HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT DATASubmittal #08 90 00-2.1 08 90 00 - Louvers and Vents Ahrens Companies Project: 18-000037 - MRO HANGAR - TREASURE COAST INT. 1461 Kinetic Road AIRPORT Lake Park, Florida 33403 3191 Jet Center Terrace Phone: (661) 863-9004 By Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Fax: (561) 863-9007 aeos bew-tw LouV,er & Vent - Product Data SPEC SECTION: 08 90 00 - Louvers and Vents SUBMITTAL MANAGER: LaMaya Jennings (AHRENS COMPANIES) STATUS: Open DATE CREATED: 06/21/2019 ISSUE DATE: 06/21/2019 REVISION: 1 RESPONSIBLE CLIMAX MECHANICAL CORR RECEIVED FROM: CONTRACTOR: t RECEIVED DATE: SUBMIT BY- 05/0812019 FINAL DUE DATE- 06/28/2019 LOCATION: TYPE: Product Information COST CODE: APPROVERS: LaMaya Jennings (AHRENS COMPANIES), Sue Finney (Avcon Engineers & Planners), Ian Johnson (Avcon Engineers & Planners), Robert Palm (Avcorl Engineers & Planners) BALL IN COURT. Sue Finney (Avcon Engineers & Planners), Ian Johnson (Avcon Engineers & Planners), Robert Palm (Avcon Engineers & Planners) DISTRIBUTION: DESCRIPTION: B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications; certified test data, where applicable:knand installation Instructions for required products, including finishes. ATTACHMENTS: LOUVERS PD.pd SUBMITTAL WORKFLOW # NAME SU13MITTERI SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED RESPONSE ATTACHMENTS COMMENTS APPROVER i DATE 1 Jack Sadej Submitter 6/211/2019 7/512019 6/21/2019 Submitted LOUVERS SHOP DRAWINGS 2 LaMaya Jennings Approver 6/211/2019 7/5/2019 6121/2019 Received SENT . I PD.pd SEPARATELY 3 Sue Finney Approver 6/28/2019 Pending 4 Ian Johnson Approver 6/2812019 Pending, 6 Robert Palm Approver 6/28/2019 Pending Ahrens Companies FILE COPY Page 1 of 2 Printed On: 06/2112019 09:43 AM AHERNS COMPANIES 1461 KINETIC ROAD LAKE PARK, FL 33403 Shop Drawing I Product Date Re . vier' REVIED BY Cris Panebianco DAT� 6/21/2019 REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE APPROVED APPROVED AS NOTED REJECTED Review is for conformance with design concept only ari d Intent and general compliance with contract documents/specifications. Subcontractor shall be responsible for all quantities, dimensions, conipliance with documents and related codes, verification of work and'trades and fabrication or techniques of construction. BY Submittal #08 90 00-2.1 08 90 00-- Louvers and Vents MI-M-M-A-WFUST ARCHUECTS, INC. Shop Drawing RevIew No Exceptions Taken [3 Revise and Resubmit D Rejected , 0 Exceptions Noted CORRECTIONS OR COMMENTS MADE ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS DURING THIS REVIEW DO NOT RELIEVE CONTRACTOR FROM COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAWINGS AND THE SPECIFICATIONS. THIS CHECK IS ONLYA REVIEW OFTHE GENERAL CONFORMANCeVVITH THE DESIGN CONCEPT OFTHEPROJECrAND GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE INFORMATION GIVEN INTHE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOM CONFIRMING AND CORRELATING ALL QUANTITIES AND DIMENSIONS,- SELECTING FABRICATION PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION: COORDINATING HIS OR