HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1703 OUt1 - __'~"_'n",,_"_' -- __ ....._.__~..._..._. _____ __..._..~._.._ ____ _~_~_ .____. -__."__~..;....r_~____._____......_ __. .__-"_.......__ __--'______'__.. _._.__ _.~_____ .'~~'-...-. .~..."'-.~.- "-..._'.'~''''-'~.",-.~'-''~ "'~'r~""..'~.._-""",.'.'''''''''''~'..t._,...._. y.-. - ..,-_.,...._..-""':--~ ~"'.' . .u , ot this oontraot; and that tho vondee shall pay all such taxes and installClents ot assessments beooming due and payable after the daie of this oontraot. In the event the vendee shall fail to pay said taxes and assessments from time to time as they beoome due and p~"able, the vendor at its option may pay the same and the amount thereot shall be repaid withinw sixty days by the vendee to the Vendor, togother with interest at tha rate of eight per oent. par annum trom date of pajment. ARTIClE 1. It is mutually agreed that theso presents are made subJeot to the followir~express condi- tions, restriotions and limitati~ns, and whioh are intended to be and shall be aocepted as oovenants running with the land, and whioh shall be binding alike upon the heirs. legal represen- tatives and assign3 ot the Vendes, who by his aooeptance of this instrument agrees" to abide by and perform said restriotions. limitations and oonditions as one of the express oonsiderations of these presents, to-wit:" 1. I~o unlawful or immoral use shall be made of the premises hereby agreed to be oonveyed, nor shall the same nor any part thereof, nor any interests therein be sold. leased or otherwise oonveyed to any person other than of the Cauoasian raoe, nor shall said premises, or any part thereof, be oocupied by any person other than of the Caucasian race, provided that nothing here- in oontained shall prevent the keeping and maintaining of servants on the said pro?erty tor re- asonable use of the occupants. 2. no building shall be oonstructed or erected on said property until after the plans. spe- cifications and location of the s~e shall have been ap~roved in writing by said Royal Fark Comp r any, its suocessors or assigns. 3. 1;0 residt:nce or bu~lding, incl\iding porches or projections of any kind, shall be erected '- at a less distance than thirty feet frc~ the front line of tr~ above described property, or at a less distance than three (3) feet frc.m the side-lir.e cf said property, or at a l!es distanoe than five (~J feet from the rear line of said property. Steps to porches may extend over the building line. 4. No building exce~t as ~rovided in the following list showing character of building and minimum cost shall be constructed on any lot describe~ in said list, to-wit: (Descriptions are according to ilats of ~oyal ~ark Subdivisions recorded in the of rice of the Clerk of the CirCuit Court, of st. tucie County, Florida~ ) Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, of Jlook 1, ~il~le residenoe ~4,500j or duplex flat or double h:use ~O,8CC' or apert~ents ~12,OOO. Lots 7 to 14 inclusive. of Block 1, ~ingle residence onl~ $4,500; Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, v.nd .Lots 14 to 24 inclusi'/e, of .aleck 2,~in&le ~esidence on 1;,' ~4 ,500. Lots 1, and "'ots 13 to 17 ir.cl\isi'1e, of .dlock ;r,Single. resi~encc, ~4 ,5GO; or duplex flat 0::" 10uble house $8,000; or apartments $22,000. I.ots 8 to 12, inclu,ive of !Hock .Ii ,Single rcsidenc~ ;;:4,fOO; 01' duplC:j: flab of dOi~ble h'::\ise .r: J ~ ~ ~. .t} $8,~00; or apartments i12.000; h~-~7-~~-~~~e Lots 7. 8 and 9, of ~look 5, Single residenoe only~3,500. Lots 10. 11 and 12. of 310ck 5, 3ir.g13 Residenc~ ~3.500; or duplex flat or dO\ible ho~se 48,000; or apartments $12.000. ~ll lots in Tract ~, ~ing1e residsnoe only ~~,OOO. hll lots in Block 14, Single residenoe only $5,000. ~ll Lets in aloo~ 15, ~ingle residenoe only i5.000. Lots 33 to 41 inolusive, of Blook 16, ulngle residenoe onl~ i~.ooo. Lots 28 to 32 inolusive. of 4100k 16, ~ingle residence t~,ooo; or duplex flat or double house 110,000; or apartments or hotel 915,000. I i I ! I l 1 I ! ! ,. . ..... .o:';.:j:'IJ~f~1i*~