Y40 —CL,4S SIPEWAIt. OIRT W"' CHAN1461. T14AT IS ArTAO�lEc a _ 4 To goorz FRAME MMSTE'l; Re-�ovfo "OV IF LWS FfRwo 1�e' C4 �Sjj 5AcX '� fLA e -"k�0,4T7AClf -68j( j5AcK W ft�Acr- L E wTg Cl_ I • Oil 0 0 C'L-lf�5 • Oil 0 = = W& - F131 CL-&- I �.Fas 68�jf: A T G741 I �LPEWA" FIXED SA51E CORNER DETAIL -FZAME GIR->T6 r Iq _E '/�4�L' in -Mroa --), Ff- p- oJiLy WA5Af 1 41P I$ftE Rev. 09$rFUPTICW DATE DESCRIPTIONtERECTION RuPTI(:'I" "ATE 0 CoNSTfRUCTION CUETOMER.. .5T. LLICIE'6 ETRUCTURE6 UALAW LOCATION: FT. PIERCE, FL WYER NO,: TA IUJAY DEVELOPMENT UNITED STRUCTURES O.ANR'CA, Imc,j"'RAW"r* ISY PATF- C14ECK 5Y PAT c 1 6120/06, 1 DL �T�k� lime JOB- SOALE I DRAWING I a3030 I N.T.5, E 15 Of=;- > FOR CONSTRUCTION --7 -7-, go Bg4c _jo FR4NE DETAIL 4 it) V# x 4, 9B UY RARDDED 94% (TYP) EA. EV -cross 66� C Of Fraw MIN L (6 $01ts, Add 2 adcAtioral per f4 brW 21A SY 21? it 21 M AM ArIXIII I (rATIr)W nLail -Y MEMBER 6CREW LOCATI Detail W (ALL MEMER6 EXCEPT AS NOTED MEMBER 5CREW LOCATI Detail"Ao-` (FEAK.FUnIN, EAVE STRJT MD. PANEL END LA Witch $am At ,Cmtwt;m TapekSpAter 2V 04 C0114f � � �h (5tandard) Leg Or\,-- pwpawl NQTE!— DETAIL11 SCREW PATTERN5 SHOWN, "W p ROOT pa SATISFY UL-90 'A FQUIREMENT5 FOR ROOF THE USA P511R MUST NOT BE ATTACHED TO THE C41dimm Tape $savr yx�31 (Standard) 21 4'C> —A� STRUT ZEE, ANY ADDED I-X �A (OpIl "a) FftwIln ROOF PURLIN5 FOR EDGE aut ee Specified On Crder)t RIPPING REOUIREMENT5 SECTION THRIJ EEAK PURLIN MD POEL DO L MUST 5E ATTACHED "PBR" PANEL TO THAT MEMBER, I V 2.1 10" .2h 1, 10. 12-1 (2) Sam Bsum 5ase Member And 11-3 `iGut. (1) Screw Betww All Other Members. And (1) 5crau At All Member Locations. MEMBER 5CR ft LQ�ATI (ALL MMM � 6titch6lrea DEtAIL 11 All 11PBR" PANEL WALL petail 1130 "I'll 21 of 'winold back ft VqjI 1! 11*flnoft I;ZliuTm Vol recess to preveri uic". P4100 0a" to ROVOaV 0 �41'paoage PIG" e , 4) (2) Stitch Sam At r Al Celia "W., Par4i catw Trim (11K�CTOI) OUT61PE CMER DETAIL I 'PANEL ),4: s,V r ENDLAF PANEL 2 , pafel WALL PANEL CORNER TRIM gt4r>WALE- (CT03� L-VWr Pop Rivets At u 124 On Center 11z Jamb Jamb Trim Qll Panel ( Tafz, paml JAM DETAIL FOR FRAMEQ OPENMS P-4-!�x*o 4,,i%:t&vjs ,- a I&' = Xid-D ZLO. W11 Panel -� Pop Rivets At Member ecrews 12' On Center At I? On Center. 