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And the Raid parties of the seoond part agreo to p~ as purohase prioe for the said here-
inbefore desoribed property the sum of $60,000.00 in the manner following. t~-wit:
$1000.00 o&sh as binder money, the reoeipt whereot is hereby aoknowledged. the sum of $24,000.00
within thirty d~s from the delivery by the parties of the first part to th~ parties of the
seoond part ot an abstraot showing a merohentable title in fee simple to said above desoribed
property, and the ex~oution of a warranty deed by the pa~ti6s of the first pro't to the party ot
the seoond part oonveying said above desoribed property; the Slun of $11.666.66 twelve months
from the date of the delivery of the warranty deed conveying the said herein before desribeJ pr-
operty; the sum of $11,666.67 twenty four months from delivdry of aaid de~d; and the sum of
ill.666.67 thirty six months trom delivery of said deed. and all the sums to be~r interest at
the rate of eight per cent. per annum. p~able annually, until paid and t~e seoured by.a fil~t
mortga6e on suid. he:'ein before desoribed property. I t is r:IUt~ally u!:derstood and agreed that
the party of the seoond part the mortgagee herein. will release from the lien of this mortga~
at any tiffi8 after its exeoution, any portion of the property covered hereby upon request of
the mortgagor and upon payment of the proportionate part of the indebtedness secured by tj1~S
mortguge that the value of the portion of the property to be l.'eleased bears to the whole.
In witness wher~of, the said parties have hereunto set t~eir hands and seuls the day find
year first above written, and execateu these presents in duplioate.
Signed, sealed and dellvel"eJ. in
the presnece of:
K. R. Kirk..............(Seal)
':1. H. Kirk.............,.(Seal)
E.O. Liartin.
Mary L. Kirk............(~ealj
Josephine 3. Kirk.~.....(5ealJ
i '
~tate o/Florida
st ~cb County
On this day personally apl'ear<:e before me, lill ofl'ice.l' authorized to take ackn"wled6-
m.ents , ete .K.R. Kirk, t; .H.K1rk--}.iary L. ilirk and Josephine .3. Kirk to me Vlell known, and ;:nown
to be the persons who exacuted the foreeoir~ agreements, and the acknowlelged that thel executed
the s8u~ for the p'lrposes therein expressel, knd the said :~ry L. Kirk and Josephine B.Rirk,
. wife of the said K.6.Kirk and W.ll.Kirk. u?cn an examination taken by =e, separate and apart from
their sa.id husbands aCE.nowledged that they executed the said agreement free ly end volun\~rily
and without and constraint compulsion, apprehension or fear of or from bheir said husbands.
~itness r.~ hand and seal at Sebastian Florida, this 6th day of hpr}l. 1925.
(N.r .Seal)
" ~. 'ii. Vickers. :;otary ~blic.
Notary Public for the state of Florida at Large.
My Commissicn E7pires October 25, 1926.
Filed and reooIded this the
day of h?ril, A.D. 1925 at 11.30 o'clock, ~.~.
1'. C. Eldred,
Clerk C~"'"CUl.t Court,
/,f 1/>-;.-> )
3y ~./ /.ff ; f -('71" De?uty Cleric.
. f'
.-~ -
. ;
f ,
I ",
~ODe9~GQ ~#I'jiitfijijft~G09GG9Q~
WarrantJ dead.
G. I. Van Dall an<: wite
.'1. .B. l:~.:.rtral.
THIS INDZliTl.'R::;.-;{a.de th:s 12th day of i...al'oh. .....D.1925 , n:::T./EZl1 G.I. 'Iun Dall 2nd his '/lite
Jessie Ven Dell of the C~nty of ... end State of .Oklahoma parties of the fil~t part, and ~.
B. U:c1f.urtra;r of the COl.:.nty of St..l.rJ.oie and state of Florida, part~. of the secot,d part t "?1ITliZ:i;J-
ZTH. that the s;:.id r>arties cf the first part, for and in consideratioi: of the s-.un of ~10.00
, and other valuable oonsideration Dollars, to them in hand paid, the rO'3eipt whareof is hereby
aoknow1edged have grantad, bargal~ed, sold and transferred, and by these pre8ents do gran',
bargain', sell and transrer unto the add part)'-ot the seoond part and his hairs am llS9i~s.
. :',.. ;:.:':';~/(ffi~i!.~~t~