HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FQ� St Lucie roounN I UTION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 01/15/2016 Permit Number: &,Q k C:LV. RECEIVED Planning and Development Services irmit Application 4AN 2.8 2016 'Of - TAr -1. -:. Building and Code Regulation Division� ,bgvz 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial —_-:__�Re"Slden�tiai PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Building PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION,-,[" Address: 485 Bridlewood Way, Fort Pierce, FL Legal Description: All of lot 2, Block E, Dorian Subd I ivision, According to the plat thereof as recorded in plat book 9, Page 22 of the public records of Saint Lucie County, Flonclip Property.Tax ID #: 2310-801-00,TOOO-2 Lot No. 2 Site Plan Name: Dorian Block No. E Project Name: Ray Residence Demo/Rebuild Setbacks Front 25 Back: 15 J Right Side: 10� Left Side: 10 DETAILED ESCRIPTION OF WOR Demolition of the existing structur6i and_,re ilding-an&W�G,250.'� �Jbedroom, 2 bath CBS home. CONSTRUCTIGININFORMATION: --b- -FFo p Y: Additional work to eDe (rmed underthisper It—C ec a ap E W1HVAC E1,Gas Tank []Gas Piping Shutters Windows/Doors ZElectric Plumbing S� p r ers; FIGenerator Roof Tota I Sq. Ft of Construction: 1,387 S Ft of First Floor: 1,250 3_5 7 12 Cost of Construction: $ 121 , 660.00 Utilitiesli SewerFv heptic Building Height: OWN"ER/LESSEE: C.ONtRACTO R:'- Name Ralph Ray Address: 485 Bridlewood Way City: Fort Pierce Staie: Zip Code: 34945 Fax: Phone No. (772) 828-0454 E-Mail: smray85@gmail.com FL Name: Lionel J. Dunbar Company: BSE Construction Group, LLC; Address: 535 NW Mercantile, Place, Unit 107 City: Port Saint Lucie State: FL Zip Code: 34986 Fax: (772) 344-8/203 Phone No. - (772) 344-8201 E-Mail: [dunbar@bsefl.com Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page if different from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CGC1509119 if value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGN ER/ENGI NEER: x Not Appl cable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x NotApplicable Name: RobertF.Sonberg Name: Address: 113 BentTree Drive Address: City: Palm Beach Gardens St te: FL City: State: Zip: 33418 Phone: (561)460-5635 Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: L x Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: 4 Zip: Phone: . g J4, "717 _­ f T-� I certify that no work or instalfatio—n-has-com -_2mencec St. Lucie County makes no representation that is gr4 which is in conflict with anyl5pplicable Home Owner structure. Please consult with.y9ur Home Owners,As In consideration of the granting of this' requested p6 in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida 0 The following building permit applications are exeml accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, prior to thd-isis' uance oT,a-permit. ting a Permit will S6ih6riZe the ermit holder to build the subject structure Association rules, bylaWs'or an9covenants that may restrict or prohibit such ociati6n and review Vou,r-de, ed for any restrictions which may apply. -nit, I do hereby'agree-that. I` will, in all respects, perform the work iilding Codes and St� Lucie Cbu'nty Amendments. L from uhdergging a full concuPrency review: room additions, ;igns, screen room-�nc!0 c`Ce�sory�'6ses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Recorc a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to c btain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording Vour Notice of Commencement. " Signature of Cbdner/ Lessee/Agent STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SaintLucie The f Orr ing instrument was acknowledged before this 15 day of fa--ary 20 _16 by Ralph Ray -I- I (Name of person acknowledging) e_�L . qx. I (s1ignature of NotaryKubjic- State of Florida Personally Known x OR Produced Identifica Type of Identification Produced Commission No. — EE177496 (Sea]) KRISTINA S Signaturfof Coqtractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF,9aintLucie The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 161' day of anuary , 20 16 by Lionel J. Dunbar (Name of person acknowledging) t/t� 0 (_U7" & — (Qnat�re of Notary lic- State of Florida Personally K ... .... (� OR Produced Identification Type of identification Produced Commission No. EE177496 (Seal) KRISTINA 9UZMP-TH DAVIS MY COMMISSION# EE17MOs --c MY UUMMI,5�5111JN fFhh1f14Uti EXPIRES March 08, 2011 Revised 07/15/ EXPIRES March 013, 2 16 t t -0.153 FlorldlaNatarvSantlen-crun FlorldsNotaryServke.cm 40�) 398 1 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS