HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA- DISAPPROVEDBY MIAMF QCAU� DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA Best Rolling Doors, Inc. 9780 NW 79" Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33016 tnp� . pproveA MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.miamidade.gov/economy SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable,: rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER -Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date (1h Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas product or material tested for quality assurance purp manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of suspend the use of such product or material wit] acceptance, if it is determined byMiami-Dade Cour meet the requirements of the applicable building cod, This product is approved as described herein, and ha., Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Model S10-6565 30'-41/2" Wii APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 17-466 through 4 of 4, dated August 16, 2017, prepared by E P.E., on February 14, 2019, bearing the Miami -Dade, I Acceptance number and the expiration date by the M I NIISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Smal LABELING: A permanent label with the manufac� positive and negative design pressure rating, indicat e number, approval number (NOA), the applicable tes,'t Product Control Approved' is to be located on the do, I ited below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section ier than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this -s. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted -h testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this Product Control Section that this product or material fails to been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Steel Roll -up Door 9b, titled "Model S 10-6565 Steel Roll -Up Doors", sheets 1 est Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Frank L. Bermardo, County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of iami-Dade County Product Control Section. Missile Impact Resistant rer's name or logo, manufacturing address, model number, the impact rated, installation instruction drawing reference standards, and the statement reading 'Miami -Dade County )r's side track, bottom angle, or inner surface of a panel. RENEWAL of this NOA shall- be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERAUNATION of this NOA will occur after the' expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NCIA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination! and removal of NOA. LIMITATION: Roll -up mechanism is not part o� this approval. ADVERTISEMENT: The NCIA number precede' d by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising li"Iterature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,. then it shall be done in its entirety. I I INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request o�ilthe Building Official. This NOA revises NOA #17-1031.07 and consisis of this page 1, evidence submitted pages E-1, E-2 & E-3, as well as approval document mentioned above. I ! The submitted documentation was reviewed by 4elmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. IKMIAMI-DADE 0:=)UNTY NOA No. 19-0318.04 1 �Fjayaenoj Expiration Date: 01/27/2020 o 4- / z lrh Approval Date: 04/25/2019 Page I Best Rolling Doors, Inc. A. DRAWINGS L 1. Drawing No. 6565 2009, titled i Model S1 0-6565 ", sheets I through 3 of 3, dated 0410612009, prepared by Best Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Joseph H Dixon, Jr., P.E. I B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA # 09-1103.05" 1. Test reports on 1) Uniform Stat I ic Air Pressure Test, Loadingper FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Testper FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind PIressure Loadingper FBC, TAS 203-94 4) Tensile Test 'er ASTMA3 70-05, Along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of Model S1 0-6565 Steel Garage Doors, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL # 5589, date 01/1 009, signed and sealed by Michael R. Wenzel, P. E. I C. CALCULATIONS "Submitte nderNOA # 09-1103.05" 1. Calculationsfor attachment o "C "channel guide to steel or concrete jamb, dated 0 712312009, prepared, signeda.nd sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P. E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department ofPprmitting, Environment, and Regulatory Affairs (PERA) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS I 1. Notice ofAcceptance No. 11-0926.07, issued to Dyplast Products, LLC, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block 6pe Insulation, approved on 11/1012011 and expiring on 01/11/17. 1 F. STATEMENTS I 1. Statement letter of code conformance to 2010 FBC, dated 0110312012 signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P.E. I "Submitted under.NuA # 09-1103.05" 2. Statement letter ofno financial interest, dated 10/1612009, signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P.E. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL 914-1006.06 A. DRAWINGS I i 1. Drawing No. 6565 2009, titled "Model S1 0-6565 ", sheets 1 through 3 of 3, last revision dated February 25) 2015, prepared by Best Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Joseph . ixon, Jr., P. E., on March 20, 2015. ��Relmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 19-0318.04 Expiration Date: 01/27/2020 Approval Date: 04/25/2019 Best Rolling Doors, Inc. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under�NOA # 09-1103.05" 1. Calculationsfor attachment of 'C " channel guide to steel or concrete jamb, dated 0211512015, prepared, signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE I I 1. By Miami -Dade County Department ofRegulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTI]FICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEM[ENTS 1. Statement letter of code confor!mance to 2014 FBC, dated 0312012015, signed and P.E. sealed by Joseph h. Dixon, Jrl' 1 2. EVIDENCE SUBMJTTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL #17-1031.07 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 6565 2009, titlid,"Model S1 0-6565 ". sheets I through 3 of 3, last revision dated February 25, �015, prepared by Best Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Joseph H Dixon, Jt., P.E., on March 20, 2015. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami -Dade County E. M[ATERL&L CERTIFICATI 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code coi sealed by Frank L. Bennare NOA # 09-1103.05" P. E. ofRegulatory and Economic Resources (RER). to 2017 FBC, dated 1012412017, signed and E -2 �" yl avz-'� - L:;'�elmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 19-0318.04 Expiration Date: 01/27/2020 Approval Date: 04/25/2019 Best Rolling Doors, Inc. 3. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 17-4669b, titled "M del S1 0-6565 Steel Roll- Up Doors ". sheets I through4of4, datedAugust1d. 2017, prepared by Best Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Frank L. Bennardo, PI.E., on February 14, 2019. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted undei NOA # 09-1103.05" 1. None. I D. QUALITY ASSURANCE I 1. By Miami -Dade County Depar, tment of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter ofcode con 0 mance to 2017 FBC, dated 1012412017, signed and sealed by Frank L. Bennard�, P. E . Y" W WL� &10elmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 19-0318.04 Expiration Date: 01/27/2020 Approval Date: 04/25/2049 E -a ... ... FRANK L BENNMO, P.E. 0046549 S TEEL ROLL -UP DOORS j� MODEL S10-6565 02,1 1�4,12 1E. -IF STATE 44. lz 0 — ran 'Um �ml 'oi HOOD -24GA (oPnONAL) ul Lu GENERAL NOTES: 0 z ,. u T 1. THE SYSTEM DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND Q_ ug � < 6 j g, TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SIXTH z x Rz �' zw EDITION (2017) FOR USE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE HIGH VELOCITY a HURRICANE ZONE, PER TAS 201, 202, AND 203 STANDARDS. 0, U, gll� 2. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE DESIGN PRESSURES CALCULATED FOR USE WITH THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE DETERMINED 3: EIM PER SEPARATE tn ce -,z ENGINEERING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNING CODE. PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LU 0 U, ASCE 7 AND CHAPTER 1609 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SHALL BE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO THE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE DESIGN PRESSURE CAPACITY VALUES LISTED HEREIN (TABLE 1) FOR ANY ASSEMBLY AS SHOWN. 