HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORTST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DIVISION DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE (DRC) REPORT COUNTY F L 0 R I D A'-� SLC Treasure oast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar Minor Site Plan Major Adjustment to Conditional Use (1429-111-0001-000-8) App Ficant/Owner: St. Lucie County Agents for e Applicant: t� I AVCON Inc. — Alyssa Caudle, El Jeremiah Johnson, Facilities Manager County Project� Coordinator: Kori Benton Development Review� Coordinator: Linda Pendarvis Planning & Development Services Alsst. Director: Mayte Santamaria County Projec,t Number(s): MNSP-920185381 & CUMJ-920185380 Applicaiion Type(s): Minor Site Plan & Major Adjustment to Conditional Use Date Application Originall� Submitted: September 25, 2018 Staff Review Comme6t Due Date: October 8, 2018 - Date of D)�C Meeting October 11, 2018 Planning and Zonin� Commission MeetinE: N/A Board of County Commission�rs Meeting: [rBD RECOMMENDATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE Pursuant to Sections 11.02.03, 11.07.03, aii ! d other applicable sections of St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC), the Development Review Committee (DRC) has reviewed the subject applications and have determined the proposed development does not comprehefisively comply with the Standards for Review outlined in the LDC. The DRC has determined that in order for thes�,e applications to be certified and move forward to the next step in the development review process, the certification issues included herein shall be resolved, and any comments or recommendations shall be addressed by the applicant. Each governmental agency contributing is �,identified in the heading above each section of comments. The DRC will certify your application only upon resolution of all certification issues, acceptance of the recommended conditions of approval and compliance witl�'the all LDC requirements. The comments in this letter are based upon t�e application materials received and date stamped by the Planning and Development Services Department on September 25, 2018. Your applications were reviewed by the DRC on Thursday, October 11, 2018 in the Planning and Development Services Department. Both the applicant and representatives (agents) were req 12:00 noon on February 8, 2019. SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 tol attend the scheduled DRC meeting. The document revisions are due by If you intend to respond to this report, submit either: 1) Ten (10) hard copies and two (2) CD's (computer disks) which include text documents in Word (.doc) format and graphic exhibits in �pdf format; or, 2) A letter of intent to respond,to �these. comments. Your response is required within 30, working days of the date of this letter, in accordance with'the provisions of -Section 11.02.03 of the LDC. No further review can take place until the.comments are resolved. If you choose not to resubmit docum6n�ation addressing these comments'within 120 days of the date of this report, your application will be considered wit drawn along with the forfeiture ofd'l'l fees paid to date. ,ct D �pLion The proposed Minor Site Plan and Majo� r Adjustment to Co5ndifilo, nal Use se&k &velopment of a 31,500 S.F. MRO facility which includes 28,500 S.F. hangar (58'- 2" in Might) and 3,000 S.F. office"building,.in addition to support parking. The project is part of a larger o , erall parcel, within the Airport. V� B. Location and �ite Inform d n Location: 13143�Jet Center Terr`dce,F6rt Pierce FL Parcel Number: 14 1 291- 11 i�-000 1 -000-8 ('Subset) v-, -, "', "I Parcel Size: 10. 124acres,(Sub.set) Future Land Use: T/U — �r,a�spor'tition -Uti Ities Zoning: ,U (Utiliti\4), Proposed Use: Airport MRO'Hangar Utility Service: "lPoiable water�s provided by St. -Lucie County Utilities, via an agreement ith Fort Pierce.Uiility Authority (FPUA). Wastewater service is provided \1/-, by St. Lucie County.�,, Fire/EMS Prdiection:_ Station 4-is,tdcate&at 3601 Industrial 33rd Street one-third of a mile to the \,"northeast Transporta ioli'Impacts: Noniprovided Scheduled Imp ements: N/A 7V \ V Type of Concurrency:,,, one provided Surrounding Land Use'an&Zoning-) , 1) Location Future L an I d Use Zoning Existing Land Use Adjacent North P/F — Public-,Pacillities U (Utilities) & I (Institutional) Airport/Golf Course Parcels South T/U — Trans portation Utilities U (Utilities) & IL (Industrial Light) Airport/Industrial /IND -Industrial West T/U — Transportation U (Utilities) Airport Utilities i East TIU — Transportati6n U (Utilities), IL (Industrial Light), & Airport/Industrial Utilities/ END — Industrial CPUB (Conservation Public) CPUB (Conservation Public) /Preserve Lands Page 2 of 11 LOCATION MAP (3143 Jet Center Terrace, Fort Pierce �L) J Ca., B.W— —k A - L ti AERIAL PHOTO -(2016) P.—md Goff SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 Adiacent Existiniz or ProDosed Develotment To the north: Golf Course To the south: Airport/Industrial To the east: Industrial/Preserve Lands To the west:' Airport Page 3 of 11 ZONING MAP FUTURE LAND USE SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 Zoning District Designations of Abuttin%z Properties To the north: U (Utilities) & I (Institutional) To the south: U (Utilities) & IL (Industrial Light) To the east: U (Utilities), IL (Industrial Light), & CPUB (Conservation X Public) To the west: U (Utilities) V Future Land Use Designations of Abutting Properties To the north: TAJ Transportation Utilities / P/F Public Facilities To the south: TIU — Transportation Utilities IND - Industrial To the east: T/U — Transportation Utilities/ IND — Industrial / CPUB (Conservation Public) To the west: T/U — Transportation Utilities Page 4 of 11 SLC Treasure Coast Intemational Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMJ-920185380 October 8, 2018 .The specific findings and conclusionsl of each review agency related to this request are identified in this report. The current review status for each agency is as follows: Section Department or Divi6on . I Reviewer Phone Date of Review Certification E Planning & Development I Services, Planning Division Kori Benton 462-2518 10/8/2018 No F Environmental Resources Jennifer McGee 462�38762 10/5/2018 Yes, with Conditions G Airport Department John Wiatrak /462��`1732 P.'Adarn Hied 462-,2350 9/26/2018 Yes H Engineering Grant Chambers�, 462�fQ97 10/08/2018 No I Water Quality Baby Thottakara) 462-17,19\ 10/3/2018 No J Property Acquisitions Janet Lic6ausi,/' 462-172:5�',, Ko,response K County Surveyor' Rod Ree-d\ 462-1721 10/3/20,J 8 Yes L Parks and Recreation Mark Di Ma§cid,-II.., 46211518 No response M Fosquito Control Glenn Flenderso'n-,,, .462-1686 No respon'-se N Sh erriff - kreh,ZFar.kowski 871-5303 No response 0 Community Services MU'M*aM)eckle,,,, j40-'0667 No response P School Board W*, \Sanders�', ",4 29-3640' No response Q Health Departmient' I k David,,W6errf6r 1, 11 613-4931 No response R F ire District Paul Lan'gel 62t'-3322 10/5/2018 N/A S :JFt. Pierce Utilities"Adthorityl-. "-Martha St ;--Count iti \/I .