HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATION FOR DESIGN LOAD COMPLIANCEProject Name P roj e ct Ad d ress: Permit #: �EIVED FEB 10 2016 Planning & Development Services Department - Building & Code Regulations Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 — (772) 462-1553 @GANN�Iu) Certificalitlion for Design Load Compliance of By M111 SARAH & RALPH,' IRAY ofteciecot, , INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: • This certification must be complet� I I • Submit (2) copies for residential, 1 (3 a New Residences (single or o Residential Addition I 1:16MC Occupancy Type: R3 Construction Type: V13 J, signed, and sealed by the design professional of record. copies for commercial with all permit applications involving the following: multi -family) • Any accessory structure requiring a building permit • Any non-residential structure. Note: Form not required for inte ri ior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and certain minor building permits at th I e discretion of the local building official. Contact the # above for questions. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: (complete all that apply) I 1. DESIGN CODE: Florida —Building Code Fifth Edition with 20 Supplements using ASCE 7-10 2. Structure Designed as (check one): X Enclosed Partially Enclosed —Open 3. Risk Category: _I X 11 1 1 — III IV Exposure Category: _13 X C D 4. Design Wind Velocity 124 mph _K__ASD LRFD End Zone Width: 4'-0" ft 5. Mean Roof Height <15' 1 ft Roof Pitch: 5 :12 Parapet: __N/A ft 6. Components & Cladding Desi ; gn Pressures Used: (PSF, based on 10sqft @ 15'MRH, clearly label on all plan openings): +21.2/ +�1.21 +21.2/ +36.8/ +36.8/ Zone 1: -33.6 Zone 2: -58.6 Zone 3: -86.6 Zone 4:40.0 Zone 5: -49.3 Garape: N/A 7. Design Loads: Floor: 40 1 PSF Roof/Dead: 17 PSF Roof/Live: 20 Balcony: N/A PSF Dock: N/A PSF Deck: IN/A PSF Stairs: N/A—PSF Fence: N/A PSF Railings: N/A PSF 8. Were Shear Walls Considerled For Structure? X Yes _Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 1 9. Is A Continuous Load Path 1provided? _2�_Yes _Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 10. Design Soil Bearing Pressu i re: 2000—PSF Soil Test Reports Submitted? Yes DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTI : FICATION STATEMENT: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the attached plans & specifications have been designed to i comply with the applicable s I tructural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that st ructural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the design forces spe.cified: ROBERTF.SONBERG RA #6280 Print Name Cert # & Co. Cert Auth. ROBERT F. SONBERG ARCHITECT IDA 113 BENT TREE DRIVE, PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLOR Signature, Da"— a Company Name & Address Revised 07/25/2014 CONTRACTOR COPY RECEIN'D FEB 10 2016 Project Name: Project Address: Permit #: P1 2300 VirE Certificat!i i SARAH & RALPH,F INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: * This certification must be completei * Submit (2) copies for residential, (3) * New Residences (single or * Residential Addition * Any accessory structure rei * Any non-residential struCh * Note: Form not required for interior certain minor building permits at the dis, 1. DESIGN CODE: Florida Building 2. Structure Designed as (check one) 3. Risk Category: _I X 11 4. Design Wind Velocity 124 5. Mean Roof Height <15' 6. Components & Cladding Design Pr +21.2/ +21.2/ Zo n e 1: -33.6 Zone 2: -58.6 7. Design Loads: Floor: 40 PS Dock: N/A PSF Deck: N/A 8. Were Shear Walls Considered For anning & Development Services Department Building & Code Regulations Division Jnia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FIL 34982 — (772) 462-1553 on for Design Load Compliance Occupancy Type: R3 Construction Type: VB signed, and sealed by the design professional of record. opies for commercial with all permit applications involving the following: ulti-family) a building permit novations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and -etion of the local building official. Contact the # above for questions. IS USED: (complete all that apply) Code Fifth Edition with 20 Supplements using ASCE 7-10 X Enclosed Partially Enclosed —Open III IV Exposure Category: _13 X C _D -mph _K__ASD LRFD End Zone Width: 4'-0" ft ft Roof Pitch: 5 :12 Parapet: /A ft ;sures Used: (PSF, based on 10sqft @ 15'MRH, clearly label on all plan openings): +21.2/ +36.8/ +36.8/ Zone 3: -86.6 Zone 4:40.0 Zone 5:49.3 Garage: N/A Roof/Dead: 17 PSF Roof/Live: 20 Balcony: N/A PSF SF Stairs: N/A PSF Fence: N/A PSF Railings: N/A PSF ructure? X Yes —Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 1 9. Is A Continuous Load Path Providqd? X Yes _Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 10. Design Soil Bearing Pressure: Soil Test Reports Submitted? Yes I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the attached plans & specifications have been designed to i comply with the applicable structura I I portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the design forces specified: I 12 Signature, Date, aner"Spal U Revised 07/25/2014 ROBERTF.SONBERG Print Name RA #6280 Cert # & Co. Cert Auth. ROBERT F. SONBERG ARCHITECT 113 BENT TREE DRIVE, PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA Company Name & Address