HER WORK WITH THAT OF ALL OTHER TRADES AND PERFORMING ALL WORK IN A SAFE AND SATISFACTORY MANNER. Submittid #- 08 90 00-2.1 Louvers & Vents PD Reviewed By., By DLM t11:11amJu126,2019 ,X NO EXCEPTION TAKEN MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEM REVISE � RESUBMIT REJECTED Checking is only for general conformance with the design concept of the p�oject,and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. An� action shown is subject to the requirements of the plans and specifications. Contractor is responsible4or dimensions which shall be confirmed and correlated at the job site;, fabrication processes and techniques of construction; co6rdination of his work and that of all other trades and the satisfactory performance of his work. AVCON, INC� I By: ZEMP PEPPER, P;E. Date: 7/25/19 GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO COORDINATE LOUVERS ELEVATION SILL HEIGHT WITH TRANSLUCENT WALL PANELS AND PEMB SHOP DRAWINGS FOR HANGAR BUILDING UPPER LOUVERS #IS L10, L11, L12, L 13. LOUVER I I 'COLOR TO BE BONE WHITE. 11:12am,Jui26,2019 COPIES TO 4 11-4 E-q '-I� U 4 4 W- U� Ahrens Companies I Page 2 of 2 Printed On: 06/2112019 09:43 AM S�UBMITTALH, Project . Ti . t . le: Madntenahc'eq; Rep''ir, atid 'Overhaul MOR A 9 ProjeoNddross: .3191 Jet Center Tbrraee4 Fort Pierce, Florida 33.982' Subm ittal Date: 06/17/2019 Submitted Produet: Louvers, -Specification S&tion: - 09000. i MaAufacture Xame* NAILOR INDtJSTPJES Pages Attached: Submi.tting cwftmetor: ClimaxI Me , chanicil Corp. Notes: >-- Added'Sthedule > � Color Chort" Added ji�, BiKdOcreen is a standard:td Io6vers6 shown in the submittal, Ge"nerAl'Goiatt actor: 6aic Review.. Notes: Ey, Al s s o c i � a t e s ma.nufacturers Agent CQ ) READQUARTE"4 SE'LLVE"In RO, Box 1355 * Pompano 16ridk 33061-1355 troward (954) 783-4892 0 ade (36) 949-5126 Palm Beach (561) 734-86 *Fax(954)17834893 11 tENT k_L FLORIDA 254 C. R. 427, 9 Suite #220 *Longwood , FL 32750 office (407)-339-2930 e Fax (407) 339-5970 Florida Only Toll Free e (866)-339-2930 I BM -ITT L RE=SU PROJECT: T.t.I.A. �RP MRO, HANGAR ARCHITECT.',' MLIVI MA ' RTIN ARCHITECTS9 INC- "CON ENGINEERS & PLANNERS ENGINEER-. CONTRACTOR: CLIMAXtMECHANICAL CORP. DATES JUNE 139,2019 SUBMITTED BY-. Marywtii kinsley HVAC, ASS0CIAT ES . INC. 100 -sw ST COURT POMPANO BEACH, FL. -33060 1 PHONE:"PS4.783-4892 FAX: 954-783-4893 1 11 E-MAIL A, DDRESS: m.arybothk@hvacfl.com WEB, PAGE.- www.hvacassoeiates-COM MANUFACTURER". NAILOLR 1NbUSTkIES MATERIAL: OUTSIDE AIR LOUVERS i -ADDED LOUVER,SCHEDULE AND DAMPERS FOR EACH CLEARLY TAorED -INCLUDED COLOR CHARY (SEPARATE ATTACHMENT) -PLEASElidTE -ALUMINUM BIRD SCREEN IS 9TANDARD-AS SHOWN. NOTE. MATERIALIS WILL BE FiFLIEASED TO MANUFACTURER FOR FABRICATION AND SCHEDULED AS 6IRECiED BY CONTRACTOR UPON RETURN OF A RFyIEWED/APPROVED SUBMITTAL. ALL SUCH - MATERIAL LL Be kELPAS90 AS SUBMITTED UNL9Ss NOTED. . LOUV,,ER SCHEDULE PLAN FUNCTION SERACE MANUFACTURER MODEL NO. CFM PRESSURE DROP SIZE FREE AREA DAMPER TYPE X H" X D") (FT2) MARK L-1 rEXHAUST LOCKERS GREENHECK EVH-5 . 