HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1739 o t:5 ~J ....__..--_....__.~_..~-----..--..._........-..---_._-_.-....__.__. - *---.--..-.-..------ -.-- .. -----.----- ..--.----- -...---.--.. -- -" -..-.~ ~'<T ...{,.....-... c --;.:...,.....'!""'~_..,_~........_--:"" .-....-..... .__~ ,..-......._.-...... ."":""<......~.~r!.........-.-"'l ~_,.~. .....,...;.~.-,.~~...l".. ....:....~,...-.-.-...~ ...._._.....,...._,....,.__;~ ._ ,_ ...... '. ~. .. ___ ! ~ A. B. Ch:ltCIlIEY STAX& OF FL~RIDA, COUNTY O~' ST. WCI E. !r!!1L~!!! TO TllK j;~JUC. r L On this d~ personally E\Pll OOl'lld before. me .A.. B. CRITCHLEY who be lr,g bj. me f i.rl;Jt dul~. sworn de~oses and aays that he has ba~n a resident of st.L~oia County, Florida for o1ghtd~n years and was pel'sonally ao~uainted ',vith Spiro ,joteu, the gran~de In a deel of conveyanoe from C. F. ~artin to Spi~o J~fde, said dead being date~ Ootober 10, 1921, filed in ~eud jock 44. page 194. auld deed oovering the tollowir~ property, to-wit: _ Lot ~b/unt66n (17) and Lot Eighteen (~8) Qt 310ck 1wo (2l of Goldsmith's ~dition to the City cf Fort Pierce. Florida. ....ffiant further says that he \'IUS ~erscnally a01t~aintol ":;1 th ;3 .Sofde, ';;:~e grc.ntor... ir. a deel of oonveyance rro~ s. So~ee to 1... 3. Critohley, SGid deal ,of conveyanoe bein filed i~ ~eei 30ck 47, pa~e 296, St.Luoie COUIlty, Florida recol~s. Affiant f\~rther says that Spiro ~ofee, m:d .:i. Sofee is the one and seme :person. A. B. C.'1tchley. ;)worn to {'.nd subscrLed befora oe this the 4 th day of A:pril, 1925. (Co.Judge)Angus ~unmer. ( Seal, )Count.l' Jud.ge. ,. .:r. -.~ ~...--. ""-- Filed and reoorduJ ttis the 4th day of ~pril, .u..D" 1~25, at 9 o'cloo~ H ~..~. ..... (ct.Ct.Seal} L -QQQQ9--iiifiifjiii--gQQ99- 1'. C. ~ldreJ., . Cle:-k q~~it'~o...rt, ': ..,. // ,,/ 3.1-~ l// :~f' D.~. (/ ,r ~'. '<1 "', ..... .::-. . ,"t. . ~:- ~?IDAHT . ST....TE OF FLO:UD.... ) . COl:r:TY Of Sr;'. L::CIZ ) On this da~,. ?erscnall~r appem'eJ. befora r::e ::et';ie 'l.~urner. wile be5.ng fi rst s'uorr. bJ u:e, or she de Gses and s:l:rs that he was well aoquainted with ~li:;,->.}th .:.ne1ish C,w.stail:e t1:e gr:.i:!1tae in a deed of Conve:r~ce dated Feb. 2nd 1915 and filel ~~. e, 1916 in ~eei JOOf. 3~ P. 24 ar.d E.E. Chastaiue th~ grantor in a deed of ~on~eyance datel ~pr. 12. 191~ and filed 17 1..)1' . 19l~ in Deed Book 36 P. 455 of ~t.Lucie County, Florida. recoris: that the said S:izabeth Er~llsh Cha9taine and Z.E. Chast&11:e are or.e ar.d the sa.rl1e party. :,el11e V.1'urnar. " Sworn to and subs8ribed before we, this the 2nd day of ~pril .....~. 1925. ,~ 00 ~') Filell-a.nd recorded this t~~th day ~~.. ~. Q). <:c (:-f .P . SE1.l.) H. n. ;;iams Z;otary Public for the ste,te of Florida at .l..erge. :~ Commission ~hp:res ~ 19, 1926. of April, 4..:.J. 1925, at 9.30 G'clocJc 4.. 1.~. (CT.CT.SEAL) r. I ~ ! i~ t - ~ \._- -G99000--J#liijiijfj.jitt-O~CGQ9G- Warranty Deed. R. H. Ko~legard end wife To ~. ~. Carlton: .1.erlC . TKIS DE~D, ~de ~he 2nd day of ~pril, ~.D.1925. by ~.~.Ke~leg~rd and Rese ll. Xo~leec~d, his wite, of the dounty of St. 1ucie and State ot Florida, hereinafter oalled the grantors to a.~. Carlton of the County of St. ~oie S\ate ~f Florida.hereinafter JaIled the grantee. WITNESS3TH. That the said grantors in consideration ot Ten dollars and other valuable oonsiderations ...Dollars. the ~~oelpt wher~of 1s hereby aoknow1o~ged, QO give, grant. bargain, l \ . . .\ .... t~it~~~~;~~f~~,i ..: ...:::.'::.}:~~l'~~~!~1~~