3. ALLOWABLE DESIGN PRESSURES NOTED HEREIN ARE BASED u ON MAXIMUM TESTED PRESSURES DIVIDED BY A 1.5 SAFETY FACTOR. z 4. THE SYSTEM DETAILED HEREIN IS GENERIC AND DOES NOT PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR A SPECIFIC SITE. FOR SITE CONDITIONS DIFFERENT FROM THE CONDITIONS DETAILED HEREIN A LICENSED ENGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT SHALL PREPA�g U) u zz SITE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS FOR USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS cy- 0 tz 3 DOCUMENT. THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ARE PART OF A PRODUCT APPROVAL EVALUATION AND SHALL ONLY BE USED IN —CONJUNC-TION-WI-TH-T.HE-EVALUATION .0 8, u u " REPORT SUBMITTED FOR THE SAME PRODUCT APPROVAL. o -1 iE 10 S. SLATS TO BE A.S.T.M. A-653 GR 50 STRUCTURAL QUALITY STEEL WITH MINj.%� 50 KSI AND G-90 GALVANIZING PER A.S.T.M. u A-653�ORJAA.S. 4 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL MANUFACTURED M WITH NIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF Fy = 50 KSI. < z a2 6. WINDLOCKS SHALL BE 11 GA PLATED STEEL. A.S.T.M. A--1011 7. ALL ASSEMBLY BOLTS TO BE S.A.E. GRADE 2 CADMIUM PLATED OR GALVANIZED STEEL. RIVETSTO BE STEEL, 0 o Q 8. ALL A.I.S.I. 1035 CADMIUM PLATED, STAINLESS STEEL OR ZINC PLATED W1 Fy= 37 000 PSI 9. INSULATION MATERIAL SHALL BE EPS-6PANDED POLYSTYRENE INSULATION MANUFACTURED BY DYPLAST PRODUCTS LLC COMPANY, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE # _1 _�2 16-1129.05 OR LATEST VERSION. LLJ 10. DOOR MAY BE INSTALLED ON THE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF AN EXTERIOR WALL DOOR IMPACTED ON BOTH SIDES. co 1 11 GUIDE DETAILS CAN BE USED IN ANY COMBINATION. 12: ROLL -UP MECHANISM AND HOOD ASSEMBLY ARE NOT PART SEE TABLE 1 FOR I 4AX OF THIS APPROVAL. 13. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION RELEVANT CLEAR OPENING WIDTH TO THE NECESSARY STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE SYSTEM INSTALLATION. COMPONENTS AND FASTENERS NOT REFERENCED WHICH ARE PART OF THE INTERNAL FABRICATION OF THE SPECIFIED STEEL ROLL -UP DOOR STEEL ROLL -UP DOOR SYSTEMS OR ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURER PUBLISHED SPECIFICATIONS. SCALE:KTS ELEVATION SCALE: NTS SIDE SECTION 14. PERMIT HOLDER SHALL VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE TO WITHSTAND SUPERIMPOSED LOADS OUTLINED HER EIN 15. EACH DOOk ASSEMBLY SHALL BEAR A PERMANENT LABEL ON FACING THE EXTERIOR WITH THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM INFORMATION: 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INSULATE TABLE 1: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PRESSURE AND CLEAR OPENING VylDTH DISSIMILAR MATERIALS TO PREVENT ELECTROLYSIS. 17. WATERPROOFING IS NOT PART OF THIS CERTIFICATION AND h �MAXIMUM CLEAR OPENING WIDTH MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PRESSURE SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY OTHERS. S10-6565 30'-4 1/2" +65psf -65psf PRODurr rlFvisrl*,) x -m�plyma "rit;� ffi'fl'!."'*l'j.' 17-4669b SCALE: NTS UNLESS NOTEE iD SLAT TO CHANNEL SCALE: NTS SECTION 518 r----1 1/8 1 SEE TABLE 2 FOR SPACING L Z`X2 CONT. W-0 F-7 3116 START 5"FROM BOTTOM SEE TABLE 2 FOR SPACING fERY OTHER BOTTOM SLAT-- WATER STOP INCLUDING (BY OTHERS) *OM SLAT EXIST SLAB/FLOOR------"�� SURFACE (BY OTHERS) r -"\ BOTTOM SLAT 2 SCALE:NTS SECTION EXISTING STEEL HOST STRUCTURE LSEE TABLE 2 FOR SLIP CHANNEL JAMB TO STEEL 1 (MODEL S10-6565) \'2� SCALE: NTS SECTION PROVIDE I" LONG �1'11 FILLET WELDS EVERY 16" O.C.. START WELDS PEOV-6549 AT 1- FROM ENDS, TYP. -y -A Fy 50 KSI MIN. 3/16" MIN. STATE OF "THE STACKED DOUBLE ANGLE OPTION SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF THE PROVIDE V LONG 3/16" SINGLE ANGLES LISTED IN TABLE 2. TOTAL Fl LLET WELDS EVERY THICKNESS (T) SHALL MATCH OR EXCEED THE 16" D.C.. START WELDS MINIMUM THICKNESS LISTED IN TABLE AT 1 " FROM ENDS, TYP WALL ANGLE STACKING OPTION SCALE: NTS SECTION ANCHOR, SEE TABLE 2 F, L L 2'X2 Y4'X-: CONT ASSEMBLY BOLT 5/16" X 1 10 W/ WASHER a NUT. FIRST @ 5- FROM BOTTOM. REST @14- EXISTING ,CONCRETE HOST STRUCTURE (4KSI MIN) rxUVUCTRrVlSED I '�p - IZ LSEE TABLE 2 \--4 j3b (a�—j FOR SLIP CHANNEL JAMB TO CONCRETE 1 (MODEL S10-6565) SCALE: NTS SECTION [FRANK L BENNZ P �E F=Wf. SENNARD0, P.E. 4 W Up -g6 g WED '�U) �..