HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOTICE OF PREVENTATIVE TREATMENT FOR TERMITES2� i Ter(nite Inspection - Termite PCetreatment - Pest Control - Rodent Service _ - Fire Ant Lawn Service - Whitefly Treatmen - Licensed & Insure Ot 45775 Notice of Pr (as required by Florida Building -"72-323-7921. -11(risPz Toll Free: 1-877-365-9990 Cl'o Termite & Fax: 772-340-5990 Pest Control, Email: Evictabug@gmail.com Inc. :X 2373 SW Woodridge' St. Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 ntative Treatment for Termites � (FBC) 104.26 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) I PEST PREVENTION I FIRE ANT SERVICE I TERMITE SERVICE I RODENT EXCLUSION& REMOVAL I WHITEFLY TREATMENT DATEOFSERVICE (0- TIME D�ZELOPMENTNAME (PROJECT) CONTRACTdR'S NAME PERSON (ODh '� 4—AJAk 6),�l D4 RO. ecu- 11�-4 TRE ADDRESS (LOT/BL CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE STRUCT OCK) COUNTY NOTES Z ,�- C - TREATMENT TYPEIAREA El FLOATING E3 MONOLITHIC 0 PATIO E3GARAGE Ll DRIVEWAY El STEM WALUFOOTERS Ll ADDITION EICUTOUTS OFOOTER LJ FRONT ENTRY Ll RETREAT E3 BORA CARE TREATMENT LJ PLUMBING CUTOUTS L] SIDEWALKS LITAMP&TREAT 9AZREATONLY OE�FINAL Ll POOL DECK DOTHER PRODUCTS LUT,WELINE El DOMINION 2L ACTIVE INGREDIENT 0 OTHER ACTIVE INGREDIENT CONCENTRATION 0-06% E3.12% LJ .25% SQUARE- FOOTAGE Ei.05% TERMIDOR SC U BORACARE El PREMISE EJ IMIDACCAPRID 01IFENTHRIN O'DISODIUM OCTABORATE TETRAHYDRATE Ll Z151/0 Li 9% LJ OTHER GALLONSAPPLIED 70 SQUARE FOOTAGE VERIFIED S LJ NO OPWEASURED OR JOB READY CONDITIONS MET <fr�ES— Ll NO DETAILS PER PLANS LINEARFOOTAGE As per 104.2.6 FBC - If soil chemical barrier'method for termite preventiori is used. Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: The building has received a complete treatmel nt for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (Per the' Florida Building Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line FINAL STICKER ,24ECTRICAL PANEL El WATER HEATER 01HER l(ammentTerms: Payment due at time of service. Date Abolic6b"r: (Evic'tA13uq Termiteeand BestC'ontrol, Inc.) Date or NTY-- planning & DeV Building & Code 2300 V Fort Plot 772-462-U72- CERTIFICATE OF T1 cONSTRucrXON [ - oqn" PERMrr #: I JPB BUIL.DER/CONTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: 19 PEST CONTROL 110ENSE #: we, the undersigned, hereby CerUfY that we I subterranean termites in accordance with the /V f- Square feet If area treated: —ZSL!��r f Percentage of solution. C Date of Treatment, Fooling 191 Treatment ___Ae-Treat Dr1veWaV _� I- Treatment __.Re -Treat .0ther 1st Treatment A�--Treat Note: 7-here mug Lpe a comptated form for e?ch feqL SIM to be pickedup by the Inspector at Me Of ex-h i fee chan7ed. CefH#,mte of proteclive Trea#nwt fbr� f:BC104.2.6 .ghall'be provided I& receive duplicate TreatmiWt Q�d providIng a copy for the person Me Peimit Is WUL*d i Cer0ficate shaff provide ffie product ifsed, fdanfitY Of treate4 c*eMical used, percent col7wobadon and M proteedveheabWent Ifffiesollchemiallb2ilfer'"e, be completed pdor to final bulla7hq approval St Lucia CountV requires for the rMal WSW the electocal panel box c*verr fisting all 0 pment Services gulation, WIVISIon rda Ave FL 34982 c 772-462-6443 TE TREATMENT TREATMENT ated the above described constuction for of the Nationai Past control Association, _jt&?hAW -- Acals; used. A il gallons used: e of Treatment: is' Treatment —Re-Treat Exterminator Went o4inwiment and thIs forM Must be on theJob Dr the scheduled 117specOn W11 fall and a -re-InspeCU017 ,wentfon of tarmfts. A weather res&tantiobsite pwifnq bwrd rateg as eadl reqvlred protedfi.le treah0ent 15 COMPleiV4 and another copy for Me bulldirg perMit fiks, Me Tre-ftent L- applIcator, time and date of the trea&mnt, �dte 1'200n, area ter ofgallons used , Lb esiablIsh a vadffablerMrd Of od for termite preveniVon k used, flnal ataiOr &WhNWt sh311 tion for CO, a pgroaftent sticker to be Placed On - treatments and dates of aPlIficatlOns- ,