HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1696 4 }J () .._-_._--~.-_.-.- -- --- .--------..----.-.--........-..--- --- --..- --.------------ ---..------ -- ------ ..-. ------.. ...-. - - ---.' -- ~.,,_.:,~: '''--.1':' ......,.,>'P'\'_~":'__T'....,; _r...._.'_._..,_..:-_~..._._...., ~..._.-..".-....._.#--,_..-.....~,.._...-,....... -__."';,....,_.___.'~..--...-_......v..._-......_'. ........_.......__.._. .......... . ,_,.. ._..."...,..,...... .. ___.:," said agreement freely and voluntarily, and Without any oonstraint, co~pulsion, apprehen9ion or fell r r. C'.~ldl'eJ., 01. e 51< C ir;7-~~ Court,' /f; .!!~. r---. . By~x., .//.(" rZ-,"'J D.C. If' . her said husband. seal thi'S 9th day of .l.taroh, 1925. John ,i .Dillard I;otary "'~bl1o ..'iled e:pires Febl'....ary, 15,1926. i}1 () the 2nd day of ..pril i ...D. 12.5, fJ.~ ~ ~' at 8. P. i.~. gOOCCC~O#fiil#iltitiiiil#;Q~COC~OO AGREEMENT. G. "ii.-rlingham to Ii. E. JAartin. THIS AGREEMENT, Made a.d entered into 6n this the 30th day of May, ~.D. 192.4, 3etween G. W. Ringham, a bachelor, of ~alm ~e4ch County, Florida, herein called the Owner, and Wm. E. Martin, of Palm rleaoh County, Florida, herein oalled the ~rchaser, .. '" WITNESS&7H: That the Owner hereby covenants and agrees to sell and convey to the ":urchaser by good and sufficient ~iarranty de~d free and olear of all enoumbrances except as here in provided for. and the rurohaser hereby covenants and agrees to buy from the Uvmer the follo- wing desoribed lands in.St. l.ucie Count:,., State of }'lorida, to-wit: COl.lliEliCING on the Shore of the ....tlalltic Ocean at the south east oorner of Section Thir- ty-two \o2.J in TOBnship thirty-five (35) South of Range forty-one l4l} ~ast, and thence follow- ing the shore of the A.tlantio Oce<in to a point fifteen hundred- {loOO} feet :i-:rth of, measured at right angles to, the ~outh line of said ~ection 32. which is the point of beginning: thence run west on a line parallel with the ~outh line of said ~eotion 32 to the wa~ers of the Indian River; thence run north and follow the shore of the Jndian aiver to a point which is eighteen hunJ.red (1800) feet north of, measurea at right aDglesT to, the south line of said Seotion 02; ~ thence east on & line parallel to the south line of saId ~eotidn 32. to the shore of the ~tlan- tic Ocean; thence sOl.lth followLg the shore of the l..tlautio "'cean to the. point of beginning; together with all riparian and littoral rights there to b~longing or in any wise appertaining. L-- The purchaser agrees to pay the C~er for said lands the sum ot Nine Thous.~ Dollars (9,000) in the menner following, to-Wit: Twenty~two HWldred ~ifty Dollars (2.250.CO) oash, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledgedj Twenty-two Hundred. Fifty DOllars, one yeal' after date: ~wenty-two nu.:1dred Fifty Dollars two years after date, and Twenty-two Hundred Fifty Dollars three years after date, said deterred payments to bear interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from this date ~yable semi- annually. v !he oonveyance of said land will be subJeot to th~ reservations and restitotions set furth in that oertain deed from the Trust~e8 of the Internal Improvement Fur~ to said G.. a. Bingham dated Ootober 11. 1923, reoorded in De6d Hook 53 at page 367, in the offioe of the Clqrk of the Circuit Court of St. tuola County. Flori~a. . Yha taxes for the year 1924 against said land shall be pro-rated, the Owner paying one- ~hird thereof and the ~uroha8er p~ing two-thirds thereot. The ~uroha8er shall pay all taxes or impositions legally levied or imposed upon said land subsequent to tho year 192.4. A.t the end of yaid term ot three yeare the Purohaser haYi~ kept and p8rtomlled all of t.he t~rm8 and oonditions of thls agr"Ment, the Owner will ex~cuted and deliver to the ":urohaaer a warranty deed of oonveyanoe tor 8&id land in aooordanoe with the provisions of this atreement. subJeot to ~~id taxe8. reservations an~atriotion8 as herein provided. r~t[~i~~fJill~~'~~ I I , I -- Hc~~j ~ ~ :J " ; } ! -I ,) .. , i ~ 1 . i , t I ~. . :t" -! ~ >; j. '. ~ ,-i ; 1 ,1 .d . ~ · ~ 'I I. _ t " ~ i ;i .. . t ~ .1 J~ .I -; l . l . ~- .~~ - ~ . : -~ " :~ . . ,j " ~ .. , . . .1 . . .' . ' ., l ' : " ~~ 1.;- j f 13 -, , f: )... , , i . .~ , f ~ ( , j . " I .'-. . ,: .....;.i-fg~l!ldij