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'aoknowledged the exeo~tion thereot to be their free aot and deed as suoh offioors, for the uses
and ilurpOStlS therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the offioial seal ot said corpo.ra-
ticn, and the ~aid instrument Is the aot and deed of auid DOpporation.
~ltnes8 my signature and offioial seal at Vero, In the County Of St.Luoie and state of
Florida tj:1s F~urth day of ~prll. i..D. 1925.
· L
'. -
Helen f. Rowe,
Iiotury Lublio. .
1t ~o~missicn ~xplrQs reb~lary.
11. 1929.
Filed anll'recorded thIs the 6 day of ANil j ~.ll. 1925, at 1.~5 P. i.{.
.f. C. ELdred,
Clerk Circuit'C6~rt,
; . /-/
n:,' ~:/." .~ ::"/ "-';/ 1>. G.
_'. ~<-c
~f l(~(J.fLt" 13/\ nit. r ('JfHVJ,f- f!.o
;:arrn.nty Deed.
(}tU>\. (L . f_U~
THIS I:-7D::;K~UR:':, made this 24th day of February, A.D. 1925,
S7.!;..!~T J~:!: &: TRL~T CO~
Successors to B/jr.~ c:'- Stu'lrt, a corporrition txisting under the laws cf the stai.e of' F100ida
having its principal p1acl of b~siness in the Co~ty of lalm 3eacn and State of Florida party
of the first part, and John d. ~lden of the County of Cu~a~oga and 3tate of Ohio party of the
seoond part~ 'NITli~SS::;Ttl, that the said ;al't:r of the first i>art, for and :n consiieration of th~
S-LlQ1 oD Ten ~ol'..a:..s and other v1.!.l1..i~ble consider<-.tlor. Doll&.~'s to it in har.d paid., the receipt where
of is hereby ac~:now1e~c;eJ., has t;ranted, 'Jar(;nir,e:1, sold, aIie"... rer..ised., releas~d., co:',ve:red and.
oonfirmed, and b:r these presents doth grant, bar~aiL, sell, ~lien, re~ise, r~lease, cOLvey and
oor.fi rm unto the s..i.1 part;-" of ~he second pfi:-t L.rd his 1;..:;i1's ar.:i assiā¬"ns for-/.ever, all that ce1'-
tain p!'!.2'cel of lr.n,i l:rir.g c..r.d b~lr.g in the CO:':'I:t:; of St. ........;:1e ::.n.1 ~tate of n,ol'ida mo,r~ par:.i-
c~larly described as follows:
iJ.lof the liorthwest quarter (liiY~.j of the ::orthwe,:, quarter (Ii.1~j of ..iec~ior. ':"lient;r-two (22)
To'r.nship 'l'hirt:r t>lO (~2) 3oti.th of Rar..ge ~:lirt:: nine l;;?) :<:ast, exce.;-;ting Fi'1:} (5) ac~'(;s sCi~tare
in the Northeas~ (Ii.S.) corner of the land described.
T()GE-r::E:1 with all the tenerents he:-editaments and ap::u:-temmces, with every :priv1lege, ric;ht.
title, interest and estate, rr:<L'3::'O~:, remairA.er and easement tcereto belonging OJ! in fin~-{/ise
appertaining; TO llii.JE him TO HOLD the Bamo in fee slwple forever.
J.nd the said part:r of the first port doth covenant "{d th the said ;:::'~'t;r of the se:::or.d. ,art
that it is 1awful~ seized o~ the said rremis~s; that thc:r afe free of all inc'~b~ances, and that
it has goo," ri5ht e.nd la.wful all tho:.'ity to sell the sa:::e; ond. th~ s_id ral.t~. of the first .ilL rt
does hereby fully warrant the title to s&.i:i land, and. ,;il~efend: the ~n:e against the lawl'ul
claims of all persons w:lOlIisoe.er.
IN dlr~~SS ~a~OF, the said farty cf the first part hasc~use~ the~u presents to be siened
ir. its name by i ts i'resid~..and. its
day and year above wrl ttfn. .
(Corporate seal) \ t'~'\.~~.....J..)
cor}cra te seal to 'be r:.ffixed. attested by Its Cashier the
.ttest; Peroy ~~e,
S1t:i..G .d..JiK &. TRUST CO.
3T~Al1.T, ~'LORD.....
.B'l:P f?
.I ....
A. ~Uge
I '
Signed, sealel and ';leliverlld in our presenoe;
II. H. C;-owell.
F. Ireno ~berton.
I 1llmEBY CERFl ft, that on th1 s 24th da] o*ebruar~', i..D. 1920, betore roo personall;r appeared
~. ..li'uge,
· ;:","':';:./j~{it~~y~