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THIS OONTRACT UADE lJfD EllTERED HiTO this 25th day of liaroh, 19~5, b:: e.nd bet'.Yeen ~LIZlUr;TH
'Y. ClJJU( of Kansas City, ~iss(\uri, horeinaftor designattld a~ the Seller, and JOS~lI H. OPTNJi;R
of St. Luoie Co\mty, Florida, hereinaftor designated as the Buyer:
That ~aller has s~ld a)~ agrees to oonvey as he~in provided. the following described real
estate in st. uuoie County, Florida, to-wit:
.ill of the ~ast Iinlf lEt) of Jou.theast "uarter (SEt) of Seotion Eleven (11), Towns::ip Thirty
three (~3), Range Thirty-nine Bust (39 E.) oontaining elghty (80) aores.
for the priue and sum of ThELVZ THOU5~:D DO~\S (.12,000.00) to b~ paid by the buyer as
~ollows: Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.) at the signing of t:'lis contract, the race ipt whe!'eof is
hereby acknowledgei by the seller am whioh is dellosited with the Farmers !lank vf Vero, Florida
as part of the oonsiderbtion of the sale, the balance whereof is to be paid in the follo~~ng
manner: Four Thousand Dollard ($4000) on. or before the - --- day of ~roh, 1927, and Four
Th ~sand Dollas(.40~J. j on or before the~day of learch, 1928.
~ll deferred ~aJ~ents are to be represented by promissory notes and the sarr,e seoured by
mortgage on above desoribed property, containing the usual provisions and bearing intar~st from
date of deed at the r~te of six per cont per an~um, paJable semi-annually.
T::e seller shall pay in full all state and. oo1.1nt:r taxes, general and sr'3cial, and all assess-
ments which are a lien u:p...n suid :pro!l6rty that :l'-'~ pe paid at t:1C dat..: of this contract, except
all deferred drainage tax r.ayments which shall be ass~ed by the buyer.
The seller shall ./ithi1: ten d~ys fro:r. the date hereof deli -ler to the buyer or :it t:le office
of George ~. n~bert, Vero, Florida, a co~plete abst~act of title to said property from the ur.i-
t~1 Sta~~ Q~~~~~~nt to this d~te. wit~ ce~tifi~~t~~ ~J.~~~~ete~t eb~t~~cter~ ~~ to taxes, judg-
ments and liens affecting said prOpl:l.ty &r.d the bUj'er shall have ten la~'s after delivery of the
abstract to examine same.
If the title be found good the seller shall deliver ~or the buyer at the office of said
Farmers Bank of Vera Florid&, a warranty deed properly executed ~nd ac~owlelbe~ and convey:ne
sail pro~erty free and clear of all liens and inctL"'!lbrances, exoept as herein provid ~d and the
buyer shall then and there deliver t.o the .:'b.rmers aan,~ of {ero, .:'lorlda for the seller the notes
and moragage hereinbefore provided for.
If the title be found ~efective ... the buyer shall spe~ify the ob~e~ticns in writir.g which
shall be delivered to George H. ~be~t or 1~ro Florida fo~ the seller ~it:1ir. ten days after such
deliver:r by the seller of the abstr30t as her~in provided; the seller shal~ave said d~fects, if
any, oorrected within a reasonable time 'from the date of deliv,..;ry of such ob~ections, but in case
such defects in the title can!':ot bo corrected Vii thin tha t ti~e t:.:s contract shall be ll'.~ll and
void and the money deposited as aforesaid shall be returned to the buyer and the abstract retur-
.ned to the seller.
If the seller has performed her part of this contract 4pon her part to be perfolDed, by
fnrnishing good title as herein provided and shall ~ake deposit of a property executed end ack-
nowledged deed oonveying the propert~ to the bUj'er, &11 as her~in provided, and the buyer shall
f&il to oomp]:,' or perform his part of this contract, then the m(ney deposited as aforestoid shall
be forfeited by the buyer to the seller and this oontract mayor may not thereafter be operative
and enforcible at the option of the seller.
IN 'ITliE:iS tlliZ:li:OF the parties hereto have signed their names the day and yer:..r first aboTe
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Executed in Triplioate.
Geo. ,i.. Hubert.
t.trs. Elizabeth Y. Clark
Joseph H. O~tner.
F. L. .KnIght.