HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHRESHOLD REPORT SUMMARY # 10AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 March 27, 2020 St. Lucie County. 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, F1 34982 Attention: Mr. Jim: McGuinness, Build Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Project ' No. 1901-0552 St. Lucie County, Florida TH Dear Mr.. McGuinness: As directed, representatives frorn AVCON, I Hangar project. -This report summarizes 0 L March 21,2020 through March 27,2020. 11 concrete placement, as well as general hous were performed in accordance with the DelVerme PE (AVCON: INQ, and the project! ,SGANNLU-) BY St Lucip riotln'�Y Official SWIVIARY NO. 10 AVCON, INC.. F,,NTGr1NL—T,RS & ]PLAN-NIERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 20,0 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone:. (407) 599� 1122 Fax: (407) 599A 1,33 www,avconinc.com performed on-siie, threshold.inspection services for the MRO FPR threshold inspection services performed during the inspection period of pections took place on March 14, re -inspection of.rebar prior t6 the ceeping.on the northern entrance slab into the hangar. Ourinspections ructural documents, signed', and seated by the Engineer of Record, Luca ecifications. Our special inspector and his duly authoriied representative(s) reported their observations as. noted on, the attached -Daily Threshold Reports with all structural non-compliance items noted within the, attached Special Inspection Log'(SIL). All non-cornpliance items, or SIL's, previously reported as non-cornpliant with regard to the plans or I specifications, will be reevaluated by our Special Inspector after corrective action is taken by the, General Contractor or the. deficient conditions. have been approved �h rough written approval by the Engineer of Record. During the. inspection period of March. 23� 2020 through March. 27, 2020, and to, the best of our knowledge and belief, the construction of all structural lolad-bearing components described in the threshold inspection plan complies with permitted documents, with revisions as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL. Should you have. any questions or concerns contact us. Sincerely, AVCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 ga"&CIC41 100 (r Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 38092 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee, Gary Stepalavich5tepalayfgh County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden Du Construction Project Manager, Robert H� org these reports, or desire any additional' information, please T�­ -� - .". * CIVIL & STRUCTurkAL e AIRPORT & XVIALtION CONSULTINNG . * TRANSPORTATION UES[GN &PLANNI[NG AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 March 27, Z020 St. Lucie County �300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce,,Fl 34982 Attention: Mr. Jim MicGuinness, Bui Reference: MRO FPWHangar Permit No. 1-40-0550 & -St. Lucie County., Florida INSPECTOR(S)' Rick Baidorchi (P DAILY REPORT($): Th [See attached. SPECIAL INSPECTIO.N.LOW Added this Sumt Res,olved thL� Su Outstanding,for ATrACHMENT(S); ­E0R.Report Officia[ REPORT SUMMARY N . 0.10 Inc.) Inspection Daily Report(s): 03/24/20 -o . r locations and olbse.rvationsj. Period; . AVCON, INC. ENIGNEERS.&PLANINTERS. '5555 E.Michigaft St., Suite 20,0 PrIando ' Florida 32822 Phone:.'(407) 599-1122 Fax.: (407) 599-11,33 'Nvww.a.vconinc.c0M Pafge, 2 of 2 CIViL & STRUC-TURkLo' AIRPORT &1AVIATION CONS.ULTINGO TRANSPORTATION D.ES,IGI,.r & PLANNING, AVCON,INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG Permitting Agency: St. Lucie County Project Name- FPR MR,O Hangar Update Period- 03/23/20 to 03/27/20 1907-0552 Permit No.: 1907-0550 - Foundations & 1812-0471 - Structure Project No.: 2017.0259.01,. Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County Project Location: St. Lucie C ounty, Florida Threshold Agent: Rick V. Bald.occhi SIL Date Daily Structural- Element __lLocation— 3 Description— Response %; I . —Date Closed Daily -Re-p—ort-7 -No— - -Report-No.- No. 1 &26A 9 S I L Helical Piles N/A The helical pile submittal on RVB EOR approved RVB 10130/19 Q09 ' Summary Submittals site does not have SEOR or calculations and 1 County Building Department revised plans acceptance stamp. 2 8,30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 009 Summary not show . helical piles within calculations and 2. the footings. revised plans 3 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 - C-7, The contract. documents do RVB EOR appro ved RVIB 1 0/2V1 9 009 .09/20/19 Summary 3 F7 - L!, G-8 & L-8 not show. helical piles within . calculations and G7.9 - L-9 ' the footings.- revised plans 4 10/02/19 SIL Foundations All locations The rebar in the top mat RVB EOR approved RVB 11/01/19 069 - Summary 4 deviate from plans/shop calculations and drawings. revised plans i o/o4/19 SIL Foundations Footings Colui-nn anc ' hor bol ' ts and RV13 - Summary 5 adjustment nuts were 02/25/20 encased with high shrink grout prior to steel column placement. Columns that 1 The Special Inspector, Rick -V. Baldocchi, P.E., ac knowledges this deficiency. 2 3 The Special Ihspectot, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledgessesolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page I of 2 AWONIINC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS have been placed, are not bearing evenly on the grout. 6 62/25/20 SIL Structuria Columns Bolts: in place were not RVB Summary 6 secured in place 7 02/25/20 SIL St,ructure Steel & hardware Excessiverust has RVB Summary 7 accumulated'on steel and bolts, due to a delay in the, work I The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowled es this deficienc . 2 9 , y 3 The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baidocchi, P.�., acknoWledges, resolution to this deficiency. Thisisa brief sumrharyoftheSIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 2 of 2 Exhibit "E" V.*12017.0259.01 — FPR MRO Hangaf CPS� DATE- Decembe. 9, 2019 TO: File FROM: Luca REFERtNCE: Notes from FPR, MRO 1- MRO — Trea An AMON, INC.,(AVCON) construction progress in rega Field observations recorded tt Colu.mn, anchor bolts � column placement. SE Column base, plate is. 'ACTION,.: GC'sha found'With the PI letter prior, to. ins P 5- rsite observations gar CPS re Coast International Airport AVCON, INC Nllt'R S & PLANINERS, M55 B.-Mi6igap Street Suite 200 ofla'fidllo, FL,32822-2779 Phone- (407) 599-1122 Eftiail' aveon @aveoninc.com www.awoni ftexorn presentative visited the -site on December. 4, 2019 -to. observe the 'to the.1botings, column placement, and 'overall progress. following: id,adjustrnent nuts were encased with, high shrink grout prior to steel Photos 11-3 ot bearing on grout Uniformly i(See Photo 2). CRITICAL PATH secure theacceptance of the -non-unliform condition MR Manufacturer's Engineer via a signed and sealed a . Ifing the beam, sections onto the. column sections. CIVIL& STRUCTUItAL 9 AIRPORT k, AVIATION CO NSULTING , 91TRANSPORTATION DtSIG N & PLANNING AVCON Project No.. 2017.159.01 April. 24,.2020 St. Lucie County Mb Virginia Avenue Fort. Pierce, Fl 34982 Attention: Mr. Jim. McGuinness, Building Reference: MRO FPR.Hangar Project. No. 1907-0552 St., Lucie County, Florida THRESHOLD REPORT SUMMARY NO. 12 Dear Mr. McGuinness: AVCON, INC.. 'F.N-QfN1Er,.RS & PLANNT-RS, 5555, E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Oflarido' Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 599-11,22, Fax: (407) 599-1 1�3 Av, , ww,avconinc.com. As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. p rformed on -site, threshold i nspection services for the MRO FPR Hangar project� This report summarizes our thre I shold inspection services performed during the inspection period of April 20, 2020 through April 24,2020. Inspections took place. on April 20, for concrete placed at pile slab- cap to. the west as well as the north hangar door entrance sl� I b. Our inspections were performed in accordance with the structural documents, signed, and sealed by the Lngineer of Record, Luca DelVerme. PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications. Our special inspector and his duly authorized epresentlative(s) reported their observations as noted on the attached Daily Threshold Reports with all st uctural nory -compliance items noted within the attached Special Inspection Log� (SIL). All non:-compl lance items, or SIL's, previously reported as non-complicint with regard to the plans or specifications, will be reevaluated, by our Spec al Inspector after corrective action is taken by the General Contractor or the deficient conditions have beenapproved through writtenapproval by the Engineer of Record. During the inspection period of April 20, belief, the construction of all structural Ii complies with permitted documents, with h Should you have any questions or concerns regal contact us. Sincerely, A VCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. Vice Aresident , STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 38092 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee, Gary Stepalav ich StepalavichGOstlucieco.org County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu beaulieus0stlu Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden DurdenW@stfuciei Construction Project Manager, Robert Hatton rhatton@a rough April 24,2020, and to the best of our knowledge and ring components described in the threshold inspection plan as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL. ng these reports, or desire any additional information, please m I CIVIL & STRUCT . UIUL e AIRPORT&A-VIATIO Y CONSULTING e TRANS POREkTION DESIGN & PLANINII[NG : AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 April'2.4, 2020 St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl 84:982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness,1130ding Official Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Permit No. 1907w-05�0 & 1811-0471 St. Lucie County, Florida LD ROCIRT SUMMARY NO. 11 INSPECrOR(S): Rick Baldocchi (AVtON, I.nc.) DAILY RIEPORT(S): Thee hold- Inspection Doi ly Repoet(s): 04/20/20 [See attached r6pprt(s) for locatiQps and observations] I - SPECIAL IN,SPECTIO,N'LOG: I I Added this Summ6ry Period: Resolved th1s.SuM'fnGryPer1od: Outstanding for ti�e Project: ATTACHMENT(S): -EOR'Report 0 0 3 AYCON, INC.. NEERS & PLANINMRS 5555 E, Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 599�1 122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconine.com Page 2 of 2 CIV1L & STRUCTUkAL - AIRPORi & AVIATION, CONSU.LTING # TRANSPORTATION DESI'GIN & Pt.,ANNING VA SPECIAL. INSPECTION LOG AVCON,INC. ENGINEER$ & PLANNERS Permitting Adency-.' St. Lucie County Project Name: rPR MR.0 Hangar Update Period: 04/20/20 to 04/24/20 1907-0552 Permit No., 1907-0550 — Foundations & 1812-0471 - Structure Project No.: 2101,7.0259.01, Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County Projec t Location: St. Lucie County, Florida Threshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocchi SIL Date Daily Structural Element Location 3 Description 1 S.I. Engineer of Record Response :Date Closed Daily Report No. Report No. No. 1 &26-19 SIL Helical Piles N/A The helical pile submittal on R-VB EOR ar)Droved RVB 10/30/19 009 Summary Submittals site does not have SEOR or calculations and County Building Department revised plans acceptance stamp. 2 8-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documentsdo RVB EOR approved RVB 10130119 009 Summary not show helical piles within calculations and 2 the footings. revised plans 3 09/20/19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 — C:-7, The contract documents do RVB EOR approved - RVB 10/30/19 009 Summar ,y3 F7 — L7, G-8 & L-8, not show helical piles within calculations and G-9 — L-9 the footings. revised plans 4 10/02/19 SIL Foundations All locations The rebar in the top mat RVB EOR approved RVB 11/01/19 009 Summary 4 deviate from plans/shop calculations and drawings. revised plans 5 10/04/19 SIL Foundations Footings Column anchor bolts and RVB — Summary 5 adjustment'nuts were encased with high shrink grout prior to steel column placement. Columns that 2 The Special inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. 3 The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief surnmary of the SIL. Refer to the daily repo . rt for a detailed description. Page I of 2 AVC014f INC. ENGINEERS PLANNERS have been placed are not hearing evenly 6n'the grout. 6 02/25/210 SIL Structure Columns Bolts in place were not RV� Summary 6. secured in place 7 02/25/20 SIL Structure steel & hardware E 'xcessive rust has RVB Summary 7 accumulated on steel and bolts, due to,a delay in the --work- 2 The Special Inspector, Rick.V. Baldocchi, P..E., acknowledges this.deficiency. The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summai=y of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 2 of 2 INSPECTION, DAILY REPORT REPORT NO. 019 PROJECT, FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: Treasure Coast International Airport & PERMIT AGENCY:. St..Lu.cie County CLIENT: FIELD CONTACT: Robert Hatton DATE-.04120/20 WORK.ORDER NO.: BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit No.. 1812-0473 COMMENTS SCOPE OF WORK: Re -inspected rebar prior to, the- concrete, placement, as well as general housekeeping on the northern entrance slab into the hangar. Slab has: been shifted slightly to, the south for the hangar doors. Initial/base/first concrete lift was placed.. Contractor is'going to drill and epoxy bolts. This, is outside of the scope of ihe approved drawings. Mix SW69SR30 Spec W/C 0.50 #57 - a total of approx. 83 yards for both locations. See Exhibit "Xj "F", & "G". Concrete was,placed on the west side of the pile slabs to complete all of them. Mix SW69SR30 Spec W/C 0.50 #57 - a total of approx. 83 yards for both locations. See Exhibit "B", "F", & "G". , SIL log entry; #7 is still ongoing, to, have. the material& �,ddr6ssed and cleaned up appropriately. prior to completion. Steel columns still have gaps underrthe base plates #5. See Exhibits "C'! & "Ell. Some bolts were not secured in place, even by hand ti INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak. - w/Avcon FIELD COPIES To: AVCON has be en placed in several of the problem areas. See SIL log, SIL log entry, #6 is still ongoing. See Exhibit "D". AVCQN, INC. rNUNIMSi PLANNELS �'fi3011gall St , 200 , Qr1andq, Ploiida 32922- Pfmm 4407),599-1122 collinc,colli Fyhihit "(1.1 EAJ,Ibit T!' Exhibit "D" Exhibit T,�' Exhibit "G" V:Q017.0259. 01 — FPR-MR0,Hangar CPS DATE: December 9, 2019 TO: File ' ,FROM: Luca DelVerme, PE, REFERENCE� Notes from onrsite ol FPR. MRO Hangar CP MRO — Treasure Coa! An AVCON, INC. (AVCON) representd construction progress in regards to the. fo Reld observations recorded, the following Column anchor bolts and adjus column placement. Seib Photos 11 Colunih, base plate is not bdarini, .ACTION: GC shall secur� I found With the PEIVIB Mat letter prior to installing ti AVCON, INC. ,ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E., Michigan 8treet Suite 200 Orlando, FL, 3.2822-2779, Pfto= (407) 5004122 Email- avcon@)aVconinc.corn www�avconinc.com International Airport, ,visited the site on December 4, 2019 to.'observe the js, column placement, and overall progress. ent nuts were encased with high shrink, g,roult.prior to steel 3 on grout unifbrmly (See Photo 2). CRITICAL ' PATH the acceptance of the non, -uniform condition . ufacturer'.4 Engineer via a. signed and sealed e beam sections, onto the column sections. CIVIL & STRUCTUILA*L # AIRPORT & AVIATIO IN CONSULTIN(Y'O,rRANSPOR"I*Ailt)N DtSIG N& PLANNING Urtificate of Occupancy Online address: hftp://www.'stiucieco.org/planning/permifting.htm Quick Links: Permit Status Lookup Online Building Inspection System This certificate is issued pursuant to the require ents of the 2017 Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in complianc with'the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: Building Permit No. - 1902-0085 1 1 Parcel/Folio #: 3404-233-0002-000/9 Lot#: Subdivision: RENAISSANCE Building Address: 4946 S 25TH ST Legal Description: 4 36 40 THATPART OF S 100.24 FT,-TH,N 89 45 10 02 15 37 W 60.26 FT, TH I S 89 51 59 W 154.20 FT, 514) Block: C MPDAF: FROM SW COR OF NW % OF SEC, TH N 00 14 50 W ALG W SEC LI 50.01- FT TO POB; TH N 02 12 54 W 73.69 FT, TH N 11 16 51 E 24.53 FT, TH N 01 12 21 W 23.32 FT, TH N 89 44 43 E 185.55 FT, TH S 00 14 44 E 211.77 FT, TH I N 46 10 27 W 43.44 FT TO POB (0.89 AC — 38,768 SF) (OR 4246-52; OR 4277- Permit Job Description: (POPEYES)NEW C.B.S. -CONSTRUCTION OF RESTAURANT. (2265 SF) OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION IS A-2 *OCCUPANT LOAD IS 04 PEOPLE- CONSTRUCTION TYPE IS VB - BUILDING IS UN -PROTECTED AND UN -SPRINKLED, FREESTANDING RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE THRU. - PERMIT TO INCLUDE SITE LIGHTING AND BOLLARDS. DUMPSTER PAD WITH WALLS, GATE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. Contractor Property Owner Building Official Note: Permit Finaled: 7/15/2020' JOHN ROSS 170 E. BOCA RATON RD. VRE FORT PIERCE, LLC 1211 S WHITE CHAPEL BLVD This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named for will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning 0 erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. ROSSCO CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC BOCA RATON, FL 33483 SOUTHLAKE, _TX 76092 Friday, July 24, 2020 Date Printed (786) 251-4917 at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant 3 and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment and thd, plumbing work have been inspected and approved, The issuance of this certificae grants permission to occupy and use the property describ;d herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. I - POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 111 , M111 Im" I AVCON Project No. 2011,159.01 May 1, 2020 St. Lucie County 2300 Virgini*a Avenue Fort Pierce, F1'34982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness, Building Reference:. MRO FPR Hangar' Project ' No. 1907-OSS2 St. Lucie County, Florida REPORT SUMMARY NO. 13 Dear Mr. McGuinness: - AVCON, INC. r�.NG NNEERS & PLAXNE.RS 5555 E. Midhigan St., Suite 20.0 Orlarldo, Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconinc.corn As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. pkormed on -site; threshold inspection services for the MRO FPR Hangar project. This report summarizes our threshold inspection services performed during the inspection period of April 27, 2010 through May 1, 2020. Inspectionsl took place on April 29, for the second lift of the north hangar door slab. Our inspections were performed: in acco I rdance with the structural documents, signed, and sealed by the Engineer of Record, Luca DelVerme PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications-. Our special inspector and his dulV authorized representative(s), reported their observations as noted on the attached Daily Thre . shold Reports with all structural non --compliance items noted within the attached Special Inspection Log (SIQ. All rion-compliance items, or SIL's, previously reported.as non�compliant with regard to the plans or specifications, will be reevaluated by our Spe�ial Inspector after corrective action is taken by the General Contractor or the deficient conditions have been, approved tl�lrough written approval by the Engineer of Record. During the inspection period of April 27, 2020 through May 1i 2020, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, the construction of all structural load- earing. components described in the threshold inspection plan complies witK permitted documents, with revisigns as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted On the SIL. Should you have any questions or concerns contact us. Sincerely, AVCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 'I" k1l Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 38092 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee, Gary.Stepafavich.Stepala�ichGC&stlucieco.org County. Project Manager, Scottv Beaulieu beaulieus(@stlu Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden DurdenW@stluciei Construction Project Manager, Robert Hatton.rhatton@a ng these reports, or desire any additional information, please W. R� n4o =_-rz CIVIL &'STRUCTURAL * AIRPORT &AVIAT116, N CONSULTING , a TRANSPORTATI[ON DESIGN &PLANINI[NG MW AVCON Project No.. 2017.159.01 May 1, 2020 St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl 34§82 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinhess,1 Building Official Reference-, MRO FPR Hangar Permit No. 1907-05�,O & 1812-0471 St. Lucie County, Florida ftEPORTSUMMARV NO. 11 INSPECTOR(S): Rick Balclocchi (A ON,.Inc.) DAILY.REPO (S): ThresholdInspectibri. Daily Report(s): 05/01/20 [See attached report(s) for locations aInd observations]' SPEC,IA,L INSPECTION LOG: ,Added this. Surnmdry Period - Resolved this SummaryPeriod:, Outstanding for the. Project: ATTACHMENT(S): - EOR Report 3 Page 2 of 2 AVCON,). INC. E� N�G[NMERS & PL,,'sN NIERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone:. (407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 599-1113 www:ayconine.com CIVIL &,STRUCTURAL 9 AIRPORTI& AVIATION CONSULUNG * TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING i No SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG AVC0Nr INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS Permitting Agency: St. Lucie County Project Name: FPR MkO Hangar Update Perio�: 04/27/20to 0.5/01/20 1907-0552 Permit No.: 1907-0550 — Foundations & 1 M 2-0471 - Structure Project No.:' 201,,7.0259.01. Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County, Project Location: St. Lucie County, Florida T - hreshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocchi SIL Date Daily Structural Elern' t On. Location 3 Description 1 SJ. Engine& of Record Response '8.1. Date Closed Daily Repo I rt 1. I No. Report No. N o. 1 8-26A 9 SIL. Helical Piles N/A The helical pild submittal on RV13 EOR approved' RV13 10/30/19 009 Summary Submittals site does not have SEOR or calculations an d County Building Department revised plans, acceptance stamp. 2 B-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 1.0130/19 009 Summary not show helical piles,within calculations and 2 the footings. reVisedplans 3 09/20[19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 — C-7, The contract documents do RV13 EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 009 Summary 3 F7 — L7, 6-8 &L-8, not show helical piles. within calculations and- G-9 — L-9 the footings. revised plans 4 10/02/19 SIL Foundations Alilocations The rebar in the top mat RVB EOR approved RVB 11/01/19 009 Summary 4 deviate from plans/shOp calculations and drawings. revised plans 5 10/04/19 SIL Foundations Footings Column anchor bolts and' RVB Summary 5 adjustment nuts were 02/25120 encased with high shrink grout prior to steel column placement. Columns that ' The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchl, P.E., acknowledg s this deficiency. 2 3 The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. Pa e I of2 This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. AVICON., INC. ENGINEERS.& PLANNERS have been placed are hot bearing evenly an the grout. 