1� / Head Trim Header (M-Dwol) HEADER DETAIL FOR FRAMED OPENING5 SILL TRIM 6TITCM $CRE* 1� O.C.. $ILL WALL PANEL ME, t $CRE11116 or. SILL DETAIL FOR ERM'D OFM6 Woe clowe - Melba $a= At &'On cater "Zia At C�Ort pool pw ftwl cap Trip 'Mater6am W-erew (*) At 12' On Catter Gutw ft-EQ - Mt Cotside Clow,$ 4 $IlVh 6cfm At 241 On Ceger (013101AL) LOW EAVE PETAIL UJITH EAVE GLITTE e%EETED.SIVEWAL pft Trip Itr4por Screw %uh $xa* At WOM Gante abide clowe FL1311 P&A kitch S&" At Pq oh tw wo Root Favi I kqte RAKE DETAIL WIT 4 �E� PRIVALL IN E� ��6 d Lw Is 1 !q- 7' A A�< F- -f-A# NVItticrez At V'Ch cwvj Ift corghm Top* OetwOldef Tro 'rOZ. Ar "t s. � 17, Mabor $"� swA Sam At 12'01 CaW Wit Pawl WALL P44EL Maba 6cfeus . At V Ca Caitar PAKE DETAII- WIT 57EEL LM /- o0m. OPTINAL NSIDE CLMM ' L--:-� MT K $PECHED at WW MEW 5ECTION AT 15ASE W1 COMSKATIaA 15ASE MrMIBER FLA$Hr�* -201 FIELD MITRE C-ORNEfR DETAIL L "PaR` LUALL PANE L ORNER IN51DE G T ��EIN15RAL ALL NOTE6 : 15OLTS ARE 1/2" DIA. x I"MACHINE 5OLTry LINi-ESS NOTED. 1$$UF 0 RXEV. DESCRIFTICN DATE LC41TED 5TRUCTURE5 OF AMERICA INC. DE6CRIPTION: ERtECTION PLAN CUSTOi 1ER: 6T. LUCIE'S STRUCTURE6 LOCATION; FT. PIERCE, FL 5UYER NO,� TAXIWAY- PEVE --L CONSTRUCTION 7124 !T PRAWIWS 5Y VEMTE CAEr -K 13y TPATE D LS JOB Is -CALF NT.6. T6 Of�-- 7"U50 FOR CONSTRUCTION Bw sv� � F�od v 0 NOTE, C�t� I" �Tuw ftlol t� 6, 12 rt t" slopft 40 � END CAP DETAIL OPT104AL PUP ��gM IN6TALLATION r--------------------------------- Ir I :�Wdt� A. L ftltqj ��v I P"ll Iftll �14 STANOARD PULL CAOLE 11451r.ALLATIaN LAa 5 Y�o P� pull "bla) ftd 6titch $am At W On 0enter r ��-E M � — I --i7� �� L/rair COW Trim MCTO/Ict�NA) OUTSIM CM5R DETAIL 119. RANE� Lt hig-S I k10 Rftvl& t)i,-V M I C>rTAft- 2 Ed�o 6� NIt.s-/ I PFTAI�- 2 c4p or w� Now� ww� FlIw �r P4.1 �p w cw� M t E� �P =P t A =N;6 r�p RIIY,2E vEN OPERATOR —�r p4w ($IDEU)ALL) M4" ml> 116r,UE I REV. DEr�--RIPTIOM IOATEL ",0 r--f— a CONSTRUCTION )T N-r,. IF. -I L DESCRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN CU5TONM. ST. LUCIE'S STRUCTURES LOCATIONi FT. PIERCE, FL e Yrz NO.: TAXIWAY DEVE OPMENT DPAWIW. BY r.>ATF CHECK BY DATE Or— I 612010(ol 1)(5 JOB 33030 1 e,-CALE N.TJ5, I Dp4TINIGI/.-oF,-,c)7 - 1swr 0 FOR CONSTR�ICTION SIDEVJALL; Column Reactions Sheet LINE .Oad MLLz Mezzanins Live Load LUJP, Wind From Left w/ interior rs66ur 6101M)ALL LeFt W/ Interior sFtCtion STEEL VNE SIDE LL i�C' from 51EEL LINE 1181 r-0—m Riaht w/ interio reS Ire IT RW5: Wind from Ri w/ interior LEAN-TO., MAN_eLm. 2 LEP: eucti2n wincl I;?arall Pth-ot r1oQe < lert Orientation) COMMON $TEEL LINE REP: Win 0 r 0 rickne (riclit orientation) WL L: W112d -171 light FIN! FLOOR 5BA: Balanced Snow Load-- 2 4 2 31q 4- 5ULI Unbalanced Snow on LeTt__ FIN. FLOOR EL-100'-o 55D! Uniform Snow with Drift I I no 4 ' - : ' : 7" - - * 1 21, L I [1bd 1 0 FU ro-l" ANCHOR BOLTS 4-VP ANCHOR 001-TS a (MIN REACTION FOR SET I AT GL 445 do from Left. 2-�`O ANCHOR 5OLT5 NO. LOAQ CONDITIQNS V1 1141 I_EQR: SeISMIC L 5ASE TYPE "All 5A5E TYPE "Ell 5ECTION "All I .