01D 650 I 0.11 18 X 18 X 6 0.79 GRAVITY L-2 'INTAKE bA AHu_'l . ­ GREENHECK EVH-501D -250 0.07 - 18X -12X5 0.45 L-3 INTAKE HANGAR GREENHECK EVH-501D 21500 0.1 84X84X5 27.58 MOTORIZED L-4 INTAKE HANGAR GREENHECK EVH-501D- 21500 :w '84X64X5 27.58 MOTORIZE D L-5 INTAKE HANGAR-.-,. GREENHECK EVH-501D -21500 0.1 t4X84X,5 27.58 MOTORIZED L-6 INTAKE HANGAR GREENHECK EVH-501D 21500 0.1 84 X 84 X15 MOTORIZED L-7 'INfAKE FPER GREENHECK EVH-5010 1450 0.04- 30130 X 5 47.3 - GRAVITY L-8 INTAKE FIRE PUMP BLDG. GREENHECK EVH-501D 8600 0.07 6OX6OX5 13.96 GR)<TY L-9 INTAKE- FIRE PUMP BLDG.- OREENHECK EVH-501D 8600 0.06 60X6OX5 13,96 GF�CTY H-10 tAHAUb I HANGAR �GREENHIECK EVH-501D 21500 0.18 .72 X . 72 X 5 19.57 GRAVITY L-1 1 EXHAUST' HANGAR GREENHECK EVH-501D 2150.0 0.18 72X72X5 19.57 GRAVITY L-12 EXHAUST HANGAR GREENHECK EVH-501D. 2150 0.18 72'X 72 X 5. 1.9.57 GRAVITY L-13 U ST EXHAUST EX HA R HANGAR HANGA GREENHECK EVH-501D 21.500 0.18 72 X 72 X 6 19.57 GRAVITY L-14 U T EXHAUST EX FPE;R FPER GREENHECK EVk-5011) 1450 0.07 27X27X5 2.59 GRAVITY L-15 'S EXHAUST FIRE PUMP B I LDG. FIRE PUMP BLD GREEN14ECK EVH-501D 17200 0.11 72X72X5 19.57 GRAVITY FjHA L-16- --EXHAUST- ST 00 RESTROOMS--- -GREENHECK- EVHa-lD- 0A5- 1 GRAVITY __z._ MOT "9 Fit= I ow--- NOTES: 1. LOUVERS SHALL BE S'DEEP LOUVER, EXTRUDED ALUMINUM 4. GRAVITY DAMPERS SHALL BE EXTRUDED ALUMINUM S LLBEf UCI ON'V\RTH,COUNTER.BALANCED WEIGHTS. DAMPERS CONSTRUCTION, AND EPDXY COATED, PROVIDE EXPANDED, CONSTRUCTI r FLATTENED ALUMINUM BIRDSCREEN IN REMOVABLE FRAME. COLOR SHALL BE RATED FOR VELOCITY OF 2006 FPNI AND PRESSURE TO SHALL BE:SELECTED BY ARCHITECT. 2.5"W.G. DAMPERS SHALL BE MOUNTED VERTICALLY FOR HORIZONTAL AIR FLOW PROVIDE wALL SLEEVE WITH. LENGTH AS LOUVERS SHALL MEET AMCA 556 CRITERIA FOR HIGH REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN MANUFACTURERS REQU [RED CLEARANCE VELOCrry VVIND DRIVEN RAIN RESISTANT LOUVERS AND SHALL HAVE BETWEEN LOUVER', DAMPER AND FAN. FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL. 5. PROVIDE SPRING RETURN ACTUATOR FOR MOTORIZED DAMPERS 3. CONTRACTOR,SHALL PROVIDE WALL SLEEVE AND OTHER WITH TORQUE RATING'AND TIMING IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOUVER APPURTENANCES NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE OPERATING MANUFACTURER'SREQUIREMENTS. ACTUATORS SHALL BE. - 12OV/1 PHASE �MANUFACTURtD BY BELIMO OR HONEYWELL SYSTEM. MOTTVmS K m_._ . - .. _-%� -jo "a-, f-_- f --A 1,r- il S, EXTRUDED, ALUMINUM STATIONARY LOUVER miAMI-DADE'dUALIFIED FLORIDA PRODUCTAPPROVED Naialor H16.1-11 V,EL-OC,ITY WIND-DIRIVEN F3AIN RESISTANT Industries Ina 5",(127). DEEP. V,ERTICAL BLADE MODEL: 16.05WDVIM QUALIFI[GATIONS: Mlarril4jade Coufity-NOA No. 1 Florida product Approval No.-:,� Tested In accordance wfth: TAE (Large�.Mlislle Impact Test), T41 TAS-209.(Cyclic Wind Prdssure AMtA 866-L (Wind�Drlveh R6116; I q " - �1 .9AMCA 540 (Wind -Borne Debris li *'A'MCA 550 (H.Ig� VelocityWind-ld P Wind load rating44— 130 PSF. STANDARD�CONSTFIUCTION.. FRAME: 5' (127) d64O, ij nominal wall thicl provided. BLADES: Type 6Q046,' e) thickness, with'teli SLADE ANGLE- Fi'xed:at 45 degre( ,BLADE SPACING: Approximately I I T B ADE SUPPOFrT:2.5- (64). strap L -qyc l less-ih he�i ess i�' n SCREEN:. 