&Oe I— y Util es Kdrr MunihIcus Rp��nopd ' 466-1600 x3473 462-5221 9/28/2018 V Yes, with 'Condition C. , Review BoardlCommittee Aeth The Minor §ite\Plan & Mdjgr\ recommendation"-,fr6m the., Dev't Conditional Use requires a public County Comrnissioners,(A, CC) sl , �\ "I Planning & Development" - irectok k Determination of Complda�� I' Ronjwiros"P"iv— Pla""Yna Minor Site Plan j6§tm ' ent to Conditional Use petitions require review and ont Re)view Committee (DRC). The Major Adjustment to ng before the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of ke final action on the Major Adjustment to Conditional Use. The take final action on the, Minor Site Plan. with Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan 1. The Site Plan exhibit is deemed to be incomplete due to omission of necessary site data and information. The "Site Plan" I sheet should be revised to incorporate the following content in accordance with Land Development Code Section 11.02.09: Page 5 of 11 SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 A. 1'. General Information: . a. The applicant's ri�me and address. c. The owner's name and address, if different from the applicant d. The street addres and a le gal description of the property. e. The present zoning classification and existing uses of the subject property f. Information on lai the relationships bet areas, including Ian( facilities, and uniqui g. A development development or stag h. A statement of th of all or portions of. i. A statement desc facilities 3. Proposed Development information: a. The location of the b. The boundary lir subdivision easement c. The loqA'on. and 1�,i d. The identification , I proposed dov,61opmei zoning-district',,in, Whi /�`e. The.location aiid di The location' -and "one hundred fiftly'(1, 5 Il..'The pedestrian,,c ' ift cir-cuNtion system.'\, in. Proposed lands materials,- and the I \ \1 I n. The loca I areas adjacent to the proposed development and an indication of een the proposed development and existing and proposed adjacent uses, zoning classifications, densities, circulation systems, public natural features of the land. ;chedule indicating the a " o' iniate date construction of the pml xi s of the development cati'be expected to begin and be completed. applicant's intention�'with 'reg I �rd to the future selling or leasing [bing whetherilie,,project will ufifilz�\e�.existing water and sewer X �cjrv,ity and De's'ign,,(Site,,Plan) shall include the following propeh�-i� lot.number,"'bl6ck, number, and street address, if any. (es of\tfte pkop&-ty, the dimensions of the property, existing I I \ S, road,,�ays, railine'�.`and pu'�li�`rights-of-way. ensions,\ini�ludikg heighi,--of all' -buildings and structures. bf the maximum bu"ildable area of each lot or parcel within the it,', b,'ased upoh.thp minimum building setbacks of the particular �A th-e-developffient,is located. mension,ofpar,�ing qnd loading areas. )hfiguration'of,�,1j, public and private roadways for a distance of K " D)Teeffrom all project access points. ulation"sy5tem, including its interrelationship with the vehicular , including the types, location, and quantity of all plants or i of fences or screen plantings. arrangement of all existing or proposed signs or lighting. p. The approxiiate" location and dimension of all yard requirements u. A location map, which shall delineate the project boundaries on the St. Lucie County Tax Assessment Maps. � v. A driveway location�which shall show the location of all driveways, public streets and private drives withih six hundred and sixty (660) feet of the development, along any private or public street t I hat will serve the project. w. Any other information deemed necessary by the Growth Management Director for I the reasonable review of the proposed development. -Such as Perviods/Impervious and open space area & % of site Page 6 of 11 SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 -Driveway/aisle dimensions -Stop signs/siop bar striping locations -Dimensions� of sidewalks/pedestrian connections -Required pa�king/provided parking (including ITE Use Classifications utilized) 2. Pursuant to LDC Section 7 consistent with 7.06.02. B. 3. Pursuant to LDC Section 7 abutting 90-degree parking 4. The site plan should indica area, for the proposed facili Conditional Use Ad* ustment The Conditional Use Adjusl detail the projected demands Traffic (generation), Solid W 2. A neighborhood meeting public hearing before the General Notes The Site Plan identi'fie�-a W X station or -connection 6,th6, Determination of Complia .02. A. 3. a., the site plan shall identify an off-street loading space ).02 B. 2. a. the minimum dimensional requirement of access aisles ills is twenty-six (26) feet,.,.. any provisions for ref�se,ccjf6ction, and possible screening of this Ment applicati . 6n 'shall include an applitatibn for Concurrency to on,public faciliti4 i�cluding.13ut not limite"dj6\Water, Wastewater, tste, et'�,.-,,where app fica le,Xbr the facility. i all real,, perty,-owners within 500 feet is encouraged prior to the rd of op CommissionersX, t�w�ter Force Main, however does not detail any provision for a lift �!ilit'y- 7- � with Environmental Resources — Environmental Resources,' and Lands Division 'I, 1'� \ 1, \.., V Background , \, ."I The EnvironrrfentAl,,Resource� bepartment (ERD) has completed a site visit and review of the September 25, 2018 Planning and Development Services' date -stamped submittal. The applicant is requesting a major adjustment to Ja conditional use and minor site plan approval to construct a new 28,500 square ft. NMO hqn'gar.-,The project is located within the Treasure Coast International Airport at the terminus of Jet Center Terrace, over the decommissioned Taxiway D. Findings The Environmental Resources Department conducted an environmental assessment on the subject property. The majority of the site �has been previously impacted and consists of open fields of non- native grass. A small portion of disturbed palmetto scrub habitat (-0.28 acres) will be impacted by the improvements associated with the widening of the extension of Jet Center Terrace; however, no native vegetation meeting the mitigation thresholds outlined in Land Development Code 6.00.05.D will be impacted. I Page 7 of 11 The project site does contain st tortoises and potential conmie Wildlife Service (USFWS) w scrub jays and Eastern indigi conditions. These conditions I management practices and a 1: active gopher tortoise burrow - This tortoise will be relocated prior to initiation of any constr A landscape plan designed by shall be complied with per Lau Recommendation ERD supports approval of the with'conditions as detailed be] Conditions of Approval 1) Prior to issuance of a Ve, be demonstrated per United 2) Prior to issuance of a---V-ege Commission Gopher.Tortoise R impacted. 3) Prior to issuance of &Cdrtific Terrace per--th6 United �tate"s' protection. 4) The\'issuance of County, aeve the applic'ani'to obtain a pe�tnii\l "' '\ if the appliN6ai part of the' c6upty,, by a state or federai_;�gency or'u I I 5) All other development. plicable. 