=gLA=SE TYPE "J" 2 LIVE LOAD 4-A4"P ANCHOR BOLTS 3 LWP PER LI 4 W6 5,45;= TYFE 'IN" 5 KUJF 2L & _M5 STEE IN FIN. FLOOR $TEEL .7 2 4 DIL + LL t V� 5 L STEEL LINE DL 4 WL vz' II F_� H= 12 4 STEEL LINE 5ECTION MAX, E.W. COLUMN REACTION, AT BEARING FRAME 11-0 MAIN SLX:>r�. 0 LINE I -q, &4' -NG, WIDTH 4-1"0 ANCHOR BOLT$ 1 3 Of STEEL LINE REACTION FOR SET I AT GLs 24 4 11-1 4-�"P ANCHOR BOLTS UP 60 2 4 DL + LL V2 I NO. ILOAQ CONDITIONS vyl HI VE, W.V, 10 11511 5A6E TYPE 5ASE TYPE 2-2"P ANCHOR BOLTS f2 4 4 31 FIN, FLOOR DEAD LOAD 10 14 143 1-4 DL s K 2 DEAD � LlVt� LUAP 4, + WL V= 1 121 134 1-21 1 0/oQI_4LWP _!P BA5E TYPE 'IFII �-�O -2-1 112 E�-Pp ANCHOR BOLTS Hz I K 4 0.6DL+LWS -2-1 1-22-17--air, F 5 0bQL*RWP - 12 -3,a p STEEL LINE $TEEL LI BA %� .. _"1.1 — — 34 [:��30 5F= TYPE p -710— -5 -20 22 C & 0,6DL4RWS (IF: RE 0) MAX, E.W. COLUMN REACTION AT BEARING FRAME 7 T 0,6DL EP _518.1-21 1-44 0 LEAN-TO 0 LINE5 3 0.CQQI_+REP -52 1-15 1- 4�, 121 -1 115 5ECTION 'IF" R'� M P 4o-r -to Ze p U'S.A' NE 0 M2rp 67EEL LIN Pir,411 FLOOR IT 3 6TEEL LINE gL STrrL LINE 2 ------- OPKIG. UJIDTH- -E F214 2 4 L V� !4 2F4 FIN, FIN, FLOOR WINE) 5JLZ 100, 0 W21 .1, �r7 K 4-34"P ANCHOR. BOLTS 2-12"0 ANC14OR BOLTS 2 5� H - 4.5, 4, -1 OpjN6. Wlp W, 4-34"'1 ANC14OR BOLTS Offfffl)7 URN 5ASE TYPE "C" BASE TYPE "G" L t K-FT. . I eA&E TYPE "5" --------- �v' M= S4 REACTION FOR SET 2 AT GLs C? 5PCTION 5ECTION "P" NO. I LOAD CONL.Il I IUM, vi IHI IV5 IW5 1 2-12111 ANCHOR BOLTS SIDEW L FIXED BA E COLUMN. REAC. I QEAQ LOAD 14 1_ 2 --1 -$TrEL STEEL E (lops) 0 LINES 3 4 ro 4 DEAD + LIVE LOAD ��a F) 31 I -IS -31 1UP _25 III a 5A6E TYPE IV' 4 . 5, 'e-IFT) L @a 0 COMBINATION BASE TRIM -30 5TEEt. LINE NIPS) 6 0.60L4RW5 -12 -6 -26 2ro AND ANGLE '201 i (�D 0 0.6r>L4LEP -42 -14 1-30114 STEEL LINE O.&DL IREP - -11 - (PAMSET Max. Y-0 oz.) 2L STEEL LNE NN.-FLOOP WINE) OF-Nr.. WIDTH, 4 ghVWALL _2j J2 1:. - 0 UJIND 0 STEEL LINE 2-2"P ANCHOR BOLTS 0'-10 I(MIN.) 4-1"0 ANCHOR BOLTS 6ECTION "J" ANCHOR BOLTS 5A5E TYPE !IDII 5A5E TYPE IIHII 5A5E TYPE 69T-Z GL S a X 140, LOAD r0NVtyjov1rs VI VS I N5 191 a T2 DEAD +,.LIva-L0A0 :2_ _r' -2 Anchor bolt I"tha &hown below are for g�41 reference 6.,6'0L + LWfl,, 21 K 4K iSENERAL NOTES: v row�aatfon de�lsm It to the responsibliftj or the custorer 21 54K I �1>1�4 Agghor etc_lt l2etall shown on t1ho c�awlr.13 locate the Achor Bolt6 Embectment length of bolt$ will varV based on the 15 4 10.6 SL + RW j z 1, -7 In reference to both the Buftl1rq $tecl LIW and the �tsldo of U-SA:s 