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A. B. .Critohley,
The h1.bl1o.
:iTi..:E OF lo'LORID':".
COtffiTY O.r' ::iT. wcn:.
On this duy personally appeared before me, A.B.Crltoh19Y. who being by me first duly sworn
de~oses an1 says thnt he is the ~on-in-law of Chas. liell, Sl'., the grantee in a deed of oonvey-
anoe from~. H.Critohley and Ina Critchley, his wife, to Chns.Bell. SD., as per de~d filed in
Dc~d Book 02, page 195; atfiant further says that the grantee Chus. ~ell, Sr.i was sometimes
kr.own as Chas. J. 3ell, Sr., and that Chas. ~ell, Sr., the grantee in d deed of oonveyance
oovering Lot 18 of ~loo~ ~wo of Goldsmith's Additon to the ~ity of Fort Pierce. Florida~ and
Chas. J. Bell, Sr., the grantor in a d~ed cf oonveyance to H.A.Amerso~, covering the above
desoribed property is the one and same person.
Sworn to uni subsoribed
A. B.Critohley.
the 4th day of i9ril, A.D. 1925.
Angus SU.nmer.
Co,nty Judee.
the 4th d~r of ':"pril, A.D. 1925, at 9 o'clock ~. ~
P. C. Eldred,
Clerk C1,rcui!o Court,
j{y// "
By,,/J r:z!;.r --/} /,"7-'-./ . .II; C .
Harre.nty Deed.
~. ~. Jilliums\3ingle~)
':".0. ~~elseth.
TillS n~iW,TY DEZl) OF CCi;VZY~~CZ, Executed this t'Nelfth day of Februar.r, in the year of ou.r
.Lord or.e ii1cusnd nine hundrgj f:nd twenty-five '3Y iJ.D .d~Ttj::&'; A.~. Hillla~s .b. ~ir.gle mar. of the
CO;A.I~ty of St.l.u.cie and state of Florida of the first part ar.d b.. O. Helseth, of the Co .nty of
~t.~uoie and State of Florida of the secoLd part,
~HT1.~5ETLi, ~hat the said l'arty-- of the first part, for and in consider:.t1on of the sum of
r~e Dollar and other valua~le considerations lawful ffioney of the U~ited States of ~erica. to
-- in hand paid by the said party of the seoond part, at or before the enseal:~g and delivery of
these presents, the receipt Rhereo1" is hereby ac1~owledged. by these presents.... gi'le, grunt,
bargain. sell. alien, enfeoff, ramise, rele8.s~, co~vey and confirm unto the said ~rty of the
seco~d part, and his heirs, that certain property in the Co~~ty of St.~ucie eLd state of Flori
da descr1 bed, as follows:
The ,/e3t "~lt of the Southeast ;marter of the l.ortheast Q;uarter (wt-S14.--NEt); the East Half
of the l:ortheast ~-larter of the South-east ~<larter (E;..-1:Ei;-SE;-); the Zest lfulf of the ~'orthwest
Qu,arterof the l'orthenst' Quuter o~ the Southeast ~rter (Et-Ilifi--UEi-SEi) and the Zast Half of
the northeast ~<lartel' of the Sou.theast ~rter of the SOi.4 thet4st ~arter(Ei-llEt-SEi--SEi) of
~ectio~ Twenty-Five (25) Township T~irty-thl'ee (33) Ranee Thirty-nine (39). containing fifty (50)
acres more or lees; excepting ~oadway twenty feet east and west along half section line.
TOGETllEa with all &r4 si~lar tho tenements, hereditaments ~nd ap~urtenances thereuLto be-
longir~, or in any*ise appertainir~; and the rev~rsion and reverslono, remainder and remainders
r~nts, issues and profits,*hereof; ~D ALSO all the estate, right, title, interest, homestead.
dower and. right ot dower, separate e3tate, property, possession. oliim and demand whatsoever.
a t law and in e'lui ty, ei ther and both, of the said party-- ot the first part, ot, in and to the
sarne, and every part and parcel thereot; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above desoribed rremlses, eaoh
and every, unto the said party of the seoond part. his heirs and assibns. in fee siMple, absolute,
Indeteaslbly, forev~r.
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