HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT1% No D ate A County Commission of St. Lucie County, Florida PERMIT For Building, Alteration, Repair, Removal, or Demolition 53720 LO/2/90 C. H. D. # State 'eg./Cert. CGC033976 County Cert. . 9641 This c rtifies,that: Olympic Ind. Inc. D/B/A N*D Industries Inc. 4JVU SW Thistle Terr. Addres Palm City; Fl. 34990 has pe�,mission to Const. Containment Wall/Gas Tank for Ab2K���( eg. Permit N/A Ground Code # 0907 Job 3202 Enterprise Doug Mullin 3202 Enterprize Address: Ft. Pierce, Fl. Tax. 1.�. # 2428-502-0038-000/6 Lot 2 Block 2 B 0 k Zoned IL Map # '1z Lot Siz /Dimansinn! Unit — Sec.�117-2-8 T 35S R. 40E I —G MPP IND - S/D . Industrial Flood Zone NIA — Elev. �17.52 X 610.20 X 218 X 601.50 Setbacks: Front 123. Rf don — Nla Sq. Ft. Bldg.: Living Area Road Fee Posted Rear 450 — Sides 15 & 188 — Access. 420 SF :)act Dist. Zone Fee N/A $25. 00- Estimated Cost' $2, 100, OQ For Community Development Director D AFTER 180 DAYS IF CONSTRUCTION HAS NOT COMMENCED CERTIFICATE1 OF OCCUPANCY WSW kkg DATE 12/19/90 3202 ENTERPRISE THIS IS TC CER. I 'that the building located at — for which Permit No. 53720 has heretofore been issued, to the best of our knowledge, has been completed according to plans and specifications filed with the St. Lucie County Building and Zoning official priorto the issuance of said certificate, for the proposed use of said building, to-witj as * CONTAINMENT WALL/ABOVE GROUND GAS TANK Owner DOUG MULLIN '.LDING-CODES ADMINISTRATION By i trip Coul* vtg'A-Lat'i 'A N'rtftf t'. WA Permit No. 5�720 COUNTY ONING & BUILDING DIVISION 2428'502-'0038-000/6 Phone: INSPECTION RECORD 9641 Olympic Ind. Inc. DBA/N&D In ustries Inc. Contractor: Job Location 3202 Enterprise Type: Containment Wall/Gas Tank for S/D Industrial above Ground 61�E040) Owner&=T VC) Code 0907 Date 10/2/90 BLDG. LB /G PLBG./G P G S S FINAL Cof 0 FOOTING S446 OU ROUGH IN AFF. BLDG. AFF. PAVINGMANDICAP TOP OUT FLOOR FINAL 1. �C7-.00 .0 LANDSCAPING BEAM ELEC. FIRE DEPT 11-30-90 '2) 0 At 4 'ROU R CHD )III . I . . . . . . . . . IS1, 7-sof CONST. GH IN DATE APPR. 7 29 BY w6 FINAL TEMP. POL E INSULATION PROV. OF SITE PLAN HARV. CALLED POWER CO. FIRE CODE — — FHZD EL ROUGH IN : :::# FINAL I L FINAL EER DATE APPR. EL Permit No Contractor Owner CA Job Location Z�� 53720 Olympic�lnd.Inc. DBA/N&D / - Industrie-s Inc. 3202 Enter rise -P 091 fiprLk) ,,5,9,0(2��T. LUCIE COU PERMIT NO. COD APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CO] JOB LOCATION/ADDRESS/ Vl� 2- 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION N PROPERTY TAX ID # SITWLAN NAME_ _ Tpgffl Pq4qX&tN 9�0?�,-Lk7 P N -0/ D # QI, r) F SEWAGE PERMIT NO. ;TRUCT 3 2- Z-7 44.r V, SE�,S�� 2 S 7W1r3 55 RGE LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS' SET BACKS �:�RON EST COST ;L0 BP SQ FT BUILDINGS: LIVING AREA ARCHITECT: NA14E— M4744 d 1- /57 S T ;1-1? CONTRACTOR: -� ME W//�CERT W�;, # C� V""Oz 91~,lP/ C- —.7?o NAME v� ST Yjf.0 1") 7-4,,�141e OWNER OF NAME - PROPER S T �?,Z 7 -'Vr �O/ -MAP # FLOOD ZONIf IV.&I ELEV LOT BLK UNIT ZONE T L GMPP =A,) 1-7. 9 2- 7. (PDT-670 SIDE SIDE E RADON ACCESSORY PHONE 7- 9 7- ,-,,4 $ T I cl'. Z C 033 T -7 6 XCOUNTY CERT #7 q(0 .11,19 POP, /v I-/) Zbe, PHONE_�Io;7 - zy c - L---- &-- CTY­/q2 S T Z I P -fXfyo PHONE_ CTY,0=1-,,P1eo-ce- ST ZIP STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before me tpe undersigned authority, personally appeared, I �� 1'� d e- i,--- I who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says th&t the information contained in the foregoing applicati is true and correct. V5 5� - P7 5- bz A me YOLICANT Sworn to and s b cribed before f ,a/ - -L), 19 N? 1 this day of Notary,A,yublic', State ' of FL at Lar, .!