24" ANCHOR BOLTS to datar�inc the proper anchor bolt elrbecInvemt length S, -7 &X,r,rsTPp paral re� of 1-01% -2 of thlo drawings. go _" 11; �0� Tr Tt. I LE, Uri IF -2 -8 _2 'A=twm or A�Ica for thee clesign or t limii Rot. Genera I Not,* RE the trdn�fv or forcet betvrzon the ba" Plate &wl ox, Of Anchor Bolto are 6upplied b� ubA, _R he anchor _9k,46E TYPE ..59ACED BAY REACTION 51RACIN�_ =ACTION kuloll-t 6hsar, bearins, and tenoiot bA is not mp"ble for the Customer =&t &Pecirs reqwlred I!�gth to UsA). 0 LINES Z wit rorcoo to the poncrato or the adaqw�3 of the �7 it tIon to the concroW, Vdifts othswl" Provided in the Order Dccm�t6' tjdl�d structwes or �H" K 4ke T FROJ, 15SUE RIEV. DESCRIPTION DATE 4 OE5CRIPTION� ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN Aperica dooe not clealen 4ncl 1* not rebp�lbla for the ciftfso, Material, ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Pcf-k SYMBOL DIA, OTl� L 4. trw4t(on of the tion or f tion oatled�t6. The ANAN ALMLIGHRA51 14110 0 1cl asowe hl-"Ir that ac(aqvate pr�lsl� are macls L A4 + 112. lz-e A301 MS, X 01-6- in LiC, NO. 54-JIO W/ 11/4" pi pffRMIT CL15TOMER: ST. LUCip-s STRUCTURES in in atton clesign for loads bs column raItatlorm or the L Ildina, o imposed 1"016. And =vc8PdCltq Of ti" "ll and p Itfor* of the bullcurk3 blf& EXP. - Feb. 200 5/al, 12 V-2. 2' 2" 0 ac�NST CTION 6/2) 0-' It 10 r ad that the 40chotdge and rour4lation of the Lwilclir�G A& 11.5. W 31, _n-RV's;E0 FORCOP)S'T'fa­�-' U1050 LOCATION� FT. FIIERCEr-L I" da*Ig;4d 6 RMIO:ered Frofwsfonal Erglrear exp"Ienced in the ITIEV UN : , I, 0—lon UNITED $TR.UCTUPES OF AMERICA A" up 4 Al 31, BUYER NO.: TAXIWAY DEVEL PMENT M12 .. . ..... .. HOUSTON, TX 110:�s 3' LVITED 5TRUCTURE5 Or AMEF;�ICA INC. DR4WINK"a.aY DATE&I1,31or 11 NOTE, &NEAR ANCil.155 AND/OR ANCHOR T 2.-2 0 CHF i�iton of 411 68" PidWs 4re at the eams elevatlo& �WLESS NOTED) 5! Ov a -7— SCALE DRAWJW_ '-4- 4" TIES AFMVCT FURNISHED fB.Y 116A - 2 42-W41 NTb. ANCHOR BOLTS (BY OTP 111/2"1 1 2--b- 1 4' W t FOR CONSTRUCTION lIV-0 (DOOR OPENING) POINT W-4 W-4 W-4 V-21 141'-s OUVOUT Or 2nd FOUR 300 ASCE RAIL x 13'-e ul 3011 ASCE PAIL x 55'-4 2,-al V44 300 ASCIE RAIL x 2'-IVW A/1=4 4 4 L- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ------------------------------------------- I I I - - - i- ------ I- --------------- - - - -- -F- - ------ ------------ — ---------- - - ------------------- F- 'I — *2 e-oA t Z4A2-k� -Z41AS (TNt P, U.,j) DOOR STOP (TYP) 8 2' 8 P'-41 LEVELING ANGLE (12) �PACE5 im V-0 =31W-0 es) SPACES o 3'.0 151-0 31-0 .7 (4) SPACES 0 V-1 W-4 1 V-0 Le (146 5HOUN) (OFRHAND) OUVOUT 50TTOM RAL, ANCHOIR 5OLT 4 LEVELING ANaLE LAYOUT ERECTION seaUENCE 1. MAKE FIRST POUR (SEE BUILDING ANCHOR BOLT PLANS ALONG LUIT44 T1415 SHEET). 