'Stat6' SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 4 .e and federally listed species, specifically Florida scrub jays, gopher ,al species. including Eastern indigo snakes. United States Fish and consulted regarding these proposed impacts (specifically Florida snakes) and a de minimis impact determination was made with Lve been included below and consist of Eastern indigo snake best mph posted speed limit along Jet Center Terrace. Additionally, one as identified within the Jet Center Terrace roadway expansion area. )er Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Guidelines ,tion. activities as detailed in the conditions below. ie Environmental Resources, Department, dated on October 5, 2018 Development Code 7.69.06. roposed majoradjustinent to the conditional use and minor site plan iofi,ReriiovaI Permit, Easteffi indigo snake protection measures shall es Fish\and Wildlife Service'requirements. Lion R\em' oval 'Permi-iti,-a F16r-ida\',,Fish and Wildlife Conservation I location" e\ it shall be,�btained\'fo� relocation of any burrows to be P rm ate 6f_Occuvan6y, a 15 mph speed limit shall be posted on Jet Center 1, . ish-- and -Wildli fe \Service recommendation for Florida scrub jay it.,permit does not in any way create any rights on the part of state or federal agency and does not create any liability on the td-dbtain requisite approvals or fulfill the obligations imposed zes actions that result in a violation of state or federal law. I federal permits must be obtained before commencement of the G. Determination of Compliance 'with Airport Requirements — Planning & Development Services, A * ort Division Approved Determination of Compliancewith Engineering Requirements — Public Works Please label the radius of return on the asphalt located at the intersection. Page 8 of 11 SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 2. Please identify the existing and proposed asphalt typical sections. 3. The County would recomme d relocating the gate valve and,box for the 8 inch stub out outside of the pavement. 4. Details for proposed sidewalks, curb and gutter, and any curb ramps complying with current FDOT standards will be required at time lof construction plan submittal. CONDITION(S) OF PROVAL�: 1. After site plan approval construction plans shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and approval prior to construction authorization. Additional comments may be provided from the review. of construction plans. II Deter—mination—of Complia ce with Stormwater Management Requirements — Public Works De artmen�, WaterQualit Division Site Plan indicates considerable incr�ase in impervious "area. Please see ihe 'comments below. 1. A St. Lucie County Stormwater Permit may iieq�quired in'Accordance'with\Sections 7.07.00 and 11.05.07 of the S.L.C. Land Development Code lriotto any construction or development activity on site. 1. A South Florida Water ManaJement, ilstiiet,-Environmentar,Resource Permit or modification to require permit if existing (appears -pen-nit # 56'00' 93-S isex"is#119) is d 2. Show the location/4� 41�e lej`ai,� positive dutfhlfon,t�e _�-itellplan in accordance with S.L.C. Land Development Code"'Se6tion 11.02.' 110 3. Delineate -all-floodplain bodway aoundaries 'and provide minimum finished floor elevations for theproj.ect-on-th,�`site pl�n, in:dccorLnce'_w'ith 'S'.LC. Land Development Code Section 11.02.00. 4. Show'th�'location of ankexisting an roposed easements on the site plan in accordance with S.L.C. 'I, \ " Land Devef6Dment Code 'S'e�iion' I I'm , 0. 5. Show the locatiori-of all drain�& retention areas and major drainage improvements on the site plan in accordance with S'�L.C. Land Development Code Section 11.02.00. 6. Show the location of all paved areas, buildings or other structures within one hundred feet of the co"� - I project boundary in ac i a�ce With S.L.C. Land Development Code Section 11.02.00. 7. Show the location of any existing drainage swales, ditches, pipes or other structures to be filled or removed that may impact adjoining properties. Further comments are reserved until the time of Site Plan/ Stormwater Permit submittal. Determination of Compliancewith Property Acquisition Requirements — Pioperty I Page 9 of 11 SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 No comments. Determination of Complian1pe with County Survey Requirements — Public Works No comments. Determination o Compliant. I lRecreation & Facilities ent No comments received. Determination of Compliance No comments received. Determination o Ck No comments received. Determination of ComplianclE Services Dgpqrtment No comments received. FV_ Determination of L—Board No comments received. 1/ Determination of Complianct No comments received. FRE Determination Of COMD/lianct I . 2. 3. 4. 5. 311 with Parks, Recreation & Facilities Requirements — Parks, ,vith Mos uito Control Requirements — Mosquito Control with ',if !�ISa et eqAi ements =Shariff De rtment f y A_ with Community Service Requirements — Community with Sc—hool Board Requirements —St. Lucie County School with Health Requirements — Hea Dqpyrtment ;�7#_hFlre Requirements — Fire Dgpartment Please 'su�ihit a completed, applickioii,,for DevelopmentJSite Plan Review (St. Lucie County Fire District Dev&lopment & Sit6\Plan"R\�A,ew Application). This form is available on-line at www.slcfd.0'bz Fire District rev" iew" --fees are du� at the time of submittal. An abbreviated fee schedule is included on the application florin'. Please provide an ele'etronic copy of the Site'Plan (pdf format). A separate review and erfhit,is required for Underground Fire Mains connected to standpipes or P,- sprinkler systems. An approved water supply capable lof supplying the required fire flow for fire protection (shall be) is identified to all premises upon which facilities, buildings, or portions of buildings which are to be constructed or moved into the juris ! diction. The approved water supply shall be in accordance with NFPA 1: 18.4. See "Needed NFPA'Fire Flow Calculator Spreadsheet". Fire hydrants (shall be) are provided for buildings other than detached one -and -two-family dwellings lAW both of the following 1) The maximum distance to a fire hydrant from the closest point in the building shall not exceed 400 feet. The maximum distance between fire hydrants shall not exceed 500 feet. NFPA 1: 18.5.3. Page 10 of 11 Determination of This project is located within the SL and the developer will be required. Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPU General SLC Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) MRO Hangar- DRC Report MNSP-920185381 & CUMj-920185380 October 8, 2018 with Utilities Requirements —SLC Utilities& Fort Pierce service area. A standard development agreement between SLCU Located outside of the Service Boundary Property 0 ner: St. Lucie County' 2300 Virgini6 Ave , nue Fort Pierce, FL(34982 Agent OR Applicant: Bobbv,P�lm. PE"Engineer AVCON EnOneers&Planners 5555,,E Michigqn Street, Suite, 260.6'rlando-,�Flq"rida 32822 \1 Offic'e.. 4'07"5 9,9". 1122 Ext. 25 6 BPalmp, v6oninc.corn /A CMI Engineer- ­�e Ar6ii6ct. Architect.: .,L;dhdscap IV — ------ - -Attachments Page 11 of 11 Rick V. Baldocchi,,P�.E. Special Inspector Project Experience: AMWAY CENTER (FORMERLY ORLAND6 E Orlando, FL Threshold Inspector This project consisted of t he constri purpose facility, which serves as the,no million, LEED-Certified facility features levels, five public concourses, 37 resi suites, 68 loge boxes, and 1400 club s( I GEICO GARAGE (FORMERLY AMWAY CP Orlando,FL Threshold Inspector This project consisted of the consti�u( structure to serve the new Amway - structure features an estimated, 2,000 climate -controlled elevated pedestrian FLORIDA CITRUS.BOWL RENOVATIONS' Orlando, FL Threshold Inspector This project consists of the remedial various components of the Florida Cil package includes structural remedial r( new graphic banners throughout the sU ribbon boards. AVCON's professiona[sc Inspection Services during completion banners -installation, and ribbon board re EWORL ANDOWAREHOUSE Orlando, FL Special Inspector This project consisted of the constrUc ' t distribution warehouse with an adjoinJ ,building for the Earle M. Jorgensen (E service& consisted of Special Inspec Construction Oversight for the entire pro CENTER) on of an 875,000 square -foot, multi - home of the Orlando Magic. The $380 ating for up to 20,000 and boasts eight )rhs, 55 concession points of sale, 60 PARKING GARAGE) of a $34 million, eight -level parking er. The multi -level, open parking .es, a helicopter landing pad, and a a connected to the Amway Center. inovations and aesthetic upgrades of is Bowl. The $10 million renovation airs of the light towers, installation of ium, and repi ' acement of the electronic rvices consisted of Special (Threshold) of light tower improvements, graphic of a new 67,000 sqqare-foot, steel 3,500 square foot, one-story office Company. AVCOWs professional Services during construction and ORANGE COUNTY COURTHOUSE THRESHOLDINSPECTION Orlando, FL Threshold Inspector The total project consisted of a twenty-six story steel office tower, two six -story concrete office buildings, a six -story concr t parking garage, and an equipment plant. Specific duties included complete responsibility for the parking garage, and assistance with inspection of the other iacilities. ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER Orange County, FL Threshold Inspector Project consisted of over 1,000,000 SF supported by 218,000 SF of meeting roor lobbies, concourses, and pre -function tpacE the -house facilities. AVCON provided �pc services that included daily observation ar compaction, driven piles, compaction i grout tensioning, cast in place concrete masohr steel (long span trusses which include bolts, )f unobstructed exhibit hall space s, 511,730 SF of public circulation along with 1,124,990 SF of back-of- tions of the threshold, inspection I reporting of muck removal, vibro- ig, rebar, shoring, re -shoring, post- , composite decking and structural velds, etc.) ................ ........... ........... ........... .... td..: .. ............................................................ ... UC&tibh:.:: ... ............ ... iR61lihs::06116: ................ ............ ... i3.8.:;CivifEh'n6 .8...: ... . . gi . ei*in]g,.1 9 2 : ..-.P61ifbrn:id- P.*Wchnfo S*d-IIniV&rs1tv ......... i ............................................................................. .... . . . . . . . . . 15V iviliErvemidervi ... ............................... ... 1H6n&s:&--AWar.d6?.: ... H04. do: : : !� .�* , , . . . . �nrpqh . erviC4-Aw&d-,-2007.­-::---:: .......... ........ ....... .......... ............................. ............... Y. ... MetroPlah 0rland6;-T-ran_p'pqatJorr--: ... ... ................ I ......... ...... ....... .............. ...... . ... . . MalffiM1998 ... ................ ... Z00.4 ... _J. .............. ... Eds�.-Gbn'tr6l.Fidrida.'.,R�gio6al':Plahnfnd ... ........... ................ .y ........ ............. form -in .................. .................. .......... J ........... .................... Ehaineers & Planners JOSEPH E. SMITH CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY r . I FILE # 4511139 OR.BOOK 4213 PAGE 475, Recorded 12/13/2018 04:11:29 PM AN ORDER OF ' DIRECTOR OF ST. MINOR SITE PLAN HANGAR LOCATE[ FL PDS Order 18-066 MNSP-920185381 'HE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LUCIE COUNTY GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A TO BE KNOWN AS ST.' LUCIE COUNTY MRO AT 3191 JET CENTER TERRACE, FORT PIERCE, WHEREAS, the St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services Director has reviewed the request for a Minor Site Plan submitted'by Bobby Palm, PE, of AVCON Engineering, on behalf of St. L1 ucie County, evaluated the comments of the St. Lucie County .1 - Development Review omm ee on this application, and made the following determinations: 1. The prope owner, t Lucie County, and representative, Bobby Palm, PE, of AVGON Engineering, presented la petition for a Minor Site Plan for a 31,500 Sq. Ft. Airplane Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) facility which includes a 28,500 Sq. Ft. hangar (59' - 5" in heig�t)* and 3,000 Sq. Ft. office building in the U (Utilities) Zoning District for the propertY, located at 3191 Jet Center Terrace as legally described in Paragraph "B" and depi,cted on the attached map as Exhibit "A". 2. On November 13, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution 18-231, granting appro I val of a Major Adjustment to the existing Conditional Use Permit for the Treasure Coast International Airport to develop the subject Aviation MkO facility, in the U, (61 tilities) Zoning District. 3. On November 13, 20118�, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution 118�232, granting appro�.al of a variance from the airport primary guiding documents for the subject site within the Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA); specifically LDC Section, 7.04.01 (Table 7-10) Maximum Building Height of the U, Utilities Zoning District and Comprehensive Plan Policy - Maximum Height within- the TJU Transp I ortation/Utilities Future Land Use, based upon special conditions or unique circumstances. 4. The Development Review Committee has reviewed the Site Plan for the proposed Minor Site Plan and found it to meet the technical requirements of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, with the proposed conditions, in satisfaction of the standards of review: set forth in Section 11.02.07, Standards for Site Plan Review, of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. 5. Planning staff has performed a detailed analysis of the project and found it to be consistent with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. The analysis is! found in the Planning and Development Services memorandum titled St' Lucie County MR0 Hapgar Minor Site Plan (MNSP- 920185381), dated December 5, 2018. MNSP-920185381 PDS Order 18-066 Page 1 of 7 OR BOOK 4213 PAGE 476 6. The proposed site pla Ml not have an undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety, and. general welfare. 7. . All reasonable steps� h�ave been taken to minimize any adverse effect of the proposed project on th6 immediate surroundings through building design, site design, landscaping anii screening 9. 8*. The project is designed, I and will be constructed and operated so as not to interfere v . Vith the development and use of neighboring property, in accordance with applicable district regulations. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT OIRDERED by the Planning and Development I I da. Services Director'of St. Lucie County, Flori A. Pursuant to Section 11.02 Minor Site Plan. to be kno% as shown on the site plan by Bobby Palm, PE, of ANo date stamped received by Division on November 26, ; 3 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the as St. Lucia County MRO Hangar is hereby approved awings, attached as Exh ib it B", for the project p repared ON Engineering, revised through October 26, 2018 and e St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services 18, subject to the following conditions: 1) Prior to issuance of la Vegetation Removal Pennit, Eastern indigo snake protection measures shall be demonsttlated per United States Fish and Wildlife Service requirements. 2) Prior to issuance of a Vegetation Removal Permit, a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit shall be obtained for relocation of any burrows to impacted. 3) Prior to issuance of 'Certificate of Occupancy, a 16 mph speed limit shall be posted on Jet Center Terrace per t e United States Fish and Wildlife -Service recommendation for Florida scrub jay protection. 