�Iy commission expires SCHOOL IMP 'T Req—yes PnoC .,,,,,Amt Pd 11. Date Pd ROAD IMPACT Req —yes,-no Dist Zone Fee IL66,11 COUNTy Ift'gCTRICAIL PERMIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BUILDING & ZONING DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34982-5652 PHONE: (407) 468-1553 SUBJECT TO ALL PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL AND THE ELECTRICAL CQ-DE OF ST. LPCIE qOUNT JOB ADDRESS - PROPERTY TAX ID BUILDING CONTR� OWNER A First 10 Outlets 4.00 Over 10 Outlets @ .30 ea. Ceiling Fan .50 Range 1.50 Water Heater 1.50 Dryer 1.50 Window Air Cond. 1.00 Dishwasher/Disposal 2.00 Door Bell Trans .50 Pool Service 10.00 Pump Service 10.00 Signs 10.00 Special 220 Outlets 1.00 Service Upgrade 10.00 Distribution Panels 1.00 Additional Meters @ 2.00 MINIMUM FEE $10.00 Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 19 - CODE DA 6r6 N 0- 23800 5? BP # R EC # DATE m CERT. # ON Temp Pole 10.00 $ Motor thru I hp 1.00 Over I thru 3 hp 2.00 Over 3 thru 5 hp 4.00 Over 5 thru 8 hp 6.00 Over 8 thru 10 hp 8.00 Over 10 thru 100 hp 10.00 Over 100 hp each 10.00 Switchboard thru 100 Amps. 4.00 Service 60 thru 100 Amps 4.00 Over 100 thru 200 Amps 6.00 Over 200 thru 400 Amps 8.00 Over 400 thru 600 Amps 12.00 Over 600 thru 800 Amps 16.00 Over 800 Amps 20.00 Additional 100 Amps. @ 4.00 ea. Mobile Home Service 10.00 TOTAL FEE PLEASE PRINT NAME OF QUALIFER - 11) Notary Public, State of Florida at Large ,My Commission Expires TURE OF BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY-FORT� PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT�PIERCE, FLORIDA TEL�PHONE 465-6655 JURISDICTION- St. Lucie County PROJECT NAME: MULLINS INCORPORATE CONTRACTOR: Olympic Industries ARCHITECT: Mather . s Inc. Engine�rs OWNER: Doug Mullins LOCATION: 3202 Enterprise DrJ BUILDING SIZE: 5105 sq. ft. contain I ment area OCCUPANCY TYPE: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SBCCI. NFPA. FIRE PROTECTION: Automatic Sprinkler Yes No Occupancy Hazard N.F.P.A. #13 CONTAINMENT WALL FUE� STORAGE. PLAN NUMBER 6071 BUILDING DEPT. NO. 90-2138 PHONE NUMBER 286-9319 PHONE NUMBER 287-0525 DATE RECEIVED 9-26-90 9-27-90 NUMBER OF STORIES BUILDING HEIGHT Requirements: 1. The drainage -slope shall terminate directly into the drain pipe without the use of a sump hole. 2. The two (2)" drain valve shall be of t�e lockable type. 3. The minimum distance from the tank to the toe of the containment wall shall be a minimum of 3'. 1 4. There shall be a minimum of 1% slope f om the farthest point of the containment area to the drain pipe. 5. The vent pipe shall be as large as the fill pipe. 6. Storage of combustible materials, empty or full containers or barrels, shall not be permitt within the diked area. 7. The dispensing device shall be located immeditely adjacent to the containment area. The surface area where fueling is to take piace shall be a concrete surface. (Health Departmer Regulations) CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQ U�IIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: DATE 2 SIGNATUIly I I X I nl­ K1_ _$ tt, r EV 7. 3 9�47 90, 5 Wi. (D4te) 3 ,TO, i�-,�i-'_-,BSNirfijb of','thb, provisi8n��`.-., S:'t­*C6c1d_CO y -.Ft.' unt, Pierce Fik& District Fir­6.'Pr6v6nt1on Cbd :Indus %; 01 ic YMP i s ? N�n'6`6f',Conceiq a 2�64319 _t afton No. Street'� nducti'ng _(Business/l nstal lation) 7_7 an a' ih- haVifid mdde, apolication'in due form,- s e conditio surroundind, n rano6me n'ts:are in my6pinion such'that the a- d ar * _ _ , , , "_ '' � _ ;�". ' ' �i t a" aul the b6de, can be obse rve - ' thority is hereby &E. and '.4or: - - Ahi PERMIT is'..GRANTED., Of CONTAI NMEiff FUIELSS RAGE Site Mtillins In cor orated' -,ocation of Bus' r �,V 02 E nterpri,e-�,, 71 o is' issued and'a6cepted ori��c`ndition that ll:'i --ihaWbe, complied W'ith.