2. SET LEVELING ANGLES ON �1'0 ANCHOR BOLTS vi DOUISLE NUTS. 3. SPOT WELD RAILS TO LEVELING ANGLES. 4. USING SURVEYING INSTRUMENT, SET RAILS TO REOUIREP ELEVATION 4 MAKE SECOND FOUR ARAiLS MUST ]BE STRAIGHT, LEVEL, 4 TRUE roR PROPER OPERATION or - ROLLING DOOR i ANCHOR BOLT DESCRIPTION (0 LEVELING ANGLES) (164) - VO STRAIC-04T ANCHOR EOLTS x 0-13 W1 (3) NUTS EACH. W14" THREAD, 4V PROJI. (ANCHOR IBOLTS 6 DOOR STOP&) (12) - 180STRAIGHT ANCHOR aOLTS xI'-S W (2) NUT$ EACH 013" THREAP,20' PROJECTION. ANAN ALMUGHF;14151 LIC. NO. 541310 V UNITED 6TRIX-WRES OF AMERICA IS12 SWCHONa WousToN, TX 1-loss issuF Fze\,. oEscRipTioNt oATElyol pi) AM tfiVf UNITED STFWCTIJRE$ Or- AMERICA INC. w DOOR" DE50-RIPTION; ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN CU6TONERs 6T. LUr-IE'S $TRUCTURE6 LOCATIONI FT, PIERCE, FL BUYER NO� TAXIWAY PEVELOFMENT F1 PERMIT om ._, "c�- 0 6T CTION , , — OFeAW'Na S'y DATE ro120106 -ay 33030 $CALE mv� DRAWIWG I r; Or 4 0 FOR CONSTRUCTION DOOR STOP 11511/f=4 EDGE OF DOOR 4 eUMPER 1-4 SECOND Fou=r V-4 SYNT14ETIC muapm 2 /—LEVELING A 2x2xl/6 DOCK BUMPER ANGLE V-2 (CUT I'-0 Pc IN WAI-F� 0-11 DOOR Bumpr=R Aax&x� x 01-Z T ATTACH TO STOP STO DOOR 5TOP� j2 ,U1 (1 "OLT6 5OLT5 m -A .14 -Ao "Hil/F4 50TTOMI DOE jATTA 44 ------------ .4 4. 44- - 6 1714 `7 Z- \-"p kAIL X8Xr0X'2X0'-cJ--j �2 4 L 1 1 4 2. .2 POOR 6TOF A I DOOR PANEL (2) 34" ANC 15OLT5 V-1 2nd FOUR --- STEEL LINE 4-6 ;Q 5ECTION ''H''/f=,4 5ECTION 5ECTION "All/F4 FORM CONCf;d=-Tr: AS SHMN TO PROVIPE PROMR ROLLER CLEARANCIE, rNISH CONCRETE FLUSH WITH TOP OF RAIL. FIELD FILLET LUELD EBC)ITH SIDES, WHEEL ,,4% -': RAIL SET LEVEL 3 'I LEVELING AINGLE '2 lip ANCHOR 50LT DETAIL 11511/f7=4 Fr— DOOR 11 500 RAIL it (2) %"'X2"A325 III HARD UJSHP— SET LEVEL I I FIN FLOOR 11 ---- j I A c 40 PIP ive EM SISI T65)<44 UI(2) y'p>(2sI -WELDED STUDS 5ECTION ''E)11/1=4- NOTE- LEVELING ANGLE NOT 5HOWN 141,0 .300 RAII- 13EYONP 4 MA� 15SUE fn%,. DE5CRIPTION L L r I _. r EXP. C, Srr WE ANAN ALMUGHRABI IC. NO. F4SIO PI p9fzMT 5ECTION EXR FeAz,, 2009 UNITED STFWCTURE$ OF AMIRICA M12 BUSCWallo- f40V$TQN, TX 1103S 'A A s%sk DETAIL ''F''/F4- DE50RIPTION: ANCHOR BOLT SETTING FLAN CUSTOMER: ST. LUCIE'S STRUCTURES i/216 U05A.,* LOCATIONM FT. PIERCE, FL BUYER NO.: --!,-4—X1U)AY DEVELOPMENT UNITED STFZ=TURE6 OF AMERJ�_A Iri_, OP-4URNG ay DATE CHE= sy w � oc &noloo I r� i 14ATE —L OG/21 33030A DFRAIIJING - T'� F4 OF 4 tsus - -L�o FOR CONSTRUCTION