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SGANNE9 T�)CCOP-P-(- WAL�'�g 15 f bR- OF S-1 Bly AR(DC- q1MA 9"MmIK/ CUITED SVILC�� �6� PTCfto4ED am�c, RiOb�� ff,'63T --'�CtL -::- 250C)Fst V-100-c-) FRAMIK�,, r T. F'l M E TT FV 00i AT LAknC- FFAC44 5W NOM4 ROV&4t�no� JS(AW,� FLDIZLDI) 5,W,�r j6cuvo, Q C-D -50 Fi-cDR � AO �w� �P�,V,3 ,�DR vitoD -K . Ufm -�b to-two(-h-1014 ,Pc� I � � Gr- Y2, �fft52M]ff CF,�Tt(-'� GW[T-� t-o,&C) Fog - A- k �z am R60F :: pcLL tl 12. �— tjo-am�J� �50Y 2. C, :-- 375- PL�7 "PL7 ;: -�,5 34-, 1� F L F L ROOF 30 , (�,, -7 G � '2-i�> Z,5 pL-F ,�'D y �,- . 7G '2-77 D p L F 74 2, � 4�77pLf WT"�' �50e 2,1 VeTEQ-Akke QM-nus-ws ffu�gL7�,� Vj-, -- 4�1-7 T LF ' COV276 '27 -71- gat, m F�- 4 e,,F 2A w wj-o V//Jo Tvk4s-z 3 w4F) D e 7,�p,-r ,�- �-42* - ( -2 .9 t-- -> uiq �� YF. Z - �52� x-42, Z 71. L 4 4 C, �7- L - 4-2. k�4 L.u. -71. 32n7 'DE -65ZMIO� -FO LA-Z,�QP,7� 1�-DAV (C-Owr F,� g OSF 2� 117 —:� -- � Z-'�> -7 v 67 mu ::- 6 5 C). i� �-- - f-7- (-) 8) b 1, /Z - W, � L) :;:' �, 'R�W -�X-t&E VAU-�B� IK 13C)F-c-Lu" — 1JEDcT FG , --)� (� e�F ?,\ DESM SYSTEM FOR CONCRETE AND CLAY MASONRY The Nationa Concrete Masonry Association Brick Industry Association Version 4.11 (Release 4.1.2i I ' Western States Clay ProductlAssociation International Code Council Name: KCCasey Date: 2-25-21 Chkd: FA W6rkinb- Stress De§ign�of a�- Reinforibed-Con1cret6. Mason SheaMall Using thp.RQ03, I BC ASD Desiqh Code Material and Construction Data 8 in.,.units,.P ' artiE ' il grout, running bond Wall Weight = 48,89: psf' Type S Masonry cement/ Air -entrained PCL Mortar, Masonry Density = !';15 pcf f m 1500 psi (Specified) Em 900f m = 1350000 psi Shear Wall Design Details Thickness = 7.625 in. Height= 160 in.:0 3.33 ft) Length — 161 in. (13.42 ft) x = 3.813 in. Endzone Length: So = 16 in = 1.333 ft (#9 Bars) Middlezone Grouted Cell Spacing: 24 in OC Middlezone Steel Spacing: 24 in OC (#6 Bars) This shear wall has an aspect ratio of 0.99 and may be Ao 771.5 sq.in. lo = 1.931e+006 in4 Ro 2.632 in. Location of Reinforcing Bars Bar Rj RCi As 1 157 76.5 1 2 149 68.5 1 3 125 44.5 0.44 4 101 20.5 0.44 5 80.5 -0 0.44 6 60 -20.5 0.44 7 36 -44.5 0.44 8 12 -68.5 1 9 4 -76.5 1 The following design calculations are for the specified Section Design Forces Used V 33.3 kips (Specified) M 7806 kip -in (Specified) P 44 kips (Specified) rse Grout H L n I deep beam following the provisions of NEHRP. Rci End Zone Middle Zone 03E -t6 ectior forces � OF �'k DESEGN SY The National Concre EM Western States Clay Prjct: Topic: Page: Qpjnputed'Design Values Wall"Flexural Design Data Maximum F= 234.8'kips -(M$JC M = 7870.kip-in (6U.8 kip-ft) for.Desi n. P _q 12 FOR CONCRETE AND CLAY MASONRY iryAssociation Brick Industry Association Version 4.1 (Release 4.1 Association International Code Council Name: KCCasey Date: 2-25-21 Chkd: FA Wall S�ear Design bata fv ='0.02782 ksi .