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lhat slle exeouted said dead freely and VOluntarily and wHhMt allY oonstralo.t, fear, apprehension
or oompulsion ot or trom her said husband.
algnatul~ and offioial seal at ~iami in the County of Ottawa and State.of Oklahoma,
las t afo resaid.
this the 25th
'E. L. l'eff,
lfotal'Y t>ubl1o
-ti l:otary r~bl1o for Ottawa C{\unty-, Ok)ahOtfta.
fl.: "i &,.~---.~ ~.J.:,'. ..QI.>U~ 3, /9 ~ ~
Il~of ";'prll, 4,.D. 1925, a! 10.'50 1..:1.
F. C. Eldred,
Clerk Circuit G:~rt,
D. C.
i1arranty Daed.
Clara Zlizabeth ~estroP?
'laro tti~hlr;r.d fari\: Comilany
Till~ n:DZL'Tl.~~::;, =':ade this 29th day of January, h.D. 1925,:j:;T.iZ::::': Clara Eliz&.beth '''.estropp,
a single woman. of ~he Cour.ty of Cuyahogs. and S ta te of uhio party of the flrst part, a.nd Vero
. Highland Park Company a corporation existing ~r.der the laws cf the State of Florida, ~aving its
prinoiFalplaoe or business in the Co.....nty of ::it ..i.uoie and ;itf:. te Qr z~lori'la, party of the seccnd
part, WITHESSETH, that the said ?arty of th.:: fir::;t part. for and in ccnsid~ration ot the sum cf
I'-.f ·
confiIlmeJ. and by these ;r~sents does g.l':mt, ba::.'gllin, s~l:, alien, remse, ~'eleas~, (}!".i'eoff, ccr..-
. Ten Dollars and other valuable cCuside1'~tions to her in hand paid, the r~ceipt w~ersof is ~~;~3~
acknowledged, has granted, barGair.ed, sold, aliened, reT.ise~, ~ele~sel, er.fe0ffed, conveyed ar.d
ve;l and confirm unto the 9.::id part:,' of the second ~,art and its s-....c:;cssors e:::;. c.ssigns i'ore'l::r,
all that oertain parcel of lnnd-1Jir.6 and being in the Co~~t~ of 3t.L~cie ar.d S~ate of ?lorida,
oore parti~~larly described as follows:
Lots n._:rnbered one and two of secti:n aeven ('1 J, ir, to'..mship thirty-thr.:;e t33) so~th ('f' r<lnee
forty (40 I E~st of 7allahass'J<3 ~<3i.'iiian in lo'lorida, cOT.tair.ing sixt~;-six ac.es, :;-,cre or less.
.;uld. the lot Il...;.mbered lo.y of section Six (6) ir, 'i'ownsh:p thirty-th::.'ee (;:;j sOu.th of ran,::e forty 44"
(40) east of Tallahassee -o1'idian i~ Florida, containing fifty-five acr~s, more or less, except-
ing lands deeded to 3liF.~e: c. ~aw, Dec. 4, 1911; to B. J. Hood and J.L.Law, :~ch 2S. 1913; to
Joel ~. br,ight, Deoember 1, 1914; and to 3~~er C.Law aLd ~eaborn 3.Jcnes, with all ripnri&n
rights , Dec. 1. 1914.
EXC.iU'TI~G Ob~ ....CaEiIi, more or less, beginni!ig at the' south-east corner of land dee:led to
. Summer C.Law and Seaborn u.Jones 3y ~u.is Stoeokel (deed Book 2~, page 142J whioh point is 6CO
..11 i
Ji 1
. ~ ;.
feet southerly and 30 feet west from the north-east CLrner of Gov~r~~ent lot 6, bo~nship vv so~th,
range 40 east ( and parallel to the shore of the "'ndiar. River ~ run sou!ih parallel to the low
water mark of Indian River (;50 feet being dedioated for public road) 210 feet; the;~c':: west 210
fe~ thenoe north and parallel to the ~irst d~scribed line 210 feet; thence e~st 2l~ feet to point
of beginning. T:U:Ca GRAlnOa rnpZRVZS FOR 'HZilSSLF, with all riparian righ1;s to said aore.
EXCEPT taxes for 1920 and ~horeafter which grantee asswmes and agrees to pa~~
TOGETlffiR with all the tenements l'iparian rl:.::hts hereditaments and appurtenances, with every
privilege, right. title, interest and estate, dower and right of dower, reversion, remainder
and easement thereto belonging or in anywise appertainingl TO ~'IE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee
simple forever~
b.nd the said party ot the first part does oove.lant with the said party of tha seoond part
that she 1s lawfully seized of the said premises; that they are fre~ of all iDo~branoe, and
that she has good right 6nd lawful authority to sell the same; and that said party of tho first
part dothhereby tully warrant the title to said land, and wil]~derend_the same against the
. ..~..'::.;..:.:'?~'~;~~~i~~~