HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1701 5ll1. -- - ---,-_. ....-. -'._.-.~:_- -.,.-. -.:;. ---- --.....--.--- --_.__._-----~--- .. _...---~--_:_.._--- -----... ._--_...__._-~ '-- .-- --_.'- ----- .--_. '---~--._- - - ------~- -- --. _.._-- -- . ..--- . ~ . 'I,".," .~,."..". .!-'..,.......,.- ...""--......_~-".....-....T'.....-._.~.. ......-,..~.~~,.-...~.-...". .~..- ..-.-.-......~~._.l\-.~- .'_ .......\..._...,.:. ( on eaoh aide ot eaoh lo~ hereby .onveyea, and for suoh purpose6, as well as to repair, remove, Clr replaoe said po1(es, wires, equip.ment, sewers an". mains, said itoyal fa!"k Company, 1 ts suo- 06SS0rs and assigns, shall have the right of ingress, ograss and regress as may ve neoessary or oonvenient for all of soid purposes. 14. No struoture exoept a fenoe of the kind hereinbefore desoribed may ever be erected ~pon any part of the strips of land in these premises over whioh an easemebt fo~'publio utility purposes has been reserved. 10. On and after Jan~ary I, 1940, all of the foregoing oonditions, restriotions and limitations I L numbered from One tl) to Twelve (12', inolusive, shall beco~e released ~ithout any aotion on the part of said Royal Park Company, its successors or assigns. ARTICIE 11. It is cutuall~ oovenanted and agreed by the part~es hereto as tollows: That the vendor after receiving payoent in full of said principal an1 interest and all other sums ohargeable in its favor hereon and the performanoe of all of the agreements of siid Vendee~ hereiu contained ani upon the surrender of this contract will at its own expense, furnish an abstract of title showir~ good title to said premises in said vendor and exeoute. and deliver to the said Vendee a warranty deed of said describeJ premises, oontaining all the-covenants, 40nditions and restri otions hereinbefore referred. to, exceptirig from said. w...rrant;; all liens am' enc~brunces which may have aoorued on said land or buildir.e s~bseq~ent to the d~te hereof, or thro.gh the acts or heglisence of said Vendee. Provided, however, and this contract is upon the express condition r that in theev~r.t that any of the payments hereinbefore required to be made by the Vendee be not promptly and tully paid within sixty days next after the Saffie oecoffie due and payable, or in event bf the failure of the vendee to perfolu, comply with and abide by any of the covenants or L agreementa of the vendee herein set forth, then in such event 0' either of thelt, the 'lendor may at its option p~r~ue eithe~ of the following co~rses, to-wit: ~. The Vendor may terminate t:~!s contract and retain all pay~ents the~~to~orc made hereunde~ by the Vendee as rar..tal for said :!.and, and in 111::.idation <:nt satisfuct::-n of the ::umnges by t the Vendor sustained by virtue of the breach hereof by the V~ndee, whel~upon all liability of the pa.rties, the one to the other ,hereu..'1de~ shall cease a::.d det'~rmir.e, ar.d the vi::r.dor shall have the right to re-enter and t~:e ?ossession o~ said land; or B. The ven~or cay decla:~ the whole of the ur.paid balance o~ suid pua'chase price to be due and payable forthwith, Slid may place this contr~ct it. ~.e han~s of an attorney at law for the collection of &~ch unpaid balance,.and if so placed in the hands of an attorr.ey at law, the Ven- dee shall pay to the Ven-:or u reasoLable attorney's fee, as well as suohunpaid balanc~. c. The time of payment shall be of the vary essenoe of this ccr.tr~ct, b~t no delay or om- ission of the Ver~or to exercise any right or pow~~~~ any default made bi the Vendee in any 4 - of the payments hereinbefore required to be ffiade by the Veniee, 01' 1l1'0r. any default in any of -the Covenants or agreements, harein of the ~~ndee shall impair s~ch right or power, or shall be 80nstrued to b& a waiver o~ any s~ch defa~lt or &oqules~eLce therein. r Ii ! :; D. This contract shall extend to aed be binding upon the successors, a9signs, heirs and ~er- sonall representatives of tJ:e vendor and of the vendee, dm each of them; provided, however, t that said. v::ndee shall not ssaien this contrac-:t-;.or any il.terest thedin without the consent of the vendor being endorsed in wri tir'8 hereon, and on the dupl1ca. te oopy thereof held by t.lte Vendee E. The term dVendor" -as uaed.in.thisoontrsot_shall.be oonstrued andtaken.to mean and iu-.. ~~u~~.~~! ~ooes80r.9, heirs, lega~_represen~~t~ve8 ~d assigns of t~~..endor. ~< ~~ 'the -term ~Vend4ed.and relative W~~9 used herein and all referenoe thereto shall be taken a~ singular or plural, masoullr~ or feminine, as the oase may require, to the same effect as if \ . expressly so indicated in eaoh instanoe. u ;tit~~~r;j~M~I~ji , "