(MS-JC 1) M/Vd = 7806 1 (33.3 * 157.) =: 1.493 Fv 0.035 ksi without reinforcement (MSJC Fv 0.9580b ksi with reinforcement (MSJC 2.3.5-23� I These shear requirements apply to SDC A through SD9 C. For other seismic design catpgodes, the shear force m st be increased 50 percent in accordance with 113C 2106.5.1. Maximum Reinforcement Ratio for Special Shear Walls (113C 2003 2107.2.6) RhOmax = 0.004367 (A& max = 5.228 in2) As total = 6.2 sq-in. The maximum reinforcement ratio is NOT satisfied. Development and Splice Lengths for EndZone Longitudinal Reinforcement K = 3.2485 in. Required Development Length: Id = 40.61 in, Required Lap Splice Length: = 145.63 in. Development and Splice Lengths for MidZone Longitudinal einforcement K = 3.4375'in. Required Development Length: Id = 27.00 in. Required Lap Splice Length: = 56.78 in. Some codes. may require epoxy -coated reinforcement to have longer development and splice lengths. C,bLL)MQ Sl: Or '�kf A R, W,� L(- 8 6F- ZA (5) 1 �ON -C Q��4 3DT-[Qr2-UF5(2 if2m-115 ) �:td ��, t ea f (Z— i2� cv, 4-�> PAR, -P(P, Ew M�A ?7- 1 OF, '2 � /)-�p 4 ;)�' FU�DR I aj� - WAI gLAb +Ori L,L t 1� PsF 0, L , WT �7' q,2 17Z 5 VES)lltj IPF' 2" � -3rzp ogo-wwy J� cv,?7' pd- �3 OF- 2, q ic, b (4) 6r,-7 (. 0121) 1 06t'2 4, 76 ci I ) C' a 2 m l4w 5-cu,1�5 :!, io bj , , Dolz A -FETlir 3—tffEL � T74 Y,2 L F 4 V2 12 �, 7 A U -Z) e , + C6 1 -Z -/,- 5.5. rj f Z7 to V-3 6, CD YT �J6 --n p �lw n- ( ()F 'Z�l -(Z -4 Lo 1� 4 0 V, 1 34, LL .4 77� F L QAj%. 04- = 1�- �Zf4- # 175 /-Z 14 V4 M � 0 k S�Tl;� bq(:�i - T I E kqETA t2 t 4 F2. 7 7LI S68 Cjc:43UFC—T�W� C/eA-C(T-j 4./4,AI/4 8V� �1/4 a >( `�' 'W-rl �' AVCkF, u IJ (5 n L-T 5 � ?FF, '1,�D�` Tp,t5r F, DEL-,�,W 0 Tablo 128 DOLTS: Referanco Lateral Dosign Val' vs, Z, far Singlo Shour (two member) Connoctilons',22 for sawn lumber or SCL inain member with /4"ASTMA 36 steel side plate MOO E ir E Z. ZI Z, ZA Z� Z Z, Z, in. IbU. Ibu. 74 1 730 420 lbsi bu, Ibn. IbB. lba. 'Ibu. Ibs. I Z, Z, 020 350 Bo 310 ba. Ibu. IbEi. lb� 5 910 400 -,80 - 5130 310 61. 520 280 510 27 7 240 460 240 4�0 I& 730 360 720 300 09�00 0 4 0 -112 v4 W4 log[) 550 94R 4 1) 340 050 320 840 32 000 410. a20 390 700 3UO 590 290 680 280 SOO 270 0 . 0 1000" 770 360 4.,6 _W--O—, . 0 080 310 4-1.0 —95' 1 44�50 6W I:sIo 6so 1170 .510 1 $50 .1 074, al 4130 50' 6 090 370 IIo6 , 4W,-r03W.'4WD i'4 '93D -400 "n-0 394 8 1020 520 870 430 UJU 330 Goo 570 290 Sao D '-3" 3/4 122C) 390 790 3B 7SO 710 280 510 250 500 7aO' 250 49D 24 _g99 60 440 950 43 410 0 20D 610 2800 _j"O 480 Do. 340 33 640 300 W8 1210-- - 1. - —4-00 OF 840 370 -1-6-60- L,�,q ---1-- 0 D 730 320 11/2 930 0 1270 1200, f4— 4,1�20 0 --- 410 ft%U '1420�-413011 O� . I Sla 7370 6 820 400 0 7,4f-O 720 . 340 650 '16 1001)%'. 2-1121 1 1160 53D 1050 470 1040 470 314 1640 750 la7o A 920 4DO 910 390 a,o 340 B40 200 020 280 5902-219 530 125D 520 1 000 330 -�405—asq so -q6q -1 fla S -I:y?