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Book.!2. Pago.ill st. ~..loie Co\..nty reoords.
TOGET~l with all the tenements, hel~ditaments and appurtenances, with every privilege, rig-
ht, title. interest end estate, reversion. remalnder and easem~nt thereto belonging or in any-
wise apP8rt~illingi ~O HAVE AND-TO UOLD the same in fee simple forever.
An<\ thft said party of the first part doth covenant vii th the sa.1d party of the seoond part,
that it is lawfulLY s~ized of the said premises; that they are free of all incumbranoes, and
that it has good right and lawful authori~y to s~ll the samet-and the said party of the first
_ ., part 40es hereby tully warrant the ti tl.,.. to said land, and will defend the same against the
lawful ol&lms of all persons whomsoever.
I~ NITNES~ u~~QF, the said party of tho first part has aaused these presents to be sibned in
its name by its rresident, and its oorporate seal to be affixed, attested by its Secretary the
day and year above written.
( Corporate Seal)
(U...\l.S.... )
CHESTER :'LORDi.. LCm CO., Ir.c.
ll. E. Chappel
Seore tary. '
.>it;nel, Sealel and Delivered in our Iresenae:
By Paul F.Sohroers
F. ;;. l.iokels.
$65.50 Doo. stanps oancelledl
Sdna L. 'Sa:!.
CO\illty of &. al::1 3each.
I HERErlY C~RTIF~, T~~t on this 27 day of npril A.D. 1925. before me ~er30nally appeared
t'l-aUl F.Sohroers and I!. E. Chappel res3pctivel;,- Lresider.t and :ieoretar;: of Chester,l:'oridr. Land
~ Ce., Inc. a-oorpcration ~der the laws of the 3tate of ~ew York to ffie ;~own to be the persons
desoribed in and who executed the foregoing conveyanoe to J.Nllliam ~ohell and severally ack-
nowledg'3d the 6,eouticn thereof to be their free fict and deed as such officers, for the uses
'Uld purj!oses therein I:lention.~dj and that they affixed thereto the offioial seal of said oor'por-
k ation, and the said instr....rr:ent is the act and deed of said oorpcration.
'In'fl~E;).;) my signature and offioial sea\ at ,';est i'alm .3each in the (;om:ty of Pam .aeach and
3tate ot Florida the day and year last aforesaid.
'( 1:. i'.Seal) p F.Z. l,iokels, ......(Seal)
1:ota17 ablio f"or the state of" Florida at Large.
~ Cowmissicn ~x~ires JULe S, 1928.
Filed and recorded this the !.Sth day of ~.pril b..D. 1925, at 8.40 o'cloc~.{ ". :.:.
Rafferty-Jones, Inc..
7/arrlll1 ty Deed.
F. C. Eld;:ed, o'.
CIGr)~~~O~~~_i;/(;our~ '
B:-'. /J ('7/ - :1l/~{-f// / D. C.
. /r
iI. ..I.. Robinson.
THIS IIW:;lITURE, lLadf! this 19th da;,' of ~rch, A.D. 1925. BET.'tEEli Raffert;..~Jones. Inc., a oor-
poration existing under the laws of the State of Florida having its prinoip&l place or business
in the CO\L.'1ty of i'alm Beaoh and state of Florida. arty of the first part, and ii. 1. .{o:Jinson,
of" too Co...nt.;rof Saline;" and state C!f i&.;8S party of the seoond part, i'tI~BESS~TH, that the su1d
. \+1
I !~
: .l
party of the first part, for and in oonsideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable
oonsiderations to it in hand paid, the reoe1pt-whereo' if herebyao~nowledged, has granted,
bargained, sold, alieneJ, ~emised, released, oonyeyed and cor~irmed, and by these presents dvth
grant. bargain, sell, alien. remise. release. oonvey ard confirm unto the said party cf the'seocnd
"art, and his heirs, and assigns forever. AIr that oertain parcel of land lying and being in t
the County of St.~cie and State of Florida ~ore partioularly described 6S tollows:
" . :,.' , '.,::,,'~,i~~~~fl!~~*}~