4) The issuance of Coun development permit does not in any way create any rights on the part of the applicant to 0�.tain a permit from a state or federal agency and does not create any liability on the part of the County if the applicant fails to obtain requisite approvals or fulfill the obligations imposed by a state or federal agency or undertakes actions that result in a violation of state or federal la'w. 1 5) All other applicable state or federal permits must be obtained before commencement of the development. B. The property on which this Minor Site Plan approval is being granted is described as follows: NINSP-920185381 PDS Order 18-066 Page 2 of 7 OR BOOK 4213 PAGE 477 LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain piece, par6el or tract. of land situate, lying and being in Section 29, Township 34 south, Range 40 eastlof the Tallahassee Base Mehdian, St. Lucie County,- Florida. The bearings contained in thisIlegal ddscription are based upon state grid north and the distances refer to ground distances.1 Said lands being more fully described as follows: Commencing at National Geodetic Survey Secondary Airport Control Station stamped "Lucieport 1989"; Thence along a line to the "Luci6port AZ. Mark 1989" S44004'23"E a distance of I a43.14'; The�ce departing said line, N45014'32"E a distance of 174.36' to the Point of Beginning; Therice N45014'32"E a distance of 712.82'; Thence S44047'57"E a distance of 618.70'; Thepce S45*14'32'W a distance of 712.82'; Thence N44047'57'W a distance of 618.70'to the Point of Beginning. Containing 10.124 acres PARCEL IDENTIFICATI ADDRESS: 3191 Jet Ce C. The approvals granted 1 2020, unless a building, granted in accordan - ce wi Land Development Code. D. The developer is advised � interest, the developer sha authorizations from the ar including, but not limited t Department of Environr�n4 District, and the St. Lucie ( prior to the commencerner Part B. Issuance of this pE the part of the developer i not create any liability on developer fails to obtain re or federal agency or under law. or less." NUMBER: 1429-111-0001-000-8 Terrace, Fort Pierce, Florida this administrative order shall expire on December 8, rmit or Zoning Compliance is issued or an extension is the provisions of Section 11.02.06 of the -St. Lucie County s part of this Minor Site Plan, including any successors in obtain all applicable development permits and construction iropriate State and Federal and local regulatory agencies , the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida ital Protection, and South Florida Water Management )unty Environmental Resources and Building Departments of any development activities on the property described ' in mit by the County does not in any way create any rights on obtain a permit from a state or federal agency and does the part of the County for issuance of this permit if -the uisite approvals or fulfill the obligations imposed by a state 3ke actions that may result in a violation of state or federal E. A copy of this Order shall b which plan shall be place� Services Director and mailei site plan applications. F. . The conditions set forth in approval granted by this 01 invalid or unenforceable -voluntarily with that conditic null and void. MNSP-920185381 attached to the site'plan drawings described in, Part A, on file with the St. Lucie Planning and Development to the developer and agent of record as identified on the �art A are an integral nonseverable part of the site plan er. If any condition set forth in Part A is determined to be )r any reason. and the developer declines to comply , the site plan approval granted by this order shall become PDS Order 18-066 Page 3 of 7 OR BOOK 4213 PAGE 478 G. The Site Plan, attached 0 H. A Certificate of Capacity; as this order. If this order Capacity shall automaticc, 1. This order shall be record� ORDER effective this IUA- N4NSP-920185181 :-Xhibit A, shall be. valid for the same period as this order. :ached ' as Exhibit "C", shall be valid for the same period :pires or otherwise terminates, the Certificate of terminate. in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. Day of December, 2018. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY LeWe Ols n, AICIP APPROVE AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS - /q BY r`ff 1`1 1 - County Attorney PDS Order 18-066 Page. 4 of 7 OR BOOK 4: NNSP-920185381 PDS Order 18-066 Page 5 of 7 t1i I r I -miw —3 -x"miz-, iz IMAN'l NVId um ANLWMO it 3m �j n. 1HOdWW IVWAVWA3M ISVO3 MMSY31a L 3 0 (D 9D 0 C) :3 m 0 x w 0 0 OD 0 OR BOOK 4213 PAGE 481 Exhibit C St Lucie County Certificate of Cap acity Date 112-42DIS Ceitificate No. 3027 This docurnenteertifies Int concurFency Wil be metand thatadequate public facility I capacity exists 10 Mal r"n Me standaids for levels of mvice as adopted in the St Lucie Countv Cornoreherisive Plan Ion 1. Tvae of develloornent FM I&M S L Lucie ComtylM Hang= Number of units 0 Numberof square feet 315M 2. Pmpedy iqpl descrip ion & Tax 10 no6 1429-111-W14WS 3191 Jet Cwter Te=ce St Lucie ComtyhIRO Trewum Caw Intermaticrul Airport CIM) 3. Aocrovsh Buildina Revolution No6 184)M Letter 4. Subject to the following conditions forconcurrency- ovow-es nano St. Lucie County Addfess 2300 Virgin� Ammue Fort Fierce FL 3498 2 6. Cerfffica* ExDiration Date 12-4-202D This Certiftate of Capacit I y is tfansferable only to subuquent ovxws of IM samw pamel, and is subject to lie sam ternvk conditions and expiwation daft listed heFein. The expiration date can b� extended only underthe saffnIamw and conditions as The underlying develop dFdef!S$Ued VOM this certificate, orfor subsequent: dev nt Js)I lbr Ihe sanw pFoperty, use and sizeas described hemin, % I k Siena V Dzim 1-9/4C1018 Planni and D rnentServicesDirector St Luc' oun 171 1 oriftr MNSP-920185381 PDS Order 18-066 Page 7 of 7 JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY I FILE # 4507100 OR BOOK 4208 PAGE 2937, Recorded 12/04/2018 09:42:57 AM I A RESOLUTION - GR CONDITIONAL USE: I HANGAR WITHIN THE LUCIE COUNT Y INTE DISTRICT FOR CERTA WHEREAS, the Board of Cc the testimony and evidence, made the following cletermin� Resolution 18-231 File No CUMj-920185380 TING A MAJOR ADJUSTMENT TO AN EXISTING RMIT � FOR DEVELOPMENT OF'. AN AVIATION MAO 1EASURE COAST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (FKA ST. 1ATIONAL AIRPORT), IN THE U, UTILITIES ZONING PROPERTY LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. inty. Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, based on including but not limited to findings in the staff report, has 1. Pursuant to Section 3.1122(7) of the St. Lucie County Zoning Ordinance, effedve July 1,. 1984, land Section 3.01.03(W)(7)(a) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, effective August 1, 1990, the.Treasure Coast International Airport (FKA St. Luc�e County International Airport) is considered to be an existing Conditional,Use. 2. Bobby Palm-, PE, of� AVCON Engineering, on behalf of St. Lucie County, presented a petition r.a Major Adjustment to� the -existing Conditional Use Permit for the Treasire Coast. International Airport to develop an Aviation Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) facility in the U, (Utilities) Zoning Distric ' t for the properbf located at 3191' Jet Center Terrace, as legally described in Part "B" and depicte, on the attached map -as Exhibit "A". 3. The proposed Major Adjustment to the existing Conditional Use Permit for the I Treasure Coast International Airport (TCIA) encompasses development of a 31,500 Sq. Ft. Airplan' MRO facility which includes a 28,500 Sq. Ft. hangar (59'7 5" in height) and 3,000 office. building. 4. The *Development ' R Committee has reviewed the proposed Major Adjustment -to an Existing Conditional Use and found it to be in substantial confon-nity with the ove!rall Airport Ma'ster Plan. 5. St. Lucie County Planhing and Development Services staff has performed the required land use analysis for this application. 