- . z L—u 0'a x ge > 'u x cDrL— zx W tn' C, 'u ai u u u� 0 On. 0 E! o u M u u 0 OZ . 0 ul V < cl 6 Lu Do JAMB CONNECTIONS MODEL#S10-6565 No 0046549 EXISTING STEEL HOSTSTRUCTURE 2.00D' MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE OF 6 DIAMETERS (41 EXISTING STATE, 1.125' 1 .. . " I r I ... —. . I HILTI MK BOLT 3—\ i - CONCRETE HOST I C, k' - 1 1.1— S/ ANCHOR, 8' 0— 3/16;"�& 6NG SEETABLE2 - STRUCTURE (4KSI MIN) W aj Ir U Iz rc b 5 0.875" z0 W r4 0 U, o ASSEMBLY BOLT 5/16" X 1 1/2" W/ WASHER & NUT FIRST @ 6" FROM BoTro REST@14'0.C. M J%R a H 'q V) O� 1, U.1 START S' FROM 2 3 BOTTOM,SEE s/s-0 3/16- 0 U.1 0 V Q-41! FORSUP TABLE 2 FOR 3 SPACING 2 S STABLES Up SUP Lj CHANNEL IAMB TO STEEL 2 CHANNEL JAMB TO CONCRETE 2 (MODEL S10-6565) / �2 (MODEL S10-6565) SCALE: NTS SECTION 3 SCALE: NTS SECTION U ZE 0 z -0 0 DIAGRAM U (CHANNEL) -- PRODUC'R- 7 SO& /7 TABLE 2: MODEL #S1 0-6565 JAMB CONNECTIONS Z 0 z ANCHORS TO CONCRETE JAMB FIELD WELD TO STEEL JAMB WALL ANGLE THICKNESS fc= 4000 psi Based on a minimum wall angle Gr50 Fy = 50 ksi DOOR OPENING SLIP EACH thickness: 3/16" WIDTH END WALL ANGLE TO JAMB CHANNEL GUIDE CHANNEL GUIDE HILT[ KyAk Bait 3 PLUG WELD PLUG WELD E-GUIDE Z-GUIDE WALL ANGLE CHANNELTO STEELJAMB CONCRETE TOJAMB WALLANGLE JAMB dia. x embedment x spacing 30'4-1/2" 1.50 5/8"x 4" @ 6-1/2" D.C. 6/8"di X3116' 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 3181, 3/8" @ 6-1/2" D.C. @ 10"O.C. 251-01, 1.50 5/8"x4!'@9-1/2"o.c. 5/8"dia.x31*' 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 5/16" 51`161 @ 8" D.C. @ 12"o.c. I 20'- 0" 1.50 518"x 4" @ 13-1/2" D.C. 5/8"dia.x3/1V 5/8" dia x 3/16" 1/4" 114" @ 12"o.c. @ 14.'o.c. 16'- 9' 140 5/8" x 4" @ 16" D.C. 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 5/8"dia. x 3/16" 1/4!' 1/4" @ 14" D.C. @ 14"o.c. 14'- 9' 0.75 5/8"x 4" @ 16" D.C. 5/8" dia. x 3116" 5/8" dia. x 3116" 3/16" 3/16" @ 14" D.C. @ 14' D.C. 12'- 0" 0.50 5/8"xV'@ 16" D.C. 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 3/16" 3/16" @ 14" ox� @ 14" D.C. 8�- 0" 0.25 5/8"x 4" @ 16"o.c. 5/8" dia. x 3/16' 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 3116" 3/16" @ 14" D.C. @ 14"o.c. 4'- 0" 0.50 5/8"x 4" @ 16"o.c. 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 518"dia. x 3116" 31 @ 1,V' O.C. @ 14"o. c. vx 6 -4 Vvy 4 TABLE 3: MODEL #S1 0-6565 JAMB REACTIONS Design Wind Load (PSQ Opening Width Design Slip vx (Iblit) VY (Ibilt) ,501-50 121-0" 1/2" 1213 302 16-0" V 1459 402 20'-0" 1 1/2' 1739 502 25'-0" 1 iw 2501 627 30�4112" 1 112" 3389 761 +551-55 12'-0" 1/2" 1 1362 332 16' -0" 1" 1 1620 442 201-1.1 2" 1 IL 1 1923 552 25'-0" 1 112 ; 690 30� 4 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 3732 838 +60/-60 12'-0" I/Z' 1510 362 161-0" 1.1 1782 483 20'-0" 1 1/2" 2106 603— 1 1/2" 3014 1 752 .�%O'. 112 4075 1 914 12--0- 1/7' 1659 393 161-0" ill 1943 523 20'-0" 11/2" 2290 3 2V-0" 11/2" 3271 V19 30'- 4 112"' 1 1". 4418 990 LU C0 HI? 17-4669b SCALE: NTS UNLESS NOTED FRANK L BENNARDO, P.E. SY TEM COMPONENTS It 1 PE,10046549 S10-6565 �j �61 , i �,,, -0 7,�'14�120 0.875 No PE004654� FRANK L�a 46�9 ONARDO, P.E. 0-0 0.550 T 0 ST ATE 'F ID C, 2.415 0 0.125 17/640 a: rn ��i 0 HOLES 2 0.750 PLACES FOR m Li 24 .500 1/4"0 RIVETS 2.415 w , '!,- GA 2.500 24 GA 3.250 z 'a 3� U, (SEEGE—S) Lu (9 2.500 �o CO zz 3.250 7 z w 0.8125 O� LL, gaz w 1.500 ID 2 .1 0.560 HH 0.175 PLAIN INSULATED J..2, Li F �LAT S �LAT M 0 �de I S 1 �O- 6 5 �65 WINDLOCK u SCALE: NTS STEEL' �-SF-EEL �(-TM A�-101 1) u� Z 'SLATSTEEL.NOTE' 0 u 0 z SLAT To BE ALS.T.M. A-653 GR 50 STRUCTURAL QUALITY STEEL WITH MI . 