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oondition that in the eVdnt thRt aqy of the payments herainbefore required to be.mad~y the
Vendee be not promptly and tully paid within sixty days next after the same beoome due and pay-
able, or in event of the failure of the bendeo to perform, oomplywith and abide by hny of the
oovenants or agreements of the ~er4ae herein set forth, then in suoh event or ei~hdr of the~,
the Vendor may at its option pursue either of the following oourses, to-wit;
A. The '1endo).' may termina te t!1.is contrac\ end retuin all payments the:t'o tofor6 n:ade hercl.i.nder
by the Vendee as rental for said land, and in li~l.i.idation an~ satisfaotion of the d~ages by
the Vendor sustained by virtue of tha breaoh hereof by the ier~ea, whe~eu?on all liability of
the parties, the one to the other, hereul~der shall oaase and determins, and the ttendor shall haV'Q
~ the right to-re-enter and take possession of said land; or
B. ~he vendor m~ 1eolare ~lu \~lGle of the unpaid balanoe of said purohase prioe to be due
end payeble forthwith, and may plaoe this oontract in the hands of an attorne:i at In'll tor the
colleotion of such unpaid balance, and if so ~lace1 in the hends of an attorney at law, the Ven-
dee shall pay to the Vendor a reasonable attorney's rei, us ~ell as Sl.i.ch unpaid balance.
c. The tine of pa~~ent shall be of the very esseuoa cf this ooht~act, .but no.delaJ or ~
omissioL of the Vendor to exeroise any right or powar accru~ne ~~on any default m~de by the
'leniee in any of the pllj"Oents herein be fort: required. to be made by the Vende:;:, or upon any de-
f,"uIt iI> fill:" of thecovenlints or ae;reeoents herein of the V,mdee shall i:c1pa.ir such right or po-
wer or shall be oonstrued to be Ii w3.iver of any s.:..c:: defa.ult or aoquiescel~ce therein.
D. This contract shall ~xter,d to and be bir-di:-;g upon the s~ccessors, assigns, heirs and.
pe~.sonal representativt:s of the vendor and of t~le ventlee, cwu each of them, prOvided, however,
that said venlee shall not assign this contrC>.ct, or any interest therein, 7iitho;.;.t the cCl:sent
of the vendor being endors:;:d:n writir~ hereon and on the d.uplicat~ copy thereo: held by the
E. The ter~ "Vendor" as usel in this contract shell be cor.strued. 8.1:d taken to n:ec,n ar.d
include the'succ~ssors, heir3, legal representatives and a.ssi~ns of the Vendor.
~'. 'i'he tern "Vendee" ani relati're i'ior:ls used he_~in Imd a:l ~cferences thereto shall be
ta."..cen as singJ.lar or plural, masc14line or feI:lir.i:,e, as the ca~,;e ca.:! req1;.ire, to the same ei'fect
as i~-ey.pressly so indicat~d in each instence.
G. The:undersigned. lIendco has r;:;ad nr.d ur.derstands the w:lOle of the above cc.ntrE.c" and now
stE.tea, and in consideration of the contract agrees, that this cont~act ccntains the ~hole of
~he agreement between the Vendor and the 1eniee, and that no representation- or agreement not
expressed in this contract has been made by the Vendor or its agents to induce the under~i6~ei
lendae to enter into it.
IN ~ITHZ~~ >>HEaZOF, the 1endor h~s o~used this contract to be signed in its name by its
~resident and its corporat~ seal to be hereunto affixed, and the Vendee has hereunto set thei~
By Waldo Z. Sexton
rresiden t.
(I am twent:!-one yeurs old) Otis M. Cobb..............{SealJ
(I am.twenty-one years old~ Edward r. ~cCorkle........(Sell)
~igned, sealed and delivered in presence of.
and year fir3t above writ~en.
/ROYAL 1'l...1K CO~~Y.
D. A.. H~'de.
fi_ S.
the 2nd ~
of april, A.D. 1925~ at 10.3) o'olook ~.U.
P. C. Eldred,
Clerk Clroul t Court.,
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D. C.
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