�-": Thirty (34�'da s. H!S, PERMIT.- IS- VALID FOR T h' -does not-jake the place of is This permit a c Ll .�n� Licenser req ui red by:law;and is not 'sf . er: c t transf erable'Anychangb in the,use or qc- cup cupancy of'pre.mises shall require a new p rm it permit. PtRMIT. MUST AT ALL TIMES BE KEPT,f Yi., a rovisions now adopted, oe-thk may hereafter -be adopted,,' I Z.� Qiia-lifter' YD Fir 16-Ma rshal TEq_ N�'_THE P MISES MENTIONED ABOVE ty St. L cie Coun Community evelopment, 2300 Vi ginia Avenue Fort Pierc�, Florida 34982 (407) 468-1553 Vegetation Rimoval Permit#,MBju.,� Fee -,XOW PART I - GENERAL INFORMATIUN Applicant/"" Address - Phone No.. L161- 61-0 Property Owner Address- Legal'Description of property, S7- Job Location/Address ;/A Sectiona Townshi Property Tax I D # .?40�1 r- Parcel size - Acre(s): PART II - PROJECT INFORMATION Check Appropriate Box. Single-Family/Duplex Multi -Family Description of Vegetation Remov tree removal) Number of trees to be removed CD ,51 Rang 2-- 00 3,? Phone No. P I Non -Residential Public I - 1 Activity.(Land clearing and/or �applicable) Ivot-e- irpose for vegetation remova� ri ate Work Expected to Begin: ate Work Expected to be Comp eted: Vegetation survey with photog aphs must be attached (See survey requirements below) PART III VEGETATION SURVEY R QUIREMENTS A. If single family or duple development, survey may be in the form of hand drawn sketch�s accompanied by photographs. B. If multifamily.or non-residential, survey must be in the form of'an aerial.or fiel survey, accompanied by photographs. All surveys must show clearly he following information: 1. Location and extent of ve i etation on site; 2. Common or scientific nprm s_of major groups of vegetation; .0 3., Vegetation designated removal and/or grubbing (numbers or percentages); 4. Vegetation to remain undisurbed; PLEASE NOTE: site development plans must have survey.prepared to the same scale*or in a man nler�that which illustrates the relationships between areas f vegetation and proposed site improvements. PART IV OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: Approved Disapproved Conditions: Environmental Planner: Site Inspection: Final Inspection: !IWANIN Date: Date: PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ACE I CERTIFY T ' HAT: (Please chec -P "I" A. I am the r, property. B. I am not the I property ani for the rec,16 S NOTARIZED Box A. of B.) cord owner of the above described record owner of the above described I have authority to act as agent d owner. I CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMAT40N SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. (Jj_ I'N'6 mj� . 0 ) -. Signature BY; 64" a - Date 51 — /'?, - 90 v)-ci5— S.S JDeAl 7- COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE STATE OF FLORIDA Before me personally �ppeared 5�, 110vz_&11V_S to me well known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed this instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that 2F�)17-A' -5, I)az-e-INT e ecuted said instrument for the purposes herein expressed. WITNESS my hand and Ifficial seal, this day, of" My commission expires CM/cm PERMIT.VEG A. D. 19 90 Notary Public -State of_,Florida,,�," 7" 'ARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA; COMMISSION EXPIRES: OCT. 22. 19as DED THRU xoTARY PUISUG UNDSRWRLTEPAb -3-