518" ic.'.050 (16 x'I flattened alumInUn A removable frame�j FINIM lvlli�l-' MINIMUM SIZE: 12'W x 1 1 1 2" H (305) MAX. SINGLE' 72' W x 120.. H-(1 82 SECTION.0215; or 120' W x 79' H (3 63,sq. fl. (5.9 in). L- will kequi Ire fiaWass( OA MAX., SIZE Unlimited Width, x, 120"� APPROXiMAtE SHIPPING WEIGHT: E OPTIONS:' C3 L3 "w 13 *W AWnbumilow— Wo VIM 1. e0a. )(Esi Extended. Sill. Other 17.14 A (Wind -Driven Ri3in Test), TAS-201 !,(Uniform St - athi Air Pir�ssiirai Test), Jino Test). �r Penetration, Alillow).. I Test [Enhanced "Latidl E" Protection]). i-Kaln Resistance Test). 6063-T6. extriuded aluminum, .08W (2.03). w. Integral downspouts and, caulking slot aluminum, .066' 0 .52)-,nominal, wall bos§es. (38) on deniers. 60" (152.4), or expanded, ird screen ln� ;ide (rear) mount 318"fl 01 to louver clepth)." 305�., amca x 9048) Dann -gbr l6ii.vers nbly of CK I 0048). is. per ft1,(24.4-,Kg per ml). OPTIONAL FINISHES: 13 ON- - Q"S. LI 5 Fluoiropolymer Powder Coat, AAMA.2605 (Ecluivalent to M*% Kynara). C , olor., 13 HIGHVE RAN RELOM 4 ANID IMPACT RESISTANT LOUVER . EnheaceilPtoloolon ILI 1W" .. - � I Q mw hwawww"�mei LI,Aww --0-O."i'm E3.*PMK NMOIL For Installa I tion Instructions, see IOM-'LOUVERINSTFPA SCHEDULETYPE: Page I of 3, PROJECT: T—C.I.A.r FPRMR0 HjANGAR', Dimensions are in inches (mm). ENGINEER: AVCON ENGINEERS PLANNERS RATE, 1 8 SERIES -1 SUPERSEDES I ORAVANG NO. I �CONTRACTOR: �L;LIMAA 1V1t--L;t1AN1LjAL L�UKt�, 110-311-10] 16DOM -22-10 I 1605WDVM j Naffor Indulatriesinc.-reserve.s the flghtwchange.i�i� informatI11 concerning pro*torpriciq y0out notice. .1605WDVM Omber, 201 A- I 'W �.-00 �'/. - —.F -- -/ -- -.4- - - , ve tee 5meme 4 U. COUNTERBALANCItD BACKDRAFT DAMPER HIGHPERFORMANCE - HEAVY DUTY EXTRUDED ALUMINUM BLADES & FRAME indtistries' in' 11. 1 0 M DEL" 1380-CB' Model 138bCS is a high performahcl counterbalanced backdraft damper designed toautomatically prevent 16'backflow'of,sir while allowing -for automatic air .intake -or exh,eUst/Pressurel relief In , medium. to'heavy duty commercial and light duty gpdustrial HVAC epi3rli6atlons. Corrosion-r6'ststant extrucled'alum inurn �o6fistruction'highlight§ the. model's-fdattires' which Include 'a -reinforced mite red comer franw, that, resists racl�lrig, pr�daerodynarnlc blades ihat overlap the Ja6nbs for rr;aAM um Weather proteddn. Extruded, PVC blade seals provide quiet closure, 'as well as extra ,weather pr6bd6tlon. Blede fink6go 161 mounted out of view on the, rear of the blad6 and pmvides'smooth, -operation at�systsrn velocities of uploJ2600 fprr�. Blade mountedcounterwelghts are easily adjusted to desired opening pressure. STANDARD CO NSTRUCTION.