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I .u:&R&BY C3RTIFY, 'rhat on th!s 4th do.~ of '>'p1'11 A.D. 1925, betore ma l1ersonally ap.peared
Goorce C. ..;..lne.... and. his wife, Funnie Grincl' to 100 kno\"nl to be the pers::ms ~esoribeu in and. who
exaouted the fOl'egoing conveyr.noe to k'letohel' C. Clarke am his wife, Clyde Clurl.e and seve1'all:,'
a.~knowledge':' the exeoution thoruof to be theil' free a\)~ un'l de~d for the usos (tnd jll..rposes the-
l'cin &:entioned; ond tho sald Fannie Griller the wife of the said George C. Griner on a sepa.rate
and Fl'ivatu examination tsken and made by wld before me. and separately and- ~al't from her Raid
husba.nd, did aO~lowledge that she maue herself Ii party to the s~i~ Deud of Conveyanoe, for the
purpose ot renOl.;.I.cin:s, relinquishing and oonveylng all her right, title &nd interest, whether
of dower or of separate_property, at&tutory or e~uitable, ir. and to the lands therein described,
and that she exeouteJ aaid daed frea ly and voluntarily, and without any constraint, faar, appre-
hetsion or compulsion ot or from her said husband.
IiITllESS my sign&.tur<J and official seal at lo'Ol't i'iel.'ue in the CO'-lr.t~,.. of ;3t.~'.lcie lind S~a~e
of Florida, the dbJ and year last aforesaid.
(Ii. P. Se,~l)
~o~YYrUb~io for the
::y cO!PJ':lission eyplres
.:itate cf tlorida ~'i hu-ge.
Feb. 18. 1929. ,
James rl. aook..........(Seal)
Filed and 1'~corde,: this the 6th day of
A.D. 1925, at 11 o'clook, ~. M.
I (C:i: .CT S-::::'l.)
1'. C. Eldred, .
Clerk or the ,Circuit
'/ /-/'
By d) _;,..L/-- -/ p. _."
D. c.
MTICLE.;) N' iLGl?:;:R1n'~l;r;.
Ida ~utch and ".~.~~toh,
G. :.:. Pa.oe.
.t..RTICLES OF l.G~NT, Made this 1st day of A;ril, A.D. :";1:::5, bet'Neer. Ida Futch and
N. E. Futoh, her husbar.d, of :it.Lucie County, Florida/part;:{ of the first part, and. G.::. race,
of ~t. Luoie County, FlOrida, of the second part.
d~TKESSETa, that if the said yarty of the second part shall first make the 2a:rments a:
hnd perform the oovenants hereinafter mentioned on his part to be made and performed the!~~ties
of the first part hereby oovenant and agree to co~vey end assure to the said party of the seco~d
part, his8 heirs, exe~tors. administrators or assigns, i~ fee simple, clear of all incumbrances
whatever, by a good and suffioient deal, the lots, pieces or paroels of ground in the Cou:.ty of
3t. L~cie and Stat~ o~ Florida, j.nown and desoribed as follows. to-wit:
One (1) acree off of the South end of Lot six (6) of Subdivision of Lot One (1) of
3ection ~hirty One (31) Township Thirty (30) South of Range Thirty ~ine (39) East,
hod the said party of the second part hereby covenants end agrees to pay to the said
party of the first part the sum of $P.950.00 ~n the munner following: $500.00 upon the signing
of this agree~nt reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged, *458.33 upon the delivery Of a good
and sufficient warranty deed, and the remaining sun of ~199l.66 seoured by note and mortgage
incumbering the above d~soribed property, payable on O~before two years from the date ot the
oonveyance at the r&te of eieht per cent per annum, payab!e, annually on the whole sum remaining
from time to time uapaid.
It 18 turther understood and agreed that abstraot to the 8eoor~ ~aroel of propert~
hCl'Qinbefol'Q desoribed shall be scoured by the said seoond party, but the oost of said abstraot
shall be paid by the first party.
It is furthor understood and agreed that .,.ltt. forty dals the said first party shall
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