6. On, November 13, ' 2018, this Board held a public hearing on the petition, after publishing a notice of 'Such hearing and notifying by mail all owners of.property within 500 feet of the s6 bject property. 1 7. The Major Adjustment o an existing Conditional Use Permit, with the conditions therein, is consistent 'with the goals, objectives and policies of the St. Lucie ,County Comprehensive' Plan and has satisfied the requirements of Section 11.07.03 of the St. Lucile County Land Development Code. File No.: CUMj-920185380 Resolution No. 18-231 Page 1 OR BOOK 4208 PAGE 2938 8. The proposed project, with'conditions therein, will not have an undue adverse 1 effect on adjacent pro'�erty, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities', or other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. I 9. The proposed project i,N,111 be serviced by adequate pubic facilities and services -10. A Certificate of Capac , in accordance with Section 5.08.04, will be. required for authorization of a Minor Site Plan for the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: I A. Pursuant to Section� 1 .07.03 of the- St. Lucie County Land Development Code, an Adjustment to the reasure Coast International Airport Conditional Use Permit that allows for de opment of an Aviation MRO Hangar on the property described below, in Part "B", is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1 ) The peti,tioner receives the Board of County Commissioners' authorization o� a variance in accordance with Section 8-15 of the St. Lucie County C�de of Ordinances for the proposed hangar heig�t Of 59ft. — 5in., or the structure design is amended to reflect the 40 ft. maximum of I the U, Utilities zoning district and T/U — Transportation Utilities land use I designation, prior to approval of a Minor Site Plan for the project. 2) Prior to issuance of a Vegetation Removal Permit, Eastern indigo - snake protection' measures shall be demonstrated per United States Fish and Wildlife Seryl ice requirements. 3) Prior to issuance of a Vegetation Removal Permit, a Florida Fish and WiMfife Conservation Commission- Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit shall be obtaine� for relocation of any burrows to beimpacted. 4) Prior to'i6suance of a Certificate of Occupancy, a 15 mph speed limit shall be posted on Jet Center Terrace per the United States Fish and Wildlife Service r16commendation for Florida scrub jay protection. 5) The issuai I nce of County development permit does not in any way .create any rights on the part of the applicant. to obtain a permit from a state or federal a' gency and does not create any liability on the part of the File No.: CUMj-920185380 Resolution No. 18-231 Page 2 OR BOOK .4208 PAGE 2939 County if the obligations i m� that result in � 6) All before cc B. The subject property LEGAL DESCRIPTI( All that certain piece, Township 34 south, I County, Florida. The state grid north and more fully described; licant fails to. obtain requisite approvals or fulfill the d by a state or federal agency or undertakes actions ition of state or federal law. applicable state or federal permits must be obtained -ment of the development. described as follows: ircel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Section 29, nge 40 east of the Tallahassee Base Meridian, St. Lucie !arings contained in this legal description are based upon a distances refer to ground distances. Said.lands being follows: Commencing at Nati6nal Geodetic Survey Secondary Airport Control Station stamped "Lucieport 1989"; Thence along a line to the "Lucieport AZ. Mark 1989" S44*04'23"E a distance of 1343.14'; Thence departing said line, N45'14'32"E a distance of 174.36' to �the Point of Beginning; Thence N45G 14'32"E a distance of 712.82'; Thence S44047'57"E a distance of 618.70'; Thence S45014'32'VV a distance of 712.82'; Thence N44047'57'W a.distance of 618.70' to the Point of Beginning. Containing 10.124 acres more or less." - PARCEL IDENTIFICA�TION NUMBER: 1429-11 1�0001-000-8 ADDRESS: 3191 Jet Center Terrace, Fort Pierce, Florida C. The approvals and authorizations granted by this Resolution are for the purpose of obtaining a Buildin 9 Permit or Zoning Compliance from St. Lucie County, and are not assigned to any other party or institution. Should the petitioners choose or decide to assign this business to another entity or individual, a minor adjustment to the Conditional Use. Permit shall be required. D, The approvals and authorizations granted by this Resolution shall expire on November 13,' 2019� unless a Building Permit or Certificate of Zoning Compliance for is - obiained. for the uses described in Part "A" above, or an extension has been g I ranted in accordance with Section 11.07.05(F), St. Lucie County Land. Develop�n'ent Code. I E. The conditions set for plan approval granted determined to be inv� declines to comply vol by this resolution shall File No;: CUMi-920185380 Page'3 h in Part A are an integral non -severable part of the site by this resolution. In any condition set forth in Part A is ilid or unenforceable for any reason and the developer intarily with that condition, the site plan approval granted oecome null and void. Resolution No. 18-231 OR BOOK 4208 PAGE 2940 1 F. The Conditional Use subject to any and authorizations from t including but not limit International Airport, Department of Envi Management Districtl authorizations to com Part B. Permit approval granted under this Resolution remains. all necessary development permits and . construction ie appropriate State and Federal regulatory authorities, 1.d to; the Federal Aviation Administration, Treasure Coast United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida ronmental Protection, and the South Florida Water prior to *the issuance of any local building permits of nence development activities on the property described in 6. The St.. Lucie Count� Planning and Development Services Director is hereby authorized and directed to cause the notation of this resolution to be made on the Official Zoning Map I of St. Lucie County, Florida, and to make notation of reference to the date Of adoption of this resolution. H. This order shall be recorded in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson,, Chair AYE Commissioner, Commissioner Chris Commissioner Bartz, Vice -Chair Bonna Commissioner Cathy JTownsend PASSED AND DULY AYE AYE.' AYE AYE D this 13 th day of November, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLOIRDA File No.: CUMj-920185380 Resolution No. 18-231 Page 4 OR BOOK 4208 PAGE �941 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: DEPUTY C COUNTY AT? Y COI File No.: CUMj-920185380 Resolution No. 18-231 Page 5 - I - OR BOOK 4208 File No.: CUMj-920185380 Resolution No. 18-231 Page 6 JOSEPH E. SMITH CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY f I I FILE # 4507101 OR BOOK 4208 PAGE 2943, Recorded 12/04/2018 09:42:57 AM A RESOLUTION GW GUIDING DOCUMEN1 HANGAR 59 FEET AN HEIGHT PERMITTED COMPREHENSIVE P4 TREASURE COAST INTERNATIONAL AIRP WHEREAS, the Board of testimony and evidence, i following determinations: Resolution 18-232 �NTING A VARIANCE FROM -THE AIRPORT PRIMARY S FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN AVIATION'MR0 D 6 INCHES IN HEIGHT WHICH EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM - IN THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE . AND THE AN FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE IN ' TERNATIONAL AIRPORT (FKA ST. LUCIE COUNTY ORT), IN ST. LUCIE.COUNTY, FLORIDA. Bobby Palm, PE, of A) petition for a Variance the U, Utilities Zoning Transportationl,Utilibei Maintenance, Repair, hangar with a propose( property located at 31 depicted on the attache, 1 In accordance with S( applicant is requesting subject site within the Section 7.04.01 (Table and Comprehensive Transportation/Utilities circumstances. Pursuant to Section E County Commissionei documents when a documents may not l: unique circumstances. Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, based on the but not limited to findings in the staff report, has made the .'ON Engineering, on behalf of St. Lucie County, presented a om Section 7.04.01 (Table 1-10) Maximum Building Height of )istrict and Policy - Maximum Height within the T/U iture Land Use in order to develop a' 31,500 Sq. Ft. Airplane id Overhaul (MRO) facility which includes a 28,500 Sq. Ft. height of 59ft. — 5in. in the U, (Utilities) Zoning District for the 1 Jet Center Terrace, as legally described in Part "B" and map as Exhibit "A". ctibn 8-15 of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances, the a variance from the airport primary guiding documents for the Treasure Coast International Airport (T-CIA); specifically LDC 7-10) Maximum Building Height of the U, Utilities Zoning District Plan Policy — Maximum Height within the T/U %ture Land Use, based upon special conditions or unique 5 of the St. Lucie County Code -of Ordinances, the Board of may approve variances or exemptions to the primary guiding ecific clause, section, or provision of the primary guiding justified in a particular case because of special conditions or 4. In accordance with Section 8-1 of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances, the primary guiding documents mealns a compilation of policy documents of the county, as may be adopted or amended i I rom time to time, -including general provisions, lease/rates and charges policy, minimum standards, rules and regulations, and development guidelines. The variance request requested to accommi: structure, increase ae financial health of the Overhaul (MRO) hangc Page 1 )nly applies to the Treasure Coast International Airport and is fate larger and taller aircraft that cannot be serviced within a 40ft. 'onautical activity at the airport, and enhance the long-term airport with the development of the Maintenance, Repair, and Resolution No. 18-232 OR BOOK 4208 PAGE 2944 6. The Development I to be in substantial Plan and the Land I 7. St. Lucie County Plan, land use analysis for t1 8. On November 13,201 a notice of such heari the subject property. Committee has reviewed the proposed Variance and found it rnity with the overall Airport Master Plan, the Comprehensive iment Code Airport Overlay Zone Height Limitations. g and Development Services staff has performed the required application, this Board held a. public hearing on the petition, after publishing and notifying by mail all owners of property within 500 feet of 9. The Variance has sati fied the requirements of -Section B-15 of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances.. 10. The proposed project �vill not impact the . airport, have an undue adverse effect on adjacent property or other entities (including operators -and lessees) at the airport, the I character of the neighborhood, trafficconditions, parking, utility facilities, or other matters affecting the public h6alih, safety and general welfare. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT County, Florida: A. Pursuant to Section request for develop facility with a proposs -is hereby approved. B. The subject property is LEGAL DESCRIPTIO] All that certain piece, Township 34 south, M Florida. The bearings 1 and the'distances r4f follows: by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie 15 of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances, the Variance nt of an Aviation Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) height of 59ft. — 5in on the property described below, in Part "B', as follows:. parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in -Section 29, ige 40 east of the Tallahassee Base Meridian, St. Lucie County, Dritained in this legal description are based upon state grid north . to ground distances. Said lands being more fully described as Commencing at I Natiorilal Geodetic Survey Secondary Airport Control Station stamped "Lucieport 1989'; Thence along a line to the "Lucieport AZ. Mark 1989" S44004'23"E a distance of 1343 ' 14'; Thence departing said line, N45*14'32"E a distance of 174.36' to the Point of Beginning;J Thence N45-14'32"E a distance of 712.82'; Thence S4447'57"E a distance of 618.70'; Thence 945*14'32'W a distance of 712,82'; Thence N44*47'57'W a distance of 618.70'to the Point of Beginning. � I Containing 10.124 PARCEL IDENTiFIC, ADDRESS: 3191 Jet Page 2 more or less. NUMBER: 1429-111 -0001 -000-8 Terrace, Fort Pierce, Florida Resolution No. 18-232 OR BOOK 4208. PAGE, 2945 C. The approvals and! November 13, 2019, �u I obtained for the develc the Board of County 91 D.- The St. Lucie County I and directed to cause Map of St. Lucie CoL Adoption of this resolu't E. This order shall be reci After motion and second, the' N Commissioner Frannie Commissioner, Linda E Commissioner Chris D Commissioner Anthon� Commissioner Cathy I PASSED AND DULY ADOPT 0 C M -�4 ov ATTEST: Page 3 irizations; granted by this Resolution shall expire on a Building Permit or Certificate of Zoning Compliance for is t described in Part "K above, or an extension is granted by ining and Development Services Director is hereby authorized notation of this resolution to be made on the Official Zoning Florida, and to make notation of reference to the.. date of �d i n the Public Records of St. Lucie County.. on this resolution was as follows: tchinson, Chair AYE z, Vice -Chair AYE ovsky AYE mna AYE isend AYE this 13�1-day of November, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLOIRDA BLY�e -ai APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTO I Resolution No. 18-232 OR BOOK 420E Resolution No. 18-232 Page 4 ON-- LEGEND CONNECT TO EXW AC PA�m. m. 11 PAWNENT Bl— 157 STONE TO RD'AIN 2" SAN— FORCE F—EN�E UHE— 81 T­Ay OBJECT FREE AREA AEG �l OBJECT —1 ADG 1. NOrth 0' 20' 40' oo I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Q24 om LOD u �X— t—x—x—x .--PNPIEM�V- D '*L -=S 1pq- E —fWjj�q— —9�!L—FF—V _7 MIJ . T_ I RPORT PROPERTY. R3C'.. —Fm ET CENTER TERRAC — RE.) 15, Ll 25- (AiRPoRT T— —X—X X—X—X—X—X—X S'S TO HIM ."T Of Ay mDVSTRM X—X—X—X— X—X--F=;l x F -E STOFAGE CONNEST M Tmx srm PLAN Ow TREASURE COAST WTERNA� ARPQR� Ile"14m 10, IC. I Lid, PROJECT DEMANDS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES D P.. R W AT�R ELECTRIC" CJILE�WON OP0 PH, NO C— /DA' THE SHAU. 0'— �DE NO AD� IMPACTS �O WADER 75 11 i [*Mum I �SNT PRAC� ES INCLUDIHC OVERLOID R�. �ALCS. AND/OR DRY DEENDONS PONDS FOR STORI�ATER TREATUENT PROR M� THE � ADC(I ATTENUATION CAPACTY G PRW AND WE STO—TER ROWS UEA� HANCkR WE 1511-6, THE S[TE MR THE DESCH SVD� EVENT SHAU. NOT MCEED PREDDSTTNO WKIMIONS. GENERAL INFORMATION � AV-0 � '111 - MR TREASURE COAST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT —E I..—KP. FPR MRO HANGAR GEOMETRY SITE PLAN LAYOUT o F. I — x-21 APP�- ERENIAH JOHNSON ST. IJUC E CO. FAC�ES DEPAREENT SO.. 1W.9', 2— -- A� W I.. lllel�'E f 171.M' I. FT. �E. R �982 P i f =hV4,�.W.�V45WME I Of 71Z PR�. P HMCAL I.00ADON M ACCESSED FRON EX� f T,— "441'f57'W 1 1— f .1&70' 1. P�t f SCALE: AS NOTED TERN,NALDHDO JETCE WE, A �ATE BN..% COHN TO MPORT O-ED C�� ADDRESS or NEAREST AE,AEUNT AIRPORT PARCEL M- C11*11, 10.124 aw AC PAVIDUENt �14 JET CENTER TERRAOE Fr. RO�E, FL U9" U OMNG; Wunn) L�. DATE .1 D..