- FRAME:' '2­1 channel type, .125" (3.2) nominal -wall thickhess type, 6063-TS extruded, aluminum. Comers are mitered. BLADES: .00" (1.8). nominal, wall'thlckhess* (61 21/4* type 15663�t5 extn�led aluminum'. LIWKAGE� Non-adJustable,l face mounted ph rea r of blades BEMINGS; Synthetic, sidevirtype. MAX 1 lt4(321 1 1114* (32) SLADE SEALS-.. Extruded PVQ �74 COUNTEk'. BALANCE: Adjustable, plated steel Weights mounted Intemally (in fteirstream).. FINISH: Mill. MIN'IM'UM SIZE: 6",x1d",(1152 x 254).' MAXIM.1.11111 SIZE: Single Stctl6h- 48"xiW' AIRFLOW (121%)0.3211).' Multiple sedflon: Unlimited. NIAXIMUM '19MPERATURE- 2'00-F (93-C). MA)UMUM BACK PRESSURE: 4to I 6.1h. w. #eq 2). ChannelFrante :9W@w6S6ww , MAXSYSTEM, (Duct Mompt), -CF), 2600 f0m (3500 tm- VELOCFrY-., maximum spot (Six nclard Velocity). �1 �JFUIULOW 4- f�UMNTINIftIc V� .1 irount (standard) PA _p.) LUI L AIRFLOW . . . MmA Masi- — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... .E3 SCHEDULE TYPE:, Page I of 2 PROJECT- T.C.I.A. FPR MRO HANGAR bimensions are In Inches (mm). ENGINEER: AvcON ENGINEekS & PLANNERS 1WE ASERIFS IWOMSEUSIMMG1110. CQNTRACTOR: 'CLIMAX MECHANICAL CORP I - I - 12 1300' . I � 11 - 8 r 06 1 - 13SOCE Wilor InduWes. Im rmierml ft d9ht to m coacaning product or pricing without wtice. W. 5UFAV*U LA�A "F�. LO Le�e. L9-, a, N oe,: LOWLEAKAGE CONTROL DAMPER n, 'STEEL 4STANDARD PERFORMANCE MOUSWO� 1,nC., MODELS: - 1010 & 1,020 The 11011MOSerlos'are IYWWO� mo4l! W , dety us6o low leakage �Gimperp and are the standard choice r-use, In't Jo "'" �e majorlty of low to medium velocltk. and pressure commercial HVAC systema. They dre'lo w- cost high 0811ty diMpOrS.1that Meet Lor exceeid t6e mijoritj pf,siandard specification requlrements.� They meet the frequently specified leakage ria' of loss ,than IO'cfrn per-sq.,ft at-4* w.g. (0,50k, at 2000 Ipm).-The design.features Include a sturdy hat Channel' fraM6 with MA-forivied corner gussets for 9: reinforcement and structural stren6th`-e�ulvaliififto 13 gauge channel type trarnes, A vee grobve,blade dqslgn,i�aufned mizeis's'trength'and zero Maintenance, concealed'ilnkage (out of ihe'air stream) for reduced Pressure drop -and air turbutdnce.' cow -TO :STANDAR6 601INISMUCTION: OPEN :C .Frame: V47181 x 16,ga. (127.x 22 x 1.0)�qalvranlzed' steel hat channel with, die -formed comet gusserts. Low profile (flat bottom) an "06rs 10 (254) hi h and under. top and 1.9 Blades: 6* (152)'widq 0 5 VT (11�q. centers. 16 go. (1.6) gaiv. steel V813 groove desidn. Parallel.6r Opp . osed action. Unkoge:* Concealed,typ6 tothii1y"onclosecl within..the frarne -and out of the airstream. Plated sea 112" (IS) dia., Ce[Conaki . .. FliniFn A3dpw. (I s) did. platedl steel double bdfted,16 blades. Drive Shaft: -61 (152) long 'x 1-12'1(.13) dla� rigid dr" shaft on a - 11 ' stri§1i section dampers. A 1)i'�(13)or 1_L(�5)_d'a.fGCt6ry AiAr Insta.11fed jackshatt)i 'standard on all multiple section A�ODEL DEL .1010 1020 dampers..Seemuft�seaondetWl,lWDMSI.' X2 Made Seals: Due] durometer bA *L exinided PVC.' PARALLEL �6 OPP6SED Jamb Soolln Compression type cambered metal' BLADE -1 5-i t BLADE TiMperatur " e Range: -504F io.+I8D*F (7460C to�+628Q. vrp I V� t jidaftft. I ,Swipuct W x H):- - - standard , 12 --7—mWmum' , _.. - - " I " t. I unimum Pin* sedion, muftlesection';. qlaawe um SM5 .6Fx4 (parWW'*i0WSDd) WX77 (1219�x 1m) UNIMbd (203x264) on multiple Section damper& JackshEdt secorwy. boiled to 4.10 31.4' (2!jj, ?1211 frame. MAX MAX. Opvoks; DOPER SLEE . VE T he FW OR ,E] 304 � Stwainlemstbel cdon DUCT proffle frame AV%AVRWrDOARD LOCK -ON illustra 4MP'Actuator mbuntingsitio pleto ted tIPLO "Look -on drhm Shoff SUPPORT MVE is used to xDEMING SHAFT maxin'dze 0 ' ther BRACKEr CUMARD free'area Nafl.or ofierg a wfda seWlon al p�le ane.eWr actutors for lafty or field knIallation. 