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State of ColorRdo
Clear Creek County,
I her~bl oertity. that on this Ibth day of January A.D. 1925, before me personally appear-
ed Robert L. Kuhn. a single man, to me known to be the pe~son desoribed in and who exeouted the
oonveyanoe to F. d. SUhweneker, and he aoknowledged the exeouti~n thereof to be his free aat
'lses and purposas therein mentioned.
Clear Creek
signature and offioial seal at Idaho Springs. in the County of/and State of
Bryan L. Snow, .......(SEhL)
nl)tary rublio.
~ oor-mission expires July 29. 1926.
stat6 of Colorado,
Larimer County,
I hereby certify, that on this ':'hird d~ of F~by J....D. 1925. before me rersonally appeared
Jalter KUhn und Gertrude Kuhn, his wife. to me /~own to be the pe,.)ons desoribed in and who
ex~outed the foregoing conveyance to F. ~. Sohweneker, and severally ackr.owle1ged the exeoution
thereof to be their free aot and deed for the uses end purposes therein mentioned; and the said
Gertrude ~uhn, the wife of the suid :~8lter Kuhn, on a separate and r-rivu~e examination ~aken
and mad~before 19, and se~arately and apart fr~j, her said husband, did ao~~owled~e that she
~ade herself a party to the said Dedd of COliveyano~, for the p~pose of reno~ncing, relin1uish-
iI:g and conveyiLg t;ll her right. title and interest, whether of dowe;;-, or of separfite }:rcperty,
3ta~~torl or eq~it&ble, in and to the lands the~in dcscri~ed, and that she executel said de~d
her said husband.
and offioial seal at Fo~-:' Collins in the ':ounty of Larimer and state
and year last aforesaid.
:J .t
freely and voluntarily and withouL &ny constraint, fear or apprehension or co~pltlsion of or from
of Colo~!ldo the
" \. ~~Al-'
dommission Zx~ires ~u~~st
oAJ ,
301iv4r 3. ~dmon.....(Seali
~otary :ublic. .
!..y c04l::nssicn eXI)}.,~'es..........
~t~te of Colorado,
Gle~r Cr~e~enver.
I ~1ereby certify, :'l:at en t!lis ;;:st d.2.:r of January, a.D. 1925, before n:e ;c:::'sonaL_J" ap,_,ear
0d ::arl l;iels~n and ::r:.rJ ;rielseu, his wire, to r:.e ~:o','m to be the ~e::'sons d63c::,'i3ed in and ':;ho
execu.ted the foregoil)g ccn'l~yance to F.fi. Sohweileker, and several1;,.. ack~o?lledgel the ex!)(r...tion
;;he;-eof to be their free act and deed for the uses and purposes therelIi c;entioned; and the sa.id
:':&.ry lieilson. the wife of the said }:arl l;eilson. on a se11arate and private examination taken llnd
mad~ by and before me, separat~ly and 8yart from her said husband, dii acklowlei5e that she made
herself a fart:; to the said De~d or Conveyance, for the purfos_e of renounoing, relinquishing
and conveying ~ll her riGht, title and interes~, whether of dower or of separate propert:;, sta-
tutorl or equitable, in and to the lands therein described, and that she e9.ecutea said deed free-
l~ and voluntarily and without any cor.straint, tear, apprehansion or oompulsion of or from her
said husband.
~ITBES3 my signature and official seal at Idaho ~prlng9, in th~ ~o~t:; of Clenr Creok and
~ta1{~ado~ the day and year last aforesaid.
( lie P2~E~: 0 Louis .. Hafer.........(Soal)
Hotary -'ublio.
'- Y,y oocuni8s1on expi:;:ea Deo. 22, 1926.
3t.:. Of olor.do.
Chnt:r ot Clear Creek.
I herebJ oertify that on this 15th day ot Jan,.ary .n.D. 1925. before co persor.ally appeared
Curl Kuhn. a single man, to me known to be the person desoribed in and who lrxeou ted the foregoi-
ng oonveyanoe to F. W. Schwenexer. and aoknowledged the exeoution thereof to be his free aot