6 02125/20 SIL Structure Columns Bolts, in place were not RVB Summary 6 secured in place 7 021/25/210 SIL Structure Steel hardware Excessive rust has IRVB -Summar� 7 accumulated on steel and bolts, due' to a delay in the The Special Inspector, Rick. V. Balclocchi, P�E., ackrfawledge.�Ahis deficiency. 2 3 The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This isa brief summaryof theSIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 2 of 2 INSPECTION DAILY REPORT 020 ' PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: -Treasure Coast. International Airport & PERMIT AGENCY: St.. Lucie County CLIENT: FIELD CONTACT: Robert Hatton Re -inspected rebar prior to, the concrete placement, as hangar. Hangar door north slab second/final concrete lift prep "A:r & SI L log entry, #7 is, still ongoing, to. have the materials Steel columns still have gaps. under the base plates. #5.. See Exhibits "C". Some bolts were not secured in place, even by hand t INSPECTOR-, Jason Teliszczak - w/Avcon FIELD COPIES TO: AVCON DATE: 04129/20 WORK ORDER. NO.: BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit No. 1812-0473 [e] 9 M Tit] V as general housekeeping on the northern entrance slab into the taking place. Rails placed, rebar being, added, etc. See Exhibit �ssed and. cleaned up appropriately prior to completion. has been placed in several of the problem areas. See SIL log, ng. SIL log entry, #6 is still ongoing. See Exhibit "D". AVCON, I NC. FNG1N'EFRSkP0,NNrks �55S E, Michipi St., �ukc 200 Oflando, Florida'32822 phime: 007) MM-1 121 115� 11?11�1_cosn Exhl.b.it T."' W* V.*12017.0259. 01 — FP.R MRO Hangar CPS DATE: December 9, 201. 9 TO: FROM: REFERENCE: File Luca De[Verm6, PE, Notes from on -site FPR MRO Hangar I MRO —Treasure 0 An "CON, INC. (AVCON) represet construction progress in regards to the Field observations: recorded the followii • Column anchor bolts and adju: column placement. See Photo,, • Column base. plate is. not beai ACTION: GC sh ' all secu 'found With the PEMB M letter prior to installing AVC0NjN,C. NEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan 'Street Stite 200 Orlando, FL 3.2822-'2775 Phqne� (407) 59941 122 Emai1:.,avc6n@AVConin,cx'dm www-.avconiiie.com ,International Airport visited the site on December 4, 2019 to observe the Is, column placement, and overall progress. nuts were encased with high shrink grout prior to steel I on grout uniformly (See . Photo 2). - CRITICALPATH the acceptance of the non -uniform condition iufactUrer's Engineer via a signed and sealed ie beam sections onto the column sections. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL a AIRPORT &-' AVIXTIONCONSULUNG 9 TRAN0ORTATIOND99IG ?�,r & PLANNING AVCON Project No. 2017..159.0.1- June 17, 2020- St. LUcie CoUnty ' 2300 Virginia,Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl 34982 Attention: - -Mr. Jim.McGuinness, Building Reference.: MRO FPR Hangar Project. No. 1907-0552 St. Lucie County, Florida REPORT SUMMARY NO. 14 Dear Mr.. McGuinness: AVCON, INC.. F,NGfNiE,ER,S & PLANNERS 5555 E.Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando' Florida 32822 Phone.: (407) 599�1 122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 N"vw.avcofiinc.com. As directed, 'representatives from AVCON, Inc. pel rforrned on -site, threshold inspection services for the MRO FPR Hangar project. This report summarizes our threshold inspection services performed during the inspection period of May 4, 2020 through May 8, 2010. Inspections ook place on May 4, for areas where concrete was placed at the hangar door slab. Our inspections 'were perfor I med in accordance with the structural documents, signed, and sealed by the Engineer of Record, Luca DelVerme�PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications; Our special inspector and his duly authorized re'pre'sentative(s) reported their observations as 'noted on the attached Daily Threshold Reports with all structural non-compliance items noted' within. the attached Special Inspection Log (SIL). All non-compliance items, or, SlUs, previously reported as non�-cbmpliant with regard to the plans or specifications, will be reevaluated by our Special Inspector after corrective action is taken by.the General Contractor or the deficient conditions have been approved t1jrough written approval by the Engineer of Record. During the inspection, period' 'of May 4, 2020 �hrough May 8, 2020, and to the best of bur knowledge and : belief, the construction of all structural load- earing components described in the threshold inspection plan complies with permitted documents,, With revisions as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL. Should you have any questions or concerns contact us. S! - ncerely, AVCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 Rick V. Baldbcchi, P.E. Vice President STATE OFFLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 3809,2 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee, Gary,5tepalavich StepalavichG@stlucieco.ork County Project Manager, Scotty'Beaulieu beaulidusOstluc Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden DurclenW@stluciec( Construction Project Manager, Robert Hatton.rhatton@ah these reports, or desire any additional information, please ­­n­ - CIVIL & STRlJ1(.T1.rp_AL * AIRIPORT.&AVIATON CONSULT!ING - TRANSP0RTATK)N DESIGN & 'PLANNING WARM N AVCON, INC. ENTGfNFrRS & PLANTNMRS, 555-5 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 AVCON Project No., Phone:. (407) 5994 �122 June 17, 2020 Fax: (407) 599� 1133 www.avconind.com, St. Lucie County, 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, F134982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness,l Building Official Reference:. MRO FPR Hangar Permit No. 1907-055 0 & 1812-0471 St. Lucie County, Florida THRESHOLD REPORT, SUMMARY NO. 14 INSPECTOR(S): Rick Baldocchi (AVCON , Inc.) DAILYREPORT(S): Thre�holdl,nspection.Dail.yRe port(s): 05/04/20 [See attached. SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG' Added this Resolved this Outstanding ATTACHMENT(S)- - EOR Report prt(s) for locations arid QIJservatIons.] Period: 0 :rry.Period:. 0 Project: 3 Page 2 of 2 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL AIRPORJ & AVIATION'CO',N)SULTING * TRANSPORTATION DESIGN& PLANNING AVCONINC. ENGINEERS &, PLANNERS SPECIAL IRSPECTION LOG Permitting Agency: St. Lucie County Project Name: FPR MRO Hangar Update Period: 05/04/20 to 05/08/20 1907-0552 Permit No.: 1907-0550 — Foundations & 1812-'04'71 - Structure Project No., 2017.0259.01,. Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County Project Location: St. Lucie County, Florida Threshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocch! SIL No. Date Daily - Report NO. Structural Element Location, 3 Description 1 S.I. Engineer of Record Response 'S.1. Date Closed Daily Report No. 1 &26-19 SIL' Helical Piles N/A The helical pile submittal on RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30119 Q09 Summary Submittals site does not have SEOR or calculations and County Building Department revised plans acceptancestamp. 2 8-30-19 -SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & LJ The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10130/19 009 S, ummary not show helical piles.within calculations and .2 the footings. revised plans 3 09/20/19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 — C-7, The contract documents d,o RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 000 Summary 3 F7 — L7, G-8 &- L-8, not show helical piles within calculations And G�9 — L-9 the foot.ings. . revised plans 4 10/02/19 SIL Foundations All locations The rebar in the top mat RVB EOR approved RVB 11101/19 009 Summary 4 deviate from plans/shop calculations and drawings. revised. plans 5 10/04/19 SIL Foundations Footings Column anchor bolts and RVB — Summary 5 adjustment nuts were 02/25/20 encased with high shrink grout prior to steel column placement. Columns that 'The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficienc 2 'Y 3 The Special Ihspe dtor, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowleclges.resolution to this deficiency, This is a brief suffrnary of theSIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 1 of 2 low AVCON.,, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS have been plaited are not bearing evenly on the grout. 6 02/25/20 SIL Sum mary 6 Structure Columns Bolts: in place were not secured in place RVB 7 02/25/20 SIL Summary 7 Structure Steel &,hari;lwaref Excessive rust has accumulated on steel and 0-olts, due to:a delay -in the. IRVB 1 The Specia(Inspector, Rick V..Baldocchl, P.E., acknowledges this deficienc . 2 y The special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency This is 6 brief summary,bf theSIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 2 of 2 INSPECTION DAILY REPORT 021. PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: Treasure Coast International Airport& Busine,, PERMIT AGENCY: St. Lucie, County CLIENT - FIELD CONTACT: -Robert Hatton COMMENTS SCOP� OF WORK: DATE: 05/04/20 WC`� ORDER NO.: BUILDING PERMIT N— Re-ihspected rebar prior to the concrete placement, as well as general housekeeping on the northern entrance slab into the hangar. Hangar door north slab second/final concrete placement Concrete was not approved at the time of placement. Mix SW69SR30 Spec WIC'0.50 #57 - a total of approx. 44 �ards. Rail drainage was not installed per plan. See Exhibit "X- "D". SIL log, entry, #7 is still ongoing, to have the materials Steel columns still have gaps under the base plates. #5. Some bolts were not secured in place, -even by hand INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak - w/Avcon FIELD, COPIES TO: AVCON and cleaned up appropriately prior to completion. has been placed in several of the problem areas. See SIL log, SIL log entry, #6 is still ongoing. V. k20170259.'O 1 - F.PR URO Hangar CPS DATE' December 9, 2019 TO: FROM: REFERENCE: File Luca DelVerme,, PE, Notes from on -site c FPRI MRO Hangar C1 MRO -- Treasure Co. An AVCON, INC. (AVCON) represer construction progress in regards to the. Field observat ' ion& recorded the followin, 0 Column anchor bolts. and adjusi column placement. See Photos - Column base plate is, not bearii ACTION.,: GC. shall secur found with the PEMB Ur' letter prior to installing I AVCON. INC. ENCYINEFRS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Midigan- Street Stifte- 200 Orlafid'ai FL' M22-2179' Phonet (4-07) 5199-11122 ,Ethail-,av� ori@dWoninc.coin -www.aveoRinc.com International Airport visited the site on December 4, 2019 to observe the s, column placement, and. overall progress.. nent nuts were encased with high shrink. grout prior to steel ­3 g on grout uniformly .(See Photo 2). CRITICAL PATH the acceptance ofthe non -uniform condition aufacturer's Engineer via a signed and sealed he beam sections onto the column sections. CIVIL& STRUICTURAL, AIRPORT&AVIATt N,CONSU LTING *.TRANSPORT ATION DE I SIGIN� & PLANNIING AVCON Project No�. 2017.159.01 September 2P, 2019 St. Lucie County. 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, F1 34982 Attention: Mr. Gary Stepalavich, Building Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Project No.. 1907-OSS2 St. Lucie County, Florida THRESHOL6 REPORT SUMMARY NO. 2 Dear Mr. Stepalavich: AVCON, INC. E.NTGrNMERS & PLA3N NITERS 5555 E. Michigan St.' Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 5994 1,33 Nvww,avconinc.corn As,directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. p elrformed on -site, threshold inspection services for the MRO FPR ' Hangar project. This report summarizes our thre I shold inspection services. performed during the inspection period of September 16, 2019 through September 20, 2019. No inspections took place between August 30 and September 18 as work on the pi es was suspended due a potential storm threat from hurricane Dorian. Our in ' spectionsl were performed in accordance with I the structural documents, signed, and sebled by the Engineer..of Record, Luca DelVerme PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications. Our special. inspector and his duly authorized 'representative(s) reported their observations'as noted on the attached Daily'Threshold Reports with all strudtural non-compliance items noted within the attached Special I Inspection Log (SIL). All non-compliance items, or SIL's, previously reported as non�compliant with regard to the I plans or specifications, will be. reevaluated by our Special Inspector after corrective action is taken by the General Contractor or the deficient conditions have been approved through written approval by the Engineer of Record. During the inspection period of September 16 1 , 2019 through September 20, 2019, and to, the best of our knowledge 'and belief, the construction of all structural load -bearing components described in the threshold inspection plan complies with perinitted documekts, with revisions as approved by the Engineer of Record, except. as noted on the SIL. Should you have any questions or concerns contact us. Sincerely, AVCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 AL16, I/ Al:r. Rick V. fild./docchi, P.E. Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 38092 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 ing these -reports, or desire any additional information, please IN M5 rmT SIM2% 0�n�= C�M�=Aw=­ -qa.dV'Z', Emivr� cc: Addressee, Gary Stepalavich StepalavichGOstlucieco.org County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu beaulieus@stlucieco,org Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden DurdenWgstlucieco'.org Construction Project Mana ger, Robert Hatton rhatton @a renscompantes�corn CIVIL & STRUCTURAL 9 AIRPORT & AVIATION CONSULTING - TRANKPORTATION IYESKN & PI�ANNFNG A a I Pali AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 5epterpber 20, 2019 St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl 34982 Attention: Mr. Gary, Stepalavich, Building Official Reference:: MRO FPR Hangar Project No. 1907-0552 St. Lucie County., Florida INSPECTOR(S)i Jason Teliszczak DAILY'R,EPORT(S): Threshol - d l.nsl [See attached SPECIAL INSPECTION LO.G: Added this. Sum) Resolved this Su Outstandingfor ATTACHMENT(S): - None. AEPORT SUMMARY NO. 2 Inc.) A.VCO,N,, INC., F',N-QTNEE- RS & PLAN'NNTR S 5555 E. MiGhigan St.,'Suitd 200 Orlando Florida 32822 Phone: - (407),599-4 [22 Fax: (407) 599-1M v"Yw.avconinc.corn Daily Report(s): 9/17/19 (1); 9/18/19 (1);. 9/19119 (1) s): for locations and observations.] Period:, 0 3 Page 2 of 2 CIVIL & SrMUCTUR.AL - AIRPORV& AVIATION CO'NSULTING a TRANNSPORTATION DESMIN & PILANNIM Project No. 2011.02519.01 Date Typed: September 20, 2019 SPECIAL IN (items Recorded Addressee, City ofPort ' St. Lucie 121 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Project: FPR MRO Hangar I St. Lucie County,., Florida — I CTION LIST (SIL) ITEMS MARY NO. 3 'rom 09M 6119 to 09/20h 9) 112-0473 AVCON,,INC. ENrEffNEER'S & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200, Orlando� Florida 32822 Phone: (407)'599-1122 Fax: (4077) 599-1133 www.aveanine.com Note:. This preliminary information does not comply with the project specifications and/or drawings. The: report in its entirety will be forwarded with the Weekly Summary. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this preliminary report please feel free to contact either Rick Baldocch! or Jason Teliszczak with: AVCON, Inc. SIL NOi 3 (ADDED) - Inspector Jason Telisz Structural Element. Helical Piles Location: Foundad on Gridlim Elevation: NIA Description: Helical piles were added to ft Contract documents do.not s Attachments: Not included (A VCON) observed on 09116119 — 09120119 A(!-9) — L(1-9) ations. A-7 — C-7" F7 — L7, G-8 & L-8-1 G-9 — L-9'. The helical piles within the footings. Page 1 of I J CIVIL & STRUCTURAL e AIRPOWr & AVIATI(JIN COMULTING - TRA NSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING' AVCONF,INC. ENGINEERS &, PLANNERS SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG Permitting Agency* St. Lucie County Project Name: FPR MRO Hangar Update Period: 9-16-19 to 9�20-19 1907-0552. Permit No.: Project No.: 20-17.259.01 Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County Project Location: Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida. Threshold Agent: Rick V. Sald'odchi. SIL Date Daily Structural Location 3 Description S.I. Engineer of Record "S.I. Date Daily Report No. Report No. Element Response Closed I No. 1 8-26-19 SIL Helical Piles N/A The helical pile submittal on RVB Summary Submittals site does not have SEOR or 1 County Building Department acceptance stamp. 2 8_30-19 SIL Helical Piles, Footings AW & L-7 The -contract documents do RVB Summary not.showhelical.pileswithih 2 the footings. 3 09/20/19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 — C- 7, Theaintract documents do RVB Summary 3 F7 — L7, 0-8 & L-8, not show helical piles within G-9 — L-9 the footings. ............ . . .... . 2 The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., -ack ' nowledges this deficiency. 3 1 The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchl, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency, This is a brief summary of the SIL. Re fer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 1 of 1 INSPECTION, DAILY REPORT REPORT NO.'004 PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar DATE: 09/1,6/19 LOCATION: Treasure Coast International Airport & Businjj WORK ORDER- NO.: PERMIT AGENCY: St- Lucie County Permit, No. 1812-0475 BUILDING. PERMIT NO.. CLIENTP-. 'Hatton FIELD CONTACT: Robert. COMMENTS SCOP� OF WORK: Continued installing helical piles. Contractor is Cantsink Foundation Stability. Approved drawings are not being utilized. Crew - 3 and 2, operators, 1 bobcat, I mini.. Began�ex I avating for helical piles,, at: the NW Approx. 7:30am - 3pm. Exposed pits for Ll -L7, B71 E7, F77, G7, H7, J7,. K7. Please note, the entire row 7 (except D & E) is not on- the - approved drawings. Helical pile. crew was not on -site. a& schedule, . no -work �pr installations took place'. INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak. � w/Avcon FIELD COPIES TO:AVCON rc �NGINEERS &PLANNERS 55.55 E Michigan 200 Prian-do ' F16rida �M'2 Phl'o'a'e: (407)'594w] 122 Fax: (107) 599-1433 INSPECTION. DAILY REPORT REPORT NO. 005 PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: Treasure Coast International Airport & Busing PERMIT AGENCY,- St. Lucie County CLIENT: FIELD CONTACT. Robert Hatton SCOPE OF WORK: ,Continued installing helical piles, Contractor is Cantsink Foundation Stability. Installed locations for piles,averaged approx. 138.5-50! in depth. Installed on the, West side and South side forl row 7. Installedtoday: Approved - L/I (in progress - not completed),j U2, E/7 S,l L - J/7, H/7,, G/7, F/7, B/7 DATEt 09/17/19 WORK-ORDERNO.: BUILIANG PERMIT NO.: Permit No. 1812-0473 To date, the following, locations have been in�talled (as per drawing 07/26/19 - that has, not been approved by the EOR): A/1, A/2, A13, A/4, A/5, A/6, A/7, K17., An rSIL will be issued, as A/7 and: K/7 were: not designed to be helical piles (per drawing S.3.0.3 date July 201.9)., As well as the SILs for today, J17, H/7, G17, F/7, B/7. INSPECTORV* . Jason Teliszczak - FIELD COPIES TO- AVCON 'Es"Gli EERS'&-1TA NN ERS 5555 E.Wchiga� Sjt�,'.Suite 200 -0r1ndp,F1ar1da32822 Phoni: (407) 599wl 1 j2 Rix, (407) 5994133 JSPECTION, DAILY REPORT PROJECT- FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: Treasure, Coast International Airport & Bu5Lng PERMIT AGENCY: St- Lucie County CLIENT, FIELD CONTACT: Robert Hatton SCOOE OF WORK Continued Installing, helical piles. Contractor is Cantsink Foundation Stability. Installed locations for piles averaged approx. 15; 50' in Areas to the south. were dug� out by a: different contracl Installed today: Approved - L/1 (completed), U3.,.L/4 (in progress - ma L/61 D17. SIL - UT C/7, G/8, G/9, H19,. L/9 (in progre! Pile caps were also installed; A/1-Af7, 6/7, C/7,,D/71 E/7, F/7, G/7, H17, J17. INSPECTOR: 'Jason Teliszczak - w/Avcon FIELD COPIES TO- AV -CON REPORT'NO. 006, DATE: 0_911'8/19 WORK ORDER NO.: 6UI'LDING PERMIT- No.. Pormit..No. 118124478 in the: morning. ine broke down, not completed), L/5, - machine broke down, not completed) 1XVC0N',' INC. 'M ENGINEERS,& PLXNNE 5555 E. Michigan St_ Suite.200 Phone- (407),599-11212 Fnx- (407) 599.1133 Y 007 PROJECT. FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION.: Treasure Coast International Airiport & Busiriji PERMIT AGENCY, St, Lucie County CLIENTb- FIELD CONTACT- Robert Hatt on COMMENTS i SCOPE OF WORK: DATE! 09119/19 WORK ORDER. NO.: BUILDING PERMIT NO'..- PermitNo. 1,812-047.3 Continued installing, helical piles. Contractor is Cantsink Foundation Stability. Installed locations for piles averaged approx. 115-45' in depth. Installed today: Approved - L/4 SIL - L19; X/9, U8 Pile caps continued to be installed,. and is scheduled to be completed tomorrow, 09/20/19. 1 INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak - FIELD COPIES TO. AVCON r NN"CON 'INC INEERS & LANNERS 5555 E�Michipp St.. Suite 200 'Orlindb, F.Iaridd,32822 , (407)599 Phonc. 4 122 FaX- (40-7) 599.1 1�.j AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 October 4, 2019 St. Lucie County , 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, F1 34982 Attention: Mr. Gary Stepalavich, Building Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Project, No. 19074�52 St. Lucie County, Florida THRESHOLD REPORT SUMMARY NO. 3 Dear Mr. Stepalavich: AVCON, INC., E�NG NZEERS & PLANNrRS 55555 E Michigan St., Suite 20,0 Orlando 'Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 599-:1122 Fax. (407) 599-1133 Nvww.avconinc.com. I As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. performed on-site� threshold inspection services for the MRO FPR Hangar project. This report summarizes our threshold inspection services performed during the inspection period of September 30, 2019 through October 4, 019. -inspections took place on October 2, as,the helical piles were installed, and the rebar for the footings was inspected, Our inspections we're performed in, acco rdance with the structural documents, signed, and sealed b�, the Engineer of Record, Luca De lVerme PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications. I O.ur special inspector and his cluly authorized irepresentative(s) reported their observations as noted on the attached Daily Threshold Reports with all structural non�compllance, items noted within the attached Special Inspection Log (SIL). All non-compliance items, or SIL't, previously reported as nonrcompliant with regard to the plans or specifications, will: be reevaluated by ou I r Special Inspecto r after corrective action is taken by the General I Contractor or the deficient conditions have been approved through written approval by the. Engineer of Record. During the inspection period of September 3'0, 2019 through October 4, 2019, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, the construction of all structural Iciad-bearing components described in the threshold inspection plan complies with permitted documents, with revisions ds approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL. I - - Should you have any questions or concerns contact us. Sincerely, A VCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. Vice