0 > u FY= 60 KSI AND G-90 GALVANIZING PER A.S.T.M. A-653, OR A.I.S.I. 304 < Z. g-ga SERIES STAINLESS STEEL MANUFACTURED WITH A MINIMUM YIELD u STRENGTH OF FY 50 KSL 9 (3 -'rRi m Z 3� < z (3 0 1.25W 1.335- Lu 0.073" �0.375` Cod- 17-4669b SCAM NTS UNLESS NOTED' 4 CHANNEL GUIDE (Model S10-6565) 7 uc! con,�! R SCALE: NTS STEEL (FY=30KST MIN.) MIAM QWJMU DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE I Best Rolling Doors, Inc. 9780 NW 791h Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33016 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the appli( materials. The documentation submitted has been r Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date s (hi Miami Dade County) and/or the AELT (in areas o product or material tested for quality assurance purpo manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of s suspend the use of such product or material withi acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade Count, meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has I Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Model SIO-6565 301-4 V211 Wid4 APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 17-4669 through 4 of 4, dated August 16, 2017, prepared by Be P.E., on February 14, 2019, bearing the Miami -Dade C Acceptance number and the expiration date by the Mia NIISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small'. LABELING: A permanent label with the manufactur positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate � number, approval number (NOA), the applicable test s Product Control Approved' is to be located on the doa, RENEWAL of this NOA shall- be considered after a r change in the applicable building code negatively affe( TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the ex materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or, pr for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall autorr section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and LIMITATION: Roll -up mechanism is not part of this ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded b3 expiration date may be displayed in advertising literai done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provIii available for inspection at the job site at the request of the B This NOA revises NOA #17-1031.07 and consists of as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation Was reviewed by Helm MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 ivww.miamidadg.gov/economX rules and regulations governing the use of construction oved and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER -Product other areas where allowed by the Authority Having ted below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section ter than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this :s. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted .h testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this Product Control Section that this product or material fails to designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Steel Roll -up Door titled "Model S 10-6565 Steel Roll -Up Doors", sheets 1 Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Frank L. Bermardo, inty Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of i-Dade County Product Control Section. Impact Resistant ,-'s name or logo, manufacturing address, model number, the pact rated, installation instruction drawing reference aidards, and the statement reading 'TvEaini-Dade County s side track, bottom angle, or inner surface of a panel. riewal application has been filed and there has been no the performance of this product. )iration date or if there has been a revision or change in the )cess. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, atically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any removal of NOA. approval. the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the ure. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be inR Official. page 1, evidence submitted pages E-1, E-2 & E-3, as well A. Makar, P.E., M.S. 4, NOA No. 19-0318.04 Expiration Date: 01/27/2020 Approval Date: 04/25/2019 Page I Best Rolline Doors, Inc. A. DRAWINGS 1. DrawingNo.6565 2009, titled "Model S10-6565", sheets I through 3 of 3, dated 0410612009, prepared by Best Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA # 09-1103.05" 1. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loadingper FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Large Missil� Impact Testper FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 4) Tensile TestperASTMA370-05, Along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram ofModel S1 0-6565 Steel Garage Doors, prepared by Fe�estration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL # 5589, dated 0111312009, signed and sealed by Michael R. Wenzel, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under NOA # 09-1103.05" 1. Calculationsfor attachment of 'C" channel guide to steel or concretejamb, dated 0712312009, prepared, signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P. E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Pe�l mitting, Environment, and Regulatory Affairs (PER,4) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS � 1. Notice ofAcceptance No. 11-09�6.07, issued to Dyplast Products' LLC, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block T�pe Insulation, approved on 11/1012011 and expiring on 01/11/17. 1 F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to 2010 FBC, dated 0110312012, signedand sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P. E. "Submitted under NOA # 09-1103.05" 2. Statement letter ofnofinancial I interest, dated 10/1612009, signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P.E. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL #14-1006.06 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 6565 2009, titled� "Model S1 0-6565 ", sheets I through 3 of 3, last revision dated February 25, 2015 prepared by Best Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., 1PI, on March 20, 2015. ,,�;Melmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 19-0318.04 Expiration Date: 01/27/2020 Approval Date: 04/25/2019 Best Rollin Doors, Inc. OF B. TESTS 1. None. I C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under'NOA # 09-1103.05" 1. Calculationsfor attachment of '�'C " channel guide to steel or concrete jamb, dated 0211512015, prepared, signed a?7d sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P. E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami -Dade County Depar ent ofRegulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to 2014 FBC, dated 0312012015, signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., �P.E. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL 917-1031.07 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 6565 2009, titled "Model S1 0-6565 ", sheets I through 3 of 3, last revision dated February 25, 2015, prepared by Best Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Joseph H. Dixon, Jr., P.E., on March 20, 2015. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami -Dade County E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code confoi sealed by Frank L. Bennardo, NOA # 09-1103.05" `.E. ofRegulatory and Economic Resources (RER). to 2 017 FBC, dated 1012412017, signed and E -2 yl gzyn::� 65110(elmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 19-0318.04 Expiration Date: 01/27/2020 Approval Date: 04/25/2019 Best Rolling Doors, Inc. 3. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 17-4669b, titled" o I S1 0-6565 Steel Roll- Up Doors", sheets I through 4 of 4, datedAugust 16, 2017, prepared by Best Rolling Door, Inc, signed and sealed by Frank L. Bennardo, P,E., on February 14, 2019. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami -Dade County E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conforn sealed by Frank L. Bennardo, P # 09-1103.05" ofRegulatory and Economic Resources (PER). to 2017 FBC, dated 1012412017, signed and E -A 6Relmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 19-0318.04 Expiration Date: 01/27/2020 Approval Date: 04/25/2049 TEEL ROLL -UP DOORS q MODEL S10-6565 f-_ F 2 HOOD - 24 GA (OPTIONAL) GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE SYSTEM DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SIXTH EDITION (2017) FOR USE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE Z6NE, PER TAS 201, 202, AND 203 STANDARDS. 