HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1728 n~~ 700 ft. ot rivlir frontage near se\)ast~an, 5t. lJuoie COlinty, St&te of Florida. am rllnning West and havin~ a west boundary line looated along a lin~ running parallel with the vld Dixie Highway and being 160 it. .1est of said Old Dixie Highway right-of-way; and more fully desoribod as being that oertain piece of real astate reoently v~rohaeed by the party of the first part from Mrs. Kary L!. Ilynll and others in 'the said County and State, with riparian rights therounto beionging, less however. that portion of said property lying West of a llne running parallel with the old Dixie Highwa.y and being 150 ft. We;::t of the said Highway. To be paid for as tollows: 11,000.00 cash the receipt of whioh" is hereby aoknowledged by the parties ot the first part; am the further s~ of $5,000.00 within ten days after the party of the first P&.t delivers to the ~arties of the seoond part an abstract of title to s~id pro- perty brought down to do. te, showing a merohantc.ble t1 tIe bu.t not earlier than 30 days from Feby 18th 1925, at wnioh time the party of the f:1rst part shall oonvey ti tIe to said property to the parties ot the seoond part by Rarl'anty Deed, and the parties of the secol.d part shall assume and agree to pay a first mortgaga for the sum of *7 ,~OO.OO again*t said property. due $3.500.00 or or ~efore two years after date. and i3,500.00 or betore three yeara after date, both- bearing in- / terest after date at the rate of eight per e~nt. per annum, payable semi-annually. It is agreed by the parties herato that should the parties of the seoond part fail to keep and perform ally of the oovenan ts on the ir parte to be kept and. performed that the party of the ;; ~ 'I) I . ~ , \ , - ---------------.- " ~~------------- --------.------.---------. ----- "'-...-:"'~-..."'_u~_~y--...<r,,_~:...... ~:-.."" _..,~....,.~--..........._=_:......,p_~..,"t"~ I"~';'-.r-'~_.~~"'" r-J"~,..__.-~...~..<;-~.;~,.........~............~..~...-~'L""!"..._r:; -~.,u~~.. '.-'''''Tl: ~',","",,~ __;-\'W.'" .-.*<r-1......... _y...... ,~~,._. _ ___", -"."-w" _<:""' .."....,....... , first part shall retain the above mentioned $l,OCO.OO in r~ll liquidation of damages sustained by him as a result of the failure on the part of the parties~ of the second part. IN WITli~S -.1HEREO~', the parties her~ to have hereur.to set their hands and seals on the da;r and year first avove written. HITliE3SES : D~ C. Stewart. Jr. G. 1.1. Pace. Jr. . (Seal) 1 C.:-i. Rose. c. ~. Helfrioh......... (Seal) Jor~ L. ~mith.......... (Seal) state of Florida . . . . Co~ty of Broward......) I HEREBY CEaTIFY, That on th:. s day r:. rsonally appeared before me, an officer dt:.l~' authorize1 to administ03r oaths and take aok.iowleJ.ements, J. L.,,)mi th, to me well known &lid known to n:e to be the ind~vidual described in and who executed the foregoing agreement and he aoknowl~dged be- fore'~e that he exeouted the same freely and voluntarily for the purpcses therein expressed. l , aIThEJS my hand and official se&l at ~elbourne Co~nty of Br..ard and State of Florida this 25th day of Feby ~.D~ 1925. (N.F.SE~) j: 'J' ,1' 1- -.. Charles J.F.Campbell, :Notary .Lubl1o. liotaI')"...rublio for theState of Florida at l.arge. J.!y Commtssion Ey.pires liovember 9, 1925. FlIed and"reoord~d ~lis the (CT.CT.SE1.L) j , 6th de.: :) J ~ A F. C. Eldred, ClerkCircu:~Court. " - )-- By --/ /i i" eeQQQQgg/#J#ij#lflifif~08~9g8Q iVarranty Deed. D. C. of ~pril, ~.D.'1925, at 8 o'olock ~. U' FrankH. Fee (widowor1 To Helen Viotoria ~lnkerton. THIS I:iDlW~URE ,!lade -this 21st d~y of Jl&aroh, A.D. 1925, BET.."EEU FRJJ:K 1l. FE:; ( widower j of the County ot St:Luo1e and Sta'te of Florida, party of the first part and HE~l; VlCTORI~ rIHKERTOd, of theCnunty of ~rev.." and state ot Florida party of the seoond part. WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and i n oonsideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and (' ether valuabe oone1deratlons to hfm in hand pald, the reoeipt whereof i8 hereby aoknowledged 1 l . . ~. ....~ : W.'"" .' ( .", , " '{ifJ~~~~:~~tJ~~~1~~J[lk~~~~%l~~ _.. ._..~ _ .~ 1:1 ~ _~"A,,"...L. ~r"''''b.~-~., ~~<O; ~ .. ~f~:,~~-~~~~~~*r;~t!i~-~'~~; r{~il;r-~