President STATE OF'FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 88092 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee, Gary Stepalavich StepalavichG@stfucieco.org County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu'laeaulleusA)stl Chief Plans Examine�r, William Durden DurclenW@stlucie Construction Project Manager, Robert Hatton rhatton@a ing these reports, or desire any additional information, please QVIL &,STRL`CT1JrRAL - AIRPORT & XVIAT16,N CbNSWILTING - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 October 4, 2019 St., Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Plerce, Fl 34982 Attention: Mr. Gary Stepal6vich,Building Official' Reference:. MRO FPR Hangar Project No. 1907-0552 St. Lucie County., Flori da INSPECTOR(S): Rick Balclocchi OLD ROORT SUMMARY NO. 3 Inc.). DAiLY.REPORT(SJ-. Thrqshold, Inspection paily Report(s): 20/02/19 [See attached re�ort(s) for locations and qbservations'.1' P, SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG - Added this Summc Resolved this Sumi Outstanding for th ATTACHMENT($)` - None. PeriQd: ry Period. Iroject: . AVCON, INC. FINGIFNME- R§ * PLA N--\MRS 55.55 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822. Phone:, (407) 599-1,122- Fax: (40-7) 599-1133 w�vw.avconinc.corn Page 2 of.2 CIVIL & ST-RUCTURAL 9 AIRPORTI& AVIATION CONSU I LTING o TWN-SPORTATION'DESICN& PLANNING Project ' No. 2017.0259.01 Date Typed: October 4,20,19 SPEGIAL INSPItCTION LIST (SIL) ITEMS SUMMARY NO' , 3 (items Recordle4from, 09130119 to 10/04119) Addressee:- City of Port St ' Lucie 121 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St. Lucie, FIL 34984 Project: FPR MRO Hangar St. Lucie County, Florida — 1812-0 473 1 AVCON, INC. ENGENEERS &- PLANT.NERS 5555 E.Nichigan St., Suite-200 Orlando, Flofid ' a 32822 Phone: (407) 5994 122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.aveoninex orn Note: This preliminary information does not comply with the project specifications and/or drawings. The report in its entirety will be forwarded with the Weekly Summary.. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this preliminary report, please feel free to contact either Rick Baldocchi or Jason Teliszczak with AVGON',.Inc. SIL NO. 4 (ADDED) — Inspector Rick Ba Structural Element. Reinforcement Location, Foundation Gn Elevation: location Description. ' Reinforcement bars Attachments: Not included (A VCON), observed on 10102119 ations - every from current plans/shop drawings. Page 1 of 1 I --- UVIL & STRLCTUR-AL e AIRPORT &AVIATION CONSULTING * TRANSPORTAXION DESIGN &PLANINING '" ,"CON, INC. SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG Permitting Agency: St. Lucie County ProjectName: FPR.M.RO Mangar Update Period: 09-3019 to 1907-0552 Permit No.: 201T0259.01 Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County pr(?ject Location: Pcirt St. Lucia, St. Lucle County, Florida Threshold Agent Rick V, Balclocchi SIL No. Pate Daily ReportNo. Struefural Element Ldcatiori 306Eicription S.I. Engineer of Record RespoMiti 'S.l� Date Closed Daily Report No. 1 8-26-19 SIL Helical Piles N/A The, helical. pile submittal on RV B Summary Submittals site does hot have SEOR or Counly Building Department, acceptance stamp. 2 8-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents do RVB Summary not show helical piles within. .2 the footings, 3 09/20/19 SIL Helical Piles Footingi s A-7. — C-7, The contract documents do RVB Summary,3 F7 — L7, G-8 & L-8, not show* helical Piles Within G-9 — L-9 the -footings. 4 1 W02,11 SIL Foundations All,locations The rebar in the:top mat RVB Summary: 4 deviate from Plansishop rawings '7 T The Special Inspector, kick V. �aldocchij PE, acknowledges this defiliency. 2 The Special Inspector, Pick V Baldocchi, P.E.. acknowledges resolution to this deficiency, 3 This is a brief summary of the'SIL, Ref6r'tD the daily report for a detail6d description. I Page 1 of 1 DAILY 71 rol I M. PROJECT. FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: Treasure Coast international Airport.& PERMIT AGENCY: St-Lude, County CLIENT, FIELD CONTACT: Robert -Hatton Helical piles and. caps are in place. -Inspected reinforcing steel for foundations in advance: Reinforcing steel cages'were installed at every. footing were straight without hooks.at the edges. DATE: 1'0102/19 ness WORK ORDER: NO.: E(OILDING, PER I MI . T I NO.: Permit,No.. 1812-0473 OF WORK: Foundations concrete -placement. Inspection was started and it was noted. that the top bars The, straight top bars deviate from'the current plans/shbp drawings. Contract drawings also have a note stating that all top bars -will be hooked. According to the, EOR, this is also� an ACI. code requirement.. Reinforcing steel inspection was- not completed and will need a re -inspection after deficiencies are corrected. SIL - Top, Steel Missing Hooks - all foundations. INSPECTOR. Rick Baldocchi, P.E. AVCON, IN FIELD COPIES To-, St. Lucie County, A AV.C9N'.1TNC� -�ENqwf.ERS 4�.PI:AN� NJ. Rs AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 November 1, 2019 St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl* 34982 Attention: Mr. Gary, Stepalavich, Building Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Project No. 1907-0551 St. Lucie County, Florida REPORT SUMMARY NO. 4 Dear Mr. Stepalavich: AVCON, INC. ENITGrNMERS & PLANNERS 5555, E-TvIiebigan St., Suite 20,0 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone: (407.) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 5994 133 WWWAVC0111TIC.Com. As directed; representatives from AVCON, Inc. performed on -site, threshold inspection services for the MRO FPR I Hangar project. This report summarizes our threshold'inspection services performed during the inspection period of Inspections took place on November 1, as the helical piles were October 5, 2019 through November 1, Mig. installed, and the rebar for the footings was re-in�pectecl. Our inspections wer ' e performed in accordance with the structural documents, signed, and sealedby the Engineer of Record, Luca De[Verme PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications. Our special inspector and his. duly authorized representative(s) reported their observations as noted on the attached Daily Threshold Reports with all structural non-compliance items noted within the attached Special Inspection Lo "s, previously reported as non -compliant with regard to the , g (SIL). All non7compliance items, or SIL plans or specifications, will be reevaluated by our Special Inspector after corrective action,is taken by the General Contractor or the deficient cond[itions' have been 'approved through written approval by the Engineer of Record. During, the inspection period: of October S, 2019 through November 1, 20 ' 19, and to the best of our knowledge and belief.,' the Construction of all structural load -bearing components described in the threshold inspection plan complies with permitted documents, with revisions as approved by the, Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL. I Should you have any questions or concerns contact us. Sincerely, AVC0A, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 Rick V. Ba1docchi,P.E., Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 3809 ' 2 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee, Gary Stepalavich StepalavichGL@stlucieco.org County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu, beaulieu�(&stl Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden DurdenW@stluciec Construction Project Manager, Robert Hatton rhatton@aJ rding these reports, or desire any additional information, please panies.com ('I'V[L & STRUCTURAL* AJKPOIRT & AVIA'n6,N C'ONSULTING, * TRANSPORTATION DESIGN &'PLANNING; AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 November 1, 2019 St. Lucie Count y 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FF84982 Attention: Mr. Gary Stepalavi.ch,.buildlng Official' Reference: MRO F1PR Hangar Project No. 1907-0552 -St. Lucie County., Florida I - INSPECTOR(S)i Rick Balclocchl PAILY REPORT(S): Th LID REPORT SUMMARY No. 4 Inc.) Inspection. Daily Repdrt(s)- 11/01/19r [See attached r1ort(s) for locations and Observations.] SPECIAL INSPECTION LQGi A dded this Surnrnar!y: Period' 0 Resolved this.-Surnmary Period: 4 Outs.tanding for the Prokct: 0. ATTACHMENT(S): - None. Page 2 of.2 AVCONI, INC., 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 20,0 Orhmdo,. Florida 32822 Phone:. (407) 5,99-1122 Mix: (407) 599-1133 www.,ayconinc.corn CIVIL &STRLICTURAL 9 AIRPORT AVIATION CONSULTING. TRANSPORTATION DESIGIN & PLANIN-ING 11012A LOS Me 10 1 SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG AVCOIN, INC. ENGINEER�; & PLANNERS Permitting Agency: St. Lucie County Project Name; FPR MRO Hangar Update Period: 1 Q-28-19 to 11 �01 -19 1907-0552 Permit No.: Project No.: 2017.0259.01 Attention: Ahrens Constructioh/�t. Lucle.County Project Location: Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Threshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocchi SIL No. Date Daily Report No. Structural Element Location 3 Description 1 S.I. Engineer of Record. Response Date Closed Daily Report No� 1 &�6-1 9 SIL Helical Piles N/A The helical pile submittal on RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 009 Summary Submittals site -does not have SEOR or calculations and 1 County Building Department revised pians acceptance stamp. I 2 8-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 009 Summary not.show helical piles within calculations and 2 the footings. revised plant 3 09/20/.19 81L Helical Piles Footings. A-7 — C-7, The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVI3 1-0/30/19 �009 Summary 3 F7 — L7 G-8 & L-8, not show helical piles -within calculations and G-6 — L-9 the footings. revised plans 4 10102/19 SIL Foundations All locations The rebar in the top mat RVB Delegatedengineer RVB 11/01/19 009 Summary 4 'deviate from plans/shop submitted letter drawings rqgaTding the removal of top mat hooks - EOR accepted The Special Inspector, Rick V� Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. 3 � The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page I of 1 INSPECTION. DAILY REPORT PROJECT, FPR'MR..O Hangar ort & Business LOCATION: Treasure Coast International. Airp PERMIT AGENCY: St- Lucie County CLIENTA- FIELD CONTACT: Robert Hatton COMMENT$ SCOPE OF WORK: M* DATE- 11/01/19 WORK ORDER NO.: BUILDING PER I M . I . T No.. Permit No. 1812-0473 Observed rebar that was placed prior over the' helical pile caps. - Plans for that have- been approved from EOR for helical piles. EOR approved plans/letter for footings. Final elevations for anchor bolts will be corrected prior to the concrete placement, as well as general housekeeping as per the contract to ensure that excess -debris that has sluffed:in -will be removed. INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak - FIELD COPIES TO: AVCON V63N INC" E.. mi�l Suite �60 6r,',n- F'"ida ?2822 P . q0j4 h�..� 07),i994121 AVCON Pro . ect No. 2017.159.01 1 1 1 J November 8, 2019 St. Lucie CQunty. B00 Virginia Avenue Fort,Pierce, F1 34982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness, Building Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Project, No. 1907-0552 St. Lucie County, Florida REPORT SUMMARY'NO. 5 Dear Mr. McGuinness: -AVCONI INC. F,,N'Gf\XF,.r,.RS & PLANNE.RS -555SE.,Michigaq St., Suite 20.0 Orlando,, Florida 32822 Phone: ( 407) 599-,11'122 Fax7(407)5994133 - Nvww.avconinc.c om. As directed representatives fr m AVCON, Inc. performed on -site, threshold'inspection services for the MRO FPk d Hangar project. This report summari , zes our threshold inspection services performed during the inspection period of November 4,. 