—.. ADDRESS FOR PROJECT TED/ASWANED BY PROPOSED VSU AIRPORT URO HANCAR v LEGAL DESCR� DINELOMIENT SCHIml.U. APPROMVAIE HTP DATE 'Al ... —t.� S.D� ". 1—.1, DECEUBER W18 21'S Zo ..I T.Oh.— B- 11 APPUCANrS �ON: USkSE THE HANGAR m.3 PROTECT DUSITiG S-0 OtRFALL TO 1=1.9cr -k' —D, — WO, I. UTIUTH�- THIS PROEM MU. USE THE MRRENT G ROUJN um 1— U7ftJTY CONXECDONS Off JET CENTER 7ERRACE AND ExTmHD THEU AS NECESSARY. DESIGNED BY: TQF�, ToF, � I : . 1 . . . / - TOFA, — TOFA— TOFA-- TOFA— TOFA— TO— 70FA— TOP, gs _77- SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZON)NG LOCATION FUTURE LAND USE ZONING EXISTING LAND USE NORTH —U.—E3 --COURSE T­TRAHsPoRTATpoNUTNjT 3; --T— U [UTLMESI A U- -.T) .--DUSTR- PARCELS T-T—PORTAMN U-3 U(U-51 —RT 71—SPORTAT—TIMM5; UEUTIM-I.O.J.—T— AD—RTm—'� ..E.IE DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY APPROVED By'. DATE: . ...... 1. z AVCON PROJECT NO. 0 SHEET NUMBER cR-n-lA 200.000 GAL FIRE WATER STORAG TANK T FIRE PUMP ROOM 2 CONNECT. TO, EXISTING TAXIWAY E. TYP. RIW DRY DCTENUO POND TOFA-, TQF.�_� TOF� TOF� TDF� TGR� TOM� TCF� TAMW LEGEND FM 2"Wff� FOIKE MAIN FM o CONNECT TO P" 11 N.rth EXIST AD PA� F—ENCE UREPE­"' 0' 213' 4D' so, PAVEMENT, TYP. F-162-2.1 16' SWING -0— 1— #57 T��Ay ME,, F,,EE AFtFA WoNE Is GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Is GATE Do� PAW.Off TO MWAY RO`WH ADG Is -NOTE: PROJECTWE PLAN AND ALL IMPROVEMENTS -ARE COMPLETELY />2.' WITHIN THE TREASURE COAST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PROPERTY. _x 1 x 145-r===��aX—X—X—X—X—X—X—X—X—X—X—X—X—X—XI 7. 1�1 DON tab 7-1 TREASURE CO -AST INTERN'ATIONAL AIRPORT' I �Dj 63 2 In F-162-2.2 6' SLIDE GATE 29 152 CONNECT TO EXIST AD PAVEMENT. TYP. i 10 r I TV— TW­ TOF� W­ y0f� T�� TQF� 701`� TOF� TOF� TIW� TOF� T00-- TDF— TW� AVICk'' 4410 TREASURE COAST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ­ERTN.PALKI­ FPR MRO HANGAR GEOMETRY SITE PLAN LAYOUT SCALE: AS NOTED No. — .1 DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY. CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: DATE: z AVCON PROJECT NO. 0 SHEET NUMBER 0 C8.0.1 FPR MRO Hangar Landscape Plan 10/24/18 Drawn by: AM Checked by: BB N W- E Ron DeSahtis, Governor Halsey Beshears, Secretary db 1111MIS STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF,BUSINESS-,AN�DoP....�ROFESSIONAL REGULATION BOARD- GFP,,.RGFESSIQ NS ALIXNGI N EERS 7 �_ �M '_p TH E PROF ESS 10'N.M LI CE­�,�'S Eb. UN D E R TH E G - - �"T "i" 6Fi P R 0 N I S - I � 0 N2,§- CH A VTT E 47MT UGRIDA45TATUTES 1,11fi RFICHAR Z_ CH" tic-N-1-E Rx D-V _G K q-T P- AS-STRE J �a 4�7'MJITE 200-- LANUM) _�3 ?2822 7L.", WABE EXP11RAT1i;M_' U 28 2021 Eb R. J Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaLicense.com Do not alter this document in any form., This is. your license. It is unlawful for anyone otherthan the licensee to use this document. 4:36:02 PM 712212019 Licensee Details Licensee Information Name: BALDOCCHI, RICHARD VERN (PrimaryName) Main Address: 5555 E. MICHIGAN STREET SUITE 200 ORLANDO Florida 32822-2779 County: ORANGE License Mailing: LicenseLocation: License Information License Type: Professional Engineer Rank: Prof Engineer 'License Number: 380192 1 Status: Current,Active Licensure Date: 03/13/1987 Expires: 02/28/2021 Special Qualifications Qualification Effective Special Inspector 06/15/1993 Advanced Building Code Course Credit 1 06/30/1016 Alternate Names View Related License Information View License Complaint .............. .. I .......... I ..... ............... ....... ­ ................. 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FIL 32399 Email: Customer Contact Center :: Customer Contact Center: 850.487.1395 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2010 State of Florida. Privacy Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released In response to a public -records request, do not send ele6tronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. if you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(l), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455: F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emalls provided may be used for official communlca�lon with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. Threshol� Inspection Requirements City of Port Salint Lucie Building Department 01-02-18. THRESHOLD INSPE( BUILDI'NG PROJECT FLORIDA BUILDING THRESHOLD BUILDIN, greater than 3 stories or classification that excee, greater that 500 persom 110.8.1 - The enforcing structural inspections or plan prepared by the en plan must be submittedl permit for the constructi inspection plans is to p I r' the building can be ade documents. The Speci'a the responsibilities of th Record. The Contractor action of the Special 1,�s FIONS ARE REQUIRED ON PERMITTED MEETING THE -FOLLOWING CRITERIA PER ODE. In accordance with Florida Statute, any building which is feet in height, or which has an. assembly occupancy 5,000 square feet in area and an occupant content of agency shall require a special inspector ' to perform a thres.hold building pursuant to a structural inspection gineer or architect of record. The structural inspection to the enforcing agency prior to the issuance of a building on of a threshold building. The purpose of the structural ovide specific inspection procedures and schedules so that quately inspected for compliance with the permitted I Inspector may not serve as a surrogate in carrying out e Building Official, The Architect, of the Engineer of is contractural or statutory obligations are'relieved by any r)ector. A STRUCTURAL INSPECTION PLAN is required as part of the permitted documents prior to issuance of tl�e permit. Approval by the Building Official of the Qualified Threshold Inspector shall also be required prior to issuance of the Permit. INSPECTION REPORTS shall be submitted bi-weekly to the Building Official, signed by the Qualified Insp I ector and contain the following statement. "I have personally inspected the following applicable structural work items on the ab ' ove named pr6je I Ict and find that . they are in compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017, latest edition. - - -0 —. a . W-110001130M MMIE, Signature & Seal of Architect or Engineer Date Updated 01 -08-18 YP Permit #. 1812-04,73 Private Provider Firm: AVC( Private Provider: Rick V. Ba Address: 5555 E. Michigan Phone #.: 407-599-1122 Private Provider ns Comphance-Afridavit cchi, P.E. Applicant: Rick V. Baldocch I i Applicants Fax#.: 407-599-1133 I hereby certify that to the beJt of my knowledge and belief the plans submitted were reviewed for and are in compliance wit the Florida Building Code and all local amendments to the Florida Building Code by the following affiant, who is duly authorized to perform plans review pursuant to Section 5 5 3.79 1 �- F lorida Siatute and ho Ids the appropriate license or certificate. Name: Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. Project: EPR MRO Hang a r Plan Sheets: Florida License/Registratio Certification #(s) and description: Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E. - STATE OF FLORIDA - Professional Engineer No. 38092 Rick V. Baldocchi, S.I. - STATE OF FLORIDA - Registered Special Inspector No. 1019 Signature of Reviewer: SWORN AND SUBSCI personally known to me the foregoing is true and Signature of Notary before me by being or having produced as identification and who being fully sworn and cautioned, state that to the best of his/her knowledge or belief Notary Public: Notary Stain p Below My Commission expires: Print name