2. POSMVE AND NEGATIVE DESIGN PRESSURES CALCULATED FOR USE WITH THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE DETERMINED PER SEPARATE ENGINEERING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNING CODE. PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASCE 7 AND CHAPTER 1609 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SHALL BE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO THE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE DESIGN PRESSURE CAPACITY VALUES LISTED HEREIN (TABLE 1) FOR ANY ASSEMBLY AS SHOWN. 3. ALLOWABLE DESIGN PRESSURES NOTED HEREIN ARE BASED ON MAXIMUM TESTED PRESSURES DIVIDED BY A 1.5 SAFETY FACTOR. 4. THE SYSTEM DETAILED HEREIN IS GENERIC AND DOES NOT PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR A SPECIFIC SITE. FOR SITE CONDITIONS DIFFERENT FROM THE CONDITIONS DETAILED HEREIN, A LICENSED ENGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT SHALL PREPARE SrrE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS FOR USE IN CONJUNCTION WrrH THIS DOCUMENT. THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ARE PART OF A PRODUCT APPROVAL EVALUATION AND SHALL ONLY BE USED IN r3 CONJUNCTION WITH THE EVALUATION REPORT SUBMITTED FOR THE —SAME-PRODIUCT-APPROVAE.-_ S. SLATS TO BE A.S.T.M. A-653 GR 50 STRUCTURAL QUALITY STEEL WITH MIN. Fy = 50 KSI AND G-90 GALVANIZING PER A.S.T.M. A-653, OR A.I.S 1. 304 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL MANUFACTURED wrrH A MINIMUA YIELD STRENGTH OF Fy = 50 KSI. 6 WINDLOCKS SHALL BE 11 GA PLATED STEEL. A.S.T.M. A-1011 — 2 7: ALL ASSEMBLY BOLTS TO BE S.A. E. GRADE 2 CADMIUM G) PLATED OR GALVANIZED STEEL. ALL RIV 0 BE lq?� FEEL, CADMIUM PLATED, 'I i i i � 1*1 '%�) 11 T14E INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF AN SEE TABLE I FOR MAX CLEAR OPENING WIDTH STEEL ROLL -UP DOOR STEEL ROLL -UP DOOR SCALE: NTS ELEVATION SCALE: NTS SIDE SECTION TABLE 1: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PRESSURE AND CLEAR OPENING WIDTH ---- F ��MAXIMUM CLEAR OPENING WIDTH MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PRESSURE I S10-6565 1 30'-4 1/2" 1 +65psf/ -65psf 12. ROLL -UP MECHANISM AND HOOD ASSEMBLY ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. 13. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION RELEVANT TO THE NECESSARY STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE SYSTEM INSTALLATION. COMPONENTS AND FASTENERS NOT REFERENCED WHICH ARE PART OF THE INTERNAL FABRICATION OF THE SPECIFIED SYSTEMS OR ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURER PUBLISHED SPECIFICATIONS. 14. PERMIT HOLDER SHALL VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE TO WITHSTAND SUPERIMPOSED LOADS OUTLINED HEREIN 15. EACH DOOk ASSEMBLY SHALL BEAR A PERMANENT LABEL ON FACING THE EXTERIOR WITH THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM INFORMATION: 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INSULATE DISSIMILAR MATERIALS TO PREVENT ELECTROLYSIS. 17. WATERPROOFING IS NOT PART OF THIS CERTIFICATION AND SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY OTHERS. PRODUCT f"EVISFI) 'u'—plying ".it4th' Building CCd2 0 3y BENMWO, P.E. FRAN BENNARbO, P.E 4 6 54 tl.� N 1z El U) Eu I-, Is w ca W - 2.1 LU Zo:_ 1: T: 1 1, _ OIL g < . Z x Ld w x N ww uW 1_1. v R54 �: ch ul U U U) ow Z4 cy-1 0. o '.a o U U < mo 0 11 w ,<. �_u 0 w D p *� , b o < z 0 6 F- Ul) LU co HH" s I 17-4669b I I (1) SLAT TO CHANNEL \. �2 SCALE: NTS SE 5/8 F ---- 11/8 1 SEE TABLE 2 FOR SPACING 'ERYOTHER BO' , INCLUDING OM SLAT EXIST SLABIFLOOR SURFACE (BY OTHERS) EXISTING STEEL HOST STRUCTURE LZX2Y,'X "CONT. Vo 16 L 311 6 START 5" FROM BOTTO M SEE TABLE 2 FOR SPACING 2 3b SEE TABLE 2 FOR SLIP CHANNEL JAMB TO STEEL 1 r7"), (MODEL S10-6565) 2� SCALE: NTS SECTION BOTTOM SLAT SCALE:NTS SECTION FRANK L BENNARDO, P.E. PE*0046549 N PROVIDE 1- LONG FILLET WELDS EVERY 31je MIN. 9, 16" 0 * C.. START WELDS pEoC,1,6549 AT 1" FROM ENDS, TYP. ZAN 54��- BENNARDO, P.E. Fy 50 KSI MIN. '/16" MIN. ST A-, E OF m r4 —0 Wrn Q=), -,6% �U) W �txmn uj Z 0 OP wul u —Zx� THE STACKED DOUBLE ANGLE OPTION SHOWN 1 1,50 OEM g4 IN THIS DETAIL MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF THE SINGLE ANGLES LISTED IN TA13LE 2. TOTAL PROVIDE 1" LONG Y16" x z - o � T w Lu FILLET WELDS EVERY o' 0 THICKNESS M SHALL MATCH OR EXCEED THE 16" D.C.. START WELDS MINIMUM THICKNESS USTED IN TABLE AT T' FROM ENDS, TYP. U) , &.z w 0 W WALL ANGLE STACKING OPTION SCALE: NTS SECTION J lv� w u z 0 k: 0 0 L-, - 0 u u Z- -0 �;l u < 9 < z 0 0 r&rdm—dqadWa—f8 anhordiametem fw 100pmentanch,rdfflden�r SLEEVE----- EXISTING ANCHOR, CONCRETE Lu SEE TABLE 2 HOST co STRUCTURE (4KSI MIN) L 2"X2 Y4X.2'CONT. T- ASSEMBLY BOLT 5/16* X I 1/2"Wl WASHER& ODUCTR011SED NUT, FIRST @ 5- FROM 13 1, w BOrrOM.REST@1Y4- D.C. 0 alp Dw. 2 SEETABLE2 Zo 3b BY Hill FOR SLIP Dq Con-ol 17-4669b CHANNEL JAMB TO CONCRETE 1 (MODEL S10-6565) SCALE; NTS UNLESS NOTED 2 SCALE: NTS SECTION TT EXISTING STEEL HOSTSTRUCTURE 2.CO(r ASSEMBLY BOLT 6116"X I 1/2"W1, WASHER & NUT FIRST @ 6- FROM Borr&, REST @14" O.C. JAMB CONNECTIONS MODEL #S1 0-6565 SEE TABLE 2 1�1_, n,�FOR SPACING CHANNEL JAMB TO STEEL 2 rl-"\ (MODEL S10-6565) SCALE: NTS SECTION TABLE 2: MODEL #S1 0-6565 JAMB CONNECTIONS HILTI KWK BC ANCI SEE TAE START 5" FROM BOTTOM, SEE TABLE 2 FOR SPACING ANCHORS TO CONCRETE JAMB FIELD WELD TO STEEL JAMB NALL ANGLE THICKNESS fc= 4000 psi Based on a minimum wall angle GrSO Fy = 50 ks! DOOR OPENING SLIP EACH thickness: 3/16" WIDTH END WALL ANGLE TO JAMB CHANNEL GUIDE CHANNEL GUIDE HILTI KvAk Bolt 3 PLUG WELD PLUG WELD E-GUIDE Z-GUIDE WALL ANGLE CHANNELTO STEELJAMB CONCRETE I TO JAMB WALLANGLE JAMB I dia. x embedment x spacing 30'4-112" 1.50 5/8"x4"@6-1/2"o.c. 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 5/8" dia, x 3/16" 3i8l, 318" @ 6-1/Z'o.c. @ 10"O.C. 25'- 9' 1.50 5/8" x 4" @ 9-1/2" D.C. 518" dia. x 3/16" 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 5/16" 51161, @ 8" D.C. @ 12"o.c. 20'- 0" 1.50 5/8" x 4" @ 13-112" D.C. 5/8"dia. x 3/16" 5/8!'dia. x 3/16' 1/4" 114" @ 12" D.C. @ 14" D.C. 19- 0" 1.00 518" x 4" @ 16" D.C. 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 6/8" dia. x 3116' 114" 1w @ 14" D.C. @ 14" D.C. 14!- 0" 0.75 518" x 4!'@ 16" D.C. 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 5/8" dia. x 3/16' 3/16" 3/16" @ 14"o.c. @ 14" D.C. 1Z_ 0" 0.50 5/8" xV'@ 16" D.C. 518" dia. x 3/16" 5J8" dia- x 3/16" 3/16" 3/16" @ 14" D.C. @ 14, D.C. 0.25 51&'xV'@ 16" D.C. 5/8" dia. x 3/16" 518"dia. x 3116" 3116" 3/16" @ 14" D.C. @ 14"o.c. 4'- 0" 0.50 518"xV'@ 16"o.c. 5/8"da.x3/16' 6/8"dIa.x3/16" 3116" 3/16" @ 14!'o.c. @ 14"o.c. MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE OF 6 DIAMETERS (4-) EXISTING -ONCRETE HOST 'TRUCTURE (4KSI AIN) E3 7 QY14/20 No PCOG, 65, L AENNARDO, P.E. I.D ­4 IAL Min t; LU -, 0 ED 5::" LU , Lu o Z ILI U E-C ><-�.R 01i §< w I.- 0.� ZO� Co r!; X M ww 6-- RdE ago ow 10 b.0 Li CHANNEL JAMB TO CONCRETE 2 (MODEL S10-6565) SCALE: NTS SECTION 0 LOAD DIAGRAM (CHANNEQ . , 0 0 < 0 fa Ou L, u _2 o u Z C) < A— vx 0 6 #S1 0-6565 TABLE 3: MODEL JAMB REACTIONS Ul) Design Wind Load Opening Design vx VY LU Cal pso Width Slip (lb/ft) (IbIft) +50/.50 iz-01, 10 1213 3 161-01, V 1459 02 20'-0" 1 1/2" 1739 502 25'-0" 1 11T 2501 627 30'-41/2" 1 1/2' 3389 761 +55/-55 1 1/2" 1362 332 %0; 6 11. 1620 442 20'-0" 1 1/2" 1923 552 25'-0" 1 1/2" 2758 690 30� 4 1/2" 1 1/2" 3732 838 +60/-60 12'-0" 1/2 i�lo 362 16'-0' V 1182 483 20'-U' 1 1/2" 2106 603 25'-V 1 112" 3014 752 30'- 4 1/2" 1 V2" 4075 914 F+651_65 IZ-0" 11Z, 1659 393 16'-T 1 ., 1943 523 20'-0"" 11/2" 2290 653 25'-T 1 1/2" � 3271 815 30� 4 1/2" 1112" 1 4418 990 6H 17-4669b SYSTEM COMPONENTS I t 1 ; 1 1 PEI OD46549 S10-6565 �j 2 Opf� 0.875 N PEOG4654t FRANK WENNARDO, P.E. 46549 0.550 0.550 0 0.500 -U 0.750 STATE 2F 41�1 ID C4 � 171640 HOLES 2 0.750 'V- 0.125 "4 00 PLACES FOR n-M. in T WM 24 GA 2.500 24GA- 3.250 114"0 RIVETS 2.416 LU z .0 -i ul: -I 2.600 CSEEG—M o' Ca E 050 7 241GA 11- 2 3.250 z w xw w rl 0.8125 0. 0 Fog 2i 2 8 1.500 G I 1'. 4 V, ce �!y �i F� 0" 0 t� ai 0.580 1.5 PLAIN INSULATED 0.87r 1 .'5 .5625 J z LAT S �LAT M o �de I S 1 �O- 6 5 �65 U _F� (-,"�_WINDLOCK SCALE: NTS STEEL' z 13� . 0 u, �< 0 U. *SLAT STEEL NOTE: 0 SLAT TO BE AS.T.M. A-653 GR 50 STRUCTURAL QUAUTY STEEL WITH MIN. 0 u- - .j v FY = 50 KSI AND G-gD GALVANIZJNG PER AS.T.M. A-653, OR ALS.I. 304 < Z 2 U T-W D Or_ —SERIES-STAINUESS STEEL MANUFACTURED WITH A MINIMUM -YIELD — STRENGTH OF FY 50 KSI. Z z 0 3.260' LU 1.335* b 0.073" 19 M 5: Cal Full "'-"h Lhe FIclid c A ........ E�j 6, '� D' -4669b 17 E SCALE: NTS UNLESS NOTED' CHANNEL GUIDE (Model S10-6565) i D�d cue! 3) STEEL (FY=30KSI MIN.) Al DISAPPROVED