2019 through November 8, Wi9. Inspections took place on November 6, as the rebar for f he footings were re-inspe�cted' prior to the placernent of concrete,as well as the concrete placement Ourinspec.tions were performed in accordance with the, strud-tural documents, signed, and sealed by the Engineer of Record, Luca DelVerme PE (AVCONINC, and the project specifications. :Our special inspector and his duly authorize representative(s) reported: their observations as noted on the' attached Daily Threshold Reports with al[Istructural no I n-.compliance items noted within the attached' Special Inspection Log (SIL). All non7compliance items, r SIL!s, previously'reportbd as non -compliant with regard to the plans or specifications, will be reevaluated by our Special inspector after corrective action is taken by the General Contractor or the defl , cient conditions have beer approved through written approv�l.by the Engineer of Record. During the inspection -period of November knowledge aW belief, the constructi on of inspection plan complies with, permitted, docu noted on the SIL. ,Should you have any questions,or concerns contact us. Sincerely, A VCON,. Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. $057 Rick V. Baldocchil, AE Wce President STATE OF FLORIDA. Professional Engineer No. 38092 Registered'Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee, Gary5tepalavich Stepalavi County Project Manager, Sc6tty Beauli Chief Plans Examiner, William Durclen Construction Project Manager, Robert 2019 through November 8, 2.019, and to the best of our structural load -bearing Components described In the threshold nts, with revisions as approved, by the Engineer of Record, except as these reports, or desire- any additional information, please CIVI[L & STRUCTU'RAL e AIRPORT & AVIATjON r'.ONS1JLTING *- TRANSPORTATION DCSIGN &PUNNNINC; AVCON Project No.2017.1.59,01 November 9, 2019 St. Lu ci,e County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, F1184982 Attention.- Mr, Gary Stepalavich, Building Official Reference:. MRO FPR'Hangar Perffd� No. 1190T.0,550, 4 18.12-0471 St. Lucie County., Florida INSPECTOR(S):� Rick. Baldocchi.(AV DAILY REPORT(S): Thre [See attached. rE SPECIAL INSPECTION, LOG; Added this surnmf Resoloed thisSuffi, Outstanding for tf, ATMCHME.NT(S).; None. REPORT SUMMARY NO. 5 IncJ Inspection. Daily Report(s), 11/06/19 s) for locations and observations.], ,rio& 0 Pe.6od., 0 i9aw . a AVCON, INC.' EN-Q]�NFMRS �& PL RS 5555 E-Michipn St., Suite 200 Orlando,,florida 32922 Phonet.'(407) 599�,[ t22 flix:- (407)399� 1131 v"yw,avconinc.com, Page 2. of 2 CF-VIL &STRUCTURAL - AIRPORT S� k-V'I.'kTION�CO.N$U.LTING:�- TP-ANNSPORTAT1 NN & PLANNING QN DESIC, VAN Lk M SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS Permitting Agency.- St.,Lucie County Project Name: FPR MRO Hangar Update Period: 11 /04/19 to 11 /08/191 Permit No.: 190M550 - Foundation & 1907-0550 1812-0471 - Structure Project No,: 2017,0259.01 Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County Project Location: Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Threshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocchl 91L —ho;-- Date Daily -Report-No. Structural Element Location 3 Description 1 S.L. Engineer of Record Response �S. I Date Closed Daily- Report — 1 &26-10 SIL Helical Plies N/A The helical pile submittal on RVB EOR approved RVB 1.0/30/10 009 Summary Submittals site does. not have SEOR or calculations and County Building Department revised. plans acceptance stamp. 2 8-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10130/19 009 Summary not show helical piles,within "calculations and 2 the footings. revised plans 3 00120/19 SIL Helical Piles Footings,A-7 - C-7, The contract documents do RVB EOR'approved RVB 10/30/19 OP Summary 3 F7 - L7, G-8 & L-8, not show helical pil i es within' 'calculations and G-9: - L-9 the footings. revised plans 4 10/02/19 SIL Foundations All locations The r6bar in the top mat RVB' Delegated engineer RVB 11101/19 009 Summary 4 deviate from plans/shop submitted letter drawings -regarding the removal of top mat hooks - EOR accepted The Special Inspectori Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. 3 The Special lnspector,'Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page I of 1 01:0 PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar I Treasure Coast International Airliort & Business LOCATION: PERMIT AGENCY- St. Lucie County CLIENT: FIELD CONTACT: Robert Hatton SCOPE OF WORK: DATE: 11106/19 WORK ORDER NO.:, BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit,No. 1812-0471 Re-inspected,rebar that was placed for foundations over the helical pile caps. Final elevations for anchor bolts were corrected prior to the concrete. placement, as well as general housekeeping to ensure that vegetation growth was removed. Temperature avg. was 71-84 degrees, wind a�g. was 0-9 mph, No significantrainfall occurred during -the concrete placement. Concrete mix S . W695R30 Spec-W'�C 0.50 #57 was used The first truck arrived on -site at 7:1 Oam with 1. 1 CY out of 200 CY. ite Bolts were reset during the concre placemen�t. Final truck be an to place concrete at LI, at g� 2:30pm, for a total of approx. 238 CY. INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak - w/Avconl FIELD COPIES TO: AVCON A N,. INC." 9flindo: Florida'328�2 Phone: (410��594-1 i-22- _Y4xl� (407) 5 , 99-1-1 33, AVCON Project No. 2017.1,59.01 November 15, 2019 St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl 34982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness, Buildi , ng Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Project, No. 1907-0552 .St. Lucie tounty, Florida RIEPORT 5UMMARY NO. 5 Dear Mr.. McGuinness: . AVCON� INC. F.'NUNTIERS & PLANN�ERS 5555 E.Nlichigar! St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 5.99-1122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 Nvww.aYconinc.com, As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. plerformed Pn-site, threshold inspection services for the MRO FPIR Hangar project. This report summarizes our thireshol . d inspection services performed during the inspection period of November 11, 2019 through November IS, 2019. Inspections took place on November 13, as the rebar for the. slabs were inspected, , Our inspections were ilerformed in accordance with the structural documents,'signed� and sealed by the Engineer, of Record, Luca DelVerme PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications. Our special, inspector and his -duly authorized representative(s) reported their observations as noted on the attached Daily Threshold R epqrts with all Istructural nori-compliance items noted within the attached Special Inspection Log (SIL). All non-compliance items, I or SIL's,,previously reported.as non-complibrit with regard to the plans' or specifications, will be reevaluated by our7Sp I ecial Inspector after corrective action is taken. by the General Contractor or the deficient conditions have beep approved through written approval by the Engineer of Record. During the inspection period. of November 11, 2019 thfough.Nbvember 15, 2019, and to the best of our knowledge.and belief, the construction of all structural load-b6aring components, described in the threshold inspection plan complies with permitted docu ents, with revisions as approved by the Engineer of-Rec.ord, except as noted on the SIL. Should you have any questions or coficerns contact us. Sincerely, A VCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. $057 Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 38092 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addresse�e, Gary Stepalavich Stepalavic CountV Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu Ckief Plans Examiner., William Durden Du Construction Project Manager, Robert W rding.. these reports, or desire any additional. information, please CIVIL & STRU(.TUIUI, 4 AIRPORT & AVIATION CONSULTING * TRANS'PORTATtON DESIGN & PLANNIN(�' El Lo OWN I Project No, 2017,159.01 November 15,2019 St. Lwcie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl 34982 AV.CON, INC. 55.55 E. Michigaft St.,'Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone:. (407),599-1122 D,x: (407),5994.133 www,alwoninc.com Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness,, guil - dirig Official: Referencei MRO FPR Hangar Perm.it No. 1907�.0550 1 & 1812-04,71 St. -Lucie County., Florida KESH6Lb REPORT SUMMARY NO. 5 INSPECTOR(S): Rick. Balclocchi (AVCbN,. Inc.) DAILYAEPORT(S).� Thres�old Inspection Daily Report.(s)': 11/13/19 [See attached rep�rt(s) for locations and observations] SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG; Added this Summar�i . Perio&- 0 ResoNed this Summary Period: 0 Outstan 9 fp t4e prqj�xt: 0 ATTACHMENT(S): None. Page 2 of 2 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL 9 AIRPORT & AVIAXION CON'SULTING.9 TRANSPORTATION'DESIGN & PLANNING M Mal W&A , I M SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG AVCGN, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS Permitting Agency: St.. Lucie County Project Name: FPR MRO Hangar Update Period: 11/11/19 to 11115/19 1907-0550 Permit No.: 1907-0550 - Foundation & 1812-0471 - Structure Project No.: .2017.0259.01 Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County Project Location: Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Flo rida Threshold A ent: Rick V. Baldocchi 9 SIL Date Daily Structural Element Location 3 Description . Engineerof.Record Response Date Closed Daily. Report --No—. _-- -Report-No� No. 1 &26-10 SIL Helical Piles NIA The helical pile submittal on RVB EOR approved RIVB 10/30/19 0 09 Summary Submittals site does not have SEOR or calculations and 1 County Building Departmeni revised plans acceptance stamp. 2 8-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10130/19 009 Summary not show helical piles within calculations and 2 the footings. revised plans 3 09/20/19 SIL Helical Piles Footings. A-7 The cont'rac;t documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 009, Summary 3 F7 - L7, G-8 & L-8, not show h elical pil I es -within -calculations and G-9, - L�9 the footings. revised plans 4 10102119 -SIL Foundations Alllocatidns The rebar in the top mat RV13 Delegated engineer RVB 11/01/19 009 Summary 4 deviate from plans/shop' submitted letter drawings regarding the removal of top mat hooks - EOR accepted The Special lnspector� Rick V. Baldocchl, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges -resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summary of the SIL, Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page I of 1 INSPECTION DAILY. REPORT PROJECT-� FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: 'Treasure Coast International. PERMIT AGENCY: St, Lucie County CLIENT, FIELD CONTACT: Robert Hatton Oil DATE- 11/13119 & Business WORK ORDER NO.: BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit No. 1812-0471: j SCOPE OF WORK: Inspgcted'rebar that was placed for slabs. 