- -- 00 44 DBO --80 960 1106 .14 1110 450 , 770 320 640 �M .,Ako 1 930 3SO 183D .7j)o 4— 1060 02 1 7 0�1480 S4o I , - 40' 4 71 137. -Ju 510 820 510 uuu - I 3D 130 16 1260 0 1210 610 1200 80 0 450 70 AM 45a 4A6 3"" 1260 13 1 720 300 71 5 1/4 .14 1930 991) 1741) 700 1670 6e Doo 11SO so 1130 Soo 1 7 430 720 350 120 49 1060 42D 1050 410 102 718 2S30 1,070 -:i — - 0 1660 6p 1.5BO 110 14 400 ;20, —Iti"o—, `M-, 12% 80 1'50 2,40a 800 71PO .mQjc�r, 1290 460 1260 450 �4c) 22710 moo 30 - 770 210 . 0 .0 S/8 7370 -ffs! 7- 3M 190D 1260 760 7 0-1070 , 5—ib 12 1200 700 d6c) 6 samul 107 04 1660 670 1130 640 1120 6 141 114 7116-- 4 T.10___IOog 030 0-... "N 3 Boo 1560 _7?0 15! 5/0 a 20�6 4070- F- 0 00 mm. 7 Otto Ids 2200 1 ;0 7Z 1 140 1' 12. '036 1370 130 2 0 11 82011 70- -70 2 1 t20SD GOD 314 1900 1 1260 76D 121 00 00 78 .-(j 114 " 1740 1 Do 71 12 1 �2640 'nod 24 b4 , 'goo -IC7 D40 1600 —01 'I'do uJoll So F� 710' 51' -G� - �)-k 102 - I � .051 &J; ar) �-AQ -4 ) ag,� C�) D, 9:� L `9 " 9 , F-\J-aj- CG 0 �� I �) LF 2, I IL T- ol tl -Pe%U-t,l QIOQA� TIPb (2 SrAif-:zvjo��- -jl Fl. �7oF L _ R, L '2 -A- C2 LL abL-T5 vaftue 22F BOLTS: Reference LuftmmU Design VaOuGs,; !VO]r DCubU0 Shear (three umember) ConnectionS3.2 tor sawn luilibei or SCL wittv aff members !dept spec�fjc gravity L---- -of CE5 z rh(s) k T., 2%, Z1.1 Z. Z.. Z. 2. 7— Z 2� Z Z 2�.. IZI, 11 K I- b.. lb� 7W) �(`o 5_ 1011111 (30 —0 '03D 720 100 970 810 MID 420 "�Q 11.1 Cut 3310 10640, 530 90 It., 520 1210 12 o `V2 2110 lo�o 040 470 8.90 1730 1 .130 - rwo 1681) 1 �m 540 1550 1 .to DOD 14 7�R 7 - - __ 'd- , 7-.0 --m "07 _71b 1040 520 770 2100 -1 W 2VQ - q- 1.10 050 i3sn obo , I 1-0 -55 640 12 0 7,7(� 5 1200 751) 050 1370 9-to i6tto ro 1.. 1151. 1 .1 �oo I 1-3/ -3,4 3/4 41 20;10 000 Goo I I I 'o 1 '370 Goo 1310 D — _1800 Goo 1600 146' :14,tq 1210 GDO I'D - 100 n .1 tun 2450:: jo, �l 112 1320 u011 I 'fa 2150 1310 I= 111110 1130 1.930 7 0 - too ll!io 7111 "Go 2 7 74U 2 u --:I- in - 1-70 1 2r_'O 1330 1 Ol 480 220D iodo MID D�.O 7 2 1 lo 5 900 1120 1320 344W UOD 'o I_3O :0 iulo 1510 1 Oro 1130 "Oo no 1711) -1211 U 1-112 2 171U0 I 28DO 'MJ0 DID .770 25!if) 133 T -0 11650 2.100 " "o z. z— o :2 W to , — 2 flD 1 1 1Z '14 04o 1040 -101t;0 1210 14 i . d o 7660 to)(! 11110 1430 Irluo 'BID 1 850 loju ')n 7TP 'oo S", 2310 1370 1630 1940 IlOo 1380 lo(jo 1" 131 o.,., 12- 3 _Z,�j �r4 -it 1_�� 314 3060 jalt) p070 176D C) Z M !�lo 44. .".Mi6 _17DWA� a 1 12 b) _,.1 30 1/2 1 bet, 110C, "Ito _15110 i,o.0 10-0 0 1210 1 :1 2590 1770 no 0 960 J 2340 156D 142 0 224 1 1 2 3.V2 '114 _"O 2380 _20 J38O 11,10 1 21Z40 1390 1 13�5 A'o —2 .?/. t,-)) �) �,>Is �!�n 3-1 --2t-/,ns n vy) ju--*�--W -r-V ZL -LjG M lwz�� z _:�� 1 -P-8 "? zrilv-1 -- D vtToA-VAlw,E ?,uz,[-,UKt 5-c(FF�,3e5" J�j e�,�F,-ctE F� ("t OF 'Z ( 0 CC, -= 57,/, L�-5 4 r1a 7 -�- I &- f F,- l< Foo (P-71 Q7, 67 4. 7?2 , ?7Fs c C- �Luwak/e,:: 1-773,5,5 m. �&�/ t 4� / >/ 5 74, q3 �-2) ULLAR TIES W1 It TPPW P26LZ- e W-IR)CC VE"OK,O CuAcg)Fr5 7D.ffW @ v - 47-L4 t 12 sit I -tq '2noF �� LL VL /)-840 -r5 E3 cyb 0 / t;- 2. Ll e)ob P2 Y ("IV " oo37 96 0 5/ YVAJ -*,5 F3,5r� � - -F6-c- L"J/ Fj" 21oF 2 2 .71 57 7F511* x z - /30 /3Px 3., 3/2 Z =� -= 5-C, � ,, / �2 7. 1