0 SUPPORT aval - table.' WARING .Pedormance Date- Air Leellcage (I l'am0r,closed),- on units 16- Optional,lock-on,driveshaft (254) high llesiMP6 support bracket d6tall. and under. Width . 1111aximurn 'Symm. Pressure Mmdmum syew veto* %Of ;Alei Flo�. Cb/ sq. FL. 48'(1219). 2.WW.g. 20M fpm Aq 3,6 30 W4. 20001pm ..20 4.0 24' (610) —(3A _40 W.g. I [ 20DO fp!n 23, __ 5ff W.g. I moo fpm 6.8 1 UM*D [rhmagon Isbawl upon a p=wrp46re,',j1al of I*V4Q. tast6d nar-AMCIA Atand-1 rdwun Fin a C Pressure Drop (in. w.a.) , m Damper Size., Approach Vdocay (Ipm) M 1= 11500 2000 1 WX24'(810MO) .016 .03D .07 .14 1 31Y136(914014) .013 .023] .06 M 48x4S`(I2I9x1219) .010 .020-17-03 -.071 ToMed W ANICA Standead Soo-D, Fig.'p.a: Dimensions ar`e In inches (mm). I— ENGINEER: AVCON ENGINEERS &PLANNERS'. DATE -,A SERIES I SUPERSEDES I DRAW106 NDA Mailor Industries Ini, rpmes the rlo I ht to . chaftge any Information c'o=mW product or pricing vd1hout notice. Nailor Industries Inc. A. DRAWINGS L, Drawigg No; 1609W_M� titled 1 605WDVM Louver" ' sheets, I tbrough- I I of :11, Inaustries Inc, dated 1 Oil prepared by Nailor 2/�017, signed and.sealed.by Wayne K. Hehnila, P..E.,on 07/20/20218. z& TE STS '94 1. Test: reports o.,i) Uniform, Static Air Pressure Test, Loa'ding'per FBC TAS 202- 2) Large Nfissile 1ppacffestyer FBC, TAS 201-94.(Levql E, 80 fps) 3). Cyclic -W Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94, along arked-up dmvAngs and installation diagram of 1605WDVM.'Louver Systems, prepared, by� Intertek, Test Report No. H4892.0146M&R4. dated 09/45/201.7 aaid-revis�ea on 0-5/18/2918i signed and sealed by Tyler West-erling, P.E. 2. T6st. -rei?ort .�ln Wind Driven Rain Resistance Test per TAS 100(A)-95' on z 1605WDVM I ��cal Alumlhiam Louver', prepared.,by Intertek, Test Re�ort No. 110211.02�80,�'-I&Rl,,dated 09/27/2011, revised on,11/11/2017; sijnpd. and S.ealed,by Tyler Westerlihg, P;E., 3. Test repo - it. , on- 11igh Vel6city Wind'Driydn,.Rain Re�istajice Test �per ANSI/AMCA 550-00 *on at 10_5WDVM Vertical.Aluminum'Louver,.prepared by-Intertek/ATI, test Report' No.'H62i1M-8'O.1-18-R3, dated, 04/20/2Q17,,.revised on 11/21/201,7,. signed and sealed by Tyler Westerling, P.E. :C. CALCULATIONS 1,. Louver calculations prepared by Rice Engineering, dated 11/03/201 7 signed and, sealed by Wayne. k.- 4eiini'l ai,'P.E. QUALITY ASSURANCE i. Nflarni-Dade De' and.Economic.Resources (RER) Tartment of -Regulatory �T_ ERMCERTMCATIONS I.- None. X. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformwee to the 61h edition (2017) FBC, issued by Rice. Engineering; dht�d 04/16�2618, siped and sealed by Wayne k. Helmila;,P.E. Statement letter 'of no finaricial interest issued by Rice Engincenng, dated 04/1612018, signed and sealed by'Wiyne K. Halmila, P.E. Carlos AL Utrera,.P.E. ..Pro&6t-Control -Mantiner NOANoi iMI'17'.14. Expiration Date: August:30, -�M Aporoval Datr. August 30,2018