4",j 6", and, 12" slabs,with column blockouts. Final -elevations for anchor bolts. were plate. vithin the column blockouts by installing high strength: grout for the 10" steel General housekeeping'will need to take place prior to concrete. placement. Concrete is tentatively scheduled for Monday, 11/18/19 at 7am. INSPECTOR- Jason Teliszczak. - FIELD COPIES To- AVCON NOINEERS & PLANNERS Orlando, Florida 12822 J (��C: �A 4 [M oh 4,0� 50- (407). �W-1 P3 AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 November 22, 2019 St., Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl 34982 Attention: MrJim McGuinness, Building Reference: MRO FPR,Hangar Project. No. 1907-OSS2 St. Lucie County, Florida . REPORT SUMMARY NO. 7 Dear Mr.. McGuinness: AVCON, INC.. r,.N--GfN7EERS & PLAN7NIERS 5555, E,. Michigan St., Suite 20,0 Orlando., Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 599-1122 FiLx: (407) 599-1�1�,33 w,vvw,avcon1nc.com I As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. performed on -site', threshold'inspection services for the MkO WIR Hangar project. This report summarizes our threshold inspection services performed during the inspection period of November 18, '2019 through November 22, 2019. Inspections took place on November 18 and 20,.as concrete for the off ice/bathroom slabs was placed. Our inspections were, performed in accordance with the structural documents, signed, and sealed by the Engineer of Record, Luca DelVerme PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications. I Our special inspector and his duly authorized representative(s) reported their observations as noited on the attached Daily Threshold Reports with all �strluctural . non-compliance items noted within the attached Special Inspection Log (SIL). All non-compliance items, or SIL's, previously reported as non -compliant wi th regard to the plans or specifications, will be reevaluated, by our Sp6cial Inspector after corrective action is taken by the General Contractor or the deficient conditions have been approved through written approval by the Engineer of Record. During the. inspection period, of November i8, 2019 through November 22, 2019, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, the construction of all structural load -bearing components described in the threshold inspection plan complies with.permitted docu ents, with revisions as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL. T Should you have any questions or concerns contact us. Sincerely, AVCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 Z C17 Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 38092 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee,. Gary Stepalavidh Stepalavi Count� Project Manager,,Scotty Beauli Chief Plans Examiner, William Durclen Construction Project Manager, Robert these reports, or desire any additional information., please IS CIVIL& STRUCTURAL,* AIRPORT &AMATION, CONSULTINKffi TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNINCN' I AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 November 22, 2019 St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia- Avenue Fort Pierce, 434982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness,� Building Official Reference: . MRO FPIR Hangar Permit No. igol�osso & im-om St. Lucie County., Florida RESHOLD REPORT, SUMMARY NO. 7 INSPECrOR(S): Rick. Balclocch! (AVCON,- Inc.) AVCON, INC.. FN.-GrNTE,Rs & PL.&NNER& 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone:. .(407),599- 1122 Fax: (1:01) 599-1133 www.avconinc.com DAILTREPORT(S): Tht.es'holdinspi�ction,D8ilYReo.c)et(!�) I : 21/18/19,11/20119 (See attached.. report(s)� for locations and observations.] SPftIAL-INS1PECT!ON. LOG: Added this Summa Perio& G Resolved this Summdry POO:,. 0' Outstanding for,the Lject:, 0 ATTACHMENT(S)- - None. Page 2.of 2 CIVIL & STRUC 7TURNI, AIRPORT �L 4VIATION'C'ONSULTING TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS SPECIAL. INSPECTION LOG PermittingAgency: St. Lucie County Project Name: FPR MRO Hangar Update Period: 11 /48/19 to 11 /22119 1907-0550 Permit No�: 190M550 - Foundation & 1812-0471 - Structure Project No.: 2017.0259.01 Attention: Ahrens Cons . truction/St. Lucie County Project Location: Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida Threshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocchi SIL _Date— Daily —Re—porM. —Structural Element Location Description 1 S.I. Engineer of Record Response ��I. Date Closed Daily RePort No. — No. I' 8�26-19 SIL Helical Piles NIA The helical pile submittal on RVB EOR approved RIVB 10/30/19 009 Summary Submittals site does not have SEOR or calculations and 1 County Building'Department revised plans acceptance stamp. 2 8-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7' The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 009 Summary not show helical piles�withln calculations and 2 the footings. revised plans 3 09120/19 SIL Helical Piles Footings. A-7 — C-7, The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB, 10/30/19 009 Summary 3 F7 — L7, G-8 &, L-8, not show,helical piles within calculations and - G-9 — L79 the footings. revised plans 4 10/02/19 SIL Foundations All locations The rebat in the top mat RVB Delegated engineer RVB 11/01119 009 Summary 4 deviate from plans/shop submitted letter drawings regarding the removal of top mat hooks - EOR accepted I The Special Inspector., Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. 2 The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. 3 This is a brief surnmary,of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page I of 1 DAILY NO. 012 FPR MRO Hangar Treasure Coast International PERMIT AGENCY.- St -Lucie County CLIENT: FIELD CONTACT: Robert -Hatton DATE! I 1118/19 & Business WORK ORDER NO.: BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit,No... 1812-;0471. SCOPE OF WORK: Re -inspected rebar prior to the concrete. placement, as well: as general housekeeping on the western office/bathroom slab up to the control joint. Temperature avg. was 71-84. degrees, wind av� g. was 0-9 mph, No significant rai nfall occurred during the concrete placement. Concrete mix' SW695R30 Spec W/C 0.50. #57 was used, The first truck arrived on --site at approx. 7am� with 11 CY out of 99 Cy. I Final truck completed placing concrete at apprix. I 0.am, for a total of approx. 99, CY J�' INSPECTOR: JacobCano - w/Avcon, 'ENGINEW 4�.PLXM imibilij , A st�.'Sti&;!W: -FIELD COPIES TO: AVCON FloridaliS22' Pfidn'e: i407), 'Faxl'o 07) 599. t 131 Y 01*3 PROJECT� TPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: Treasure Coast International Airport & PERMIT AGENCY: St- Lucie COU* CLIENT, - FIELD CONTACT: Robert Hatton SCOPE OF WORK- DATE- 11/20/19 WORK ORDER NOa, BUILIJING, PERMIT NO.: Permit.No.. 1812-04.73 Re -inspected rebar prior, to, the . concrete, . pl . acerri6nt, aJ well as general housekeeping on the eastern officeibathroom slab up to the control -joint ofthe prior western,slab. Temperature avg. was 57-71 degrees, wind avg. was 7-9 mph. No significant rainfall occurred during the coricrete, placement. Concrete mix SW695R30 Spec W/C 0.50 #57 was usdd. The first truck rarrived on -site at approx. 7am with I I CY out of 7.5 Cy. I Final truck completed placing concrete at-approx. 10:3,Oam, for a total of approx. 75 CY. I INSPECTOR'. Jason Teliszczak�- w/Avcon FIELD COPIES To- AVCON XVem, IN, C 'ENGINEERS &PLANNEJM.� 5555 E.Michigan Si., Suii� 200 nd�, Fla6da �32821' Phone: (407),599-1122 Fix`(407):5994133 AVCON Project No'. 2017.159.01 December 11, 2019 St Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Piercie,,Fl 34982 Attention: MrL Jim McGuinness, Building Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Project No. 1901-0.552 St, Lucie County, Florida THRES Dear Mr.. McGuinness: SUMMARY NO. 9 AVCON, INC.. FN1GTNTT,.ER$ & PLA\NERS 5555 E. Michigan St.' Suite,20,0 'Orlando; Florida 32822. Phone:'(407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 59.9-1133 ,%,ww.avcon1nc.corn As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. performed on -site, threshold inspection servi Ces for the M,RO FPIR Hangar project. This report summarizes our threshold inspection services, performed during the inspection period of December 2, 2019 through December 6,21019. Inspections took place on December 6, for slabs and columns. Our inspections were performed in accordance W I it.h the structural documents,, signecl� and sealed by the Engineer of Record, Luca.DelVerme PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications.. Our special inspector and his duly authorizdd representative(s) reported their observations at noted on the attached Daily Threshold Reports, with all structural non-compliance items noted within the attached "Special Inspection Log (SIL).- All non-compliance items or Sl I L's ' previously reported as non -compliant with regard to the plans or specifications, Will be reevaluated by our Special Inspector after corrective action is taken 6y'the General Contractor or theAeficient conditions have bee' n approved through written approval by,the Engineer of Record.. During the inspection period of December 2, 2019 through December 6, 2019.. and , to the best of our knowledge and' belief, the construction of all structural load -bearing Components described in the threshold inspection plan compfies with permitted'documents, with revisions as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL Should you have any questions or concerns contact us. Sincerely, A VCON,. Inc. ' - Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 11" k1 gavw�01_�l A (_7 Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 3809.2 Registered Special Inspector No. 1,019 cc: Addressee, Gary StepalavichStepalavichGPstl County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu -beau Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden.Durden� Construction Project Manager, Robert Hatton i these reports, or desire any additional information, please T___1 — — �­L�-�-4-�,�4 'N fksd_&�. m w."aftw, !92 OF CIVIL& STRUCTURAL -AIRPORT& AV]i,�.T]'ON'CO'NSUITl,�N(,o,TR,tNSPORT�ATION DEStGN & PLANNING AVCON Project, No. 2017.159.01 Decemb�er I i,� 2019 St. Lucie County - I 2860 Virginia Avenue Fort'Pieece, Fl 34982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness, Building Officia[ Reference: IVIR0 FPII.'Hangar Permit No. 1907�0550!& 1812-0471 I St. Lucie County, Florida TH RESHOLD REPORT 8UM11MARY No. 8. INSPECTOR(S)i Rick Balclocchi (AVC6N, Inc.) DAIILY,REP0RT($).: Threshold Inspection Daily Report($):. 12/06/19 [See attached, report(s) for locations and observations.] SPECIAL INSPECTION LO.G.: - . Added this Summary Resolved this Outstanding for the ATTACHMENT(S): - ECIR Report I Period: 0 1 Page 2 of 2 AVCONI INC. E� N.TGMERS & PLANNIT.RS 5555 E. Nfichigan St,, Suite 20,0 Orlando' Florida 32822 Phone:. (407) 599-1 �122 Fax: (.40,7).599-11,33 www.,kvconine.com. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL AIRPORT & AYIATI[ON'CONSULTING * TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING. AVCON,INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS SPECIAL, INSPECTION LOG Project Name: FPR MRO Hangar 1907-'0552 Upidate Period: 12/02/19 to 12/06119 Permitting, Agency: St. Lucie County Permit No.: 1907-0550 — Foundations & 1812-'6471 - Structure Project No.- 2017.0259.01 Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County Prpject"Location: St. Lucie County, Florida Threshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocchi SIL Date Daily Structural Element Location 3 Description S.I. Engineer of Record Response. 'S.I., Date Closed Daily Report —No.— --Repor.t-No— No. 1 8-26-19' SIL Helical Piles N/A The helical pile submittal on RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 009 Summary Submittals site does not: have SEOR or calculations and 1. County Building Department revised plans acceptance stamp. 2 8-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10130/19 009 Summary not showhelical piles within calculations and 2 the footings. revised plans 3 09120/19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 — C4, The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 1,0/30/19 009 Summar 3 F7 — U G-8 8i, L-8 hot show helical piles within calculations and G-6 — L-9' the footings.. revised plans 4 10/0211,9 SIL Foundations All locations. The rebar in the top mat RVB EOR approved RVB 11/01/19 069 Summary 4 deviate from plans/shop calculations and drawings. revised. plans 5 10/04/19 SIL Foundations Footings Column anchor bolts and RVB Summary 5 adjustment nuts were encased with high shrink grout prior to steel column placement. Columns that The Special inspector, Rick V. Baldocchl, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. 2 The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. 3 This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report'for a detailed description. Page 1 of 2 MM AVCONF TNC. ENGINEERS Bt PLANNERS have been placed are, not -bearing evenly an the grout. "TheSpecial Inspector, Rick V. Baldocc i, P.E., acknowledges thiii deficienc . 2 h y The Special lhspactof, Rick V. Bifdocchi, P.E, acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detaileddescription. Page 2 of 2 INSPECTION, DAILY REPORT PROJECT. FPR MRO Hangar. LOCATION: Treasure Coast International Airport & E PERMIT AGENCY: St. Lucie County CLIENT: FIELD CONTACT: Robert Hatton COMMENTS SCOPE OF WORK: REPORT NO. 014 DATE: 12/0619 WORK ORDER NO.: BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit No.. 1812-0471 Inspected rebar prior to the concrete placement, as well as general housekeeping on the eastern column locations for 12" slab to be installed for grideline "A". Concete plac6meht is scheduled for 12/09/1,9 at 7am Inspected rebar prior to the concrete placement, as w6ll as general housekeeping on the, trench drain at approximately the middle of the hanger. The survey crew discovered that the layout was wrong, and the trench drain� will have to be re- shot and moved to the appropriate location called out in the plans, further north, I The columns that Were placed in. grideline 7, east. to.�esffrom A7 to LZ were infil . ledwith grout encapsulating the adjustment nut prior to placing the steel columns. Th6 columns were set, and there were significantgaps between the north toe of the steel and the grout. that was placed. INSPECTOR- Jason Teliszczak - w/Avcon AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS' AVCON 5555 E. Nfichigan St..,Suitc 200 FIELD COPIES TO: Orlando, Florida M22 Phone: (407j599-1 t22 F�x' (407) 599-i 133 wAtly.amminexam 0 VA20tZ0259.01*— FPR MRO Harigar CPS DATE# December 9, TO: File FROM: Luca REFERENCE: Notes from FPR. MRO i MRO — Tre-, PE -site observations gar CPS re Coast International Airport -AVCON,, INC. ,rNGINEERS & PLANNEkS 5555 E. Michigan S:treet Stiite 200 Orlandg, FL 3.2822-2779 Ph6ne: (40.7),5994 122 Efnaff- avc0n@ftVC0ninC.c 0 1 M www.avcon.in�xom An "GON, INC. -(AVCON) representative visited the :site on December 4,2019 to observe the construction progress lin regards �o the footings, column -placement, and overall progress. Field observations; recordedthe f • Column anchor bolts an,c column placement. See. I • Column base plate is nc G.0 sha .11 secure thi with the PEMB Mar prior to -instal.ling t adjustment nuts were encased with high shrink grout prior to steel hotos 1-3 beari'hg- on grout uniformly. CRITICAL PATH ACTION: acceptance: of the non. -uniform condition found afActuter's Engineer A I a a sli . g . ned and sealed letter, iebeam sections onto the column sections. CIVIL & S'11RUCTURALo AiRPOkT&AIVIATION CONSU.LTING*'FRAN-,SPORTAI'IONDESIGN &PLANNING CIVIL & STRUCTUltAL o AIRPORT & AVI�1'101� CONSULTING - TRIANS'PORTATION DESIGN& PLANNING goo AVCON Project No. 2017..159.01 Match 5, 202G St. Lucletounty 2300 Virgini a Avenue Fort Pierce., Fl 34982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness, Building Reference' MRO FPR Hangar' Project No. 1901-OSS2 St. Lucie County, Florida REPORT SUMMARY NO.. 9 Dear Mr. McGuinness: AVeON, INC.. Ex Gf \,T,.rRs & PLA \.NrR, s 555.5 E.Aichigati St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone:,(407) 599�1 122 Fax: (467) 59941,33 ,,vww.avconinc.com As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. Performed on -site, threshold inspection services forthe MRO FPR Hangar project. This report summarizes our th , eshold inspection services performed during the inspection period of February 24, 2020 through February 28, 2020. nspecti.ons took place an February 25, for areas where concrete was to be placed prior to the project being stoppe& Our inspections were performed,, in accordance with the structural documents, signed, and sealed by the Engineer of Record, Luca DelVerme -PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications. iOur special inspector and his duly authorized re-Presentative(s) reported their observations as noted on the, attached Daily Threshold Reports with all Istructural non-compliance items noted' within the attached Special Inspection Log (SIL). All non-compliance items, or SIL's, previously, reported as non -compliant with regard to the plans or specifications, will be reevaluated by our Special lnspe�ctor after corrective action is taken by the General Contractor or the deficient conditions have been approved through written approval by the Engineer of Record. During the inspection period of February 24, 2020 through February 28, 1020, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, the Comtructibn of all I I structural load-.bea ring 'corn ponents described in the�'threshold inspection plan complies with permitted docu ents, With, revisions as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL. .Should you have any questions or concerns contact us. Sincerely, AVCON, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 5057 ga"ece, /Z,,,/ Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 38092 Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 cc: Addressee, GaryStepalavich Stepalavich County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden Dui Construction Project Manager, Robert Ha ing these reports, or desire any additional information, please 0 R L�-, P_ 43 Z= T­ �11:__ Vp=., CIVIL & STRU('TURAL 9 AIRPORT & AVIATION C.'0NS4JLTVS'C. e TRAINSPORTATION DES1'GN & PI_'ANNtNG AVCON Project No. 2017,159.01 Match, 5, 2029 St. Lucie County 23WVirgint "a Aven.ue. FortPierce, F1 34982 Attention: Mr. Jim McGuinness, Reference: MRO FPR Hangar Permit No. 100-0S! St. Lucie County-, Floj AWON, INC. 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone:. ( 407) 599-1122 F .407),599� 1133 NVww,aYconinc,.corn Official, 2812-04.71 OLD REPORT SUMMARY No. 0 INSPECTOR(S): Rick,.Baldocchi (AVCQN, Inc.) D . AILY'REPORT(S). Thresh� old Inspection Daily Repoit(s): 02/25/20 [See attached. report(s) for locations and observations.] SPECIAL'INSPECTION LOG: Added this Summary Period- 2 Resolved th-* S m Petiod:� 0 IS 'ummary Outstanding for the 3 ATTACHMENT(S): - EOR Report 7 Page 2 of 2 CIVIL & STRU CTV RAL. 9 AIROORT &,1AVI.XT- [ON CON-SU LT-1 NG * TRANS PORTATI ON DESIGN.& P UANNING: AVC0Nr INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG Permitting Agency: St. Lucie County Project Name: FPR MR.0 Hangar Update Period, 02/24/20 to 02/28/20 1907-'0552 Permit No.: 1907-0550 — Foundations & 1812-0471 - Structure Project No.: 2017.0259.01 Attention: Ahrens Constructibn/St. Lucie County Project Location: St. Lucie County, Florida. Threshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocchi SIL --N6.--- —Date— Daily -Report-Nd.— Structural Element —Location '3 Description 1 S.1 Engineer of Record Response 28.1. Date Closed Daily, Re ... port. —Noi- 1 &26A 9 S.IL Helical . Piles NIA The helical pile submittal on RV13 EOR approved RVB 10/80/19 009 Summary Submittals site does not have SEOR or calculations and I County Building -Department revised plans acceptance stamp. 2 8-30-19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents: do RV13 EOR approved RV13 10130/19 009 Summary not show helical piles. within calculations and ,2 the footings. revised 'plans 3 09120/19 SIL Helical Piles Footings A-7 C-7, The contract documents do RVB EOR approved RVB 10/30/19 009 Summary 3 F7 — L7, G-8 & L-8, not show helical piles within calculations and G-9 — L-9 the footings revised plans 4 10/02/19 SIL Foundations All locations The rebar in the top mat RV13 EOR approved RVB 1.1/01/19 009 Summary 4 deviate from plans/shop calculations and drawings. revised plans 5 10/04/1'9 SIL Foundations Footings Column -anchor bolts and RVB — Summary 5 adjustment nuts were 02/25/20 encased with high shrink grout prior to steel column placement. Columns that 'The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. 2 3 The Special Ihspector, Rick V. Baidocchl, P.E, acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is 8 brief summary of the SIL Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page I of 2 _N4 low AVCONI,I.NC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS have been placed, are not bearing evenly on the grout. 6 02/25/20 SIL Structure C61umns Bolts: in place were not RVB Summary 6 secured in place 7 02/25120 SIL Structure Steel & hardware' Excessive rust has RVB Summary 7 accumulated on steel and bolts,:due to:a delay in the work 2 The Special'Inspector, Rick. V. Ba.f.docchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. The SpecW Ihspectof, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 2 of 2. INSPECTION DAILY REPORT REPORT NO. 015 PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION: Treasure Coast International Airport & PERMIT AGENCY: St- Lucie County CLIENTp- FIELD CONTACT: �Robert Hatton COMMENTS OF WORK: DATE: 02i25/2 , 0. WQ`� ORDER NO.: BUILDING PERMIT N_ Re -inspected rebar prior to the concrete placement, as well as general housekeeping on the northern entrance slab into,the -hanger. As the site has been- shut down for -some time, this a ea needs to be addressed, as surface sand has accumulated within the plastic vapor barrier. Clean this, Via a shop. vac,. or s me other means, as there is too much debris to. simply be blown off. A.Iso, rebar placement needs , to be completed.. See Exhibit "A". Also, with the shutdown taking . place and the materia� Is being exposed to the elements longer than intended, excessive rust has accumulated on some of the steel and bolts, etcJ A new SIL log entry, #7 will be added, to have the materials addressed and cleaned up appropriately prior to completion. See, Exhibit "B". I Steel columns still have gaps under the base plates. See. SIL log, #5. See: Exhibit "C". Many bolts appear to be rusting at an accelerated rate, as well as metal panels. See: Exhibit "D". I Some bolts were not secured in place, even by INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak - w/AvcQn FIELD COPIES TO:AVCON iightening. This will be a new SIL log entry, #6. See Exhibit "D". V.,12017.0259. 01 — FPR MPO.Hangar CPS DATE: Dedember 9, 2.019 TO: FROM: REFERENCE - File Luca DelVermd, Notes from on -site FPR. MRO Hangar 4 MRO — Treasure 0 An AVCON, INC. (AVCON) repri construction progress in regards to Field observations recorded. the follc • Column anchor bolts: and a( colu m.n placement. See Phc • Column, base. plate is. not b ACTION: GGshall sei -found with the PEMB letter prior to installit CIVIL & STRUCTUICAL 9 AIRPORT & AV. CQN� INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 555 5 F,. Midigan -Street Suite. 200- Orlando, FL 3.2822-2779 Phone: (40 . 7)5 1 99� 112.2 .Einail. avcqn@�avconincxo'm www.avconinc.com International Airport visited the site on December. 4, 2019 to observe the s, column placement, and overa.11 progress. �tment nuts were, encased with high shrink grout prior to steel s1-3 I p , ng on grout uniformly (See Photo 2). CRITICAL PATH' i I re the acceptance of the non, -uniform condition lahufacturer's Engineer via a signed and sealed i i the beam sections- onto the column sections. CONSIJ.LTING� *�TRANSPORTATION DESIGN& PLANNING